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  1. I have worked with a lot of boys from the Kimberley including Mcadams brother and they aren’t the best trainers but flexibility is needed in the way to communicate and tailor their training to get the best out of them. The effort is well worth it when you see the talent they possess and the Xfactor that can turn a game in 10 minutes
    11 points
  2. I’ve been missing in action since Covid but managed to get down to training today. Some pics of today's training. Enjoy. https://www.smugmug.com/gallery/n-75jnsT
    10 points
  3. Bloody l-o-n-g session. Close to three hours. As usual Tracc stayed out there for about half an hour after the others had all left, having shots on goal. He does this after sessions, totally his choice. Tracc is dedication personified. Like, next level invested. LOL… I told him he needs to get to work on his muscles. He looked shocked and said, “Who, me???!” I said, “Relax, I’m kidding!” He said, “Phew, for a minute there…” 😁 Like he should pay any mind to what a slightly deranged fan says, amirite?! I told Marty Hore welcome back and he said he’s so happy to be back because this is where he really wants to be, and that he feels like he never left. 💖 Clarrie started later than the others. We chatted a little before he started. Wednesday wasn’t a one-off. He’s definitely on the right track. Happy to chat, super positive, walks with a spring in his step and his head held high. Hashtag body language tells all. Also had interesting chats with Chocco and Perty and Goody, all separately, but all instilled a strong sense of positivity and I’d even say excited anticipation. They’re clearly pumped for next season, as are the players. It really shows. The whole vibe this week has been amazing, which bodes well so early in the preseason. Best thing about today? Two words… [censored] MELKSY! Was NOT expecting to see him moving so well! It was such a sight to behold. Last time I saw him he looked (and was) gutted. Totes different today, all smiles and really buoyed. Perty said his recovery won’t be like “your regular ACL recovery” I said, “he looks ahead of schedule already.” Perty said at this rate he’ll be right “middle of the season.” YAY 🥳 PS Adorable little George Gawn stole the show on the boundary. Heartwarming moment: Tracc walking towards him, George runs to greet him, arms outstretched wanting Tracc to pick him up, which Tracc did, making George so happy he buried his little head into Tracc’s shoulder. I know, right?! 🥹
    9 points
  4. Dropped in for a quick 30 minute visit while they happened to be doing match-sim for the bulk of that time. General Observations: – Quite open play with lots of kicking to targets both short and long – Coaches pushing for the kicker to follow-up and connect / overlap which happened more frequently after a bit of fatigue had set in – Good quality kicking and marking with the odd longer kick missing the target (bit blustery out there so forgivable) Player Observations: – Impressed by almost all of our tall young players getting involved in the match sim at certain times – Verrall and Adams did some good things and had some nice touches – Farris-White is a beast and didn’t look out of place – Jefferson did some good things and was quite amongst it to begin with, faded a bit towards the end. Did well in the earlier ‘marks-up’ one-on-one where he either beat or neutralised against JVR, Turner and one other tall (can’t recall who). He was quite agile in these marking attempts and got busy even if out of position to make a contest, he looks to be building to me – Fullarton looks a player as well – McVee, Bowey, Woey, Laurie, Rivers all getting touches and trying to link up through the middle – TMac playing as the last defender did an impressive job and his kicking was good too – All the new draftees don’t look too light in terms of body shape at all – Trac looks like a cat on a hot tin roof when he gets the footy, just electric feet – JVR looks primed and just doesn’t give in. Took a few nice grabs and just competes non-stop – Gawn looks fit, fresh and healthy. Took a few nice grabs as well and was actually jumping And lastly Tim Lamb was walking around the boundary with a big tall kid – who else but Kalani White. Looks like he was there for a bit of a meet and greet / orientation of sorts as he was introduced to Andrew McQualter. Go Dees.
