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EnergyWatch Sponsorship Cancelled

Dr. Mubutu

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I love armchair quarterbacks. You guys are great.

We should ask the same questions of 3AW, truenergy, momenum energy, Melbourne Victory, Melbouren REbels...but no, you won't do that, will you? Harold Mitchell, a bloke who does nothing but sniff the winds of publicity went with this mob too...but it's Cam's fault.

some of you people like kicking people when they are down. It is sick.

Well said!

Nothing like supporters turning the knife when we are doing it tough!

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I love armchair quarterbacks. You guys are great.

We should ask the same questions of 3AW, truenergy, momenum energy, Melbourne Victory, Melbouren REbels...but no, you won't do that, will you? Harold Mitchell, a bloke who does nothing but sniff the winds of publicity went with this mob too...but it's Cam's fault.

some of you people like kicking people when they are down. It is sick.

Harold Mitchell sells timeslots and that is all he does .

I love Cam Schwab by the way .

In these days of political correctness ,Polis has turned out to be a pretty bad choice .

The boy who was meant to fail has done just that .

I'm rapt we got his money whist it lasted-now we can move on to the next train wreck .

Eddie McChins was the dirty haggis behind the release of this information at this time-it smells of Fat Bastard!

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As much as anyone I applaud the club's response yesterday but the question has to be asked ... shouldn't Schwab have done more research before getting into bed with this scumbag? A bit of digging around would surely have rung a few alarm bells.

It's a fair question to put to our CEO.


but the same is true for Rebels, Victory, AGL, TruEnergy, 3AW and many other companies

and CS did address this (very generally) in his presser

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Re the budget situation now:

I can understand why the club is reluctant to draw down any of the 'standard' cash top-ups coming our way from the AFL because of the current shortfall.

But I can't understand why the AFL doesn't have a separate contingency fund to support the club for doing the ethical thing. The Demons actions also protected and enhanced the AFL's reputation overall. Why not make a special grant to tide us over?

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Re the budget situation now:

I can understand why the club is reluctant to draw down any of the 'standard' cash top-ups coming our way from the AFL because of the current shortfall.

But I can't understand why the AFL doesn't have a separate contingency fund to support the club for doing the ethical thing. The Demons actions also protected and enhanced the AFL's reputation overall. Why not make a special grant to tide us over?

Then they will all whinge.

Let the AFL keep it for the giants.

We'll find someone soon enough .

You cant get more publicity than hangin with the DeeS.

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Am I too cynical for thinking that we have had a better sponsorship offer in the wind that is for the front and back, so we needed to find an 'easy' way to get rid of Energy Watch? Probably not the case given the 'damage' the issue has caused the club but the thought did cross my mind.

Cynical is not the word you're looking for Clinto. I believe delusional would be closer to the mark.

Full marks for positive thinking, however.

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Then they will all whinge.

Let the AFL keep it for the giants.

We'll find someone soon enough .

You cant get more publicity than hangin with the DeeS.

Biffen I am not sure that this commonly used statement is true.

If I was the CEO would I want my large company associated with someone who is constantly in the news for the wrong reasons?

Would I want my products associated with a company that is constantly a loser in its competition?

Would I attach myself to a team that gets only a small amount of Free to air TV coverage?

I am a winner or want to be why do I want to be associated with losers?

I think that the experience of the last few years shows the above to be true.

We struggled to get sponsors in the period of 2007 - 2010 and followed that up with a nutter who it turns out was not paying as required.

The Sponsorship market is a tough one, the guys with the big money want Publicity of the right kind, they want to be associated with winners or at least the prospect of being a winner, a large supporter base is also important.

If you had to choose right now would you pick Hawthorn, Collingwood, Richmond or Melbourne.

Fairly easy choice that is why we have no jumper sponsor either front or back.

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Guest Jackie

Re the budget situation now:

I can understand why the club is reluctant to draw down any of the 'standard' cash top-ups coming our way from the AFL because of the current shortfall.

But I can't understand why the AFL doesn't have a separate contingency fund to support the club for doing the ethical thing. The Demons actions also protected and enhanced the AFL's reputation overall. Why not make a special grant to tide us over?

They owe us for helping them sweep the MIfsud stuff under the carpet.

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Harold Mitchell sells timeslots and that is all he does .

I love Cam Schwab by the way .

In these days of political correctness ,Polis has turned out to be a pretty bad choice .

The boy who was meant to fail has done just that .

I'm rapt we got his money whist it lasted-now we can move on to the next train wreck .

Eddie McChins was the dirty haggis behind the release of this information at this time-it smells of Fat Bastard!

Maybe Polis just wanted out? He didn't miss too many, touched all bases & nerves, like someone forcing their way out.

