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  1. There's clear value to me in the training reports particularly for example: Who's in the rehab group - Brayshaw and Oliver both had off season operations - what's their status? Who is training with which area backs, mids, fwds - e.g. Harmes, Petty, Melksham, TMac? Who of the young players looks to have had a big off-season and could therefore be capable of significant improvement Who of the recruits is showing something in match simulation and may press for a game - we haven't been shy to select 1st year players in the past
    7 points
  2. They have really taken 'mindfulness' on board and trained it into players who have been very accepting of the techniques. This is a good example of how it worked in the 2020 GF. why-the-richmond-rooms-were-so-hectic-at-half-time Apparently she always goes into the rooms at half time and she helps settle players and deal with their doubts. I'm sure she was a key part of 'flicking the switch' in player's minds at half time to get them to come out to win. The work she can do at half time is tweaking, tweaking that works because it is based on years of training the fundamental mind techniques so players only need reminders during games. We need a program that trains player's minds as well as their bodies and skills so players know when and how to 'flick the switch' during games and to get support in those techniques at the breaks.
    7 points
  3. Two more girls have now come out and said they've received inappropriate picture from him. There seems to be a Patton going on here. Thank you very much..
    7 points
  4. Goodwin has completed the AFL requirements to be an AFL coach and done as much as other coaches have to educate and better himself. imv, it isn't lack of education (formal or otherwise) that is impacting his coaching.
    6 points
  5. You're entitled to your opinion, but there's whole massive threads devoted to arguments on Goodwin's, the club's and in some instances individual player's capabilities. There's literally one on the pressure being on Goodwin active right now, so why derail a training thread into another argument on this stuff? Is there a goal here, other than to provoke a response from one of the board's optimists? If you had a particular reason you thought the social media or the training exhibited in this thread was a problem for the club then go for it, but making generalistic statements about how good/bad Goodwin/the club/etc are should be left to the threads about them, otherwise you'll come across as trolling.
    6 points
  6. Thanks for the update. Maybe you can post a mood update every hour so we can stay fully informed on where you're at?
    6 points
  7. I went to a talk by the Richmond mindfulness coach, Emma Murray a couple of years ago and it was very interesting to hear her talk about their approach to breaking out of negative self talk and mid game slumps. Unless she was BS’ing the conference delegates, it is definitely mindfulness techniques but vastly simplified to help an AFL player remember and be able to execute it on the field. They use focus change (both physical and mental) and re-orientation back to the hear and now. This is classic mindfulness but they really bought into it as a group and worked both in group sessions and 1-1 to train it in and reinforce. Obviously she would have somewhat of a bias about it’s contribution to their success but it sounded like the whole club has attributed a great deal of their turn around to mindfulness and their ability to arrest mid-game form slumps and negativity.
    5 points
  8. As things stand, I can't see the season going ahead without some sort of Hub or quarantining arrangement around travelling teams. If the players want to play, they will have to "buy in". The circumstances surrounding last year's cancelled Melbourne Essendon game shows that we are, at any time, only one positive test away from a fixturing disaster.
    5 points
  9. As many have posted - the coach has to train and select the "right" players, but once the game starts it's mostly up to the selected players to deliver the result. I think we've lacked on-field in game leadership over the years. Jones and Viney seem to be introverts and focus on their own game rather than directing the traffic - sure they may think they "lead by example" but it's not enough. I think the sometimes maligned Jordan Lewis probably gave us a lot in this area - I note we were 12-7 in 2017 and 16-8 in 2018 when he played. I think his contribution may have been undervalued in those years - including by me - because he wasn't the player he once was and didn't always go. Now I think the backline is well placed with May and Lever. I think Max is a respected and very capable leader at providing team social cohesion but I'm not confident about his ability to be the general in the midfield and direct traffic. Petracca and Oliver are tremendous players but are they going to co-ordinate the action? I think probably Brayshaw is the man most likely in this area to have the required qualities - hopefully with full length games he can return to his best position as part of the midfield rotation and be in a position to direct. I think part of the FD love for AVB are his leadership attributes but can he command a best 22 spot on output? Melksham was the leader of a very inexperienced forward line in 2020 (as evidenced by his role as stand-in team captain) and that's possibly why he retained his position despite some very ordinary form. For all his playing limitations ANB is possibly the man most likely to have the personality and intelligence lead in this area, but again can he command a best 22 spot on output? Maybe Ben Brown can bring a major contribution down there. Until these on field leaders emerge and direct I think we will continue to struggle with consistency.
