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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/12/17 in all areas

  1. What? Hell no. The club's position should not vary depending on how good the player is. The club has a difficult decision to make. If facts come to light that suggest the player is in real trouble, he should be sacked immediately, or at the very least, stood down. If it's one of our better players, tough luck. The club simply cannot be seen to overlook an alleged sexual assault just because the accused is good at footy. That's exactly the kind of societal attitude that needs stamping it. It doesn't matter who you are or what your status is: it just isn't acceptable.
    15 points
  2. As someone with many years investigative experience I would advise many to just let this ride out. No complaint is the same and for various reasons the complainant doesn't always tell the truth for a number of reasons. I've investigated many incidents where the complainant has held details back due to trauma inflicted and not wishing to relive it again Boys can be stupid and alcohol can cloud their judgement but there can also be situations where regret and feelings of shame can make people twist the truth for a justification for their sexual inhibitions. We are not the only club to have a player subject to such an allegation this off season we are just the club whose allegation hit the media
    13 points
  3. I was in the interesting and unusual position of meeting a current player & some of his family. Really lovely and polite people and feeling quite comfortable with them I asked him about the “boot camp”situation. His response was quick and direct. In his words ... “ an absolute “media beat up” ..... players and coaches sat down and had a frank discussion about the camp. A joint decision was made to abort the camp. If the coaches had wanted us to do the camp ...we would have done it. The media are just trying to intimate there is a division between “ players & coaches” and it is not the case. That was pretty much his exact words. His family was a bit more direct and Danny Frawley had less than complimentary statements made about him. This is a 5yr player and I thought he was very honest and forthright. There will of course be the usual cynics out there who will decry this info but I am quite content and happy with this explanation and express the same sentiments as his family who are “hanging out for the season” and so excited. Go Dees !!
    11 points
  4. Because it is a public forum and I don't want to be sued. End of story. You can speculate elsewhere.
    10 points
  5. I have a rather alluring photo of myself at a nudist beach but I imagine posting it would overwhelm the like button.
    10 points
  6. Let's just hope the person making the allegations is ok. Can't imagine the pain or trauma someone goes through when something like this occurs. Whether guilty or innocent, they felt the need to come forward. Hope the club and Afl ensure her wellbeing is the number 1 priority. everyhing else is second
    9 points
  7. I've deleted the last several pages of gender pay gap discussion as it's not relevant to this discussion. If you want to discuss it then please start a new thread on the general board.
    7 points
  8. To both of the posters above -- as far as we are all aware, this is as of today, an allegation, as of today totally unsubstantiated. Not even in the hands of any police force......no investigation......no charges..........no hearing. How about waiting and watching without pre-judging?
    6 points
  9. Because rumours can have the site owners taken to court for defamation. I like this site and would hate to see it close down
    6 points
  10. 'Alluring' is not the word that first springs to mind Uncle. Did a crowd gather that day and try and roll you back into the water?
    5 points
  11. It's like whack-a-mole with you lot sometimes. Delete one post as another three appear.
    5 points
  12. Spot on! Bali is just another bogan suburb of Australia with cheaper booze and beaches. Add Phuket and Pattaya to that list. Western bogans know how to [censored] up once beautiful locations in the world.
    4 points
  13. Likelihood does not make a fact. In an earlier post I indicated where I thought the probabilities lay. But that is 'in general'. For this specific case we know nothing and should say as much.
    4 points
  14. That male principle gets paid EXACTLY the same money as a female in his position would be paid. If businesses could save 15% on their wage bill, every male in Australia would be sacked tomorrow. I work part time.... guess what?, the full time women at my work earn more than me. IMAGINE THAT !!! Gender pay gap is a myth.
    4 points
  15. Professional tennis player. Professional golfer. Television presenter. To name just 3 of which is really an endless list. I won't bother providing links but there is plenty of data on this topic if you want to have quick search online. If you are not interested in changing your opinion don't bother doing those searches.
