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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly


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The Good

Our contested ball was good. Jones will be exhausted tonight.

The forward line looked functional for the first time this year (at times)

Some confidence for Davey, Morton, Bail

Our back six do an amazing job when the ball keeps on getting banged back in there, but their disposal makes me hide my eyes.

The Bad

Our set shots for goal in the first half.

Watts dropping one-grab marks at important moments in the game

Our run and spread from a stoppage but it did show some life in the 3rd quarter. Why don't our players MOVE around a stoppage???

The Ugly

Our skill errors when there is no pressure at all.

Mitch Clark landing on his neck

Our ability to stop the opposition running away from a stoppage if they win possession

Our tackling technique and efficiency.

Some shocking umpire errors.

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The Good

Our contested ball was good. Jones will be exhausted tonight.

The forward line looked functional for the first time this year (at times)

Some confidence for Davey, Morton, Bail

Watts taking a couple of big contested grabs that would have been too much for him last year.

Our back six do an amazing job when the ball keeps on getting banged back in there, but their disposal makes me hide my eyes.

The Bad

Our set shots for goal in the first half.

Watts dropping one-grab marks at important moments in the game

Our run and spread from a stoppage but it did show some life in the 3rd quarter. Why don't our players MOVE around a stoppage???

The Ugly

Our skill errors when there is no pressure at all.

Mitch Clark landing on his neck

Our ability to stop the opposition running away from a stoppage if they win possession

Our tackling technique and efficiency.

Some shocking umpire errors.

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The Good

The pre-match tribute, especially the banner. One of the best i've ever seen. Congratulations to all involved in the cheer squad. Robbo's MC'ing. The number of younger people from Reach who came along and to those who paid tribute on the field. Seeing a chic in a Roy Boys jumper pre match (along with a few other teams) coming to pay tribute.

Finally seeing some semblance of a forward press being implemented with a degree of success. Pretty sure we may have kept the ball in our forward line a fair degree more than i can recall in previous games this year (percentage of time in forward line will be an interesting stat versus previous weeks)

Seeing our boys fight it out in the 3rd for a change and trying to make a fist of it.

Stoppage work: Improved somewhat (again the stats will tell the tale i guess). Moloney after a quiet first quarter found the pace of the game (and Jamar) and created some time & space for himself and the team (disposal efficiency/effectiveness STILL needs some work lol) and had a stand out 3rd, Jones at many contests in an under (work rate was great), Mckenzie had moments and tackled quite well, Magner had a couple of moments and will only improve. Bail added something to the outside which has been missing till now, apart from the Jones boys' efforts outside (when he wasn't in and under as well lol).

Watts when up forward added something with his mobility and positioned himself well (1st half).

Davey gave us something up forward early.

Morton improved his game on previous efforts and lifted to at least provide some run and carry around half back.

Howe's attack on the contest early (including his hangers!)

Clark's attack on the footy and hard pack contests. Courage unquestionable. Appears to have picked up some excellent habits and hardness from his mentor, John O' Brown. We finally have some structure/options when he's on the park.

Tom McDonalds 2nd half improvement (marginal but still an improvement)

Jamar's tap work and link up (on occasions) with Moloney, particularly in the 2nd and 3rd.

Moloney's movement at the stoppages in the 3rd quarter and a few odd displays during other quarters. Finally someone hitting the ball ups with momentum! Thank you Neeld & FD! Just need more than 1 quarter of this happening and more than one player applying it, although i have a feeling Jones and McKenzie were also trying to apply this method on a few odd occasions, maybe without the success Moloney had a few times in the 3rd.

Clark getting up and showing plenty of guts after the crunch

Bate gave us something and a bit of run & carry at times

The Bad

Forward Press: Davey unwilling to close down on his opponent (i think it was Murphy) early in the match when we didn't have the ball and the ball was still in our forward zone (hard press can't be hard if even one player continues to allow their opponent 15+ meters when the opposition have the ball in our forward line)

Set shots, especially a few early from almost directly in front.