Maybe to save money & maybe they'll reform elsewhere???

#E'd it...

McLardy said the Demons were ‘‘loath’’ to cut football spending, though this has not been ruled out. The club still hoped to reach its budgeted ‘‘small profit’’ this year and had already activated ‘‘contingency plans’’ to deal with the enormous loss of revenue.

‘‘We don’t want to go into a debt again and we’d be certainly working hard not to do that,’’ McLardy said.

Melbourne’s relationship with EnergyWatch, which was contributing $2 million when another related sponsorship from Polis was included, was already under strain due to the broker’s failure to keep to its payment schedule. But the Demons’ receipt of a major instalment last week had eased their concerns.

Schwab said last night there had been a number of calls from parties interested in sponsoring the club.

Edited by dee-luded
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If MFC didn't do the level of due diligence some corporate captains posting here would have liked, neither did 2 other sporting clubs.

The thing that Schwab clearly did wrong was even mentioning that Energywatch were (temporarily) behind in their payments. Better to have said nothing about that.

What are we, Lemmings? It seems that every time we do something wrong a certain element on here come out with the, well they did it too.

Is it too much to ask that for once we lead the pack and not follow? I don't care what other clubs did or what other organizations do I would like to think we are better than that. There is enough information floating about for the alarm bells to be ringing loud and clear and remember that this was announced just after the debacle with Cam Schwab facing the axe, nice little job saver.

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What are we, Lemmings? It seems that every time we do something wrong a certain element on here come out with the, well they did it too.

Is it too much to ask that for once we lead the pack and not follow? I don't care what other clubs did or what other organizations do I would like to think we are better than that. There is enough information floating about for the alarm bells to be ringing loud and clear and remember that this was announced just after the debacle with Cam Schwab facing the axe, nice little job saver.

What evidence do you have that we merely 'followed' the other clubs? It is perfectly reasonable to use the 'they did it too' line when someone singles us out for a whinge about our incompetence. Were all these other clubs and companies also incompetent and just saving their jobs?

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What evidence do you have that we merely 'followed' the other clubs? It is perfectly reasonable to use the 'they did it too' line when someone singles us out for a whinge about our incompetence. Were all these other clubs and companies also incompetent and just saving their jobs?

Yes they were, but here's the thing; I don't care what they did, I don't support them and I would have hoped we would be more professional and competent than they are.

We can continually dismiss criticism of our club, which you want to do, by saying "we weren't the only ones", but guess what, that doesn't make it any better. We are a poorly run club lacking the professionalism we hoped we would get under Jimmy and Schwab. This club has become somewhat of a joke and having our one sponsor turn out to be a dud hasn't helped.

We had what appears to have ben a player revolt last year, we had our senior players play like spoilt little children and allow the club to get flogged by 186 points. We have had the story run in the paper that the coach was safe and the CEO was going to get the sack, this came from people that don't usually get it wrong, and then the reverse occurred.

We have been told that we were close to getting a FOJ sponsor but in reality it isn't even close, so was this just more b/s?

We allowed Liam to go home, to a situation we knew was going to be volatile, without anyone from the club to accompany him and now we are seeing the result of this with perhaps our only genuine crowd puller facing a lengthy stay in prison.

We have seen our club, over the last few years, fall behind all the clubs that were in the same position or worse than we were in and our playing stocks after 5 years of insipid performance are dreadful. But if you ask why, all you get is "we recruited the best available" and when you mention that we could have done better by picking x player instead of who we did, all you get is the usual"well no one else took him did they".

Pathetic, no wonder we fail we read the papers and choose our recruits from the phantom drafts.

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You've been in business Robbie.

Ever had dealings with someone who turned out to be dodgy, bad character, unreliable, didn't pay their bills etc before?

Did you do your due diligence correctly?

Rear view vision is a wonderful thing

Couldn't "chaperoning" Jurrah on a home compassionate visit

because "his partner Shijara's sister died suddenly in her sleep last week at the age of 25", be seen as offensive or racist?

Should all players going home on compassionate leave be "chaperoned"?

Its not the straight forward issue you suggest

Edit formatting

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You cannot blame Schwab for Polis' shortcomings, we probably thought we did enough background checking for it to be good, clearly it wasn't enough. But that's not what i have a problem with.

Schwab for the past few months now has used EW as a scapegoat and has continually spat out the same line that because of the EW deal, we could afford to take our time with the second major sponsor, ie we didn't go as hard as what we otherwise would have. Now the EW deal has backfired, and it is because of this lacklustre approach, that we are left high and dry with no other sponsors on board yet.