    4 points
  10. I don't think I could ever separate at least 10 Stones songs to pick one that is the best. Gimme Shelter, Factory Girl, Sweet Virginia, Sympathy For the Devil, Can't Always Get What You Want, Brown Sugar, Wild Horses, Spider & the Fly, Ruby Tuesday, Paint it Black etc etc... so many brilliant songs.
    4 points
  11. Alastair Clarkson is quite old fashioned in his view of relationships and respect for women. JP couldnt have had a less sympathetic coach. Cant see this ending well.
    4 points
  12. If he was 'flashing' himself in real life he would be charged with 'indecent exposure'. Do it often enough to the same person and there would be an IVO on him. Unsolicited indecent exposure on the internet should still be a crime . On some reports this has been constant behaviour by him for a long time. It sounds really gross. Apparently he has deleted his social media accounts. Not sure if this means his shenanigans cannot be traced. Or if the Hawks 'integrity' investigation would even be willing to check the trail with the internet platforms. All to convenient. I can see a result of not enough evidence, some counselling and all move on. The AFL would certainly be pushing for a sweep-it-under-the-carpet. That seems to be the result of many complaints/issues even when police are involved. If a white-wash is the result it is terrible standard setting by the Hawks and the AFL.
    4 points
  13. This one is for Demonstone
    4 points
  14. Of all the set backs he’s had with his body this is the first groin complaint as far as I know.
    4 points
  15. They look like they are having a great time.
    3 points
  16. Tough task HT. There's tons of live Stones stuff to be found on the www these days. Including some early gigs. Thought I'd make myself a playlist on Spotify of a few favourite live tracks. Bloody thing goes for two and a half hours. All awesome
    3 points
  17. So awesome. How amazing is Lisa Fischer ? There is a brilliant doco called "20 Feet From Stardom" about backing singers. In it Merry Clayton recalls doing the "Gimme Shelter" recording session. "I'm gonna blow 'em outta the room". I highly recommend checking out the full doco but here's Merry's bit
    3 points
  18. Cheers Neil! Strong contender for the best song the Stones ever did.
    3 points
  19. Saw this the other day, and it brought back so many good old memories.
    3 points
  20. While I agree with your comments around "mindfulness", the course I did and that the "Tide" do, had much more to it. When mindfulness is mentioned I think of techniques like meditation and yoga that focus an "calming" and clearing the mind. I have heard mindfulness connected with visualization techniques and this is more the kind of area where habits can be broken and performance improved. But, it needs a holistic approach. I'm sure that some of these things are being used however I'm not sure how well. Similar to my comments around Clarry, I've always been dismayed by how down on himself Hogan could get and to some extent Trac and others. Negative thoughts are a receipe for repeating the same mistake and undermine performance. Positive self talk like "that's not like me" and "next time" together with, "I am" and "I do" when used with regular affirmations can and does start to influence performance. The players train a lot on their skills and the coach's want the play to be instinctive and have developed methods and programs to achieve this physically. I'm not seeing the results of a similar approach to the training of the mind but rather an adhoc process. To paraphrase Dennis Pagan; "90% of the game is played between ear and ear".
    3 points
  21. I'm no longer buying into any preseason hype videos. We've missed the finals 2 years in a row and played well beneath ourselves accompanied with some terrible coaching. Top 4 or go home.
    3 points
  22. There is too much money at stake (Broadcast rights money predominately) for the games not to be played in some way (reduced quarters and/or reduced season again?) There will be hubs or no hubs but the games will somehow be played regardless. Remembering that the players are still 'supposed' to be paid so without any real income, the clubs will go broke The NFL & EPL have continued on in a relentless manner despite both the USA & UK being ravaged by covid. Mostly empty stadiums as well. NBA as well And many of the teams from those 3 competions have had numerous players test positive left, right & centre. Still the games go on TV ratings through the roof have resulted. Ratings so good that the broadcasters may have to fork out more dosh in time. Same story here in Oz Big sport & big money rules. The Sydney cricket test match went ahead despite widespread condemnation. The players will be told to play or take a huge pay cut or perhaps not get paid at all. They'll play. Money talks
    2 points
  23. There's plenty of hate for ANB. He aint our worst
    2 points
  24. Unfortunately BDA this is most certainly not something that’s confined to the bubble of a footballer with entitlement issues or the state of mind of a bloke. This is something that is extremely common for women/girls that have public social media/chat accounts. Many of my female friends who have social media accounts and online dating profiles have had it happen to them several times I agree with @Lucifer's Herothat of this was in the public he would have the book thrown at him and with regular behaviour probably be put on the SO registry. The law is so far behind when it comes to sharing/sending content over the internet. Teenage girls can get done for creating/distribution of underage pornography by sending a picture to a boyfriend, what should someone get for repeatedly sending pictures of his dong without consent?
