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Schwab did imply that a sponsorship deal was close and that he was "confident there would be something in place by round 1" and that its edgy when at the "waiting for signatures" stage. Mentioned the China connection.

I'm fairly confident after hearing that.

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Schwab did imply that a sponsorship deal was close and that he was "confident there would be something in place by round 1" and that its edgy when at the "waiting for signatures" stage. Mentioned the china connection.

I'm fairly confident after hearing that.

Schwab did say when asked about sponsor that they were very confident of signing another major sponsor who is Chinese based close to deal BUT no signature yet

Cheers. That's the info I was interested to hear.

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The response was that each person had a defined role and that their job was to perform that role but specifically

Neil Craig reports to Cameron Schwabb and interestingly Neeld reports to Craig.

That is VERY interesting to me. Says that CS was meddling in DB's patch and has been told not to interfere with the footy dept. His conduit is Craig. Smart. probably explains the footy players being upset last year about the interference in the footy department by one CS. Total speculation on my part but that's my take.

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There are a few videos on the Melbourne website under the DeeTV section. I've just watched Don Mclardys speech, but the Mark Neeld one keeps freezing about 3 mins in for me :( Anyone else having this issue or is it just me?

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Hi DC just a couple of observations before I hit the sack.

May well be the flatest AGM I have been to in quite a while

This maybe the result of the situation with "Big Jim" made for a flat start to find he has had another operation today.

Most speakers were very circumspect about what they said re the coming year.

Most of the Info we had heard before re leadership group / Captain would be announced before the NAB cup and not one day earlier.

Neeld gave very little away but for the fact the players will be fit enough and have the right conditions to produce their best.

It has been reported before but 6 of the new 8 players this year are big boys.

IMO we did not go done the skinny project kids this year these guys are ready to go.

The subject of "Culture" got raised. Did not think the group actually understood what the question was about. Poor answers IMO.

Schawb did have a slight dig at people who had no idea how much work was going on in September and October.

I took this to mean the likes of Venom Denham but I may have just wanted it to be the case.

The overall feeling I had was that there were no promises but there was a steely resolve in the group.

Time will tell as always but perhaps this year we might have had a Flat AGM but A good year on the field.

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was there a Q&A session? Any interesting questions?

There was but it was a non event. The sponsor info was the only thing worth mentioning. All up there were 3 questions/ statements, none footy related. It's a bit intimidating getting up in front of all those ppl I suppose. Neeld wasn't giving much away in terms of game plan etc anyway. Also they specifically requested no questions on last seasons goings on.

I agree that the night was flat and rushed, for whatever reasons and the only highlight for me was Neelds speech. I enjoy listening to him(at the moment anyway).

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This was a very flat, and quick, AGM by comparison to most years. Most of what was said has been covered here so no real need to rehash.

One of the most interesting items for me was the acquisition of the Bentleigh Club which has as was stated been a loss making proposition on its own over the

last few years, but we are also in the final stages of acquiring the gaming licenses for the Club as well, and they expect any revenues that come from the

machines to service the 1.8Million debt that we now have with its acquisition. Our net assets went from $300K to 5Mill with its acquisition which was

the main aim of the exercise. McClardy made a note of thanking the previous boards, saying this acquisition was 12 years in the making.

The touch of having all the premiership cups on pedestals, and an empty one at the end, as you walked into the room was a very nice touch.


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I won’t go into specifics but just some thoughts I had during and after the event.

I was there tonight and agree that it was the flattest AGM that we had in a while. To me it was really a non-event. Not that you expect AGM’s to be a spectacular show but if the club constitutionally didn't have to have a meeting I’m sure they would have just let it slide. The events in regards to Jim earlier in the day may have had a dampener on proceedings yet I can honestly say that had a small impact on tonight. The club to me now is projecting an image not of transparency but one of steely resolve. Tonight to me was the night that we actually saw the club grow up and get their act together.

It would be safe to say that everyone that turned up knew what they were going to hear with the exception of the time given to the Bentleigh Club. Forget Mitch Clark, our biggest coup for 2011 was this transaction and up until tonight I didn’t really understand the relevance of this venue to the club. I’ve never been there (I live past Melbourne Airport) and have never accepted it as the clubs “social venue.” The average Melbourne supporter should see the Bentleigh Club as an asset that has huge potential for increased revenue (via a gaming license) and quite possibly later on a huge financial windfall if the land is developed. It may have taken 12 years but I think the club has got it right on this one.

