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On the Couch - Brock talks about 'tanking'

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Carlton are ater Cloke, we are after Cloke, what better way to taint the opposition and sway the decision your way than to come out with something like this?

Conspiracy time:

Sheedy wants Cloke or just to knobble the draft in the favour of GWS.

Offers BM contract for next year at GWS on the condition he reignites that tanking issue to have MFC draft picks stripped.

He is a crafty old cat.

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Now that would be something to see.

In my one Little League appearance on the MCG (for Melbourne against Fitzroy in 1989), the game started with my teammate winning the clearance and booting the ball the wrong way, setting up a Lions goal. Not quite the same, but clearly I've never forgiven him.

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Conspiracy time:

Sheedy wants Cloke or just to knobble the draft in the favour of GWS.

Offers BM contract for next year at GWS on the condition he reignites that tanking issue to have MFC draft picks stripped.

He is a crafty old cat.

Someone was pulling Brock's strings no doubt.

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No, it's a strategic decision to lose a battle in order to win the war.

That's not tanking. It's just basic competence.

Just quoting this in its (admittedly rather brief ...) entirety, as it's a perfect resumé of the situation. One that has occurred since time began, and sport began. Obviously no-one at the AFL sitting up late watching the Tour de France (for example), or revisiting old black and white videos of the Foreman-Ali fight. It is all about winning - but winning the BIG battles, not a couple of irrelevant skirmishes.

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Carlton are ater Cloke, we are after Cloke, what better way to taint the opposition and sway the decision your way than to come out with something like this?

Reminds me when Jack Elliot declared they were gonna "stick it up the bombers" the next week cause they were salary cap cheats.

"If" Cloke leaves the Pies it will be to whichever Melbourne based club waves the most cash IMO.

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havent read 17 pages but here is my from left field take, someone/something is trying to get us out of the running to get a player who is a restricted free agent

Conspiracy time:

Sheedy wants Cloke or just to knobble the draft in the favour of GWS.

Offers BM contract for next year at GWS on the condition he reignites that tanking issue to have MFC draft picks stripped.

He is a crafty old cat.

i was thinking his current club might want to take us out of the equation

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My main concern is how all this has reared its ugly head again. It was dead and buried but someone has deliberately reignited the issue again. What I want to know has it come from inside the Club or from another Club. Obviously McLean would not have been asked on the "Couch" for any other reason but to "discuss" the tanking issue. Who has set him up. The journos' or his Club. It would seem that Sheahan and Healy were almost salivating at the bit to pounce on McLean. If the promo for the programme did mention Melbourne's tanking they obviously knew why he was there and it wasnt to talk about his new found football prowess. Dont ever expect any favours from Healy. He has always maintained his preference for Sydney over Melbourne and Sheahan will do anything for a scoop especially since Caro is in London. So they may have also been stitched up by a certain Club. They have a history of denigrating our Club and they also have a history of doing and saying anything to sign up players. Maybe there is a little dejavu by using Brock McLean. We sold them a dud and now they are using that dud against us.

What I don't understand is why would any Club who is just as guilty as five other Clubs risk being investigated.

I dont believe that anything will come of this as players did not throw matches but we used the only means (which other Clubs had resorted to using) that was open to any Club to ensure future success (or so we thought).

If the AFL or any other Club feel we are so weak or there are persons or person who has such a grudge against the Club then that is a greater threat. After hearing Tony Shaw say on Saturday that other Clubs were looking at Tom McDonald and at Howe then my mind goes back to Fitzroy and how it was picked over like a carcass. At the moment we do look weak and with commentators making such remarks that we are irrelevant how are we to attract decent players.

I hope the Club does it's own investigation as to how this happened. The Club needs to know who set us up. Better to know who your enemies are.

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My main concern is how all this has reared its ugly head again. It was dead and buried but someone has deliberately reignited the issue again. What I want to know has it come from inside the Club or from another Club. Obviously McLean would not have been asked on the "Couch" for any other reason but to "discuss" the tanking issue. Who has set him up. The journos' or his Club. It would seem that Sheahan and Healy were almost salivating at the bit to pounce on McLean. If the promo for the programme did mention Melbourne's tanking they obviously knew why he was there and it wasnt to talk about his new found football prowess. Dont ever expect any favours from Healy. He has always maintained his preference for Sydney over Melbourne and Sheahan will do anything for a scoop especially since Caro is in London. So they may have also been stitched up by a certain Club. They have a history of denigrating our Club and they also have a history of doing and saying anything to sign up players. Maybe there is a little dejavu by using Brock McLean. We sold them a dud and now they are using that dud against us.

