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  1. Hi all, Just a heads up that Peter Jackson will be on the couch on Fox Footy on Monday night. Should be interesting.
    9 points
  2. Can I just say one quick thing. Not having a go at anyone, but I have bit my lip a fair few times when the whole 'GWS has failed' thing comes up. I live in the Western suburbs of Sydney and have since 1989. I have been through hell and back supporting not only my club, but the great game in general. Was teased and constantly hammered in the 90's, but I lived with it. I have played football for 2 clubs in Sydney, one in the early SFL days and still currently play for a Division 1 Sydney AFL club. Since the AFL jumped on the GWS thing, we have had 4 of our main grounds completely redone and in tip top condition with all new surface, lighting and irrigation systems. We have a full structured and solid competition, with not only a website that is constantly updated with scores, but now we are also getting live stats taken down as well. The kids at school now have Aus Kick available (prior to that PE teachers didn't even know the game to teach it). My friends 8 year old daughter came home the other day and told us she wants to play AFL. This would have been unheard of prior to the AFL's move in Western Sydney. I'm not having a go, but just try to think about all the little things that go on, before you all write off the GWS idea. There is a lot more to the community than just a team, they visit the schools, they spread the game and I couldn't be more proud of the great game in the city I live in. I will also be attending the game next week at Skoda Stadium with a whole bunch of friends who have recently gotten into the game. For as long as I remember it would just be my old man and myself at the Swans games cheering on the Demons all by ourselves. This has all changed since the AFL took interest into Western Sydney. It has truly made a huge difference and we constantly get new players to our club that have come over from Soccer and League. Those numbers increase every year.
    7 points
  3. Did all this happen in a place called the "Vault" If so....Look out....
    5 points
  4. I think I heard a whisper that Roos will be on the 5:30am (ex Melbourne) flight to Perth on Monday and may not make it back in time.
    5 points
  5. choco to me is clearly the best option behimd Roos, surely the AFL will realise that
    5 points
  6. You may be hearing from the undertakers union by way of a defamation action for that one dc.If I was an undertaker I would be extremely offended.
    4 points
  7. Every major issue over the past 5 years he has had his head in the sand on. 1. Tanking. Denied it said it didn't happen. Refused to change the rules on PPicks. It happened for years. 2. Tribunal. Says its working perfectly,. Its the second biggest joke in the game. 3. GWS. Says it will be a great success. Meanwhile the stakeholders are pouring $100m into the expansion clubs. 4. Drugs in sport. Dale Lewis and others have been pilloried for speaking out. The three strikes policy is seen as a joke by every enforcement agency in the world. Players 'self-reporting' after a big weekend on the meth. Now the Essendrug scandal has him running for cover. 5. Players ducking in tackle. Doesn't happen according to Dimwit. West Coast have about 1000 more frees than any other club. The Selwoods are poster boys for head high free kicks. Meanwhile Carlton player Simon White fractures his neck on the weekend after ducking into a Box Hill player - 8 weeks in a neck brace. Haven't seen the Casey Tutungi video but that is two players in a few weeks - one is a quadriplegic. What will it take for Dimwit to act on this? 6. Diving. A blight on the game. The same serial offenders - Lindsay Thomas, Selwood x 3 etc. We know who they are. But Dimwit doesn't and won't do anything to stop them. 7. The compromised draw. The comp is ridiculously flawed through, blockbusters, indigenous rounds, heritage rounds, derby's etc etc. Until this is fixed the integrity of the competition is completely compromised. 8. Goal line technology - the process for a review is so bad its unbelievable. Dimwit has been dragged kicking and screaming into this debate and as bad as it is won't do anything about it. 9. The umpiring. I have some (not much mind you) sympathy here. The inconsistencies are atrocious. They deny till they are blue in the face that they have a 'rule of the week' yet blind freddy could see that. Witness Travis Cloke on the weekend. Coll Scum squeal to the umpires tribunal and Trav gets 5 ridiculous frees on the weekend. 10. For 12 years every rule change sped up the game for TV. He wouldn't listen to everyone that said "its like basketball". He would just point to the crowds and say" Aren't I the bees knees" 11. Jeff Geishen is killing the game yet he is allowed to run the umpiring department that is beyond a complete joke. The inconsistencies weekto week and then at finals time make watching unbearable. Let alone the fact that melbourne get the worst umpires week in week out because we a re a shiite team at the bottom of the ladder. And now to top off all of that Dimwit is accused of tipping off the bombers about the ACC investigation into drugs and the Essendon pharmacological experiment. Wow. If true - and the Essendon management certainly looked shocked on the day - then his position is untenable. He should be sacked and sacked now. he has done enough damage to our great game.
