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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/12/12 in all areas

  1. Deegirl, you shouldn't feel intimidated about sharing information on here. The concern is more with the fact that some sensitive stuff is still being leaked from the club which many thought was a feature of past administrations. Whoever gave you the info only got it half right because the club hasn't been charged at all. It's only that the investigation seems to have uncovered a few disgruntled finger pointers who left the club in less than amicable circumstances which allows certain inferences to be drawn about the value of their evidence. The other thing about this matter is the AFL has chosen to give the MFC and other parties the opportunity to respond before a decision is made as to whether charges are laid. This is important because it will demonstrate to the AFL that the club has some very strong points of defence. I sense this would not have occurred under Adrian Anderson's watch and perhaps this is why he's gawn. So deegirl. Thanks for enlightening us with your post. It's paved the way for plenty of optimism if only we read between the lines and resist shooting the messenger.
    7 points
  2. Doesn't surprise me one bit as I am aware that the natural progression for us from boiled lollies to chocolates.
    5 points
  3. Hmmm wouldn't it be nice.........
    4 points
  4. ... and this one thanks to Bush Demon who originally posted it a while ago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu_EmqTDHVA&context=C3115d19ADOEgsToPDskJPYogbbwEvU4fYUq9hJ7Wz'>
    4 points
  5. Keep it coming DeeGirl I am interested in what you have to say,
    4 points
  6. Joint primary sponsor actually, but we know you're not good with detail...
    3 points
  7. interesting that at the next AGM no-one is standing against the incumbents for re-election and that after one of the worst years on record in some ways maybe they just prefer sniping and chinese whispers to putting it out there
    3 points
  8. I know nothing about this but hope it's true and we can get the deal done and approved by the AFL. The sad thing is that the realities of the politics surrounding the MFC means that some of the people most upset by this will be those who claim to be supporters of the club.
    3 points
  9. 3 points
  10. As a general rule, I would have thought that all info shared on a site like this should be appreciated. That said, keep at it Deegirl.
    3 points
  11. If anyone mentions the Eastlake Demons up in Canberra I will shoot you down: they wear Essendon's guernsey, and sing Hawthorn's song. They don't know who they are.
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. I suspect that if you posted more regularly you'd know that this place is full of whiny spoilt children who take offence at the drop of a hat and launch into ridiculous tirades and attacks at people who dare to disagree with them. Fortunately there are also people who are able to carry on an adult conversation without screaming abuse at each other, so if you simply skim past the ten-year-olds, you can find some useful and interesting information about the club.
    3 points
  14. Yeah right, let's get him down there with Hogan, Barry, Kent and Stark and have him teach them his party tricks. It's pretty simple - DO NOT TOUCH.
    3 points
  15. The MFC certainly do need to get out of this mess, but it isn't necessarily terminal for the club whatever happens. If it doesn't just all blow over, in the worst case scenario there will be blame laid against certain culprits, and the MFC may perhaps for a year or two or three not be able to add more young players to their young list. Any identified culprits either already are or else very soon would be no longer employed at the MFC. I reckon we'd probably survive such a punishment, building a strong culture with our backs to the wall, out of our already talented list, and with excellent coaching/development staff; and if we did survive such punishment, at the end of the punishment the odium of having done wrong would be over. It's not as though we gained any advantage from our sins... The AFL also needs to get out of this mess - but unlike the clearly known pain ahead for a punished MFC, there can be no measurement of the pain to come for the AFL: if they can't make it all blow over they will find extricating themselves to be far more complicated - and damaging - than it would be for the MFC. In the worst case scenario the AFL would hand down an adverse finding against the MFC, only to immediately lose all further control of what could then become a very protracted and expanding nightmare. They have already been alerted to the likelihood of the MFC defending themselves in the Supreme Court, and once the matter moves into the Court it is out of the AFL's control. Both the Court and the media would then own what happens next. If the AFL were to win against the MFC in the Supreme Court, it is likely the win would be at the price of sections of the media demanding other clubs be also investigated and punished. Plus the Supreme Court would have given a clear statement about its reasoning, thus defining what constitutes transgression on the rule. The MFC would very likely be depicted in the media as a martyr to tyrannical and arbitrary league management that was firstly unable to frame its rules clearly enough and then for years brushed aside public discussion of the problems created by those rules, only to finally (in response to media pressure form clearly agenda-driven commentators) crash down punitively on one struggling easy-target club. This would inevitably be seen as a justice issue, and it goes to the heart of the governance of the AFL - it is a story that would be likely to gather a lot of support for the bullied underdog MFC. Could the AFL afford to brazen it out, "above the law" and suddenly impervious again to media pressure? - and retain "good repute"? For as long as the AFL management issue continued in the public eye, "the integrity of the game" would continue to be eroded by issues such as a) one team after another being identified as having not been trying, B) poor administration and governance of the rules and the competition generally, c) Demetriou's personal backflips and exposed inconsistencies; and the back page leads would feast on muck-raking over the past alongside the ongoing critique of the AFL management generally and Demetriou in particular for carrying out their responsibility so poorly, bringing down the League's reputation. Fans would be seriously disillusioned, and you could imagine there would be some home truths spelled out from the bench. In other words, the MFC may be in the mire at the moment, but nothing compared to where the AFL is. They are at risk of more damage than the MFC, all because - this must be the key point in the whole mess - under Anderson's leadership, Brock McLean and Caroline Wilson were allowed to set the AFL's agenda. Anderson's gone, thank goodness. It now has to be damage control for the AFL. As a natter of urgency, the AFL must find a way to credibly cancel their endorsement of McLean's and Wilson's agendas. The AFL needs to clarify their rules, and close ranks with maximum gravitas. Is there a way to sell the belief that no cat did get out of the bag? That's the AFL's real need now. They may have their faults, but everyone loses if the AFL loses control over its affairs.