As for the health of the club, all I got out of it as that we are back to square one and we’ve spent so much time on fixing the mistakes of the past that we can finally start to think about the future. That’s something that the club hasn’t done in a very long time. I’d go so far as to say the last time the club had a serious think about its future direction was during 1996.

Next I’d like to talk about Cameron Schwab.

I just don’t know you anymore.

Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed Whiteboard Wednesdays and the tweets but they just shut up shop. To me it seems that he was told to rein them in and concentrate more on strategic matters (to which we were told is one of the finest strategic blueprints in the AFL) and tonight I just wasn’t sold on his message.

More on that tomorrow night.

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I won’t go into specifics but just some thoughts I had during and after the event.

I was there tonight and agree that it was the flattest AGM that we had in a while. To me it was really a non-event. Not that you expect AGM’s to be a spectacular show but if the club constitutionally didn't have to have a meeting I’m sure they would have just let it slide. The events in regards to Jim earlier in the day may have had a dampener on proceedings yet I can honestly say that had a small impact on tonight. The club to me now is projecting an image not of transparency but one of steely resolve. Tonight to me was the night that we actually saw the club grow up and get their act together.

It would be safe to say that everyone that turned up knew what they were going to hear with the exception of the time given to the Bentleigh Club. Forget Mitch Clark, our biggest coup for 2011 was this transaction and up until tonight I didn’t really understand the relevance of this venue to the club. I’ve never been there (I live past Melbourne Airport) and have never accepted it as the clubs “social venue.” The average Melbourne supporter should see the Bentleigh Club as an asset that has huge potential for increased revenue (via a gaming license) and quite possibly later on a huge financial windfall if the land is developed. It may have taken 12 years but I think the club has got it right on this one.

As for the health of the club, all I got out of it as that we are back to square one and we’ve spent so much time on fixing the mistakes of the past that we can finally start to think about the future. That’s something that the club hasn’t done in a very long time. I’d go so far as to say the last time the club had a serious think about its future direction was during 1996.

Next I’d like to talk about Cameron Schwab.

I just don’t know you anymore.

Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed Whiteboard Wednesdays and the tweets but they just shut up shop. To me it seems that he was told to rein them in and concentrate more on strategic matters (to which we were told is one of the finest strategic blueprints in the AFL) and tonight I just wasn’t sold on his message.

More on that tomorrow night.

It certainly was flat (even the singing at the end) but I really put that down to finding out that Jim wasn't there because he was having another operation Yesterday. Many were there to say goodbye to Jim as President.

CS certainly wasnt the same CS we are used to. He was almost circumspect in the way he presented. I am sure that he is a very clever CEO but that the blow up last year has left a few wounds which need time to heal. He certainly has lost a lot of weight!.

The question by a member on the culture of the club I think was handled as best as it could in the venue with multiple media outlets there. Don mentioned that the Club had set out to be a more inclusive Club which he believed had been achieved (and I am sure we all would agree here). To my mind the gentleman was questioning the player culture and I dont believe the AGM is a place where that can be discussed with all the players in attendance. I did see same gentlemen concerned waiting to talk with Cam after the AGM so he may have got his answer then. If he is a member here maybe he could enlighten all of us.

I was disappointed that more wasnt made of Garry Lyons work with the Club and it took a member to stand up at question time to thank both Garry and Todd before they were thanked on behalf of the Board.

Don has been a surprise to some as to how well he has handled Jim's and his own position. I left feeling very confident that we are back on track as a Club. It is where we should have been at the beginning of last year.

There was very little raz-ma-taz, ra ra-ing. It was down to earth, lets get on with the job, cant wait to get to round 1 kind of stuff.

Russel Howcroft reminded all that the first chance to see the boys play is Feb 17 at Casey so get down there.

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I also came away with a feeling that the AGM was flat as a tack but then perhaps it's us who are flat because, with the spread of tools such as the Internet and the pages of discussion we have here on Demonland and elsewhere, by the time we get to the AGM we've heard most of it all before.

There used to be some mystique about going to these things. Back in the real old days, you would often first get to hear your new coach or discover the names of your new recruits but these days we've seen it all on You Tube and read the daily reports on supporter sites.

Even the big story of the night about Jimmy stepping down had been covered, discussed and digested for hours.