    4 points
  16. Hey Deemania. The majority of our losses last year could really be put down to in-game lapses where we allowed the opposition to get a run-on over a short period of time. Due to the nature of our defensive systems, it doesn't make all that great a difference whether our 'defenders' are elite or not - as in opposition goals frequently come from defensive or offensive errors up field. This, as supporters, I'm pretty certain we will have to continue to like or lump in 2018. Probably more so. Also, most of our 'elite' back-line was already in place last year - though we have added one truly elite defender to our unit which bumps everyone down a spot and should make a notable difference. Defending against players like Dangerfield and Ablett near goals however takes a special sort of player and approach - which we don't especially have. Of our current crop, Jetta is an elite medium/small close-checking shut-down defender - but Hibberd was deemed AA due to a different skill-set. Our other mediums are offensive half-backs/mids. Geelong are wily operators. If the chips are down, Dangerfield or Ablett will be sent forward with the express intention of isolating our weaker/unsuited defenders. I do like Frost. But Danger will like him even more if he can manufacturer a one-on-one against. Omac in this scenario gives me the willies and it's still pre-season in December. Last year vs Geelong, we went into 3/4 time with a narrow lead and gave up three goals in the first five minutes of the final quarter (to add to the two we leaked in the last two minutes of the third). Game over. And after smothering them for the majority of the day.
    3 points
  17. I don't think we're ready for 16bit gaming yet.
    3 points
  18. We're going to buy a Sega Master System team.
    3 points
  19. and as players are under contract you would have to consider the likelihood of paying out the player maybe a couple of million bucks. so reward and punishment at the same time for something that never went even near a court. there is no easy solution if the player contests the allegation. the club is in a very difficult situation as the current situation stands. no doubt the player in question has probably approached the aflpa and advised him he under no obligation to self incriminate.
    3 points
  20. And there is inequality of amount of work performed which explains the majority of the gap. Women dominate part time work Work less = earn less, thats not inequality.
    3 points
  21. I always thought that 2 wrongs don't make a right. The old 'traccattack' may be his usual colourful self with his turn of phrase but maybe you might want to look at how your post reads.
    3 points
  22. I don't know why people bother going on an overseas holiday to Bali when they can simply see the same flogs in Melbourne's CBD on a Saturday night.
    3 points
  23. Lol. Oh dear. because the lives of women have never been ruined by men have they? Or gone unnoticed or uncharged. I think the pay gap between genders is a simple example of women's lives STILL being ruined by men.
    3 points
  24. Bali....not even once....is there anywhere else on Earth more likely for cashed up bogan p!ssheads to get themselves into trouble??
    3 points
  25. I am sure some of you lot sweat on stories like these breaking in the media to seize the opportunity to: (a) hang sh!t on the club, a player or players, the leadership group or whomever or, (b) just fill in the blanks to any story with whatever BS you make up. I don’t give a rats what happens outside of my control as long as my footy club is raring to give it a red hot go come Round 1 2018. Anyway, compliments of the season and all that.
    3 points
  26. Rather than wonder, you could have checked. But it's easier just to regurgitate what you've been spoonfed from Breitbart. Here: "What we're hearing is a very, very extreme exaggeration based on a few isolated events, and the claim that it's related to immigration is more or less not true at all," says Jerzy Sarnecki, a criminologist at Stockholm University. Sweden does indeed have far more reported cases of sexual assault than any other country. But it's not because Swedes – of any colour – are very criminal. It's because they're very feminist. Imagine, for example, if your boss rubbed against you in an unwanted way at work once a week for a year. In Canada, this would potentially be a case of sexual assault. Under Germany's laws, it would be zero cases. In Sweden, it would be tallied as 52 separate cases of rape. The marked increase in rape cases during the 2000s is almost entirely a reflection of Sweden's deep public interest in sexual equality and the rights of women, not of attacks by newcomers. Crime rates are mostly a product not of ethnicity but of class. In a 2013 analysis of 63,000 Swedish residents, Prof. Sarnecki and his colleagues found that 75 per cent of the difference in foreign-born crime is accounted for by income and neighbourhood, both indicators of poverty. Among the Swedish-born children of immigrants, the crime rate falls in half and is 100-per-cent attributable to class – they are no more likely to commit crimes, including rape, than ethnic Swedes of the same income family."
    3 points
  27. Actually, the origin of that article is, surprise surprise, Breitbart. All the other sites that ran it use the original story or quote it. No reputable publication has gone anywhere near it, for obvious reasons. Somewhat ironic that ProDee should be citing one of Sweden's leading feminists.