    3 points
  8. As far as GWS as a failure goes... Think how long it took the Sydney Swans to be taken seriously in the AFL. That's potentially how long it will take for GWS to do the same. These are the hoops you have to jump through when introducing a 2nd team into a hostile market, but once they are established and competitive, it will be worth it. Only fools would have expected it to be a "success" this early on.
    3 points
  9. There's nothing particularly new in the papers for me, my opinion all along has been that Essendon had information that led to them predating the ACC press conference. Whether it came from AD or not it's a fair chance he gave enough information for them to draw their own conclusion. Funnily enough I was telling a couple of mates this in separate conversations the day before it blew up in the media so my view is not coloured by the reporting but it may be by my preconceptions that I don't trust Hird, Evans or the Essendon FC. Their press conference always looked a bit suspect to me. I have also believed there were no rogue elements involved at the club and the responsible people knew what was happening and endorsed it but lets wait and see what comes of the ASADA investigation. Personally I think the club and players are in trouble.
    3 points
  10. Do I detect a touch of "Before the Game" in that Collingwood team with Hellier and Strachan?
    3 points
  11. Of those 12 reasons, I dismissed in my head about all but 2 or 3 of them. Selwood diving in a tackle is The Bloated One's fault?
    3 points
  12. 2013 has seen a remarkable level of ineptitude from this club - staggering really. I have highlighted a few key stats - ahead of the median AFL teams in green, behind the median AFL teams in red. Under Neeld, compared to the median AFL team(s), we managed: 23 Contested Possessions LESS 29 Uncontested Possessions LESS 12 Inside 50s LESS 5 Clearances LESS 7 Marks LESS Under Neeld our opponents, compared to the median AFL team(s), managed: 5 Contested Possessions MORE 46 Uncontested Possessions MORE 8 Inside 50s MORE 3 Clearances MORE 14 Marks MORE Under Craig (and leaving aside the Geelong game which skewed every stat up or down), compared to the median AFL team(s), we are managing: 16 Contested Possessions LESS 1 Uncontested Possessions MORE 5 Inside 50s LESS 4 Clearances LESS 13 Marks MORE Under Craig our opponents, compared to the median AFL team(s), managed: 9 Contested Possessions MORE 7 Uncontested Possessions MORE 2 Inside 50s MORE 3 Clearances MORE 11 Marks LESS Our net improvement under Craig from the first 11 rounds has been: +3 Contested Possessions compared to our direct opponent. +70 Uncontested Possessions compared to our direct opponent. +14 Inside 50s compared to our direct opponent. -1 Clearances compared to our direct opponent. +45 Marks compared to our direct opponent. It's a staggering improvement, and while we are still some way off the pace of other clubs, the key determinators or run and spread in the modern game: Uncontested Possessions, Marks and Inside 50s have all shot up dramatically under Craig.
    2 points
  13. It is now proven beyond reasonable doubt that football is one of the leading causes of statistics.
    2 points
  14. I appreciate stats, especially in this easy-to-read format.
    2 points
  15. Yes, Jimmy Toumpas had an absolute stinker and was subbed out. But what I find most astonishing is that people are dismissing the FACT that the week before he had 20 possies and 7 tackles against the best team in the land, on their turf and in dismal conditions. Oh and by the way Wines had 8 possies against a far less superior opposition and in far better conditions. These boys are still kids!!!!!! They will be up and down until they mature. Although Wines is already a boy in a mans body. Jimmy had no preseason. At least let him get a full preseason in before making any judgment/predictions on him.
    2 points
  16. Why not? Hurley was ready made and produced early and was touted as 'THE NEXT BIG THING' in the Hereld Sun. He is not much better now than the day he was drafted. Watts has improved big time, and while he still has me shaking my head sometimes, he looks like he might actually make improvement into the player we thought he might be. At the moment Ollie Wines is making most of wish we drafted him. Maybe we should be patient with Toumpas and not bag the [censored] out of him at every chance?