Perhaps that's why some were hanging out for news about the new front of guernsey sponsor. It's one of the few unknowns we didn't get to find out about on the night but I accept Cameron Schwab's explanation. It will come. My own experience of dealing with the Chinese is that they are very meticulous when putting together a deal. Everything, including the timing, must be and feel right. The important thing is once the decision is made it is always honoured. The new system hasn't made it's way into Chinese culture yet and we need to understand this and be patient.

I think the flatness was felt also because there was no fire in the questioning. The one about the culture was better answered (by Don McLardy) than it was asked. The real question should have been about our history (since 1965) of imploding at the wrong time - a history that started with the tensions that led to the dismissal of Norm Smith and have continued from time to time all the way to 186. Again, Don headed off that question by calling for us to look forward. We're so tired of what transpired last year that nobody questioned reports that were shelved, the extension of Cam Schwab's contract by 12 months when the papers said he was gone and a raft of other questions that might have been asked back in the old days. Truth be told, we're tired of the politics and we want only the footy and thirst for the success on the field that we fully expected to happen last year.

The highlight to me then was the introduction of the new players - the first time I'd seen most of them - and the common theme was their size. There's no doubt that Neeld is impressing his own particular stamp on the team and in that respect, he's a breath of fresh air after the last four years of struggle and ultimately defeat. I heard Brad Scott interviewed on radio earlier in the day and was impressed by him (particularly his dismissal of the "window of opportunity" theory). I think Neeld is on that wave length too and we're finally going to see some positive achievements on the field.

Scott said in answer to a question about Ryan Bastinac possibly leaving North at the end of the year that what was important was creating the right atmosphere at clubs for a player to want to stay but those that didn't were of no use to the club anyway. In that respect another highlight of the AGM and one of the reasons why I don't mind about its "flatness" was the absence of any mention of Voldemort - a sure sign that the club is over him and that we're looking forward which, at the club level, is as it should be.

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Like everyone else that was there I felt the whole night was very flat.

2 interesting things came out of it for me.

Was when they mentioned about our Integrity being challenged and how they reacted.

The next was when Neeld mentioned that we would be competitive come Rd. 1.

To me competitive is a 4 letter word I've heard too often in the past.

Come Rd.1 we want to be more than competitive we want and expect to WIN.

That's the culture change I want to hear.

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Friend and I spoke to Brian Royal after the meeting and we said how impressive James Magner looked. (Very, very solid, arms like lamp posts).

Royal reckons he's a good bet to play round 1 !

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Thanks for all the reports guys, much appreciated.

Question I have regarding the "flatness" of the meeting. While the obvious events regarding Jimmy would have put a dampener on things, could it be that everyone in the room have had enough of all the positive talk, and just crave action from the players? I have listened to the 3 talks on DeeTV (McLArdy, Schwab and Neeld), and while I enjoy listening to anything anyone from the Club says, I've lost a lot of interests in the positive talk.

The Club has got their sh!t together offield, they have hopefully got specialised people in roles of which they will succeed, wwhich is for the good of the Club. Now, it's up to the players to produce. While it isn't that long ago since 186, and we are asking them to erase whatever bad memories they had of the Club in its enitrety in such a short time, it is overdue for their actions to speak louder than their words.

To the players; if you have issues with certain things inside the Club? Don't punish us members and supporters by putting on displays such as 186 EVER again. There are things in place, personnel in place, that should never allow you to act in the fashion that you did. I would imagine you have got everything you asked for, and most importantly, you have got everything at your fingertips that even some recent premiers don't have. Now it's up to you to deliver something to us, the ones that have stuck by through thick and thin, the good times and the sh!t times.

Maybe in 2012 our marketing slogan should've be "NO MORE EXCUSES". Supporters have NO MORE EXCUSES not to go to the twilight Mothers Day games against an interstate team at Docklands, they have NO MORE EXCUSES not to buy memberships, they have NO MORE EXCUSES not to wear their colours with pride, and most importantly, the players have NO MORE EXCUSES about not performing at a consistently elite level. Anyone that makes excuses are out.

Putting external pressure on the playing group right from the start is healthy. Carlton had the "They know we're coming" phrase a couple of seasons ago, and guess what, the playing group had to perform otherwise they would be the laughing stock. Look at them now, probably a Top 4 contender.

Sorry to hijack the thread, but if the offield side of the Club can get this message across at AGMs, etc, then it may be a reason why you are left a bit flat. If we were coming off a premiership I can assure you that there wouldn't be any flatness in the room!