    2 points
  25. In my opinion BDA, he deserves all the "blanket condemnation" he gets! He probably also needs professional help, but I'm sick of hearing "excuses" offered for anyone who thinks its acceptable to demean women - not to mention embarrassing his club, his family and least of all himself. Being an [censored] (as he must surely be given all the education all AFL players receive) does not excuse what he has allegedly done. I'd have no hesitation in sacking him if guilty.
    2 points
  26. I've been doing pre season reports for the past 5 years and it's usually Monday, Wednesday and Friday... starting at 9am but usually the players are out there by 8.45am getting taped, applying sunscreen, warming up.
    2 points
  27. Too early to predict a Brownlow for Rosman by 2024?
    2 points
  28. All i can say is I will write some negative or IMV even handed posts without being told to go away if that's what I think. Im not going to write positive notes about training we cant get into or BBB and TMac fanfared returns as it is a hope not yet galvanised or proven. Not that I have anything else to write now but Ill think of something! Please put me on ignore and think happy thoughts.
    2 points
  29. Righteous suggestions one and all there, hardtack and I couldn't argue with any of them. I'd also nominate B!tch, Sway, Monkey Man, Moonlight Mile, Rocks Off, Rip This Joint, Loving Cup, Waiting On A Friend, Winter, Beast Of Burden, Tumbling Dice, Let It Loose, Street Fighting Man, Jumping Jack Flash and Stray Cat Blues. *phew* I'd better stop there. It's a big field!
    2 points
  30. 2 points
  31. @Lucifer's Hero said she might go out and try to peer through the cyclone wire fence. That would be great if she can ...
    2 points
  32. Yes i have thought this for years Halftime is so often a reset. including what worked and what didn’t
    2 points
  33. I can understand this viewpoint. I would add Ben Brown and Tom Mc as Ben looked quite lame last year under Rhyse Shaw whom I suspect insisted BBB play while injured. He is still pretty bandaged and I dont know if he is fit to play. We got him cheap which should be a flag and to me he is still unknown as is Tom McDonald.I think that our season will largely depend on these two players. I dont have particular excitement for this season yet. Not having anyone at training is both a boon and a hindrance. It is not possible to post negative reports easily as the blowback is hard and fast. Only positive ones get good reviews. I dont blame anyone as we all want good reports. This leads me and others into false hope each and every pre-season. The boon is that like Dr D, I think that many players are at their peak (or past it) and I just dont expect improvements from most of our top 18 that are over 23 years old. Injuries though will reshuffle the cards. I hope the best players for each position are chosen and "faith" or "trying out" are shown the door. These are Goodys faults IMV and Yze and Choco hopefully will be tougher with Simons selection. For example if Mitch Brown looks better than Weid, Tom or BBB I hope he is picked as the full forward. If Nibbler looks like he kicks goals in the FP I hope he is picked ahead of Kozzie, and so on. These are not my best 22 but examples of tough selection.
    2 points
  34. 2021.... If we end up in Hubs so be it better safe than sorry . However please don't shorten the quarters. Don't we have enough stress during the season without the AFL tampering with the game?
    2 points
  35. Nah, it's just that from the training reports all I want is reports on Bowie, Laurie, Jackson, Pickett, Weideman, Petty, Rosman, and Rivers. As these are our future and really the only players that really matter whilst Goodwin is coaching. I'd love to see more photos and reports of these guys.
    2 points
  36. To be fair the 'young bloke' has done a more than competent job with the stills from today's training session. Some very well taken and creative image making is on display.
    2 points
  37. WHACK, and coming from an apparent newcomer! I like it!!
    2 points
  38. Even if I had a budgie I wouldn't line the poor bird's cage with that front page. Too disgusting to even think about. Bird's doings couldn't give any more stink around this. All I can say is WHY? He must have slept through every talk ever given by the club on expectations of behaviour.
    2 points
  39. It would appear that General Patton has a Major Problem with his Private Parts. Would Hawthorn consider Corporal Punishment?