    3 points
  28. Nasher..."alleged sexual assault". That's it right now. It's alleged. Foot off the pedal until any legal action is initiated which I think is highly unlikely. The AFL can't act like a kangaroo court without investigation, verification and charges laid from the responsible jurisdictional authority in Indonesia. Of course it's a bad look for the MFC and smoke/fire etc. But let's follow due process as I've said previously.
    2 points
  29. Who knows what the real facts are though? Maybe she hooked up with a footy player expecting to get a long term relationship out of it and he was only looking at a one night stand. I've heard of just as many psycho women as I have "alpha male" wankers.
    2 points
  30. mods can all this off topic crap be moved to a new thread in the general forum....thanks
    2 points
  31. Let me use 2 examples: I once stole a picnic bar from a milk bar when I was 12. The store owner saw me and ran after me until she gave up. A crime was committed, but no charge no report. It still happened. This sums up the #metoo movement. It happens, but people don't speak up enough and just accept it. Second scenario. in that same scenario, the Milk bar owner calls the cops to make a statement. The cops tell her, there isn't much we can do. There's no footage, it's your word against his. This sums up the Bali incident. now let's replace me stealing a picnic bar with groping, sexually assaulting and a bunch of other vulgar terms. Let's assume there was no media. No one would hear about it. No "facts". Sooooo let's defend the "alleged" perpetrator. We're never going to find out the "facts". I know there can be false claims. I know I'm sounding self righteous right now. I'm doing so because I can easily count over 10 of my friends who have been groped, raped, drugged who haven't spoken up about it due to being horrified at the responses of "your skirt was really short" or "you shouldn't have drunk that much" or "why didn't you push him away". Or..."you had a lot to drink, are you sure that your memory is right? Make sure you get the FACTs right." This is the last I'll post on this topic. I just feel people need to think about the likelihoods. This girl may have come forward in private about seeing what can be done about an incident overseas to hang some player out to dry and made it all up. She also could have been sexually assaulted. Which do you think is the more likely?
    2 points
  32. Could it be that - shock horror - the best people are being hired for the job? Or do you want us to be like America with the abomination that is affirmative action, where people aren't employed on merit?
    2 points
  33. Look at you all jumping on the Rams bandwagon... ha ha, it's wierd seeing them tipped!
    2 points
  34. SJW, Lefty, alt-right, greenie, feminista, etc..... the labels of the closed mind Lol!
    2 points
  35. It’s not even the case of being found ‘not gulty’, the woman hasn’t provided a statement nor is she assisting Police. Being found not gulty would imply someone has been charged and the matter has gone through the courts.
    2 points
  36. A reminder that there will be no mentioning of "potential" players names nor process of elimination games. You can do that elsewhere. It won't be tolerated here unless you are willing to post a picture of yourself holding up a valid form of photo identification.
    2 points
  37. Just guessing, but can think of two reasons. 1. victim takes time to process just what happened. first instinct could be to simply get away from the awfulness. Back in the land of Oz, after its sunk in, decides to go to cops for redress. 2. cops advise that only Bali cops can do it, and that will be long and messy, and are you sure you want to go there (geographically and emotionally)? possible that the victim doesn't want a court case but wants to be heard and get some kind of closure.
    2 points
  38. That Goldwater website has some quality journalism, terrific stuff like: "Virginia Man forces Woman to Make Love Dogs" for example. (I don't even know what it means)
    2 points
  39. Just hope that they are so competitive, that all 3 collide at the centre bounce, with game ending injuries. Don't call me bitter and twisted!
    2 points
  40. But there is such a thing as a vexatious complaint. So it is not yet 'a fact' that she feels violated. She may well be, she may not. Assign probabilities as you wish. But we have no fact at this stage. I know in the Trump era facts can be fluid, but let's stick to using the word in its original meaning.
    2 points
  41. I think it's too early for these sentiments. I'd at least want to know the allegations, circumstances, etc. My sympathy will be determined by the facts. Right now it may, or may not be warranted.
    2 points
  42. I think you are selling Bartlett a little short, LH. I think he's done a fantastic job so far and there is no reason to change what he is doing at the moment. Stability is crucial and as the club continues to grow it becomes all the more important.
    2 points
  43. FIGBIBLEDIVER (Danger/GAJ/Selwood)
    2 points
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