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Training - Monday 1st February, 2016


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35 minutes ago, Devil is in the Detail said:

Hate to be a stick in mud but where is the house in your gif ManDee.

Haha, I was referring to going off the rails not training the house down or burning the tracks.


But if you want a house...


photos house march source bomb


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2 hours ago, Gorgoroth said:

Thanks for the updates. How has Kent been training?

Really well. He was burning off Harmes' with ease in the set of run throughs they did, the boys tried to fire Harmesy up but he was no match. Involved a lot in match play as well. Just has to work out his disposal and decision making but I expect the way he's training he'll have some good moments as well.

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10 minutes ago, DeeSpencer said:

Really well. He was burning off Harmes' with ease in the set of run throughs they did, the boys tries to fire Harmesy up but he was no match. Involved a lot in match play as well. Just has to work out his disposal and decision making but I expect the way he's training he'll have some good moments as well.

Working mainly as a forward or with mids as well?

thanks for the info! :)

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The match simulation stuff was very scrappy. The coaches weren't overly impressed. Although I think it was Macca who said, hey, it's not great but at least they are fast and that was my opinion as well. 

At first it was 3 teams rotating, team defends, team attacks then comes off for a rest. There were good patches of quick kicks out of the backline, getting it back to the corridor, overlapping run in some of this.

Then they went in to 2 teams blue v white with one team getting the ball deep in the backline and having to work it up the ground. The defending was pretty solid so I guess it's understandable it was a bit of switch it around then bomb it up the line. 

Once a turnover came or was set up the focus was very much on defending up the field instead of sagging back. 

It was a difficult exercise I guess as it was so often set up under pressure deep in the backline instead of being more a game style situation where you can counter attack more in to space.  I got the feeling we'd still rely on the counter attacking more this year than being in control when under pressure, but I also think we've got a better ability to turn it over and to punish teams when we do.

Tom McDonald stood out the match play and did run throughs, then had a kick with Hulett who had a leg complaint but was given the all clear. Salem came off after getting a high knock but was later back out there.

Garlett got on the end of a few, Brayshaw was involved in some nice patches, Tyson is spreading hard, Ben Kennedy looks to play on and keep the ball moving, sometimes really well, occasionally when he shouldn't, but I like the mindset.

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7 minutes ago, Gorgoroth said:

Working mainly as a forward or with mids as well?

thanks for the info! :)

In the smaller group stuff he was often getting in to space on the wing, which meant he started from a half forward area, in the bigger group it was all very congested so he was pushing up all the way to defensive 50 to get involved. Given how they set it up there wasn't a lot of open running play in that drill.

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3 hours ago, DeeSpencer said:

Boys look great in the Indigenous jumpers. 

Kennedy-Harris and Watts have joined the rehab group for some hand balling. 

Max King's doing laps.

The Congan ambassador is getting some physio. 

Tracc is enjoying getting on Goodwin's radio whilst walking. 

Dawes took a mark. 

Trenners is jumping and spinning over some 30cm high yellow hurdle 

If you didn't take a photo I don't believe you...

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2 hours ago, Good Times Grimes said:

Are the Dawes jokes missing the mark?


Time to drop them.

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1 minute ago, jnrmac said:

If you didn't take a photo I don't believe you...

In the short bit of kick to kick that I saw of him and Lumumba he was moving, marking and kicking quite nicely. 

I've said a few times I don't think he's hands are all that bad, but a lot of the issue is he just can't jump up at the ball and move with any freedom or confidence. Now another injury probably isn't a good sign but if it's not his knee or calf he might have a bit more confidence when he gets out there. 

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DeeSpencer, Watts looks as though he's put a bit of weight on in the photos of recent - particularly muscle.

How's he look in the flesh?

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Just now, Bombay Airconditioning said:

It has to be a major concern that the match simulation was scrappy. I don't buy into "takes time to learn a new gamrplan", Port Adelaide put that to bed in Hinkleys first year. 

If it's scrappy for weeks then it's a concern.  If it's crappy just once then I think we can settle down just a touch.  Plenty of water to go under the bridge.

Thanks for the sensational reports GRRM.  It sounds as though there were a few going through the rehab group today - were some of them done as a precaution or do we have a few extra players with some niggles?

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It was my day off so I lasted the full session - just.

DeeSpencer's done a good job on the rehab group.

The two surprise rehabbers were Jack Watts and JKH - not sure what they have done - maybe in Jack's case too much golf.

