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Cameron Bruce - enough is enough

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There were plenty of poor disposals in the game yesterday and to single out Bruce is a joke.

No,it's not. Bruce's disposal is woeful. I cringe with nervous anticipation every time the ball is in his hands. His intensity levels are virtually non existant. But more importantly, the mistakes he makes as a 200 game footballer is unforvivable. I can forgive mistakes from a sub 60 game player, but I run out of patience with a passenger like Bruce.

And you're right about Martin. He's a soft gumby. Joel MacDonald is just a player. Won't be in our next preiership.

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Still demonland's disease... years on.

Is this YzeMagic in disguise? This kind of player bashing is ridiculous, he was in our best 3 or 4 today, it's diabolical how bad your post is.

Yup. Got found out too. Though it was about time the Y_M tag was left behind, he's long gone.

I doubt many subscribe to Yze Magic/Trengove is God's "OMGz, get rid of teh Bruce NOW dis iz srsly!!!~1" line of reasoning. In fact I doubt even he genuinely believes it, but it gets a reaction from people and this, of course, is important to a guy who measures human achievement based on how many people you can get to reply angrily to your slagging of an AFL footballer over the internet. Everyones gotta have a hobby,

HA! Funny.

Bravo to the mods for relieving us of this waste of bandwidth.

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There were plenty of poor disposals in the game yesterday and to single out Bruce is a joke. How many of our short passes were cut off by an opposition player because they didn't have the hight to clear him? How many of our field kicks missed their target by 10 to 20 mtrs? It was an appalling display of skill(?) by the team and all this does is single out one player, ridiculous.

Joel Mac has had two shockers with us and coincidently they have been games where we are under pressure. Martin was very ordinary yesterday and has shown a lack of nous at this level. Let's call a spade a spade they were terrible yesterday and it wasn't just one player it was the majority of the team but who do we blame, Bruce of course.

'RobbieF', its Not About yesterday. The whole team played bad yesterday. its about a player who continually in all games mucks the attacking game plan up time & again by putting teammates under the hammer with hospital handpasses causing that player to look foolish & turn the ball over to the opposition.

Its not about Bruce yesterday as much as it is Identifying our constant weaknesses where we break down. Its bruce causing the breakdown of our play nearly all the time.

The 'Buck' starts with bruce, where can we hide him?

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Jesus demonland can be hard to visit sometimes with the children on here claiming Bruce is done.

This is a post from "The Red and the Blue" on 'ology that sums up both Cam's game and the general gist of the garbage posters put on here...

"After the criticism of Bruce last week I took special notice of his disposal this week.

Last week it was claimed that his excellent statistics were not a true reflection of the quality of his performance as most of his "effective" disposals went to a teammate who was under pressure.

His first handpass did, in fact, fit that description as it was looped high to a team mate surrounded by North players. However, from that point on his kicks and handpasses were well directed to players in a position to do something with the ball. Unfortunately those other players didn't do much with it today.

To see another post this week berating Bruce and claiming his disposal was again terrible when it clearly was not makes me wonder if the claims last week were also untrue.

I suspect some people here form a dislike of certain players and then overemphasise the errors that player makes while ignoring the good.

I should point out that I'm not a great fan of Bruce myself and I've never been one to shy away from criticising our players when it's warranted. In this case it is not.

This week Bruce was one of our very best players in a generally disappointing performance.

If anyone's performance should be singled out for criticism today it's a certain former Brisbane backman - just terrible.

By the way, I hope this post is allowed to remain by our busy mods and that certain other members won't see fit to call me a clown again for merely expressing a contrary view."

Thanks The Red and the Blue and I hope you don't mind...

Yep I think that pretty much sums it up.

One of our best today. I think he lifted after Hirdy's comments last week.

Slightly off-topic but I hope Syl never goes on the Footy Show again.

He was very off.

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I've always found his performances look a lot worse when you watch them on tv, but at the match a lot of the questionable moves look reasonable.