The move of Watts from up forward to HB when the game was there to be won.

The move of Jones into the forward line (probably resting) late in the third (i think) and Morton into the middle which cost us momentum and potentially any chance of hitting the front.

The lack of a replacement for Jones (late in the 3rd, assuming he was moved up forward to be rested) and his mobility/agility around the middle and stoppages which left too much up to Moloney and McKenzie. Couch???

The lack of a decent back up ruckman which might have seen us take the momentum away from the doggies with Minson clearly wilting/tiring in the last but Jamar also tiring/struggling a little.

Some of Jamar's tap work to the doggies' advantage in the 2nd half.

J Macs disposal by foot at times...not AFL standard

T Ms disposal by foot at times in 1st half....not AFL standard

Wattsy's efforts off HB in the 3rd. Not AFL standard. Time for a rest in the 2's if we can afford it.....which we probably can't or play him up forward from here. Alternatively move him to FB, Chip out to CHB....dump Garland for now (form is shot for now).

No true small forward crumber to sweep and score off the spillages up forward and chase down the odd opponent when they did so.

Dahlhause's game. Pretty darn impressive for a 14 game rookie.

The Ugly

Our ability to pull a clanger out of our bum when you would least want it and under average or little pressure, assisting the opposition to score too many cheap goals

General speed of ball movement around the stoppages and a lack of a classy outside runner, who can break away AND finish with a effective disposals into the 50 to a hit up target, the hot spot or a long shot at goal!

Garlands' decision very late in the 3rd to go ring around the rosey outside 50 from his deliberate boundary free kick in, instead of the percentage play (at that point in the game) and go to the hot spot.

Dunn's general forward play. Sub par, particularly his lead up decisions which (on the odd occasions they occurred) were mostly either poorly timed (or just unable to get to the contest ...poor i5o delivery probably contributed) or heading in the wrong direction when team mates were under pressure up the ground.

Our i50 delivery....again

Our disposal by foot...again

Our lack of handballs and our inability to link 2 to 3 quick handballs together most of the time without fumbling, or just unable to do it quickly or in succession consistently or successfully.

Poor options in the back line at times (eg., Rivers going wide in the last, instead of straight up the guts ....with player/s free and being well behind on the scoreboard...no game to save...we were losing....take calculated/clever risks and try and win or at least get closer and put scoreboard pressure on your opponent!!)

Watty's 2nd half drop out

Garland's impact & general play

J Macs impact & general play (effort not questioned)

T Macs 1st half (poor/panic disposal)

Tappy's impact when subbed

Trenner's form (1st half)

Our inability to shut down Dahlhause (commendable effort from Bartram (Moloney's attempts to smash him) & others but we just didn't have any answers/cattle who could do the job in the end)

The fact that we couldn't quite get ourselves up against such sub par opposition.

Looking at what lies ahead in terms of the how far away we are from finding enough "cattle" to just become reasonably competitive and win a handful of games. Some tough times and years ahead....again.

Edited by Rusty Nails
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The good - contested ball

The bad - uncontested ball

The ugly - no enthusiasm by anyone when something good happened.

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Wattsy's efforts off HB in the 3rd. Not AFL standard. Time for a rest in the 2's if we can afford it.....which we probably can't or play him up forward from here. Alternatively move him to FB, Chip out to CHB....dump Garland for now (form is shot for now).

Ahh yes, lets rid ourselves of one of the few bright spots of the season after a couple of bad plays......

Honestly, while he isn't immune to criticism (and is due some), this is utterly ludicrous.

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Jones is a frustrating one. Love his attack on the ball and will just go in hard but his kicking is attrocious. 44% efficiency yesterday by footy. Moloney was 53% by foot. Have to do better.

Howes 2 marks were exciting. he will take mark of the year one day. It would just be great to see him kick some more goals

I thought Rivers was good and Davey was showing some positive signs.

I would hate to play in our backline. The amount of times it comes in there.