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I agree with others on the overall flatness of the night – definitely a different feel to past AGM / member information nights.

I think there are two related reasons for this.

Firstly, most of those who were there last night were probably also there in the early 2000s when Danners spoke of how young the list was and where it was on the premiership clock and how the group would mature and get better, only to witness the roller coaster years that followed. They would also have been there before the 2007 season, which was supposed to be our year in the premiership window, as well as last year's pre-season event which sold so much hope and promise only to turn into the year from hell. In fact I would have rated last year's night as probably the most exciting and promising information night that I'd been to.

So I think most of us are just a bit more cagey by now, not wanting to hear about all the positives of the pre-season, but just wanting us to walk the walk when it matters once the season starts.

Secondly, I think the club probably feel the same way. After selling the vision and the hope over the last couple of years, which understandably was needed at times to help explain the direction of the club during difficult times, it has now reached a point where the club wants to sell itself by actually performing when it counts – on match day.

Last night did feel really flat and was not what you'd call a memorable event, but it did feel that it was a product of both supporters and the administration wanting to 'get it out of the way' and to look forward to what really matters.

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Dont think it has been reported here but it was also put to the Board that they should consider discussing with the MCC the possibility of a statue of Jimmy being erected outside the ground. MCC officials were at the AGM. A great expression of Melbourne's not just Demons, admiration and respect for a truly great man. Probably more apt now than ever.

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Dont think it has been reported here but it was also put to the Board that they should consider discussing with the MCC the possibility of a statue of Jimmy being erected outside the ground. MCC officials were at the AGM. A great expression of Melbourne's not just Demons, admiration and respect for a truly great man. Probably more apt now than ever.

Does anyone know if the Club has anything similar to/along the lines of "Melbourne Immortals"? I know we have AFL/VFL Legends, but I'm talking about an exclusive MFC thing.

While there are a number of statues around the MCG for various sportsman/women, we need to continue to turn this (the G), back in to our heartland. Having an avenue of Melbourne Immortals statues would be a great thing, especially if it is near where the players walk in to the ground. It would be a thing that the likes of Beamer and Jonesy would insist that every MFC player that walked in to the MCG had to walk down this path.

Just an idea - wrong thread again I know sorry!

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I also came away with a feeling that the AGM was flat as a tack but then perhaps it's us who are flat because, with the spread of tools such as the Internet and the pages of discussion we have here on Demonland and elsewhere, by the time we get to the AGM we've heard most of it all before.

i think you're spot on WJ, no doubt the fact that we are make an effort to keep so upto date on all aspects of the club means that they would need some real hto off the press, ground breaking news to impress us these days!?

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AGM's aren't meant to be the most exciting things to attend. It is all about motions presentation of figure and a bit of fan fare.

I was thinking this yesterday and readuing most reports on last nights AGM, the club is approaching 2012 a lot differently that the last few years. We haven't had the same media attention on preseason or off field acheivements, it seems North Melbourne and Richmond are the ones beating their chests and we are hapy in the background doing what we have to to get better. It is like the club is in a good place and we are not doing the hard sell to the football community. I like this approach instead of greating the hype through media we will hopefully start to realize our potential on field.

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i think you're spot on WJ, no doubt the fact that we are make an effort to keep so upto date on all aspects of the club means that they would need some real hto off the press, ground breaking news to impress us these days!?

I agree toptally that this AGM was the flatest, most dullest AGM I can remember as a member for many years.My father thought it was actually pathetic. Mark Neeld's presentation was the worst speech or personal introduction we had ever heard.He was not prepared,could not sell himself,just pathetic. Needs to able to sell himself better than this, if he is ever going to sell himself to future members. Did not give us any feeling of future success. A shambles.

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The answering on the question of the current culture at the club was also a disgrace. Just shows how pathetic we currently are- with regards to where we stand as a club. They could not even address "What our culture is" and how they are are trying to address -the lack of it.In fairness to Don- he did stress that quick action was taken with the regard to the pathetic drubbing we got from the Cats. I felt that Mark Neeld or Neil Craig-could have got to their feet and stated - Well while we are here- this is going to be the culture of the football department- and this is how it is going to happen.A missed opportunity if I have ever seen one.

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Flat AGM's are ok. Means that we're not going over the top saying how great we are but also that we're not all slashing our wrists and having nervous breakdowns about the fate of the club.

Satisfied we're in a good place off-field. Now for on-field.

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