He has a serious shortfall when it comes to skills, which drives me nuts at times, but he is a player with limitations that still manages to play an important part.

We are a worse team without him.

What dribble.

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Yep I think that pretty much sums it up.

One of our best today. I think he lifted after Hirdy's comments last week.

Slightly off-topic but I hope Syl never goes on the Footy Show again.

He was very off.

Just out of curiosity, is Bruce's contract up this year? He was everywhere on the field yesterday (not that that was necessarily helpful) and there was a puff piece in the Herald Sun on the day, too. It just struck me as a little coordinated push for a new contract or something. I may be way off, of course.

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Just out of curiosity, is Bruce's contract up this year? He was everywhere on the field yesterday (not that that was necessarily helpful) and there was a puff piece in the Herald Sun on the day, too. It just struck me as a little coordinated push for a new contract or something. I may be way off, of course.

I think his contracts ends this October, 2010.

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Bruce definitely has a problem with sending the ball to people who promptly get crunched.

In the last few weeks we were spreading better, working into more space and his instinctive 'take the first option' was a winner more often, because the first option was the best more often than not.

I like him better playing a hard tag role with occassional bursts of attacking running. On their own, his high possession game and handball chains aren't good enough.

At present he'll be looking over his shoulder at Morton and Gysberts, wondering 'how long do I have?'.

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Jesus demonland can be hard to visit sometimes with the children on here claiming Bruce is done.

This is a post from "The Red and the Blue" on 'ology that sums up both Cam's game and the general gist of the garbage posters put on here...

"After the criticism of Bruce last week I took special notice of his disposal this week.

Last week it was claimed that his excellent statistics were not a true reflection of the quality of his performance as most of his "effective" disposals went to a teammate who was under pressure.

His first handpass did, in fact, fit that description as it was looped high to a team mate surrounded by North players. However, from that point on his kicks and handpasses were well directed to players in a position to do something with the ball. Unfortunately those other players didn't do much with it today.

To see another post this week berating Bruce and claiming his disposal was again terrible when it clearly was not makes me wonder if the claims last week were also untrue.

I suspect some people here form a dislike of certain players and then overemphasise the errors that player makes while ignoring the good.

I should point out that I'm not a great fan of Bruce myself and I've never been one to shy away from criticising our players when it's warranted. In this case it is not.

This week Bruce was one of our very best players in a generally disappointing performance.

If anyone's performance should be singled out for criticism today it's a certain former Brisbane backman - just terrible.

By the way, I hope this post is allowed to remain by our busy mods and that certain other members won't see fit to call me a clown again for merely expressing a contrary view."

Thanks The Red and the Blue and I hope you don't mind...

Good post Bruce far from our worst today.There were a couple of highly rated half backs who made shocking errors by hand and foot.We must have created a record for having our kicks and handballs smothered by the opposition yesterday.

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Bruce was disgusting today. His disposal and decision making was the pits.

His previous games were not that much better. Whilst his numbers from Saturday may be deemed "okay", they in no way reflect some of the indecisiveness (decision making - agree) and ineffectual play created by part of his game. A fair % of his disposals this season have put his teammates under more pressure than Christine Nixon experienced recently at the inquiry into Black Saturday. :rolleyes:

Having watched him closely, I agree with two sheds jackson, I think his days could well be just about numbered. He appears slow, his kicks lack penetration, at times I could go buy a pie and sauce, return to my seat before the ball descends from one of his errant kicks, before putting a teammate under pressure and/or at risk of injury; more importantly causing a turnover.

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I can only hope you are kidding.

Lets just get rid of players that can get the ball & No he was not kidding and he has been in our best for the past three weeks. Enough is enough of the Cam Bruce bashing FFS !!!

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Its just amazing after so long how many just fail to observe...its not whether you get the ball its what you do with it.. And he ( Bruce ) crucifies it !! He is so less than efective with his disposal he might as well be playing for the opposition at times as hes more useful to them !!

