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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/16 in all areas

  1. Two more years. Great news obviously.
    24 points
  2. Dwayne Russell because you just know he'd be a [censored] outside of the job.
    9 points
  3. You said "If his skill level was higher, if he didn't butcher every second kick or get pushed off contests so easily at senior level then he would have hit this number a long time ago. He is dam lucky he got 98" He didn't butcher every second kick and didn't get pushed off contests so easily. He was not lucky to get 98 games, he earned them. His development was probably smashed by our putrid club. He was captain of Vic Metro and was then crucified by being appointed Co Captain of an AFL rabble, when too young for the role. That would have affected his game. I don't recall seeing him shirk contests, he was hard at the ball. He would make a clanger or two, but we have current players doing that as well. Ask Picket Fence. He has earned games on his form this year, but a clear policy of giving games to lesser performed younger players, who may have long term potential, has cost him games he has earned the right to play. He was in our best players for many of the 98 games he played. He is no champion, but lets not rewrite history, he is no dud either. To my mind he has been treated shabbily by the club and if I was him I would leave at the end of the season.
    9 points
  4. They were 3 ordinary games Dazzle, take the emotion out of it, neither Grimes or Trengove in the team is a good thing. Roos is there every training session, he knows what they can and can't do, Roos is certainly not losing me, i like the changes, the ins have pace and we are in dire need of some
    8 points
  5. Hands down Richmond. Apart from just having a general dislike for them, I can't stand the way they celebrate whenever they have a win. When they beat Brisbane last round you would have thought it was the GF.
    6 points
  6. Coaches talking with Jack after training today. Picture says it all - no one looks happy. Jack looks shattered. Feel for him.
    6 points
  7. I am on record as not rating him all that highly early on. Seemed like the sort of bloke you would love to have a quiet beer with while having a BBQ in the back yard and watching the rug rats run around, but only a Meh player. No real turn of speed to use up forward (if fact i thought he was fairly slow for a small fwd). I thought it smacked of desperation when the club rookied him and tried the whole "reinvention as a backman thing" He turned it all around through a mountain of hard work and never-give-up attitude that a few other AFL players could take note of. I got this one wrong. Great signing.
    6 points
  8. I stood next to Nev's dad some years back after he (Nev) had been injured and was out for some weeks. His dad is a ripper bloke. This from an article in The Age last year: "Rawlings said he considered Jetta to be "one of the most impressive individuals I've worked with in my coaching career". In addition to his determination and his humility, he admired Jetta's pride in his Indigenous heritage, which he has conveyed to his teammates. "He's such a genuine person, he's shared some of his background and life and it's just captured the whole room. Because he's not a person who speaks often in front of the group, it also holds more power," Rawlings said. ...
    5 points
  9. Yes, wonderful news! Shows how loyal he is as he must have had other offers. Like this comment from Nev: “My children bleed red and blue as well so I don’t think they would let me leave if I wanted to.” Would have liked a longer term: 3 years, maybe 4 to push out the date when he becomes an FA again. Edit: A side bonus is that by signing up it takes him past the 100 games for Father/Son.
    5 points
  10. I know you want me to guess Picket. Perhaps I'll eliminate a couple. I'd be stunned if you taught English in any capacity. That's out. You've also said that you're popular with your clientele. On that basis I've ruled out human beings. I'm left with greyhound trainer.
    5 points
  11. Grimes couldn't get a game in the defence or attack, so the decision was made to get him to play on the wing at Casey and let him develop in that role, if you listen to Roos he has improved, but obviously not enough to displace the two or three players who will play that role on Sunday. Last year according to some on here he was a player who was not part of the team going forward, now we have posters clamouring for him to be included We are developing Terlich as a high half forward at Casey, because again there is no place in defence, his last couple of games in that role, according to Justin Plapp, have been really good, you want to bring him into the team as well, and if so to replace who If there is no role, or the incumbent is playing well, then it doesn't matter how well you are playing you don't get in, this is what we have been crying out for
    4 points
  12. The Jack Grimes pity train is starting to get abit over the top, it's Chris Lamb all over again. The selectors pick the best side to win the match, emotion does not come in to it. How can people here honestly get so [censored], believe me, Roos leaves us in the dust when it comes to knowing what his players are capable of. Be disappointed because you like Grimes, i understand that but starting to dislike Roos because Grimes isnt getting a game is rediculous
    4 points
  13. Grimes is a great servant of our club. He has played very good football at Casey, hasn't complained or spat the dummy. He has earned his game. I hope he plays well and keeps his spot.
    4 points
  14. I know in hindsight that I have contributed to the deviation of topic in this thread, but this post doesn't even mention Neville Jetta at all. Use another thread if you want to talk about McDonald brothers or Garland. Line drawn HERE - anything not about Jetta now will be deleted. __________________________________________________________________________________________
    4 points
  15. 4 points
  16. I strongly believe dion will nominate mfc as his preffered destination and the club will work out a deal without selling the farm.