They did a few muck around games to start with - one with tennis ball and the other soccer ball - no surprises for guessing that Salem was the best but Angus did a pretty fine Ronaldo move at one stage. Vanders tried to be cute as well, but he would be lucky to get a game at Scunthorpe United. Saddest moment was when Neal Bullen hammered a ball and Angus stupidly decided to head it from less than 10m away and realised soon after that it wasn't a good idea - bt dizzy for a bit.

The rest of the drills consisted of either sprints - which they did in pairs, goalshooting and for the most part transition work. The last 30 minutes was using just half the ground and came after a ball-up. Ben Matthews took the drill and at one point after Jack Viney (who had swapped to the defensive team) won his third consecutive clearance thereby rendering the drill useless as a transition exercise, he exclaimed "Who is on the little c..t". Said with a smirk but shows how much they think of him.

A run down on players for those of you who are starved like me at this time of year.

Kennedy - One of the standouts. His left foot kick is more powerful than I thought and he has a pretty handy leap. I think I'd be willing to say that unless he has some pre-season game howlers, he'll start as a small forward in Rd 1 with Jeffy.

Viney - Hard at work as always. Chose to do sprints against Kennedy and probably just shaded.

Vandenburg - Wanted to prove a point in sprints with Hunt and very, very close. Also hammered a few when he could in transition and Bugg went off early after copping one of his fend-offs. 

Kent - Very impressive again. Won his sprint battle with Harmesy and presented well as a forward. If Kennedy plays Rd 1, does he move to a wing? He's fit enough.

Angus - Copped quite a few knocks. You almost think the players love getting him because he gives so much cheek. Won his sprint duel with Jeffy most times, although you sensed Jeffy was foxing for a better handicap. No sign of him being turned into a backman (my wish) and no real sign of him being part of the clearance machine - so I suspect wing/half forward is where he'll line up.

Harmsey - Was used as a forward in the transition game. Keen and eager as usual. One of a big gang of small forwards battling for three spots in Rd 1.

Salem - Hard and classy as usual, although couldn't escape Vanders on the wing one time and did a bit of a Stephen Stretch taking it out. He also copped a knock late in session and was tested for concussion. Seemed right but no risk policy meant he just did light work from then on. A lock for Rd 1.

Nat Jonesy - You barely knew he was there most of the time and then a player bobs up with exquisite balance gets it and delivers a pinpoint pass.

Bernie - Yep he was back in the thick of the action - copped a knock to the finger at one point but had one quick look cused and went straight back into it. No sign that he missed the pre-season before X-mas. Hit Jeffy one time with a perfect grass-burner.

Tyson - Always calling for it and right in the thick of the action but way too many turnovers today. Sometimes it just doesn't work for him when he hangs on to it, especially when you are up against a team full of really good tacklers. But you need players who keep presenting.

Matt Jones - Another who worked hard and did nothing majorly wrong but you just wonder if he has the confidence to impose.

Viv Michie - A really impressive session from him. Tackled well and kicked beautifully. One of his spot ups to Kent was like watching Nat Jones. 

Bugg - You can just tell this guy will be playing Rd 1. No fuss and hard, always putting a body on a player. Not a thumping kick but he'll end up tagging Shiel or Ward Rd 1.

Garlett - Got on the end of quite a few and lively in transition. No reason to think he won't be standing next to Hoges in Rd 1.

Hunt - Got a fair bit of it and provided a fair bit of run at times, but I'm still not sure yet. But he did play as a defender for a lot of it.

Most of the bigs didn't do as much because they aren't in the thick of the transition games, but key things were.

Sam Frost did almost the whole session and did a lot of it as a backman - maybe he'll line up on Patton Rd 1. No sign of any interest in club trying to get him to do ruckwork.

Garland, Grimes, Dunn and Oscar Mc all played done back and did their usual tight checking and switching. Oscar even got the gig on Hoges so maybe they rate him highly or maybe Tom Mac lighter session meant they had no choice. Wagner also played down back and looks lively.

Hoges, Pedo and Hulet were the tall forwards. Hard to understand why Hulet is allowed to do more work than Clayton Oliver. Perhaps the club had him earmarked and on a special program late in year. Harmes, Kent, Jeffy and Kennedy rotated as small forwards.

Spencer and Gawn battled in the ruck but there was no major intensity from either this time and Spencil started in rehab group before joining in game-simulation. 