    2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. Happens on all blogsites... I mean it's not helped by the over-the-top comments from recruiters every year. After the draft they interview 18 clubs and every one of them says they're rapt with the picks fast forward 4 years later and only half of the picks actually make it past 50 games.
    2 points
  19. Thats all i do BH sit around and think of how things can go pear shaped. Geez don't u? It's a dees supporters right! We are the kings of "different ways things can go pear shaped" NOTHING would suprise me after the last 6 yrs. (and yes I know a new boss is at the helm but would like to c "proof in the pudding" for a little while longer.
    2 points
  20. I realy liked the bit just after that !!
    2 points
  21. Floating between the VFL development league and VFL seniors does not bode well for an AFL call up (on face value).
    2 points
  22. Isn't it funny how a while ago the text messages between Hird and Dank were made public. Remarks from Hird that the players "were buzzing and up" at training after injections and commending Dank on his good work. Yet there's an argument that the AOD9064 isn't or wasn't performance enhancing, it was just banned. Does ASADA or WADA need any more validation about performances being enhanced?
    2 points
  23. Graham Wood was a master of quick running between the wickets though . Ask Laird ,McCosker ,Darling,Dyson,Wessells and all the other guys he ran out.
    2 points
  24. it has been brought up by many wyl vlad's response was the he was returning a call from evans earlier in the day and no he doesn't recall talking to any other clubs that night believe it or not
    2 points
  25. please beat them Please. I hate them so much, they are such an average team but we still never beat them, Lets bury the Etihad and North curse. Please.
    2 points
  26. PJ might be able to SMS Roos from his chair next to the couch.
    2 points
  27. Why would we move on from anyone when decision time is not until seasons end. Its a game.
    2 points
  28. yep When they were writing about us tanking we were saying they were a pack of cretins who knew little and were inventing stories to fill space. Now a lot on here think they are the fountain of all knowledge and every story is God's truth. Conversion on the road to Damascus!
    2 points
  29. I don't think it will involve throwing more money at Roos. It'll be putting the other pieces in place. The right pieces. And I think it's perfectly understandable that he wouldn't want to say "yes" at this stage, and endure a media circus months before taking control. It'd be bad enough once you start work.
    2 points
  30. When Mark Neeld became our senior coach, in my mind everything became Dean Bailey's fault. Now that Mark Neeld is gone, I see people making exactly the same mistake.
    2 points
  31. You won't get an argument from me on painkillers, and I also think if the players association was concerned for player welfare they would want them out of the game. Masking the pain is not good for a players long term wellbeing. As for the argument that they are not performance enhancing well take them away and see how well the player performs then. If you can't play then you don't, the only injection players should get are flu shots and the like and anaesthetics when having ops. The rest should be outlawed.
    2 points
  32. so even though Choco may want the MFC job and have the passion to lead us forward, that fool Vlad doesnt like the way Choco left the monstrosity that is GWS and so now he doesnt want him to have the gig at Melbourne? Vlad really needs to watch himself, he is out of line lately.