    4 points
  17. Back in 2005 I went to a mates house to watch the Grand Final. I took a Sydney Swans flag to show support for the East, as you could imagine, everyone else went for the Eagles. The only time anyone spoke to me was when one person asked if I was "Some kinda poofta?" I left shortly after the game finished, and decided to sticky tape the flag to the back of my pushbike. The ride home was only about 2km's. In that time I had a bottle thrown at my back from a passing motorist, a car stop next to me and the driver and passenger get out and try to steal my bike and a car chase me for about 1km. Although this was 11 years ago, times don't change so fast over here, so to answer your question bitters, never.
    3 points
  18. Settle down Saty. picket is most likely a lunatic but he clearly loves the Dees. We all see it a little differently.
    3 points
  19. My eyes seriously welled up when I saw the photo of Jack ....... but the reality is that if we want to become a ruthless and hard-edged footy team, we will have to use that same ruthless hard-edge at selection. It's a tough, tough business.
    3 points
  20. Pull your head in Saty. I have never understood why people on here go you so much, up until now that is.
    3 points
  21. Thanks for your service Grimes.. You were the face of a dark period for the club.
    3 points
  22. All discussion around selections aside, I think we have picked a very strong team for this game. While their forward line is very, very dangerous, I think we clearly have the edge on them in the midfield battle and this will help to support the back half in their efforts to stop Betts, Tex and Jenkins. Our forward line looks good too and could cause them some real problems, although this will be down to how much pressure our small brigade can put on them when the ball hits the deck. If they can hit the scoreboard and force turnovers then there is no reason why we can't win.
    3 points
  23. Tough viewing, but compare to the Daniher years. He'd have gotten a game simply because he's a stalwart, not because it's best for the team (think Yze in his last few years). Maybe it's for the best. Gotta back in the coaches.
    3 points
  24. Garlett is very, very lucky. I like the Matt Jones inclusion, he was very good earlier in the year before injury and will give us more than Trenners currently is.
    3 points
  25. I'm expecting that my post will be the last on this thread, other than a mod informing us that it has been closed.
    3 points
  26. Wake up deeple!! Roos is in control of your minds
    3 points
  27. 3 points
  28. I reckon VDB has a bit of golden ticket in this side.
    3 points
  29. Garland gets three years and Jetta only two, strange.
    3 points
  30. That midfield minus Prestia had delivered us 6 wins and 7 losses. I'm not so sure about "increadible", although I would be excited to get Dion to sign with us for sure.
    2 points
  31. It's a difficult decision. So many footy media people are awful in their own special ways. I find the Nosy Vicar and the Domesticated Walrus equally annoying. I am fortunate enough to rarely experience the rest, but most of the time when I do notice them I hope to not notice them again for a while. Footy media at the moment is a liability to the game.
    2 points
  32. Message received and understood.
    2 points
  33. Low key announcement for a low key bloke - doesn't seem the sort for fanfare. Definitely one of my favourites. There's been a lot of discussion about Jack Grimes and how the MFC did him no favours during his key developing years - Nev Jetta is in exactly the same boat. It's fantastic that he's turned in to such a solid defender given that he was as close to the scrap heap as you can get without ending up in it; his transformation in to such a reliable player really was against all odds. It's a testament to his own strength of character, as well as the developmental skills of our current coaching team. I was surprised when the club re-drafted him on to the rookie list but I'm now very glad they did. On the field his last two matches have been down relative to his last couple of seasons. Perhaps he was a man distracted and this will be a huge weight off his shoulders.
    2 points
  34. You work with the deaf? Good for you PF.
    2 points
  35. Those who live on the west coast know how painful Basil has been for many years and now those on the east coast are starting to get more exposure to him. Agree with others though on Crawford, great player but plays the idiot far to much and one of the main reasons I no longer watch TFS
    2 points
  36. Last time Bernie did a glorious job of roughing up Dangerfield and taking him out of the game while having a cracking, attacking game himself. This time Sloane is the dangerman. Bernie or Bugg to take him out for us to have a chance! Crows forward 6 look downright scary! Our on-ballers need to work super hard defensively to stop the ball getting into Crows forward half - starve them of opportunities or we will be toast!
    2 points
  37. EFA You do realise Wiseblood was correct here with his original post? "Could of" does not exist. "Could have" is always the correct phrase. Or the contraction of this "could've" is also correct. Sorry for the grammar pedantry.
    2 points
  38. And Shane Crawford because I'm not crazy about short people. Randy Newman sang it best 'Short people have got no reason to live' Plus his wacky persona wears a little thin. And he's short.
    2 points
  39. West Coke are the Graham Hick of the AFL.
    2 points
  40. 2 points
  41. I think you sometimes forget that Picket Fence is 12 years old.
    2 points
  42. Calm down picket!! Clarry is just having a rest! Do what I taught you and relax. Left hand Clarry Choo Choo ! Clarry Choo Choo! Smooth change. Right hand Clarry Choo Choo! Clarry Choo Choo! Get the rhythm picket you will soon be fine!!
    2 points
  43. Peter Moore 1984 Brownlow medalist Jeff White 2004 All Australian Edit:- Gotta go Bernie Vince is knocking on the door. He has a few mates with him, Carl Ditterich, Brent Crosswell, Phil Carmen, Mark Jackson and Byron Picket. Edit 2:- Maybe you are right, that is not one.
    2 points
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