My frustrations were the easy goals Watts and Clark missed in the 1st quarter, DAlhaus was basically allowed to do whatever he wanted. Frawley couldnt get that ball through for a point that cost us a goal and how we just couldnt get the extra goal to get in front.

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Jones is a frustrating one. Love his attack on the ball and will just go in hard but his kicking is attrocious. 44% efficiency yesterday by footy. Moloney was 53% by foot. Have to do better.

Howes 2 marks were exciting. he will take mark of the year one day. It would just be great to see him kick some more goals

I thought Rivers was good and Davey was showing some positive signs.

I would hate to play in our backline. The amount of times it comes in there.

My frustrations were the easy goals Watts and Clark missed in the 1st quarter, DAlhaus was basically allowed to do whatever he wanted. Frawley couldnt get that ball through for a point that cost us a goal and how we just couldnt get the extra goal to get in front.

The really good thing was getting a back of the jumper sponser. Now we have got our sponsers and ur jumper doesnt look bare.

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Davey may have shown some sign's but he also was timid on at least two occasions during the third qtr.

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Jones is a frustrating one. Love his attack on the ball and will just go in hard but his kicking is attrocious. 44% efficiency yesterday by footy. Moloney was 53% by foot. Have to do better.

Howes 2 marks were exciting. he will take mark of the year one day. It would just be great to see him kick some more goals

I thought Rivers was good and Davey was showing some positive signs.

I would hate to play in our backline. The amount of times it comes in there.

My frustrations were the easy goals Watts and Clark missed in the 1st quarter, DAlhaus was basically allowed to do whatever he wanted. Frawley couldnt get that ball through for a point that cost us a goal and how we just couldnt get the extra goal to get in front.

I think with Moloney's is comes up low because he often gets the quick kick out of the centre. As our forward line had Dunn and Watts near the half forward line neither impose themselves enough to mark the ball and were often out marked.

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Watts taking a couple of big contested grabs that would have been too much for him last year.

I believe he did this in a few games last year as well, this isn't a new occurrence IMO.

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Ahh yes, lets rid ourselves of one of the few bright spots of the season after a couple of bad plays......

Honestly, while he isn't immune to criticism (and is due some), this is utterly ludicrous.

Not at all. It's an important message to Watts, and others in the team, that half a game of intensity and effort isn't acceptable at this level, particularly against such poor opposition. More is needed and should be expected from a No.1 draft pick at this stage. And don't give me the "oh he's only a kid....give him a break line" pls Q C. (see Dahlhause....far off a No.1 pick....14 games). If he can't play out more than half a game then he needs build his tank up further and also learn how to maintain his composure under moderate pressure downstairs (as do others....but unfortunately not enough decent replacements available) and play out a full game or 2 there.

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The Good.

Morton. Ran harder than 95% of his teammates for the 2nd week running. Made 1 or 2 errors but was let down terribly by our forwards at times.

The Bad.

Tom McDonald. handling/disposal errors aside he gave his opponent too much space yesterday.

The Ugly.

Jamar. Has he even split the points with an opposition ruckman this year?

People should ignore our disposal efficiency at the moment. Our kicks from centre clearances are rushed and under pressure or to contests on the boundary. Critical errors and turnovers on the other hand......

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The good

Watts: looks more and more like a footballer I suspect we will look back and not quite recall his breakout game.

Davey: his heart is back in it.

Morton: signs of some confidence and plenty of run and effort (please spend all week on disposals).

Rivers: was good.

McDonald: looks better each week (yes mistakes but he is going to be one of our better players).

MacDonald: Hard at it wish others would emulate this aspect of his game and stopped a few big plays (can see why the coaches like him but his disposal OMG, can we find one of those swing Drs they use in golf and send him and Morton to them.)

Bate: showed signs of the promised change.

Jones: Another solid game disposal poor only because usually kicking from under 6 players.

Clark: Surely this guy secretly supported the Dees his whole life? 1st goal grabbed the shamrock on the jumper, effort effort effort, mature and gutsy.

