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Bringing back the torp!

DirtyDees DDC

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This post has been created following a discussion about the intra club match. I noted that Strauss twice used the torpedo punt when kicking out from full back, and I said that nothing happens on the field without Bailey's permission (i pinched that line from the Jack Nicholson movie - 'A Few Good Men).

Demon Land 7 posting this reply. "So so interesting you say this DD DDC i was about to come on and write that James was told on Friday that every kick in was to be a torp unless their is a short option on. He was [censored] himself and that second one that went about 65 he claimed was the only one he hit in 2 weeks of trying it.

Really impressed though Bailey is thinking of these things. 1 point down to Collingwood with a minute to go and we do have a gameplan for it. I'm really starting to warm to the guy and his ideas."

Very interesting theory. If you can't go thru 'em, go over 'em! If Strauss kicks out from the 10 metre square and it goes 60-65 metres, then it gets punched on or bounces another 20-30 metres, that should take us over the centre square. We could position Bennell, Jurrah and Davey to run from the 50 metre line thru the centre, pick up the loose ball, and head for goal. I think we even did that against Hawthorn in round 20 last year (Jurrah's soccer goal).

My biggest gripe with todays footy is 36 guys on one half of the ground, and we saw it again yesterday in the last quarter of the intraclub match. Clubs don't worry if they kick a behind; they just bring all 18 players up to their forward line and try to force a turnover. It worked for Collingwood last year.

I'd love to see sides use the torp as an offensive weapon to break up the zones and 'half court' pressure. It could force the kick-off side to keep some of their forwards up forward -it might even cause the return of the 100 goal full forwards.

I'm not keen on changing rules, but a simple extension to the size of the 10 metre square could encourage the use of the torp as an offensive weapon. Imagine if there was a 90%+ chance Strauss could land the ball past the centre square at every kickout. It might be worth the risk.

Here's a simple proposal. The width of the 10 metre square is limited to the width of the gap between the goalposts - so no change there.

What if we extend the length of the 10 metre square by 5 to 10 metres? The full back or kick-off player can still kick it wherever he likes, but he now has the option of launching his kick from a point that is 15 to 20 metres away from the goals, and the ball could effectively land 5 to 10 metres closer to the centre square. It could eliminate the need for the full back to kick it to himself if he wants to cross over the line.

The torp is an option because it travels further in flight than the drop punt. It doesn't have to be super accurate because you are aiming for an area the width of the middle of the ground. It would bring back one of the great 'lost' features of our game, and it could help reduce the conjestion at the kick-offs.

I would also bring some fun back into the game, even though Barass might not like it.

Edited by DirtyDees DDC
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This post has been created following a discussion about the intra club match. I noted that Strauss twice used the torpedo punt when kicking out from full back, and I said that nothing happens on the field without Bailey's permission (i pinched that line from the Jack Nicholson movie - 'A Few Good Men).

Demon Land 7 posting this reply. "So so interesting you say this DD DDC i was about to come on and write that James was told on Friday that every kick in was to be a torp unless their is a short option on. He was [censored] himself and that second one that went about 65 he claimed was the only one he hit in 2 weeks of trying it.

Really impressed though Bailey is thinking of these things. 1 point down to Collingwood with a minute to go and we do have a gameplan for it. I'm really starting to warm to the guy and his ideas."

Very interesting theory. If you can't go thru 'em, go over 'em! If Strauss kicks out from the 10 metre square and it goes 60-65 metres, then it gets punched on or bounces another 20-30 metres, that should take us over the centre square. We could position Bennell, Jurrah and Davey to run from the 50 metre line thru the centre, pick up the loose ball, and head for goal. I think we even did that against Hawthorn in round 20 last year (Jurrah's soccer goal).

My biggest gripe with todays footy is 36 guys on one half of the ground, and we saw it again yesterday in the last quarter of the intraclub match. Clubs don't worry if they kick a behind; they just bring all 18 players up to their forward line and try to force a turnover. It worked for Collingwood last year.

I'd love to see sides use the torp as an offensive weapon to break up the zones and 'half court' pressure. It could force the kick-off side to keep some of their forwards up forward -it might even cause the return of the 100 goal full forwards.

I'm not keen on changing rules, but a simple extension to the size of the 10 metre square could encourage the use of the torp as an offensive weapon. Imagine if there was a 90%+ chance Strauss could land the ball past the centre square at every kickout. It might be worth the risk.