We may get new sponsors, whether that be as soon as tomorrow or next week, or god forbid in a few months down the line. We continually hear that this club aspires to be elite, a quality that Schwab is trying to push hard into the club, yet this whole saga has highlighted that Schwab's efforts to gain new sponsors has been less than 100%. He has virtually said this himself (because of EW we can afford to take our time).

We all know of the mayhem at the end of last year, with Schwab only getting a one year extension, etc. Maybe it is time for change at the top.

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Unless the person has a private 'friend list' of just a handful people - and I doubt Ben Polis is the type of character to have very few 'friends' on Facebook - it wouldn't be that difficult to find a way to view his private page. The social networks of the corporate elite in Melbourne would be well cross-pollinated.

Does the corporate elite you are talking about include Eddie ?

He did say he could affect our sponsorship.

Edited by Mgdee
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If MFC didn't do the level of due diligence some corporate captains posting here would have liked, neither did 2 other sporting clubs.

The thing that Schwab clearly did wrong was even mentioning that Energywatch were (temporarily) behind in their payments. Better to have said nothing about that.

Or 3 of the countries biggest energy providers, two of which have now ended their agreement and the third likely to.

These are Billion dollar companies not a 40M dollar sporting club

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Does the corporate elite you are talking about include Eddie ?

He did say he could affect our sponsorship.

I doubt he has enough influence to get a bloke to ruin his "empire" for anything, let alone a small vendeta. Polis is likely to loose tens of Millions over this. if not close to everything.

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I would be shocked if there aren't companies out there that can see the massive good publicity they will get by aligning to the MFC at this time. The club is down, but still leading the way in standing for what is right over financial gain. A few new sponsors and a few wins will turn everything around.

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Yes they were, but here's the thing; I don't care what they did, I don't support them and I would have hoped we would be more professional and competent than they are.

We can continually dismiss criticism of our club, which you want to do, by saying "we weren't the only ones", but guess what, that doesn't make it any better. We are a poorly run club lacking the professionalism we hoped we would get under Jimmy and Schwab. This club has become somewhat of a joke and having our one sponsor turn out to be a dud hasn't helped.

We had what appears to have ben a player revolt last year, we had our senior players play like spoilt little children and allow the club to get flogged by 186 points. We have had the story run in the paper that the coach was safe and the CEO was going to get the sack, this came from people that don't usually get it wrong, and then the reverse occurred.

We have been told that we were close to getting a FOJ sponsor but in reality it isn't even close, so was this just more b/s?

We allowed Liam to go home, to a situation we knew was going to be volatile, without anyone from the club to accompany him and now we are seeing the result of this with perhaps our only genuine crowd puller facing a lengthy stay in prison.

We have seen our club, over the last few years, fall behind all the clubs that were in the same position or worse than we were in and our playing stocks after 5 years of insipid performance are dreadful. But if you ask why, all you get is "we recruited the best available" and when you mention that we could have done better by picking x player instead of who we did, all you get is the usual"well no one else took him did they".

Pathetic, no wonder we fail we read the papers and choose our recruits from the phantom drafts.

Yes we have had quite a few problems and stuff ups. But by ignoring the diligence of the other clubs and big companies, you seem to be looking for more mfc failings even when there is contrary evidence. It can't make you or anyone happier to find faults which aren't there. There are enough without adding more unnecessarily.

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I doubt he has enough influence to get a bloke to ruin his "empire" for anything, let alone a small vendeta. Polis is likely to loose tens of Millions over this. if not close to everything.

I imagine MgDee is suggesting that Eddie had a hand in disseminating the info, not that Eddie was behind some machievellian scheme by which he persuades Polis to ruin his empire in order to 'get' the Dees :P

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I just read wot dis guy rit.

How is this guy worth so much money. It seems he has the intelligence of a broken doorknob.

Some of the most idiotic ramblings I've ever read. It's the quality level of teenagers that troll youtube, with worse spelling.

Nothing I hate more than someone that tries so hard to be funny either. I'd love to meet this bloke, and change his life.

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I just read wot dis guy rit.

How is this guy worth so much money. It seems he has the intelligence of a broken doorknob.

Some of the most idiotic ramblings I've ever read. It's the quality level of teenagers that troll youtube, with worse spelling.

Nothing I hate more than someone that tries so hard to be funny either. I'd love to meet this bloke, and change his life.

my doorknob objects to your character assassination! Are you a knobist?

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my doorknob objects to your character assassination! Are you a knobist?

Yes I am. I don't care how politically incorrect it is, I'm a proud knobist. I have no time for knobs, I can't handle knobs. I'm am the co-founder of the [censored] Knockers & Kickers.

I may just erect a solar panel cross on Polis' front lawn.

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