    3 points
  16. Wishing all Demonlanders our thanks for supporting this site and our club in 2012. It's been a tough year but we believe happy days are just around the corner. So please accept our best wishes and seasons greetings. Have a happy and safe new year! This is one of our favourites and a good way to celebrate the season * http://youtu.be/MnBW3vCJMc8 * perhaps someone who knows how could update the vision to include 2012 highlights, our new recruits and even vision from Kakadu?
    2 points
  17. He is whatever Greg Williams tells him he is.
    2 points
  18. of course ...its the way of the coward !! ( aka a gutless, p!ssweek wonders )
    2 points
  19. and Jack watts and Broke UnClean and the Kerosene lady
    2 points
  20. If this rumour proves not to be true I bet some here will still blame Cam Schwab...
    2 points
  21. Its a old adage in AFL football but they always say that on any given day any team can beat another. This makes discussion on expectations mute in a way , because what the real expectations boil down to is what does Neeld think and the Players think those expectations are or should be ?? We must remember that Neeld has now cleaned out in his opinion most of the deadwood and has recruited players that are experienced and as he believes up to the tasks he wants them to perform in other words they are his players now . So take into account the new supposed camaraderie after the Darwin Camp and the fact that Neeld doesnt seem to have much time for those that do not follow his game plan , add to that the AFL draw we have received and to be honest I think Neeld might believe in himself a top eight is not out of the question , wether that becomes the goal he sets the team or wether that becomes a pipe wish is up to the Team the Club and us as supporters . The difference by having us as supporters on board, is they can concentrate on the positives and not the negatives. So all I hope is that some one asks Neeld what those expectations are and tells him that it would be good if we as supporters where given that same goal or told what those expectations of the club are this year ? That is what counts not what we expect or hope for but rather what the club has sets its sights on .
    2 points
  22. MMXII was truly an annus horribilis My wife and I would like to wish all Demonlanders an annus magnificus for MMX!!!
    2 points
  23. Match fixing...hmm When this debacle is over, dusted and done Id like to see the club go back and find little gems like this and sue the lilly white arse off of douches like Barrett. These worms need to be brought to task for such cavalier throw aways and made to realise like any other mortal, ; you put pen to paper, or finger to keyboard you better be bloody well prepared to stand by it.
    2 points
  24. Somewhat ironic in that its plain ( to me ) that much of this inquisition is nothing more than an opportunity to use the MFC as an aid to his (AA) failed ambitions. So an ambition's tool exposes an ambitious tool !!
    2 points
  25. Liked this tweet just now from Damian Barrett: Damian Barrett ‏@barrettdamian "As 2012 nears its end, Aust Cricket's bowling rotation policy looming as an even greater joke than AFL's probe saga into Dees' match fixing" Funny where I found the tweet though - the link to tweets from 'Our Writers' on the AFL website - being an employee of AFL Media, Barrett clearly isn't worried about speaking his mind or slagging off his employer...
    2 points
  26. Merry Christmas fellow Demonlanders. I have enjoyed every minute of the forum this year. I am looking forward to bigger and better things next year.
    2 points
  27. Demonland has been sensational through the bleak times (both kept me sane and drove me mad), imagine how good it will be as our stocks begin to rise. Thanks guys for a wonderful forum. All the very best to everyone!
