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Liam's trial next March


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I'd like to see him rookied (if possible) if he agrees to commit and FD are convinced.

I got the impression though that you would prefer to cut him loose?

I agree with rookieing if the 3 ifs you speak of come to fruition. I dont reckon we will get there. Love the dream but facing the reality. IMO Jurrah still has a lot off and on the field to work through. This year has been a complete write off. He was alreasy struggling with the pre season regime under Neeld before something hit the fan. A hard decision

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Range Rover what gives you the right to criticise a person like Rubeboy? Do you have any idea whatsoever what that man has provided for Liam Jurrah and his family over a number of years?

I cannot understand people on these forums with no knowledge whatsoever of the actual reality of other peoples lives making stupid statements and excusing them by saying 'it's my opinion!'

As has been stated on here before by people close to Liam, Bruce (Rudeboy) has been integral to Liam making it into the AFL system. With regards to the book and it's significance, it is a celebration of one mans journey in life and where he has come from and how far he has traveled. Liams story is not purely a football story. From game none to one carries more weight than from here on in and any dispute of that fact flys in the face of the issues and realities facing indigenous people from the region where Liam is from.

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I agree with rookieing if the 3 ifs you speak of come to fruition. I dont reckon we will get there. Love the dream but facing the reality. IMO Jurrah still has a lot off and on the field to work through. This year has been a complete write off. He was alreasy struggling with the pre season regime under Neeld before something hit the fan. A hard decision

you're probably right

bit unfair on the pre-season bit though as he had his hand in a cast for all of it

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There are many facets to this. For me not much has changed with the trial date.

I still feel that trying to get him on the rookie list under special grounds (which hopefully the AFL will go with) is the best course of action, if he tells us that he is committed to the footy club. As I said there are different facets to it, it's very easy to look at it purely from a football perspective but I hope the club considers Liams future. If we dump him with these revelations, what will that do to him? And what would be better for him IF he is prosecuted, but not given jail time? Playing footy or fending for himself?

I believe that we have a massive opportunity to not just hold on to a gifted footballer, but to seriously positively affect a persons life in the long term. Playing football, regardless of timing of the trial or the outcome, will give him focus and hope for the future. Put it in the "too hard basket" and what we may lose is more than just a footballer.

Will be very interesting to see what comes by list lodgement time.

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Range Rover what gives you the right to criticise a person like Rubeboy? Do you have any idea whatsoever what that man has provided for Liam Jurrah and his family over a number of years?

I cannot understand people on these forums with no knowledge whatsoever of the actual reality of other peoples lives making stupid statements and excusing them by saying 'it's my opinion!'

As has been stated on here before by people close to Liam, Bruce (Rudeboy) has been integral to Liam making it into the AFL system. With regards to the book and it's significance, it is a celebration of one mans journey in life and where he has come from and how far he has traveled. Liams story is not purely a football story. From game none to one carries more weight than from here on in and any dispute of that fact flys in the face of the issues and realities facing indigenous people from the region where Liam is from.

As for you RR you are a [censored] ant an I couldn't give a toss of I'm banned for saying it.

I don't think it is reasonable to be banned for stating facts.

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Range Rover what gives you the right to criticise a person like Rubeboy? Do you have any idea whatsoever what that man has provided for Liam Jurrah and his family over a number of years?

I cannot understand people on these forums with no knowledge whatsoever of the actual reality of other peoples lives making stupid statements and excusing them by saying 'it's my opinion!'

As has been stated on here before by people close to Liam, Bruce (Rudeboy) has been integral to Liam making it into the AFL system. With regards to the book and it's significance, it is a celebration of one mans journey in life and where he has come from and how far he has traveled. Liams story is not purely a football story. From game none to one carries more weight than from here on in and any dispute of that fact flys in the face of the issues and realities facing indigenous people from the region where Liam is from.

well said!!

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I dont believe we could have been more welcoming and helpful than we have been to Liam.

I hope he is delisted as I don't believe he will be able to knuckle down under the new coaching and training blitz we all expect the next Pre-season.

He has been on a decent wage and will be able to fund his defence. He has made a heap of good contacts. I believe the club has gone the distance and more for him. They will be there for him even if he is not on our list.