    2 points
  40. It'd be a Heartbreaker if he's not!
    2 points
  41. Good lord jimmy, you seem not to have understood what I have said at all. Perhaps I was unclear, so i'll give it another go. 1. I just don't see how this theory can be correlated with our current state as a footy side. The theory is that the evidence suggests the coach does not play a very big factor in making a great team. Which to be clear, is not to say the coach is not important - the role of the senior coach in an AFL tis critical. But players make great sides, not coaches. And i don't need Sam Walker to tell me that. I have 40 odd years of watching the dees fail under some pretty good coaches (Barrasi says hi) and other teams win flags (Scott says hi) to come to the same conclusion . 2. The players aren't ready to perform consistently due to a variety of reasons. Sure, but at the end of the day they are professionals and just like i am responsible for my performance at work, not my boss, so are they. Once a game starts the buck stops with them not the coach. That said, I noted the coach is responsible for motivation and creating the optimal environment and of selecting the right players. And in response to you critique that 'I missed out' key responsibilities, also noted that it goes without saying that developing and implementing the game plan is a key responsibility of a senior coach. 3. You speak about it in such simple terms. Really? I wouldn't have thought so, but maybe I need to simplify things even more given it appears you've misunderstood what i wrote. 4. Using your example of the two games that in your view were the reason we didn't play finals last year, your diagnosis is that the players simply didn't 'turn up'..?! Where did I say those two games were the reason we didn't play finals last year? I mean, I might have at the time, given losing those two games were in fact the reason we didn't play finals (personally I think the dogs game was the killer), but not in this thread. And why are you using quotes around the phrase 'turn up'? Are you quoting me? If so, i'm not sure why given I never wrote those words. Perhaps they were paraphrasing quotes, if there is such a thing. If so, still wrong, given my 'diagnosis' for the two losses in Cairns was not 'the players simply didn't turn up'. What I did say was that the players were clearly not switched on. That is on them as pros. Unforgivable. Particularly the second game. But sure let them off the hook and blame Goody. I'm sure the players would love that. Or at least some. Steve may not so much. But the players not being ready to play a season defining game was not the only 'diagnosis' for losing those games. I also said the players were simply too lazy to stop Freo's spread, just as they were against the dogs, and against the Swans they played stupid football in the wet and windy conditions. I also noted that once a game starts it is 95%, maybe more, on the players. Sure that is subjective, but I stand by it and I'm glad to have Sir Alex Ferguson (and any number of other coaching luminaries) in my corner on that. And by the by the other 5% provides plenty of scope for the coach to be the reason a team losses a given game. 5. It's far more nuanced. Good to know, i'll factor that into my analysis of footy from now on. 6. Just as it was when we consistently played an underdeveloped and underperforming Oscar McDonald for the amount of time we did in our side. These things fall on Goodwin. Selection, gameplan, connection, player positions, gameday strategy, messaging, communication etc etc. You seem not to be able to let Omac go. Touching. I totally agree that selection, game plan, connection, player positions, gameday strategy, messaging, communication etc fall on Goodwin as coach. But not being facetious here (i promise) - it would be too simple to say it falls totally on him (noting that you didn't say that). There are many other pieces of the puzzle and other people who have key responsibilities, which is why we have spent big on getting people like yze to the club. 7. Honestly, use google to find the evidence binman. It's there. And if you didn't hear it, then maybe you don't watch enough football. People from Ross Lyon to Jason Dunstall and many in between have made comment on how easy we are to play against. What is this business about evidence of people saying we are easy to play against? You're right, there's probably plenty of examples to back up that argument. But that is not the the assertion I asked for evidence of. Your assertion I asked you to provide some evidence for was (my emphasis): 'there are many footy experts both in the media and or who work within the AFL who know full well that Goodwin's shortcomings as a coach in a variety of areas are the main contributing factor as to why we are a middle of the road side right now'. And, no i won't do the work to find the evidence. You can do that. 8. A head coach takes full responsibility for moulding a team over a period of time to play a certain way. He/she might well do and as Old Dee noted the buck stops with the head coach. Which is why, historically they get sacked when success doesn't come (by the by this seems to be shifting somewhat - Hardwick being the obvious example - as AFL clubs start to realise the coach isn't the key factor at play). But whilst they might take full responsibility, they are not in fact fully responsible for moulding a team over a period of time to play a certain way. Sure they are the most important element but as I noted there are many other pieces of the puzzle. For example Jennings had fair bit of responsibility for our game plan up to the end of 2018, McCartney was critical in terms of instilling a certain approach and guys like Yze and Williams will have similar responsibilities. 