    2 points
  33. Listening to Lyon introduce him as "the best in the business" is nauseating.
    2 points
  34. Essendon v Hawthorn Form: Impressive v Very good Head to Head: Hawks with the last 3 (average of 58 points) Eye on the Bombers: Essendon continue to dispel the doubters and continued on their winning way, again beating the Giants by 39 points. However, they now face a troubling patch of matches that could (coinciding with the findings from the ASADA investigation) destroy their season. The Hawks have been a bogie team of late for Essendon and they then face Collingwood, West Coast, North, Carlton and Richmond. Worryingly for the Bombers, they have looked meek out of the middle in the past few weeks since Watson went down and may finally pay for it this week. Midfielders like Stanton and Heppell will need to play out of their skin and they’ll be desparate for Carlisle to continue this AA form (especially if Buddy returns). Eye on the Hawks: The Hawks will be licking their lips for this game. Of course, the Hawks have only lost to the Cats this year, but their form hasn’t been as intimidating as last year’s. I think that the Hawks are looking for a good team to front up against and they’ll enjoy the opportunity to go toe to toe with another top 4 side. They’ve enjoyed playing Essendon of late and should be too strong across the field. If they get their aggression right, they’ll be a shoe-in. Hawthorn have won their 15 matches comfortably - by an avaerage of 39.9 points. Verdict: I see this only going one way. The manner could vary - Essendon could come out hard and go close through the first two quarters while Hawthorn ease away toward the end or Hawthorn could come out and blitz the Bombers. They have so much speed and hardness through the middle that it’ll be hard for the Bombers to match. Without Watson they’ll be chasing tail from the start and the Hawks will enjoy Etihad after having a couple of Friday night practices of late. Tip: Hawks by 42 Gold Coast v Carlton Form: Irrepressible v Not great Head to head: The Suns ruined Carlton’s (and Ratten’s) year in this fixture 2012. Split 1-1. Eye on the Suns: Wow. What can be said? This team screams impressive. They’re tough, fun, flairy and well lead. You can’t keep them out of the clearances with all of their dominant ruckmen and you certainly can’t keep their skipper out of the action. Just when it seemed their season was petering out (albeit with some plucky performances) they produced their best win in their short history. And oh boy, they’d love to go back to back. Indeed, winning this could lead into a soft finale for the Coasters with 4 winnable games at the back-end and an even ledger at the end of the year. I can’t be bothered with a finals predictor but it doesn’t really matter, this team is going to be huge. Eye on the Blues: The Dees have been trash and the Lions have been deceptive, but is this mob this biggest disappointment of the season? 8-8 is not where many picked this mob - especially considering that they should be 7-9 after last week’s suicidal display by the Roos (shock horror!). While they’ve pushed every team they’ve played, they’ve never really looked on the money. They’ve only won 4 games by over 5 goals - against the hapless Dees and Giants, fallen Saints and a Walkerless, and otherwise undermanned, Crows. In all honesty, Carlton have only had one good win this year and that came 14 rounds ago against the Eagles. This isn’t the sort of game you would rule them out of, but it’s also the exact game you expect them to lose. Not only did they lose it last year, but they’re facing a disciplined team on the road who are hard at the footy. A tough run in to the finals means that this is an absolute must-win for the Bluebaggers. Verdict: I think I’m still stuck in 2011-12 where it’s laughable to tip the Suns. But I’ve come around. They were a little lucky last week (though they made a lot of their own luck, I think) but Collingwood are a better side than the Blues. Gold Coast are playing with absolute confidence and will be itching to back up their big win. Gold Coast may live to regret a few disappointing performances this year as 5 more wins may see them just miss out on finals. All that said, Carlton are certainly not without a shot. Their speedy outsiders and dangerous goalscorers liken them to Adelaide in my mind, a team that accounted for Gold Coast comfortably only 4 weeks ago. Instinct says Gold Coast, brain says Carlton, heart says Gold Coast. Tip: Gold Coast by 5 Melbourne v North Melbourne Form: Better than it’s been vs staggering, mind-numblingly yet heart-breakingly staggering Head to head: North have dominated, winning the last 10 (and they’re 6-0 against the Dees at the Dome) Eye on the Dees: The ladder isn’t showing it, but the Dees are a much better team than they were under Neeld - though they’re still lightyears behind the competition. They’re getting more footy, tackling better and generally attacking better. Aside from a Geelong battering, the Dees have been in all games they’ve played under Craig. They hate this fixture, however, and will be fuming at the 6 day break (essentially) they get after a sapping match in Darwin while North sit on an 8 day break and back-to-back games at the Dome (not to mention that Melbourne are playing their home game at another team’s ground - not for the first time!). Eye on the Roos: Crikey. What a shambles. 