I don't know if he is guilty or not but it sounds like everyone there on the night were stake holders.

I'm surprised it got past the committal but I assume the Magistrate decided it was too big a circus to dismiss and figured he would let it go to a higher court.

That is disappointing as I expect the case to eventually be dismissed.

I would think LJ will be unable to have a decent season next year. We can't allow the club to chase rainbows. 

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If Neeld is all about actions and behaviours, elite compliance and elite work ethic, then I'm really sorry to say it but Liam fails miserably.

The club needs to continue with their support during this trial but to factor Liam into next years football team would be foolish and unprofessional.

I think we all know that Neeld is of no such dispositions.

I must say I do tend, sadly, to agree with what you have said.

At best he should be offered a rookie position, or equivalent, and put in plenty if hard work to get back on the main list, IF he is free to do so and IF he really really wants to.

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Range Rover what gives you the right to criticise a person like Rubeboy? Do you have any idea whatsoever what that man has provided for Liam Jurrah and his family over a number of years?

I cannot understand people on these forums with no knowledge whatsoever of the actual reality of other peoples lives making stupid statements and excusing them by saying 'it's my opinion!'

As has been stated on here before by people close to Liam, Bruce (Rudeboy) has been integral to Liam making it into the AFL system. With regards to the book and it's significance, it is a celebration of one mans journey in life and where he has come from and how far he has traveled. Liams story is not purely a football story. From game none to one carries more weight than from here on in and any dispute of that fact flys in the face of the issues and realities facing indigenous people from the region where Liam is from.

As for you RR you are a [censored] ant an I couldn't give a toss of I'm banned for saying it.

I read some of the book. 'Self-indulgent' was the first word to cross my kind as I flicked through it. 'Premature' was the other.

Liam's story had already been well covered in the press by Martin Flanagan and others. That was enough publicity about the bloke. Rudeboy's was an ill-considered attempt to manipulate and cash in on a situation which was clearly still in a formative and delicate stage. The judge called Liam a victim of 'tall-poppy' syndrome during his recent trial hearing. You need to look long and hard at the factors that contributed to that.

Stooping to insults only reveals your own inadequacies and obvious sensitivity to a couple of home truths being spoken.

I don't doubt Rudeboy helped Liam Jurrah on his journey to AFL football, but I'm not so naive either to think that he was Mother Theresa in his motives for doing so.


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I feel for Liam and his plight and his decision to go to SA to be with his family in these difficult times was probably the right one for him. The problem I have with this is that he left without informing the club. I think that sealed his fate because when all is said and done, our sport is a team game and doing that indicated a lack of respect on his part for the team. Without that respect, how do you expect a player, no matter how talented, to put in for his teammates when the going gets tough on the field?

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This talk of delisting is nonsense and will not happen.

Whatever else, the club will stand by Liam until he goes to trial. After that, anything is possible but we owe it to him as one of US to support him and give him every chance to make the most of his potential.

I too, hoped the trial might be this year but since that is not to be we must hang on a tad longer. We all know the evidence against him appears questionable and there is at least a 50:50 chance of acquittal.

Ask yourselves what would Jimmy do? And when you think about how he went about building bridges to the Yuendumu community the answer is obvious.

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This talk of delisting is nonsense and will not happen.

Whatever else, the club will stand by Liam until he goes to trial. After that, anything is possible but we owe it to him as one of US to support him and give him every chance to make the most of his potential.

I too, hoped the trial might be this year but since that is not to be we must hang on a tad longer. We all know the evidence against him appears questionable and there is at least a 50:50 chance of acquittal.

Ask yourselves what would Jimmy do? And when you think about how he went about building bridges to the Yuendumu community the answer is obvious.

I don't think Jim would have tolerated a player skipping out during the season no matter who it was.

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I read some of the book. 'Self-indulgent' was the first word to cross my kind as I flicked through it. 'Premature' was the other.

Liam's story had already been well covered in the press by Martin Flanagan and others. That was enough publicity about the bloke. Rudeboy's was an ill-considered attempt to manipulate and cash in on a situation which was clearly still in a formative and delicate stage. The judge called Liam a victim of 'tall-poppy' syndrome during his recent trial hearing. You need to look long and hard at the factors that contributed to that.