Of those in the lengthy rehab group, I watched Trenners the most - he was out there the longest and clearly he's getting close to resuming. But when he did his run throughs you sensed why he won't be playing in the seniors for a while. He can mark and kick, but he obviously hasn't been able to work yet on his sprinting and given the nature of the injury you can probably understand why - so to answer the question of when he will get back in AFL - I see him as a mid-year prospect. Also I still didn't see him kick a left-footer - assume he's not allowed to yet.

Of the rehab group - Dawes seems closest to rejoining. I'm hoping Oliver and Weideman were on light days. Terlich is getting fitter and could also resume soon. Harry did quite a few sprints with Dawes. 

That surely is enough!

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58 minutes ago, Bombay Airconditioning said:

It has to be a major concern that the match simulation was scrappy. I don't buy into "takes time to learn a new game plan", Port Adelaide put that to bed in Hinkleys first year. 

They hadn't had anywhere near the turnover of players we've had every year for the last 3-4 though.

Plus, it didn't stack up the year after once teams had them figured out.


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5 hours ago, DeeSpencer said:

Dawes, Lumumba, Max King doing run throughs on the wing.

Trengove, Terlich, Weideman doing agility. 

Bootless Petracca walking laps with a footy.

Main group just came out.

good I like that... what better way than to exercise the toes after a trauma. rather than footwear which restricts the toes actions.  I like this concept.

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4 hours ago, sue said:

I know that Dawes' marking skills are often <indescribable> but I recently watched a few matches (which we won, I'm not a masochist) and he took some really good critical marks.  Let's not overdo the mockery.

we need to lift our expectations on our fit & healthy experienced players.  Dawes certainly in this basket.  if he has a chronic hand, he plays as a fit player, of which he's taking the spot from.

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1 hour ago, Wiseblood said:

If it's scrappy for weeks then it's a concern.  If it's crappy just once then I think we can settle down just a touch.  Plenty of water to go under the bridge.

Thanks for the sensational reports GRRM.  It sounds as though there were a few going through the rehab group today - were some of them done as a precaution or do we have a few extra players with some niggles?

We can only hope it's a one off.

Would of liked to have read that the match simulation started off scrappy before the so called leaders/experienced players stopped the drill and called in all the players, then told them in no uncertain terms that the crap they are currently serving up is not even close to good enough, that we're 9 weeks away from GWS at the G and everybody needs to lift. 

Its not the fact it was scrappy, it's the fact it was tolerated by the players. Didn't Vince just do a piece on the MFC website about the players starting to take ownership of the team, that would of been the perfect opportunity to demonstrate that. It's not always up to the coaches, the St.Kilda game last year being the perfect example. It's called accountability. Players are or should be taught to train how they expect to play. The last two seasons I keep hearing/reading that the Hawthorn leadership took training on a particular day whilst some coaches watched on from the stands and some weren't even there. Imagine us trying to do that. 



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3 minutes ago, Bombay Airconditioning said:

We can only hope it's a one off.

Would of liked to have read that the match simulation started off scrappy before the so called leaders/experienced players stopped the drill and called in all the players, then told them in no uncertain terms that the crap they are currently serving up is not even close to good enough, that we're 9 weeks away from GWS at the G and everybody needs to lift. 

Its not the fact it was scrappy, it's the fact it was tolerated by the players. Didn't Vince just do a piece on the MFC website about the players starting to take ownership of the team, that would of been the perfect opportunity to demonstrate straight that. It's not always up to the coaches, the St.Kilda game last year being the perfect example. It's called accountability. Players are or should be taught to train how they expect to play. The last two seasons I keep hearing/reading that the Hawthorn leadership took training on a particular day whilst some coaches watched on from the stands and some weren't even there. Imagine us trying to do that. 



maybe McCartney's attitude (at least they were quick), is that we are building, & learning,,,  & confidence follows theses things.  so we take what we have now,  & keep improving,  & being positive...   no point damaging low confidence in early stages of development.   we will improve,  as the weeks roll along.

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51 minutes ago, stuie said:

They hadn't had anywhere near the turnover of players we've had every year for the last 3-4 though.

Plus, it didn't stack up the year after once teams had them figured out.


I thought part of their problem last year was they overtrained their players and cooked them. 

I've always been interested in the concept of one team figuring another team out. 17 other clubs seemingly can't figure Hawthorn out.

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