His endeavor is without peer. His usefulness is very debatable

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Lets just get rid of players that can get the ball & No he was not kidding and he has been in our best for the past three weeks. Enough is enough of the Cam Bruce bashing FFS !!!

He's be good for us if he'd get his ball & run home with it. :)

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The issue isn't Bruce's game today. It is his form all year thus far, and most of last year!

Just and example in the Brisbane game in the first quater he had 7 handballs, 1 went to a player who was able to use it, 3 went to players who were being tackled as they received it (while Bruce was more alone than the player he handballed to) and 3 were handballed either over the head of the intended recipient, or behind them or infront of them and the Lions cleaned up the ball. This is not an uncommon occurance!

Bruce is 31 years old! The only other player older than him is J.McDonald! Who is unmeasurably more valuable to the Demons. Bruce is our second oldest players and wouldn't be in our top 15. In the past two years his disposal has consisted of handballing to people under pressure who have no other option than to give it back to him or kicking it to outnumbered contests, and he never kicks it long! I have no doubt that he has himself in his Dream Team but not in his supercoach team!

His use of the ball is for lack of a better word, appalling! He needs to be let go from the club asap. It is a bad influence on the young guys at the club to be playing next to him.

My main issue is that by playing him, not only do we hurt our teams flow and use of the ball, but we are wasting a spot on an ineffective 31 year old that could be used on an ineffective 20 year old. It would have to be extremely disheartening to all of the younger players (never mind the fans) on the ground to see their vice captain, and second oldest player, making mistakes like these at crucial points in the game. Honestly when was the last time melbourne needed a goal or to stem the tide and bruce was involved in a great play that made you say "phew, that was good!". I am genuinely suprised whenever he doesn't muck up!

He was a great player for us, but we are not the same team we used to be, and it is not the same game it was 5 years ago. He clearly is moulded for that style of game and needs to be given his marchign orders.

Also why did Bailey bring back Jared Rivers??? This bloke is a disease! I cannot remember the last time i saw Rivers play with out getting toweld by his direct opponent?

In summary, Rivers, Bruce and Miller need to be shown the door! They are not good enough for their experience and age. Melbourne has declared a youth policy, so follow through with it!

Edited by Jrod
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Miracle I'm not quite sure what your quote of mine is meant to say? do you agree or not?

I don't love bagging Bruce, or any of our players. But in his case it is definitley warranted. He shows no heart out there and has looked incompetent the past few years.

For someone of his age and expereince he definitely hurts us more than he helps us. There is no bang for your buck with Bruce! He is not 100% disgraceful, probably 60 or 70%, but he is no better than any of the young players he is getting a guernsey ahead of!

I can understand how some people such as yourself love him because he used to be a gun in 04. But if the demons are serious about turning over a new leaf from 07 onwards then they really need to get rid of him. For one of your most senior players to be getting as many touches as he does and use them so ineffectively it cannot be good for the footy club!

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The issue isn't Bruce's game today. It is his form all year thus far, and most of last year!

Have you just eaves dropped on my telephone conversation of 1 hour ago ? :o

There's not one word with which I disagree. Other supporters must look up the stats column after the game and say "gee Brucey had a good game today".

I cringe when the ball is in his hands.

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Have you just eaves dropped on my telephone conversation of 1 hour ago ? :o

There's not one word with which I disagree. Other supporters must look up the stats column after the game and say "gee Brucey had a good game today".

I cringe when the ball is in his hands.

I cringe when its just left..... as I know it can all come to no good !! :rolleyes:

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In summary, Rivers, Bruce and Miller need to be shown the door! They are not good enough for their experience and age. Melbourne has declared a youth policy, so follow through with it!

I was at the game on saturday and watched as Bruce went passed for a handball. The handball was over his head

and stretched one arm trying to reach it.