    9 points
  5. I was able to get down to training this morning. Those who I didn't see there - May, Salem, Viney, Spargo, Gus, Hunter, Langdon, Tomlinson, Smith, ANB, Fritsch, Sparrow, Kozzie, Chandler Oliver was doing numerous run throughs on the boundary and then some ground ball work. Not running at full speed but was doing a decent chunk of slow running. Melksham and Petty did some kicking and then went in early. No moon boot on Petty. Neither did any running. I got there just before 10am and they were initially doing some transition work without tackling. Fairly easy ball movement stuff without any pressure / tackling. They then split into groups - talls and smalls. The smalls did one-on-one ground balls, one player would win possession and the other would tackle. The talls did one-on-one marking. They then swapped so the talls did ground balls and the smalls did marking. No real surprises in the split up here, the only one of interest was that McAdam was with the talls. After this, they then did a drill where the ball was kicked to about 40m out in the D50, a ground ball would ensue, and the defensive team would win the ground ball and then try transition the ball forward to an inside 50. This was under pressure as there was an opposition. The focus seemed to be on running hard off half back. Again no positional surprises, other than perhaps McAdam as a tall deep forward. It appears he may be earmarked to play a bit out of the goal square. I think of Kozzie in the Carlton final where he created problems with his speed as a deep forward. McAdam has speed but is better in the air. They then repeated this drill but on the other half back flank / side of the ground. The next drill was a kick out from the pocket in the attacking team's 50 and the attacking team would win the ground ball and then look for a re-entry inside 50m. Whereas the previous drill was a deep turnover (at half back), this was a high turnover (between half-forward and wing). They looked to switch it a fair bit so that the inside 50 entry was to the fat side where there were less numbers and less congestion. It was a bit messy but there did appear to be a focus to get it to the fat side rather than a down-the-line re-entry to congestion. This was also done under pressure with a defending team. Finally there was some full ground ball movement drills. By this stage some of the new boys went and did running so it was probably something like 11 v 11. As a result there was a lot of space so it obviously didn't replicate the kind of pressure and lack of space you'd see in a game. TMac played key back for this. Maybe just to stand in for May, but who knows. I left soon after this as they were doing some handballs in tight and shots for goal/snaps. I find it hard to read too much into player performance at training so I've focused more on what they did as a group. One thing I will mention is there is something about the Tholstrup boy. The big mop of curly hair that makes his head stand out in a crowd and what appears to be a level of confidence / self-belief. I didn't get the impression that he was a new guy there. He really pushed hard on the run throughs, leading the way when running with Windsor, Brown and McAdam. He then encouraged Windsor and McAdam to beat the required times when they were doing some extra running after he finished. He went and helped up the skipper off the ground after they did push ups. I don't know exactly what it is but there does look to be something a bit different and unique about him. If he can play, he seems the type of player who will be really fun to watch.
    8 points
  6. Okay. So, when I was having that pic with Marty taken, Kolt walked by and said, “Hey! Good to see you here again,” I said, “Same! And if I don’t see you before, I’ll see you when you run out through our awesome banner in round zero!” Kolt said, “What, do you reckon I’ll be ready by then?” I said, “You’re ready now.” Chocco was within earshot and he said, “Yeah, she’s right, that’s why he’s our number one draft pick.” Probs not serious (about Kolt debuting in round zero) but I noticed Kolt’s chest puff out just that little bit extra. 🙂 Chocco is amazing in how he interacts with the players, especially the young ones. It’s no wonder they all respect him. It’s also patently obvious that Kolt looks up to Tracc and admires him greatly. Think Marnus Labuschagne and Steve Smith. It’s heartwarming to watch.
    7 points
  7. Thanks for the info @Pennant St Dee and others It all suggests to me that Adelaide did a really poor job meeting his needs and communicating with him He even said in his interview with us how good of a job Stafford does communicating exactly what he wants him to do and how much the club has done to make him feel at home I know not everything a player does is the club’s fault, but the above certainly aligns with a lot of the reports that have come out about Adelaide’s culture over the last few years, particularly in regard to their indigenous players…
    6 points
  8. I’m sure Werridee will discuss Melks in terms of training but I just wanna add that his demeanour was one of confidence and happiness. He actually looked radiant. He was all smiles and was clearly very happy to be out there with the others. It’s obvious he’s been taking care of himself, he looked toned and certainly hasn’t been skipping arm days at the gym, nor leg days (despite the surgery). Jake’s one of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet, always super friendly even when he’s having a rough patch and consequently copping [censored] from his own fans. Therefore to see him today seemingly brimming with pride was priceless.
    6 points
  9. So basically post the Christmas break, which is pretty good. Shouldn't impact his season. Yes he had a minor knee operation Langdon is one of the fittest guys in the team. He is also someone who very much values and needs his time away from footy. Mental recovery is just as important for this guys as physical recovery.
    6 points
  10. 5 points
  11. Thank you for this because it explains a lot. So, they separate the new guys at times. There’s a few configurations. But… Shane is often separated from everyone and works on-on-one with Staffy. It didn’t seem like punishment or making an example of him, so I wondered why it was so. Now it makes sense. Btw, ppl can bag Staffy all they like but he’s great one-on-one with the players, particularly the young boys and especially Shane. You can see they have a really good rapport. Besides that he’s a really nice person.