What I don't understand is why would any Club who is just as guilty as five other Clubs risk being investigated.

I dont believe that anything will come of this as players did not throw matches but we used the only means (which other Clubs had resorted to using) that was open to any Club to ensure future success (or so we thought).

If the AFL or any other Club feel we are so weak or there are persons or person who has such a grudge against the Club then that is a greater threat. After hearing Tony Shaw say on Saturday that other Clubs were looking at Tom McDonald and at Howe then my mind goes back to Fitzroy and how it was picked over like a carcass. At the moment we do look weak and with commentators making such remarks that we are irrelevant how are we to attract decent players.

I hope the Club does it's own investigation as to how this happened. The Club needs to know who set us up. Better to know who your enemies are.

Well said.
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My main concern is how all this has reared its ugly head again. It was dead and buried but someone has deliberately reignited the issue again. What I want to know has it come from inside the Club or from another Club. Obviously McLean would not have been asked on the "Couch" for any other reason but to "discuss" the tanking issue. Who has set him up. The journos' or his Club. It would seem that Sheahan and Healy were almost salivating at the bit to pounce on McLean. If the promo for the programme did mention Melbourne's tanking they obviously knew why he was there and it wasnt to talk about his new found football prowess. Dont ever expect any favours from Healy. He has always maintained his preference for Sydney over Melbourne and Sheahan will do anything for a scoop especially since Caro is in London. So they may have also been stitched up by a certain Club. They have a history of denigrating our Club and they also have a history of doing and saying anything to sign up players. Maybe there is a little dejavu by using Brock McLean. We sold them a dud and now they are using that dud against us.

What I don't understand is why would any Club who is just as guilty as five other Clubs risk being investigated.

I dont believe that anything will come of this as players did not throw matches but we used the only means (which other Clubs had resorted to using) that was open to any Club to ensure future success (or so we thought).

If the AFL or any other Club feel we are so weak or there are persons or person who has such a grudge against the Club then that is a greater threat. After hearing Tony Shaw say on Saturday that other Clubs were looking at Tom McDonald and at Howe then my mind goes back to Fitzroy and how it was picked over like a carcass. At the moment we do look weak and with commentators making such remarks that we are irrelevant how are we to attract decent players.

I hope the Club does it's own investigation as to how this happened. The Club needs to know who set us up. Better to know who your enemies are.

Yes, good post.

There are two possibilities. The race for Cloke is hotting up and Sticks has sent McLean on TV to help cast a pall over 'under investigation for rorting' Melbourne. Or ... it's the enemy within. A disgruntled player or players with ties to McLean and/or Sheehan and Healy who felt the full brunt of 186 and now want payback.

The central figure (target) in the campaign to rock our boat is either Cloke or Schwab.

I'd have my money on Schwab. Too high risk for Carlton to bring heat on themselves over tanking.

Someone. Wants. Schwab. Out.

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This has always been about agendas. Ive my suspicion there are some harbouring some very bitter resentment towards the club and I dont for one minute think it all coming from outside.

When they find this thorn in our side,the one thats working internally, this vile disloyal bucket of excrement they should be sacked, marched out of the building and have their card marked never to return. Their identity should be made known so all of Melbourne can pillory them suitably.

Theres no place for treason.

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My main concern is how all this has reared its ugly head again. It was dead and buried but someone has deliberately reignited the issue again. What I want to know has it come from inside the Club or from another Club. Obviously McLean would not have been asked on the "Couch" for any other reason but to "discuss" the tanking issue. Who has set him up. The journos' or his Club. It would seem that Sheahan and Healy were almost salivating at the bit to pounce on McLean. If the promo for the programme did mention Melbourne's tanking they obviously knew why he was there and it wasnt to talk about his new found football prowess. Dont ever expect any favours from Healy. He has always maintained his preference for Sydney over Melbourne and Sheahan will do anything for a scoop especially since Caro is in London. So they may have also been stitched up by a certain Club. They have a history of denigrating our Club and they also have a history of doing and saying anything to sign up players. Maybe there is a little dejavu by using Brock McLean. We sold them a dud and now they are using that dud against us.