Here's a simple proposal. The width of the 10 metre square is limited to the width of the gap between the goalposts - so no change there.

What if we extend the length of the 10 metre square by 5 to 10 metres? The full back or kick-off player can still kick it wherever he likes, but he now has the option of launching his kick from a point that is 15 to 20 metres away from the goals, and the ball could effectively land 5 to 10 metres closer to the centre square. It could eliminate the need for the full back to kick it to himself if he wants to cross over the line.

The torp is an option because it travels further in flight than the drop punt. It doesn't have to be super accurate because you are aiming for an area the width of the middle of the ground. It would bring back one of the great 'lost' features of our game, and it could help reduce the conjestion at the kick-offs.

I would also bring some fun back into the game, even though Barass might not like it.

I dont have a problem with it - the trick is to practice it and to have a range of options to spread the defense - last year we looked a bit one dimensional when we went only to the russian with the long bomb - if the choices are the bomb, the torp, the play on and the precision pass then we will do fine.

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This post has been created following a discussion about the intra club match. I noted that Strauss twice used the torpedo punt when kicking out from full back, and I said that nothing happens on the field without Bailey's permission (i pinched that line from the Jack Nicholson movie - 'A Few Good Men).

Colonel Jessup.

"Do you want answers, do you want answers! ....you can't handle the truth !" - Col. Jessup

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Its a tool in the armoury. However, while you might get an extra 5 to 15 metres, the ability to comfortably control the final destination of the ball is at risk. It is certainly to be used sparingly (and I mean spearingly) possibly when a defender who can kick a torp uses that option once in a while to spread a zone defence or its a kick on goal after the siren from outside 50. However we are talking exceptional situations. Otherwise there are better options for field kicking.

I like the kick when well executed but I am also well aware of its deficiencies particularly in the modern game.

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It is a great tool to have but the hardest part is when to use it. It is there to two reasons to catch out a zoning defense, put the ball to the last line of the zone and try to get it moving fast to get it behind the zone and the second reason is just to get it out of the defensive 50m arc to try a ease some pressure. The third reason to use it is it may push the defensive zone back that will create more options short. You don't use it every kick in but add it in once or twice a match and if it works use it more.

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Stuff the torp! Bring back the drop kick! (LOL)

Who remembers the days when Danny Hughes used to kick in after a point was scored? He would consistently send the ball into the centre of the ground with those long, raking drop kicks! Think he was just about the last exponent of the drop kick.

Ah! Memories!

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Stuff the torp! Bring back the drop kick! (LOL)

Who remembers the days when Danny Hughes used to kick in after a point was scored? He would consistently send the ball into the centre of the ground with those long, raking drop kicks! Think he was just about the last exponent of the drop kick.

Ah! Memories!

Danny Hughes would be a great kicking coach-His long bombs were so consistent, as were his Battles with Brian Taylor in the late 80's!!

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Stuff the torp! Bring back the drop kick! (LOL)

Who remembers the days when Danny Hughes used to kick in after a point was scored? He would consistently send the ball into the centre of the ground with those long, raking drop kicks! Think he was just about the last exponent of the drop kick.

Ah! Memories!

Drop kick? ...what about the stab pass? Now THAT'S what I want to see!

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Stuff the torp! Bring back the drop kick! (LOL)

Who remembers the days when Danny Hughes used to kick in after a point was scored? He would consistently send the ball into the centre of the ground with those long, raking drop kicks! Think he was just about the last exponent of the drop kick.

Ah! Memories!

Danny Hughes who wore number 10 ?

I don't recall him kicking with a drop kick :unsure: ....a drop punt maybe but not a drop kick. I'm concerned I might be losing my memory, can someone help me out ?

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Danny Hughes...drop kicks.... to the centre!!

Cant recall that. Kicked a few mongrel punts 50 ro 60 metres from time to time. I do not recall any thing prodigous about the kicking of this old fashioned hard man of defence.

I agree with you Rhino, the drop kick had gone long before Danny Hughes.

This is one area of the game I think has improved. The current players are a lot better kick than in the "good old days"

Watched the 1966 grand Final last year and I was surprised at the poor kicking and that was between the two best sides of 1966.

From My memory the best Drop kick at Melbourne was Tassie Johnson but that is 50 years ago.

Lets stay with the current kicking style.