5 games by less than a kick to teams positioned 1st, 3rd, 9th, 10th, 11th sees North sitting 13th! They’d be good to watch if they weren’t so disgusting. Make no mistake, they will be playing full of fire this weekend and looking to make any side pay, not least a poor bottom two outfit. Aside from their 10 point win, North have won 5 matches by 54, 62, 63, 68 and 86 points at an everage of 66.6 points (all at the Dome). Verdict: This will be a shellacking. The Dees are improved but no where near North’s league, not on this ground, not after the Darwin affair. If the Dees can’t roll a mediocre outfit in a big game on their calendar, they won’t get close to a well-drilled outfit on their home turf smarting from a wasted season and still, somehow, a faint whiff of September action in the air. North will be too hard, too skilled, too slick for the Dees. Tip: Roos by 83 Collingwood v GWS Form: Revealed vs Terrible Head to head: Pies won the only contest by 120 points...away. Eye on the Pies: Fuming. That’s how they’ll feel. A potential finals lead-in turned nightmare last week when Collingwood fell to the vibrant Suns. Suddenly, even finals look a long way away for a side exposed. They’ll love the safety of the G and obliterated the Giants in their only match to date. Eye on the Giants: They were better last week in their second 39 point loss of the season to the Bombers but it’s really not enough. 17 losses this year by 67.9 points on average it wouldn’t surprise me if they had more of an eye to the following fixture against the Dees than this one. Verdict: Uh oh. A fired up Magpies team should take the Giants to school on their home turf. They’ve only thrashed one “team” this year - but I think this’ll be the second. Cloke will have a field day I feel and guys like Sidebottom and Beams will revel in the extra space. Tip: Pies by 96 Geelong v St Kilda Form: Very good vs Very bad Head to head: Cats with the last 3 Eye on the Cats: Two poor quarters out of the past 32 have cost them. Depending on what happens with Essendon (and a reasonably tame lead-in to the finals) it may not cost them on the ladder, but it may cost them a little respect. An impeccable side, no doubt, an air of doubt lingers after capitulations to Brisbane and Adelaide. It should be noted, however, that both of these occurred outside Victoria. Geelong’s 3 losses have each been by under a kick and the week after this losses the Cats have won by 48 (away to Port Adelaide) and 41 (home to Fremantle). St Kilda are not as good as either of these sides and the Cats will be ready to play - Johnson back for Bartel is reasonably handy! Eye on the Saints: A predictably plucky performance fell short - and it shouldn’t be forgotten that the Saints were lamentable for the most. Without Riewoldt, this mob would be absolutely pathetic this year. Jack Steven will be an elite player of the comp but there hasn’t been much else to write home about for the boys from Seaford. Verdict: Riewoldt has indeed been immense but, unfortunately for them, he’s exactly the player the Cats will shut out of the game. With too many mids going missing when the running goes against them and the Cats grumpy after a poor showing, look for Geelong to hit hard and often against a declining Saints team. They’ll revert to their defensive lockdown which could be the only thing to keep the margin in check. Tip: Cats by 60 Fremantle vs Adelaide Form: Good vs Surprising Head to head: Adelaide with 3 of the last 4 Eye on the Dockers: Cruelled by injury (and a brainfade), all eyes will be on their ins this weekend. With Mcpharlin, Ballantyne, Pavlich and Sandilands out, it was always going to be too much for them on Sunday. Any side without their best ruck, back, forward and small forward will struggle. The Dockers are better than the sum of the parts but are still fallible to so many injuries. It really is the biggest issue in this match, in my opinion. Eye on the Crows: What a win. In fact, their past month has been good. A gutsy win against the Suns, pushing West Coast and Collingwood all the way have given back some respect for the Crows. They’ll face a tough assessment against the Dockers but this fixture has thrown up surprises before. Verdict: Without key players, the Dockers should still be too good but it will certainly level things out, especially against a Crows side who have been surprisingly good in the past month. My gut says the Dockers will be too good, especially defensively, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the Crows push them all the way. This game could turn out very similarly to the last time these sides met. Tip: Dockers by 9 Port Adelaide vs Brisbane Form: OK-good vs Hard to read Head to head: Lions with the last 4 (the away team has won 6 of the last 9 in this fixture) Eye on the Power: What to make of this mob? Brilliant against the Pies and Swans, poor against the Bombers and Hawks and equal parts each against the Saints - the Power can be anything on any given day. Fiesty midfielders who love to get on a roll have hurt most sides this year but those same players lose the plot when it goes the other way. So much so that Power games are reduced to swings of momentum. Something the Lions don’t mind, either. 