    2 points
  28. Warwick Green's conclusion: " it seemed extraordinary that in the very season it changed the system the AFL would choose to poke at an old wound by asking its integrity department to examine how Melbourne performed three years ago. The AFL may have painted itself into a corner. Is it time to broaden the investigation? You suspect the only way the AFL can extract itself is to say it thoroughly scrutinised the Demons and found no damning evidence. " Once a Saint, always a Saint.
    2 points
  29. 2 points
  30. I found this article difficult to read without having Caro in the back of my mind.
    2 points
  31. http://youtu.be/zrzMhU_4m-g
    2 points
  32. Today's Hun article on tanking (part of season highlights article) seems to be watering down the investigation. Claims the AFL are backtracking to a position of no case to answer. There's a definite feeling coming from the press that the AFL wants to whitewash this.
    2 points
  33. You're a bitter and twisted individual OD if you have issues with some light hearted discussion on Melbourne clubs. I can see that you would have problems with a title like "Melbourne reigns supreme" so why don't you just slink back to wishing the club ill on the Bailey thread?
    2 points
  34. As far as I can determine, nobody's been "officially charged" with anything, merely a brief of evidence presented to MFC lawyers. My money's on MFC lawyers having a field day with this one. The absolute worst outcome from the AFL's perspective is surely for this to get outside the football domain and into the courts. It can only end with the AFL on trial, imo. And Carlton (Kreuzer cup) and others including Richmond will likely be collateral damage.
    2 points
  35. I'd say that was tongue in cheek and in no way a threat. It seemed to me he was having a go at others not you.
    2 points
  36. word on the street. We are in the clear to a large extent. make of it what you will.
    2 points
  37. The tanking enquiry was started almost six months ago when it was initiated by an employee of the AFL who is no longer there. Will it claim more victims before the farce ends? Andrew Demetriou said there was no such thing as tanking and yet it's taken all that time for his investigators to come up with a report that apparently contains allegations of some form of wrongdoing but only from disgruntled ex-employees with axes to grind against the MFC and with nothing substantiated by more important witnesses. By all accounts one of the ex-employees spent most of his final months blueing with all and sundry at the club. His evidence is likely to be considered biased and unsatisfactory. Will Demetriou fall on the sword with them? And on the subject of blueing, Mike Fitzpatrick, a Rhodes Scholar and terribly conflicted because the AFL club with which he was associated has been untouched by this enquiry and yet, it is widely regarded that this club turned tanking into an art form. How can he therefore, play any role in any decision on this tanking enquiry? Heckle and Jeckle, the two investigators have been accused of stand over tactics against some of the witnesses. Did they really need to resort to such questionable behaviour and why did it take them so long to finalise their work. How did so much information about their investigation find its way prematurely into the media? Reputations are at risk and unless the AFL disposes of this mess cleanly, there will be more massive changes within the organisation. You can bet on it!
    1 point
  38. well in that case tim i will listen intently at the agm to see who voices their opinions and asks the hard questions i think i know the answer in advance chocolate soldiers all
    1 point
  39. Brock McLean will ask for a trade back to melbourne if the chocolates sponsor us. He doesn't realise that if he does come back a rat poison company will sponsor us as well.
    1 point
  40. I wouldn't put Gerard Healy on the same planet as me, when you compare supporting the Dees. I personally don't think he cares less about them. Reckon he is a Swans fan.
    1 point
  41. They really are a thing of memory.
    1 point
  42. Well said Spirit. When this all started we were shown the long mile. But nothing substantial has surfaced. The AFL made the rules. Carlton & Richmond have way more to answer than the MFC. Wallace admitted it for starters!!!
    1 point
  43. Thankyou to Demonland, it's moderators & administrators. A Very Merry Christmas to ALL who post here & to our Members, Supporters, the Club Management/Board, Footy Dept', & players. Hoping for a safe & healthy year ahead, for all of us, our families & loved ones... And a Special mention for our supporter friends, who are doing it tough with some Health Issues, & other concerns. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to one & all. dl...
    1 point
  44. I am not wanting to be a politician - but I'll give my view on their performance. I do not want to run a company, but if I'm a shareholder I'll voice my views. Just because I doubt the board and question their behaviour, but I won't run against them, does not mean I should just accept whatever they dish up. I'd have thought that there is a big difference between criticising someone's performance and then saying that you can personally do better. Heaven's, no one would say a thing about footy if that were the case. Let's hope the footy starts soon.
    1 point
  45. If this rumour proves to be true I bet some here will still blame Cam Schwab...
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. I played a couple of seasons with the Laharum Demons in western Victoria. I personally think they have one of the most picturesque grounds around. The backdrop is the Grampians, but gee it gets cold there when you're training on a Thursday night in winter.
    1 point
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