We have several players coming back from injury who will help the team Grimes, Sylvia (Mitch take him out and explain what effort and guts really are), Strauss, Gysberts.

The bad

Skills and uncontested ball.

The ugly... the umpires

Dogs got 2 gift goals after they clearly dropped the ball (even Eddie couldn't believe it).

The umpiring absolutely cruelled us. For those who have not seen the replay watch it and hear the total disbelief in about 6 decisions that gifted the Dogs a goal or denied us a goal. We all hate excuses here but Ron Burgundy was right on this. Despite our poor uncontested possession count , dropped marks poor goal shooting and disposal we would have won the game.

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Good: Mitch Clark (until injury), Nathan Jones, Brent Moloney, Aaron Davey believing in himself again.

Bad: Frawley looking dangerous whilst not actually being dangerous. Bartram who did a terrible job on Dalhaus in the first half (and somehow escapes criticism here again!).

Ugly: Morton, MacDonald and McDonald all made disgusting decisions and turnovers repeatedly. I don't know what people see in TMac, he has a knack for never doing the right thing. Back to Casey for the time being.

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Bartram who did a terrible job on Dalhaus in the first half (and somehow escapes criticism here again!).

You are spot on Geddy Lee and I missed him in my bad section. In his first couple of seasons he was a standout player to clamp down on a small forward or midfielder. This year he has been ordinary and last night his work was sub-standard. I reckon he would know it and be really annoyed at himself. I can't recall if his opponent was Dalhaus or Djekkurra (can't remember the spelling) but he was often in the worng position, or lacked intensity, or read the drop of the ball poorly. If we had a decent backman to replace him he might get dropped biut I can't see anyone replaceing him - Troy Davis is playing well at Casey and might be a consideration.

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That's total BS. The players often went to one another to encourage or congratulate.

Fair call but there were a few instances that demanded it and was not forthcoming.

Just ask Aaron Davey.

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Not at all. It's an important message to Watts, and others in the team, that half a game of intensity and effort isn't acceptable at this level, particularly against such poor opposition. More is needed and should be expected from a No.1 draft pick at this stage. And don't give me the "oh he's only a kid....give him a break line" pls Q C. (see Dahlhause....far off a No.1 pick....14 games). If he can't play out more than half a game then he needs build his tank up further and also learn how to maintain his composure under moderate pressure downstairs (as do others....but unfortunately not enough decent replacements available) and play out a full game or 2 there.

I understand your points Rusty, really I do but him being dropped is way out of line IMO......

As I said he is not immune to criticism, but I wouldn't be dropping one of our few bright spots on the year for a half a game of under-whelming football.

You seem to think that he should go before anyone else, just to teach him (and everyone else?) some kind of lesson that dropping a mark is bad.

I find that to be a bit akin to throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

And while I have said here that he needs to play a lot more consistently throughout a game, he is about the last that gets the bullet this year.

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Good are pretty much covered already. Bad were our inability to hold marks and our seeming fear of tackling... lost count of the number of times our players stood back while an opponent had the ball and allowed them to make effective disposals again and again (particularly in their forward half).

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Disposal Efficiency - Just did the sums based on the stats on the AFL website. We average 194 EFFECTIVE disposals a game. In comparison, Goldcaost average 241 and the Suns avarage 246. West Coast sit at 290. Until we get that to improve the pain for us and the humiliation for the players will continue.

I am a firm believer that this figure has far more to do with confidence than with talent. Neeld will need to man manage the players very, very well over the next 7 game stretch or things will get even uglier.

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Amongst other good creative play, Watts missed 2 contested marks - one in the backline in the 3rd which he should have taken (a stretch to even call it contested) and cost a goal and one in the forward line within range in the 4th which was harder but I'd expect him to ultimately clunk - if he takes them, we quite possibly win with the associated momentum shift and he's the match-winner. I'm thinking glass half full - it was a move in the right direction.

If we try to spot up Davey in a contested marking situation against an opponent who is 15cm taller again I will spew up, we continue to do this - and yes I'm talking to you Chip amongst others. FFS if he's the only option (which he wasn't in the Chip case) then kick it along the ground and give him a better than 50-50 chance.