9. He has been too slow to make change to the list in general, positional change and change in the way play. I agree that under goody (and Roos) the club has recruited too many similar type players - contested ball winners. And that we have not recruited enough outside players or elite kicks. That's not all on him - again there is a team behind such decisions but he sets the agenda no doubt. But collectively they brought in Lever and May to address the defensive weaknesses you highlighted and last year recruited Langdon to fill a glaring gap. May and Langdon are probably in the top 10 players we have recruited in the last 50 years in terms of impact. And they went outside the square in selecting Kozzie and Jackson, two players with x fact that are a million miles from the glass eaters they have previously recruited. And in Rivers they have look to address the need for elite kicks, something they have continued to focus on this season with Bowey and Laurie. Rosman is another x factor selection and Brown represents another pretty big change to the list given it signaled Tmac was unwanted. So in the last two years, half of his time as coach, Goody has hardly been slow to make changes to the list. As for being slow to make positional changes and changes to the way play are we watching the same team? I mean seriously, it is actually quite remarkable how much our game style (not the fundamentals) has changed since Goody started coaching us. To be honest if you can't see that i can't be bothered pointing out how. But the players we have recruited give a clue, as does the scores we concede, how much we now score and our scoring to possession ratio, amongst a myriad of other indictors. And slow to make positional changes? Perhaps you mean positional changes during games. If so, then it is true he doesn't make many but it is really a subjective thing as to whether this is a bad thing or not. But if you mean playing players in different positions week to week, he has been anything but slow to try different options. Tmac from back to forward, Petty from back to forward, Gus from the center to the wing (and back), Jones all over the shop, Harmes mid/tagger/half back, Smith forward/back, Weed as back up ruck in 2018 and then not again, etc etc. 10. We've been losing in an almost identical manner for three years now under Goodwin, No we haven't. Goody has coached for four seasons. In 2017 and up to about the mid point of the 2018 season the common dominator of our losses was the best teams opening up and hurting us on the rebound by punishing us for our super aggressive high press and [censored] foots skills. We ran up big scores against the mid rung teams but the best teams not only beat us they did so by 5 or six goals. We then made significant changes to our game plan, stopped being so aggressive with our press and stopped running players of the half back line. From that point to the end of the 2018 season we became the hardest team to score against in the league. And in 2019 and 2020 we remained pretty hard to score against, which is reflected in the fact we have less blow outs (even in 2019 when we had so many injuries). Another difference to the way we have lost in the four seasons Goody has been coaching is that a factor in our losses in 2019 and 2020 has been our woeful inside 50 to scoring ratio. That was not such an issue in 2017 and 2018, when we were much more efficient, a fact reflected in our high scoring. So no, we haven't been losing in an almost identical manner under Goodwin, unless you mean the opposition has scored more than us in those losses, which if the case is an issue we have struggled with for 165 years. What i would say is there is certainly repeating themes about our losses (and many of our wins for that matter). Probably one theme that has been there throughout Goody's tenure is our propensity to give up runs of unanswered goals. And i would argue another consistent theme in our losses is too many lazy players who don't put in the required effort. Other themes include turning the ball over too much, gifting easy goals to the opposition and failing to hit targets inside 50. The other obvious theme in 2019 and 2020 is so much effort for so little reward. To be clear as senior coach Goody has a responsibility to address all these weakness and you could argue his game plan might magnify them. By the same token the player have to take level of responsibility and once the game starts most of the responsibility.
    2 points
  42. According to Fox sports, Melbourne seem the most likely team of the 2020 bottom-10 to return to the top four this year Although they did peg Carlton at #2, so we're not drinking our own bath water just yet. https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/afl-predictions-2021-finals-tips-bottom-10-to-top-four-melbourne-carlton-sydney-swans-to-jump/news-story/420d9413abfad3579a1b0d515e7a380e
    2 points
  43. 6 cm is a fair height on an opponent and a big advantage l hope he can use his speed , stamina and athletic ability to the maximum in his game.
    2 points
  44. what's twisted wire services on nbn got to do with patton?
    1 point
  45. well you guys can ignorantly look forward to next season but nothing is going to happen while Goodwin is at the helm.
    1 point
  46. I saw a pile of herald-Suns near the checkout at my local safeway, saw that this 'headline' took up most of the front page. I thought it was a typically low act from an organisation with a history of action from the gutter. There is a whole lot more going on in the world than something Patton is alleged to have done.
    1 point
  47. He needs to do more when he gets the football, IMO he just lacks X factor. He works hard defensively inside forward 50 and applies pressure with tackles (which need to stick more). IMO he's just like 50 other players, nothing really stands out, which is needed at Kobe's size. So he needs to either build strength/power and become a pressure forward who causes chaos with turnovers or start to really hurt opponents on the scoreboard I basically think his skills are average and need to be pushing elite with his size
    1 point
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