5-3 at home this year, those three losses have also been their biggest of the year. Eye on the Lions: As hard to read as the Power, the loss of Black, Brown, Moloney and Golby showed last week. They’ve beaten 2nd and 3rd, North, Melbourne and the Gold Coast. That shows that they have really only beaten 1-2 sides around their ability - they have won 4 of their last 6 outings. Verdict: This could be a sneaky for game of the round if both teams are near their mark. At their best they play risky, attacking football and both can score quickly. Brisbane have the wood over the Power so that could negate their home field advantage and superior ladder position. Brisbane will need some players back and Port will need more of their first half from last week than their second. 3 of their best wins have come at home, 3 of their worst have come at home. One of Brisbane’s best wins has come interstate (against the Bombers) but so has their worst loss - in my opinion - (against the Swans). This game could be anything but I’m backing it in to be a good one. Tip: Power by 1 Western Bulldogs vs West Coast Form: Not great vs disappointing Head to head: Eagles with the last 4 Eye on the Dogs: To be brutal, I’m tired of writing the same things about this mob. At least, statistically, they’ve been better in the last 3 games. Plucky showings against the Hawks and Dons and a win against the Giants would leave their supporters feeling better - but the reality is that they’re in all-mighty trouble. Eye on the Eagles: They’ve lost 4 of their past 5 - admittedly to 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th. In fact, that sums up where they’re at I reckon. Better than most of the rest but no where near the cream. The things they do do, however, is [censored] rubbish team. The Giants, Dees and Dogs have felt their wrath - each by over 70 points. Verdict: West Coast have beaten teams below them fairly regularly this year and, despite a few recent losses, that trend will continue. NN out could spur D. Cox into action but it’s really about time a few of their outside runners pull their finger out and play in a bit of a harder, more damaging fashion. They’ll win this one, regardless. Tip: Eagles by 41 Sydney v Richmond Form: Building vs September-bound Head to head: Tigers with the last 2 and 3 out of the last 4 (Sydney with the previous 8) Eye on the Swans: You get the feeling they are building nicely toward September. The Swans have beaten all comers save for 1st and 2nd * and a blip against the Power. Lots of goal kickers through the middle, ball-winners who use it well and a potent full forward whose only problem is that he couldn’t hit water if he fell out of a boat. Sydney look likely. Eye on the Tigers: Finally. After all the pain and anguish, Richmond will be playing in September. How the players respond will be fascinating. I don’t think they’d have gotten up last week without the three big Dockers’ outs and it’ll either be a Richmond side raring to prove their worth or a lazy Richmond side resting on its laurels. Either seems equally likely. They’ve won 6 of their last 7 and their last two against the Swans and a close loss up there in their only loss to Sydney in the last 4. Verdict: It’s more up to Richmond than Sydney. Whilst Sydney’s goal-kicking accuracy can be flippant, the rest of their game is rock solid. Richmond’s problem is that they really still haven’t beaten a top team. West Coast away was probably their best win this year, but even they’re not a very good team this season. The next two weeks will show Richmond for what they are. I think it’ll show them to be hard-triers but ultimately short of the front-pack. Tip: Swans by 33 Game of the Round: Power/Lions by gut, Bombers/Hawks by ladder position, Swans/Tigers on potential Thrashing of the Round: Magpies/Roos Upset of the round: Gold Coast and potentially Crows/Lions Closest tip last week: Missed Lions by 4
    2 points
  35. 2 points
  36. Strauss must be getting annoyed, he has been one of the better demons and had over 20 touches for about the last month straight, and Toumpas gets 2 handballs and still stays ahead of him..... need to reward form
    2 points
  37. Hasn't Pedo been in good form in defence in the magoos?
    2 points
  38. Perhaps not. But that should not be a consideration in the wider interests of AFL. Sadly.
    2 points
  39. You mean this wasn't standard practice ?
    2 points
  40. Development academies haven't hurt Sydney or the filth - have they. With our history, a recruitment academy where the main teacher was Stephen Wells would be a godsend.
    2 points
  41. Be careful what you wish for. A new Chief might not be as supportive to the MFC.
    2 points
  42. That's an ironic sentiment of misleading stats as you brought up the number of wins without mentioning that Neeld had 11 games for his one win and Craig 5. We are all very smitten with winning. It's quite important. But so is form, and many are just pointing out how it has changed for the better. There is no need to be snarky or imply that posters don't care about winning because there are improvements to be seen in a loss.
    2 points
  43. For me, when the game has finished, I no longer get that 'I've just been kicked in the guts' feeling. It took several days to go away.
    2 points
  44. 1 point
  45. Heard Barrett speak but it was drivel as usual. Most jobs you give notice then stay 2/4/6 weeks. We all know footy is different, when a coach is sacked he packs his desk straight away. Choco was grubbed by Sheedy, he stayed until the end of the last game the left. What were his options?