What I don't understand is why would any Club who is just as guilty as five other Clubs risk being investigated.

I dont believe that anything will come of this as players did not throw matches but we used the only means (which other Clubs had resorted to using) that was open to any Club to ensure future success (or so we thought).

If the AFL or any other Club feel we are so weak or there are persons or person who has such a grudge against the Club then that is a greater threat. After hearing Tony Shaw say on Saturday that other Clubs were looking at Tom McDonald and at Howe then my mind goes back to Fitzroy and how it was picked over like a carcass. At the moment we do look weak and with commentators making such remarks that we are irrelevant how are we to attract decent players.

I hope the Club does it's own investigation as to how this happened. The Club needs to know who set us up. Better to know who your enemies are.

Sorry, but you are being naive.

The set up was from the start by Dimitriou and Anderson. I have said it before and will say it again - they are [censored] scared that our club wil get draft picks that they had assumed would go to their own developing, experimenting darlings, GW$ and GC$, and throw in a potential star as a F&S.

When they, after a "thorough and impartial investigation" strip us of pucks, and make us offer our first remaining pick, maybe in the 50s or so for young Jack, they know we will be cellar dwellers for another generation.

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The AFL can not damn us, nor anyone else essentially without damning themselves. Any pot shots at us or others will actually return to shoot themselves in the feet.

I do however hope our legal beagles are warming up in the wings. Theres one big BIG bun fight about to happen.

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Sorry, but you are being naive.

The set up was from the start by Dimitriou and Anderson. I have said it before and will say it again - they are [censored] scared that our club wil get draft picks that they had assumed would go to their own developing, experimenting darlings, GW$ and GC$, and throw in a potential star as a F&S.

When they, after a "thorough and impartial investigation" strip us of pucks, and make us offer our first remaining pick, maybe in the 50s or so for young Jack, they know we will be cellar dwellers for another generation.

You are both being naive.

The innuendo over tanking for a number of clubs will always be there and stirred up by the media in a quiet news week.Its never dead and buried. Its all froth and bubble that proves nothing but certainly excites the nuffies on this site.

If Vlad and co wanted to strip MFC of the picks they could do so any number of ways without compromise themselves and game.

Love a good conspiracy theory but the ones peddled here are ordinary to say the least.

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The AFL can not damn us, nor anyone else essentially without damning themselves. Any pot shots at us or others will actually return to shoot themselves in the feet.

I do however hope our legal beagles are warming up in the wings. Theres one big BIG bun fight about to happen.

I cant help thinking this way also re legal teams. If we are left with even a small penalty but a big "slur" we should sue the AFL for discrimination. Given that so many clubs have done the same thing. If we were the only ones to take the rap it will affect the brand for the next decade maybe more. It will affect us in terms of retaining and getting players, sponsorship, supporter numbers etc etc. If we go down....we need to take as many others with us as we can. We cant have this whole tanking thing ( read poor rules re extra draft picks) stuck to US alone. If we do its going to hurt big time.

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I might ride on the coat tails of your confidence, because mine is a little shaky.

Im with you. I am telling myself it will all blow over ( again ) . Im telling myself the AFL will "royal comission " it and give a suitable white wash finish as well. Im telling myself we have done nothign many other clubs havent.. So why us ?

I dont want to be the sacrificial lamb........again

I cant see how going us cant undo others, but Ive been wrong before.

Love to know whos actually behind the stirring

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In a break from watching the avalanche of Olympic silver, Vlad had this to say from London:

Demetriou said his personal view remained that Melbourne had not tanked in 2009 in order to receive the top draft pick, used on Tom Scully

''My view is that it hasn't existed, that people have experimented … "


And displaying his silky knowledge of MFC in the AFL:

"the game we are talking about, Melbourne and Richmond, it was a kick after the siren and if that kick had gone through, they wouldn't have got their pick."

For the record and Vlad, Melbourne lost that game in Rd 18, 12.10 (82) to 12.14 (86)

It was Jordie MaMahon (love him) who goaled after the siren to give the Tiges the win.- heartbreaking as it was.

(Apologies if this from an interview in London with Eddie McGuire is elsewhere in this thread, it's so big I might have missed it. Presumably he's saying, if Brock's got hard evidence then put up or shut up. I'm guessing he's pretty annoyed with Brock for his own reasons)

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