    5 points
  12. Felt like this thread needed a conclusion post draft, so a brief summary on the return of the Luke Jackson trade:
    5 points
  13. Come on. He kept Harris Andrew’s goalless.
    5 points
  14. It’s been a virtual smorgasbord of trading reports today Demonlanders are so fortunate.!!
    5 points
  15. I've been to Monday's and today's training. In no particular order.. The best 10-12 we know and will again be our core. Melsham was doing his drills just in from of me. There's minimal difference in his quads, he was jumping off either foot, doing side step jumps then short kicking with either leg. He must have done a power of rehab to be this far advanced so soon after a knee recon. BBB was moving really well, and moving quickly in his leads to the ball. KFY and Verrall are both very mobile and would make other rucks look sluggish if they can maintain this in a game scenario. Taj especially but Dan Turner, Jed Adams and Jefferson all looking very much stronger. Schache doing what he likes best and avoiding contact. Of McAdam, Billings and Fullarton - they are going to have to bring serious game sense, skill and endeavour to be in the best 22. Which is what we really want. Laurie & Taj look like they really want a spot. But the 2 stand outs for me were Marty Hore and Oli Sestan. Hore was in everything, knew where to position himself in the drills, clean, precise, moving really well. Sestan played one drill on the lead out of the goal square. Never fumbled, nialed them from everywhere. Another, he was link man- precise foot skills, clean hands, looking 1 or even 2 moves ahead of the rest. Hope his tank is larger this year - he looks fitter and dare I say a bit trimmed down below the waist. If JT was correct in his summation 12 months ago when questioned about this choice, he said that we couldn't afford to let Sestan slip another year and thought he might be worth a punt. Lastly, Kynan Brown will never let anyone die wondering if he's put in enough effort to get to play AFL. He never stopped. Looks like he has massive tank. Needs 2 preseasons to get 10kg on his frame. FYI
    5 points
  16. Odd post. Senior WAFL footy is a far higher standard than all junior footy competitions around the country, so not sure why that would be a concern.
    5 points
  17. Wandered down for a squizz at the bizz on Gosch's. Melksham rehabbing, not doing a running program yet. Oliver appears underdone. Working a running program, though not very advanced in exertion. Completely opposite to how he turned up last pre-season (fittest of the lot). Petty was having just strolling around. The field was dry and the ball handling for pre-season was good. Some stabb passes early in the session dropped in front of the leading players, at least they weren't bombing away. There was some emphasis on creating fwd 50 marks, plenty of short ball hit ups in the simulations. They started with runs and short kicks, then into station drills of low pick-ups, one on one positioning to high balls with push off, and side tackling after receiving high the ball. The atmosphere was great. Get a sense they have a point to make. Everyone was supportive of each other, the noise level was high, and they were looking like a great young squad. They took knees a few times, with group discussions and some frivolity. Plenty of instructions and guidance from the coaches during the process. Goal kicking practice was about snaps, based on the musical chairs game, but with the ball going around, with a couple of defenders and the manikins, making it tougher. McQualter (Mini) gets right in there with the mids, emphasising the spacing. Some drills were created to make the fwds hold position deep, and spread fast as a turnover happens when the opposition leaves our 50 area but loses the ball. Loved our run, we look fast. Standouts include Bowey, McVee, Tholstrup, Laurie. Laurie was baulking everyone, so much composure and looks to be a big improver. Tholstrup is a born leader, supporting team-mates, working hard, one of the last on the field, Also appears to have the will to get to the contest and has that explosiveness after getting the ball. AFL speed won't worry him, a good size and solidness about him. Bowey looking stronger and faster, impacts when he gets the ball. McVee has that composure, runs to the right places and looks explosive. McAdam was definitely struggling with the running program, though out in the sims he gets involved and has nice skills. Verral was getting plenty of 1%er's going, earning praise from the coaches. His is looking slim and moving well. Must have been working hard off season. Howes is looking to be all muscle, barely any fat on him, looks ready for some hard at it footy. Rivers was linking everything during sims. Max and Lever cannot keep away from the play, plenty of involvement. T'Mac was playing in the back line during sims, moving freely, though not winning the run throughs as he used to. Billings adds another dimension to us. Finds space and has a good finish. Kynan Brown has great vision, runs good angles, if he gets some consistency in skills, and a bit more bulk I believe he will make it. Windsor was low-key, I didn't notice him too often. I reckon JVR needs to have a full and hard working pre-season, looks a bit off, his usual aggression didn't seem there. Jefferson was dancing around well and wants to goal when he gets it. Working up and down the field, a few fumbles, and in and out of the play during Sims. Sestan has improved his fitness, no longer gasping after the exertion, and has plenty of composure. Adams has bulked up and playing well by sitting behind the ball. Turner was working up the field off the backline, providing carry of the ball. Farris-White, looks like his skills have improved, has a bit more bulk about him. AMW, seems more mature, getting to the right positions and kicking goals in the sims. Taj is going about it very professionally, straightens the ball movement up and continues to bring intelligence to the game. Hore has not missed a beat. Schache is working hard, getting on the end of plenty. BBB looking faster, and turning well. Still has his own running program. He and Tracc last on the paddock doing goal kicking practice. The new young ones, did not compete in Sims. There is going to be plenty of pressure for places. We will be batting deep. Go Dees
    5 points
  18. Big Thanks Werridee! Love your work! Now i await with baited breath your best 22 from todays session 🤪
    4 points
  19. Agree DS but I don’t think he’s rough around the edges at all. Seems like a level headed respectful young man to me. Like everyone I’ve really warmed to him and am hoping for a long and successful career.