Someone who could do a long punt kick could be useful late in a game

but they would probably get dropped for not maintaining control of the ball.

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yeah! bring back the daisy cutter B)

He led with his chin on that one DC!

From my memory the SP was the hardest kick to do there where very few players who could even do it moderately well.

It usually skidded across the ground.

Thats why it disappeared it was too hard to do.

In today's game the player would back at Casey after a couple of those.

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you can't remember Donny Williams? A beautiful exponent of the drop kick.

as for bad kicking in the old days....think Brian Dixon

Yes he was good but same era, I was thinking full backs DC.

But you are correct.

He could play a bit!

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Nah , Danny Hughes never kicked any dropkicks that I remember .

Can't remember Blight winning a GF with a torp either .

Did see Twiggy Dunn level the drawn '77 GF with 1 tho' .

Though I'd love to see it the problem with bringing back the torp is you need a bloke capable of hitting 'em consistantly .

Not sure if we have 1 anymore .

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I agree there are few if any AFL players around that could kick a torp consistently. I guess one in five attempts I've seen in the past few years did what they were supposed to do. As for the drop kick, it's long dead but I still miss it. I can still kick it quite well and can get an extra ten metres further with it than any other kicks I can do. I mentioned in the recent 1971 Annual Report thread about our Phil Rhoden. I would say he was by miles the best drop kick I've ever seen. Only played a few senior games for us but many seasons in the reserves. Used to kick out from full back and nearly always got to the wing or centre with it. And rarely fluffed one. Anyone who went to the MCG early got a treat watching him kick out including opposition fans.

Edited by america de cali
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Danny Hughes who wore number 10 ?

I don't recall him kicking with a drop kick :unsure: ....a drop punt maybe but not a drop kick. I'm concerned I might be losing my memory, can someone help me out ?

I think if Danny Hughes had played in the 60's he would have definitely kicked drop-kicks. I also remember Phil Rhoden's huge dropkicks in the last quarter of the reserves at the MCG. In pressure games the margin for error is to great, you only have to watch error strewn grand finals of the 60's esp '64 (Rothman's footage) and '65, '66 to see why these kicks are low percentage. having said that i think john ronaldson kicked two monster goals from dropkicks on huge angles in the '67 grand final.

They could only be restored by making them mandatory from kick-outs or 9 points from outside the 50 metre arc. then the glory days would coming rushing back.

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It doesn't necessarily have to be a torp. Some players can kick long distances by using the drop punt. The full back could also kick the ball further if we expanded the 10 metre square by 5-10 metres. This could stop the congestion at the kickouts and open up the game.

I'm just trying to think outside the square.

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It doesn't necessarily have to be a torp. Some players can kick long distances by using the drop punt. The full back could also kick the ball further if we expanded the 10 metre square by 5-10 metres. This could stop the congestion at the kickouts and open up the game.

I'm just trying to think outside the square.

There are a lot of players who can kick booming drop punts with greater accuracy than torps but we usually only see them in action when they are having long shots at goal outside 50. Expanding the square has merit. Another version of this idea is drawing an arc from behind post to behind post extending out 15-20 metres from goal. This will allow the kicker freedom to shift play wide either side or straight ahead, or change direction quickly before actually disposing of the ball. This will create freer short and long options up to the wings and beyond.

Edited by america de cali
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Danny Hughes who wore number 10 ?

I don't recall him kicking with a drop kick :unsure: ....a drop punt maybe but not a drop kick. I'm concerned I might be losing my memory, can someone help me out ?

I agree with you HT, I never saw Danny kick a drop kick. I think Barrie has his full-backs mixed up. Maybe he is thinking of someone from his era, perhaps Tassie Johnson who was the best exponent of the drop kick that I ever saw.

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As I reported earlier, watching the final stages of training at Gosch's paddock on Friday 28th Jan, Joel MacDonald consistently outperformed Strauss with his torps from the goalsquare. On more than one occasion he hit close to the centre circle. I made a quick measurement later and came to the conclusion that MacDonald had been kicking 65 metres (75m from goal when you take the square into account).

Tassie was an excellent drop kicker, but he was no match for Geelong's Paul Vinar who regularly got highest marks for distance on WOS (I seem to remember a 91 metre monster).

Modern examples of longest drop-punters at MFC would include Bennett, Wheatley, Neitz and Dean.

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