Stooping to insults only reveals your own inadequacies and obvious sensitivity to a couple of home truths being spoken.

I don't doubt Rudeboy helped Liam Jurrah on his journey to AFL football, but I'm not so naive either to think that he was Mother Theresa in his motives for doing so.


Get honest.

The mother theresa notion is rhetorical junk. You've implyed that he's used jurrah and that is just a bit sick. Unless you have some clear evidence. Which you don't. Which leaves us with you big-noting yourself and having a pot shot at someone 'cause you can.

What a great bloke. Please post more and and other topics you have no idea about, too.

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Get honest.

The mother theresa notion is rhetorical junk. You've implyed that he's used jurrah and that is just a bit sick. Unless you have some clear evidence. Which you don't. Which leaves us with you big-noting yourself and having a pot shot at someone 'cause you can.

What a great bloke. Please post more and and other topics you have no idea about, too.

You can focus on the descriptive language I use all you like but the bottom line is ... the Liam Jurrah Story deification project was ill-conceived and ultimately unhelpful.

You're entitled to your opinion, as I am to mine. This bloke (Rudeboy) should not be above criticism.

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Liam Jurrah's biography should be written up to about chapter 5-6. It came out way too early, & since its release Liam has played very few senior games.

The timing was way to premature.

I am not saying it should not be written.

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I'll preface this by saying I haven't read the book, but I was under the impression it was about Liam's life before the AFL and how he got here. In which case, what is premature about it? If it's an interesting story then it's an interesting story, so what if his career is only young?

Also, what's any of that got to do with his current plight now?

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I'll preface this by saying I haven't read the book, but I was under the impression it was about Liam's life before the AFL and how he got here. In which case, what is premature about it? If it's an interesting story then it's an interesting story, so what if his career is only young?

Also, what's any of that got to do with his current plight now?

You have your opinion. I have mine.

As someone who has done a fair bit of writing, i say the book was printed way too early.

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I read some of the book. 'Self-indulgent' was the first word to cross my kind as I flicked through it. 'Premature' was the other.

The judge called Liam a victim of 'tall-poppy' syndrome during his recent trial hearing. You need to look long and hard at the factors that contributed to that.

For accuracy's sake let it be noted that it was Liam's lawyer, Jon Tippett, who said he was a victim of tall poppy syndrome. The magistrate said nothing of the sort.

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I don't think Jim would have tolerated a player skipping out during the season no matter who it was.

With all due respect RR, do we really know for a fact hat he walked out on the club? I have seen nothing from the club stating this.

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You can focus on the descriptive language I use all you like but the bottom line is ... the Liam Jurrah Story deification project was ill-conceived and ultimately unhelpful.

You're entitled to your opinion, as I am to mine. This bloke (Rudeboy) should not be above criticism.

No Bruce should not be above criticism and nor should you.

I've met Bruce on a couple of occasions and his written views on this site and in his book are always high quality and demonstrate an understanding of the situation of our outback indigenous communities. I think he makes it clear that his book is about Liam's journey to being an AFL player rather than about his exploits. That's why I find your theories about his motives in writing his excellent book to be offensive and insulting to someone who has dedicated himself to helping to cross bridges that divide the people of these communities from the rest of us.

To put it more bluntly, you're talking bullshit.

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No Bruce should not be above criticism and nor should you.

I've met Bruce on a couple of occasions and his written views on this site and in his book are always high quality and demonstrate an understanding of the situation of our outback indigenous communities. I think he makes it clear that his book is about Liam's journey to being an AFL player rather than about his exploits. That's why I find your theories about his motives in writing his excellent book to be offensive and insulting to someone who has dedicated himself to helping to cross bridges that divide the people of these communities from the rest of us.

To put it more bluntly, you're talking [censored].

Here. Here. Well said.

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To put it more bluntly, you're talking [censored].

Well done WJ. As a fifty plus year supporter of the MFC I never fail to be amazed by some of the knuckle dragging neanderthals who purport to do the same.

But to project one's own lack of character, to attribute motivations other than friendship, understanding and "support", beggars belief.

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