    4 points
  20. 4 points
  21. Great work today @WERRIDEE much appreciated by all on Demonland.👍❤️🇱🇮
    4 points
  22. That doesn't sound too good, in one sense.😂
    4 points
  23. Welcome back! You do a wonderful job catching the ‘moments’.
    4 points
  24. Hey Jaded, couldn’t you find a better giff than this?That is one face I’d just love to belt.
    4 points
  25. 4 points
  26. Fullerton just beat McDonald one on one to applause
    4 points
  27. Clarry just told me he’s a month til full training
    4 points
  28. What a wasted opportunity for Melbourne, we had a chance to double down on our strength in the ruck and continue the two-ruck strategy that worked so well previously. It might not have worked as well as we hoped, but it was still a hell of a lot better than the alternative (Gawn with broken toe and Schache spending all game as an unused sub). Heaven forbid Gawn gets injured again next year.
    3 points
  29. How I imagine the podcast . . . What probably happens . . .
    3 points
  30. 44 is young to me Thanks to you and WCW for the training reports
    3 points
  31. I’ve actually heard from a reliable sauce that he’s cooked.
    3 points
  32. I ate two large pizzas followed by a tub of ice-cream last night. I’m down with stomach awareness.
    3 points
  33. 3 points
  34. Nice little intro to the punchline. 🙂
    3 points
  35. Kalani jumping all over Luke Jackson in the future would be nice thank you. Just another reminder of Freo losing Jeff White
    3 points
  36. Tracking well for a 19yr old. We've been spoiled by JvR. He might get a taste this year but 2025/6+ is when we'll see him challenge for a best 22 spot. Even then his best footy will be 2028 onwards most likely. Should compliment JvR well.
    3 points
  37. Watching this kid it is hard to hold the excitement in check.!!
    3 points
  38. Looks to me like he sharted.
    3 points
  39. My thoughts do need to be heavily qualified - it is very difficult to comment on things like attitude while watching a December training session from the sidelines. And no doubt my thoughts are influenced by things that have been said about him - eg. "best character in the draft". I think what I was trying to get at is he has presence. Intangible and hard to define. Usually the young first-year players just blend in and you don't really notice them but your eyes seem to be drawn to him. I haven't seem him play so have no idea what he's like on the field. But if he can play, he will definitely be one of those types you notice.
    3 points
  40. According to Jason Taylor on the Demonland Podcast he was tried up Forward and in Defence (in addition to the Ruck) during the Under 16 National comp.
    3 points
  41. Well that’s it hope you enjoyed my report any questions just fire away
    3 points
  42. I now expect this to be mis-reported in the Herald Sun as "Melbourne culture problems continue as Oliver sidelined for showing resistance to training"
    3 points
  43. I’m sure it will. It certainly has for others who’ve come to us. I was talking to my buddy (Pauline, mother of he with the annoying foot issues and the the tall hair) about Shane looking knackered at training. She said that pretty much every player who’s come to us from another club (since Fritta started, anyways) has commented on how much harder and how much more serious training is at our Club. Maysie in particular found this to be true.
    3 points
  44. Thought you guys may like a bit of history about McAdam.... McAdam hails from Halls Creek, a remote town in north-east Western Australia in the East Kimberley region. A medium-sized forward, McAdam equaled Nic Naitanui’s running vertical jump record at the 2015 Draft Combine but was overlooked until he booted 31 goals in 17 games for Sturt in the 2017 SANFL season. Initially selected by Carlton as a mature-aged pre-draft access pick, McAdam was quickly traded to the Crows in 2018. An injury-interrupted start to 2019 meant McAdam made his Club debut in the SANFL in Round Five. His speed and athleticism were on display and he finished with 22 goals. Made his AFL debut in Round Four, 2020 and played 13 games, taking many Mark of the Year contenders throughout. The exciting goal sneak played 15 games in 2021 and 15 in 2022.
    3 points
  45. Kalani White is now 197cm and taller than Jeff. He achieved All Australian hours at Under 16 level at this year’s national carnival and now apparently, a premiership with his local team.
    3 points
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