    1 point
  46. We're discussing coaches, in particular your claim that Craig has been a "disaster", and now you've turned your ire onto the players. So essentially you're just angry at everyone.
    1 point
  47. With due respect, you have previously stated that if Neeld's tenure was poor, Craig's tenure has been a "disaster", implying that Craig has been worse than Neeld. With that as your starting point, how can you be expected to be taken seriously on this subject? Perhaps you're a Neeld defender sticking to your guns, I'm not sure, but jesus man, open your eyes.
    1 point
  48. They didn't win. Really, they didn't even deserve to do so or even come that close for that matter and the Brisbane Lions were well below full strength with Jonathan Brown and two of their best midfielders out of the contest. But with the season now entering a prolonged junk time for the Melbourne Football Club and our thoughts firmly focussed on the trade and draft periods and the coming back room battles for control of a banana republic board that will, for some time remain subservient to the AFL army, there were some things you just had to take from a loss of less than 20 points. I could settle for the performance of James Frawley who prevailed over a defence which in better circumstances (i.e if we had a midfield that could occasionally win a centre clearance) would be regarded as first world. "Chip" was awesome on the night and he was well assisted by Colin Garland until the third quarter tragedy took place (more of that later). I could have also settled on Nathan Jones who is all class in a moribund midfield and who was worn all night by a glove called Andrew Raines and still managed to have an impact (even if limited) or on Colin Sylvia who worked hard in the hot humid evening to amass 27 touches. In the end however, I decided to dedicate the night to our Jacks - all five of them because together, they will lead this club forward. I don't know how the judges who award the NAB Rising Star can avoid giving young Viney the gong this week. Our youngest player led by example, took the hits and was often found at the bottom of the packs in his first AFL game in 10 weeks and only ran out of steam at the end. This is where the club's midfield revival starts. The club's ugly duckling Jack Fitzpatrick is turning into a swan, dangerous around goal with a haul of four, three of them in the opening term and it could have been more but for a little knee problem. Jack Watts gifted him one of those early goals and was terrific on the night with 21 touches (10 marks), even having to go into the ruck at times to help out Max Gawn and Jack F in the sapping heat. Jack Grimes had a negating role in the middle and did it well while his co-captain Jack Trengove lurked with intent, laid a dozen tackles and was a strong contributor. He's emerging out of a dirty first half of a season in which his preparation was hampered by a difficult foot injury. There was more. Max Gawn worked hard in the ruck and got his share of hit outs and while beaten around the ground by Leuenberger is on his way to a career as one of the game's better big men. The team effort was solid and a major improvement on last week. The quarter time score of 5.1.31 exceeded that of the deluge affected score from Simonds Stadium, they went inside 50 fifty times and for the second week in a row, kept the opposition to under 100 points. The last quarter and a half was played under the disadvantage of being a rotation short after a languishing Jimmy Toumpas was subbed off with Garland rolling an ankle a minute or so later. Bad luck but, in those tough conditions, it gave Brisbane that small advantage that allowed it to safely see out the game. Junk time and the MFC world tour continues next week with our second home game in a row away from home, this time at Etihad against a desperately unlucky North Melbourne team that will be keen to give another team a kicking after its train of tragedies and close defeats. A month ago I wouldn't have given the Demons a chance but now - who knows? Melbourne 5.1.31 6.5.41 10.7.67 11.9 75 Brisbane Lions 3.4.22 8.5.53 11.12.78 13.16.94 Goals Melbourne Fitzpatrick 4 Blease Davey 2 Byrnes Dawes N Jones Brisbane Lions Green Staker 3 Merrett Redden 2 Lisle Mayes, Zorko Best Melbourne Frawley Viney Fitzpatrick Sylvia Grimes Trengove Brisbane Lions Rockliff Hanley Leuenberger Redden Staker Green Injuries Melbourne Garland (ankle) Brisbane Lions Nil Changes Melbourne Nil Brisbane Lions Jonathan Brown and Mitch Golby replaced by Sam Docherty and Jordan Lisle Reports Melbourne Nil Brisbane Lions Nil Umpired Findlay Ryan Fila Official Crowd 7,615 at TIO Stadium
    1 point
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