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Have to throw in big improvements from Morton ,Davey ,Rivers and Bail as my good.

Bad were the clangers which were often immediate goals that never had to happen.

Ugly :The Double Mac Out Back Combo that comes with free turnovers every time

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Just want to mention one Good:

Rohan Bail - not a perfect game, by any means, but much of our attack in the first half came from his endeavour, pace and forward movement. I'm not convinced he's a forward or defensive forward (or whatever he's playing), but he definitely adds zip.

And one bad and ugly combined:

Lynden Dunn's game, particularly in the first half when he didn't seem to know what his job was. He's a very good pointer, pointing to everyone else where to stand, but he doesn't seem to know where to position himself when the ball is in the hands of the Bulldog defenders. He seemed to get caught in no-man's land many times.

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I understand your points Rusty, really I do but him being dropped is way out of line IMO......

As I said he is not immune to criticism, but I wouldn't be dropping one of our few bright spots on the year for a half a game of under-whelming football.

You seem to think that he should go before anyone else, just to teach him (and everyone else?) some kind of lesson that dropping a mark is bad.

I find that to be a bit akin to throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

And while I have said here that he needs to play a lot more consistently throughout a game, he is about the last that gets the bullet this year.

Thanks QC. Hear what your saying. It's a natural instinctive reaction by most supporters to take it as a cheap pot shot against the player under discussion.

But i don't see it as punishment. Not suggesting he be whipped & caned over a few errors from week to week. Otherwise most players from most clubs (in particular ours atm lol) would end up in their 2nds affiliate every week and we'd have no players to play seniors lol. And certainly not over 1 or 2 dropped marks as you're suggesting. In fact i'm not sure how you arrived at that from what i wrote. I don't think he's alone either. There's a few others that could do with a stint and others that probably wouldn't even get a look into the seniors at the top 8 to 12 clubs. We just don't have the depth or quality pushing up so generally we don't have the cattle to fill the gap while they're absent for a few weeks.

As you would know, in top teams, younger developing players are quite often given an opportunity to further develop and improve their game in the 2nds on occasions before coming back in again to perform a role etc. Then there's the "horses for courses" matter of choosing certain types/size of player/s to match up better against certain other teams. Unfortunately we don't have that luxury atm.

Maybe i see it differently to most, but to me this is a short term opportunity, not a negative. Gives him (or any other young developing player who needs it....or a more senior player who might be badly out of form or returning from a serious injury) a little more time (with the pace of the game not as frenetic or the pressure) and space and find the composure and confidence lacking at times with his disposal and decision making. Hopefully while there he can bring his intensity levels and attack on the ball to a point the FD might be looking for a tad longer during a match as well.

By allowing him a little more time and space with just a few matches downstairs, i think he'd come back even more confident and raring to go when he returns, hopefully improving his efficiency, composure etc. And it might be corny and old fashioned, but it might also give him a little shot in the arm to lift even a tad more on his return. Maybe a little prod (challenge) to his internal burning desire and ego to improve himself, the best motivator of all IMO. Not that i'm doubting this side, he seems to have it in spades atm but you never know, there might be even more where that's coming from and maybe he has another level we have yet to see, even this early in his development! I reckon that'd be something worth seeing! And i believe he'll get there too, one way or the other.

It won't happen anyway due to the lack of depth issue so i wouldn't worry. Then there's the argument of where he's best played on the field, and on it goes. Personally i think he's a forward all day everyday. Boy's a natural there to a point. Loves a mark and to goal and i'd hate to curtail that. Send him to play FB for rest of season....learn from the best and lift his contested/defensive/pressure skills. Ready to go for next year, bigger and better and raring to be unleashed from the shackles (i hope)! Having the 2 pronged forward set up of Clark & Watts, with a classy/speedy small forward (wishful thinking) crumbing off the spills would be super for us i reckon.

Edited by Rusty Nails
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