Around me I could hear socalled supporters yelling Bruce you are useless.

Bruce cannot win whatever he does. You were probably one of those supporters who just love to bag him

For every instance where he intentionally or inadvertently gets it right, there will be 3 or more occasions when he manifestly doesnt. It will go to a flat footed player, this said player will himself be set upon or near to by a couple of opponents the second he's received it as Cb will have all but posted his intentions on facebook. OR... he'll handball it out somewhere into no mans land in the maniacal hope that a fellow Dee may run on to it...always the good choice with an oval ball!! ( not ) or he'll just about ram it down the throat of an opponent who most ungraciously doesnt stick around to say thankyou as he's already off to deliver it properly to one of his team mates.

For a player who does get in amongst it, who is obviously not too worried about close contact hits etc..he all but panics when he's actually got the pil. He'll gladly and expeditiously give it to anyopne whether its a good idea or not. A more poised player might wait that seond or so and allow the play to pass or to stall offering up a better choice for disposal, Bruce never seems to.

For all his good work hes actually a liability and hes far too long down his path to ever change. The two extremes with a football.. Tom Scully>>>.Cam Bruce

Its just a reality....an unfortunate one

Edited by belzebub59
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It is juat diabolical how bad this guy is.

30 odd useless possessions, smashed in countless one on one contests and even managed to give away a 50 metre penalty.

He is not part of the future,m he is a liabilisty. So why is he even in the team? Someone pleasse tell me what he brings to the table.

Every game that he plays is one less game for McNamare, Watts, Maric, Gsysberts, Strauss etc etc to learn theiur craft at the highest level.

Trengove and Scully must snicker at the fact he is the Vice Captain of the MFC. I pray they ignore him when he tries to give them advice.

And thank God he is out of contract at seasons end. Denmons should let cut him loose as it will free up 500K in the salary cap to sign some real footballers.

Couldn't agree more. He's doing more harm than good. Just look to the third quarter for that example. Melbourne were struggling early on, and Bruce came in with useless handballs and kicks which missed the target. Enter Tom Scully, grabs the ball and kicks in 50mtrs to break open the game and result in a goal. Bruce clearly cannot adapt to the gameplan. Even when we were playing well a couple weeks ago he would tend to handpass backwards instead of forwards and put the man recieving in a lot of trouble. He needs a run in the two's. Same with Rivers. It's time to play the younger kids.

On average North were younger and less experienced in terms of games. No excuses for the loss on the weekend. Bar the umpiring and the quality of the ground :)

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For every instance where he intentionally or inadvertently gets it right, there will be 3 or more occasions when he manifestly doesnt. It will go to a flat footed player, this said player will himself be set upon or near to by a couple of opponents the second he's received it as Cb will have all but posted his intentions on facebook. OR... he'll handball it out somewhere into no mans land in the maniacal hope that a fellow Dee may run on to it...always the good choice with an oval ball!! ( not ) or he'll just about ram it down the throat of an opponent who most ungraciously doesnt stick around to say thankyou as he's already off to deliver it properly to one of his team mates.

For a player who does get in amongst it, who is obviously not too worried about close contact hits etc..he all but panics when he's actually got the pil. He'll gladly and expeditiously give it to anyopne whether its a good idea or not. A more poised player might wait that seond or so and allow the play to pass or to stall offering up a better choice for disposal, Bruce never seems to.

For all his good work hes actually a liability and hes far too long down his path to ever change. The two extremes with a football.. Tom Scully>>>.Cam Bruce

Its just a reality....an unfortunate one


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Stand up rank and file all the flogs calling for Bruce's head and appologise.

After that have a look at yourselves and slap yourself in the face twice then add an upper cut.

Bruce collected 30 posessions 80% effectiveness 8 contested posessions 6 tackles. He showed

class under pressure and was fantastic in horrid conditions.

I'm no bandwagoner of Bruce's but all you flogs calling for his head haven't got a clue.

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