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The continuing saga of Melbourne's injury list - 2014


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It's funny Petterd is mentioned when others are discussing injury prone players that should be waived at the end of the year.

Petterd, himself, said that the club just couldn't wait any more to get him on the park.

Now he is right and he is playing a role down at Punt Rd.

You have to make a judgement call on each of these players - you can't make sweeping calls over all the players that have struggled to get on the park - you won't build a decent list that way.

Throw out those extra talented, but injured, players and replace them with low-end talent at the end of the draft and you are not helping the situation - you are probably making it worse.

Number 2 for Carlton last night was Menzel - his family has a history of knee issues but loads of talent - sometimes that loyalty pays you back.

And quite often they don't rpfc

I have given Pedersen plenty of barbs but at least he makes it onto the field each week.

The six players have another 22 weeks to prove they are more than injury prone as nothing can be done before then any way.

August 31st 2014 is the date at which they have to have have shown they can consistently get on the park in my book.

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It's funny Petterd is mentioned

I don't mind Petterd's delisting, it was a reasonable call. What I find silly is that having been delisted many Demonlanders say that even fit he was no good and we are better without him.

Petterd, Moloney, Rivers and Bennell are now playing regular footy elsewhere, some with more certainty than others and some in better teams than others.

They'd sure as hell get a game with us.

Edited by Baghdad Bob
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I wouldn't put a high probability on it. But there were 2 players mentioned in the doomsayers litany. Currently looks like out of the 50/50 we may get 50%. So I'll play the same game: Do you seriously think there is no chance that Fitz will play?

Clearly we are going through a very rough injury patch at just the worst time for our club in our position. Maybe even worse in some ways than a team going into its first grand final which loses all its tall players the week before. But we have enough doom and gloom without some posters looking to squeeze out every possible negative. Surely this is the time to squeeze out positives if anything.

Fitzpatrick suffered a concussion last week so I'd say it's more than likely he's not going to play if the AFL's concussion rules are abided by.

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Maybe yes, but they had serious flaws and we'd be searching high and low for replacements as soon as humanly possible.

Petterd can't kick, and was terribly inconsistent.

Also, where do you play him? A flanker and a flanker alone, albeit one that is a shocking kick.

Moloney is a lummox that tries to charge through tackles and then just throws it blindly on his boot.

Clearance specialist and very strong at a stoppage, but poor defensively, disposal is poor, not a great runner, has poor agility.

Rivers' knees are shot and he is on his last legs. Will need to be managed through the rest of his career.

Very average disposal and provides no run out of the backline.

I'd prefer Dunn in his role, as his kicking is much more accurate and penetrating.

As key defenders, Garland, Frawley and McDonald have him covered.

Bennell was fast, skilful, agile, and flashy. Flashed in and out of games, and far too often the latter.

Soft also.

Obviously with guys like Bail, Nicholson, Byrnes, Pedersen, etc on our list, we'd be able to find room for those 4...

But it was far from a necessity to retain them.

Cost of retention would definitely have been an issue, and I don't care who the coach was or how bad he was, we needed unity, not voices of dissent.

We're better off without them.

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There's no such diagnosis as 'soreness'. In the biz, we say there is 'no such thing as a 2 week hamstring'. It's a tear, and will be minimum 3 weeks. They all are. So round 5 at earliest for Big Maxy.

There's a lot of grand statements on here about cutting injury prone players from the list. This is short term impatience borne of desperation to get a successful start to the season. We all feel it, but this kind of absolutist CUT THEM ALL!!! talk is rubbish. Almost all players go through repeat injury phases, and a very select few have very few injuries (Nathan Jones). There is as much chance that the players being talked about here get into an injury free phase that sees them string 50 games together with little interruption. NONE of their injuries are career threatening. It's bad luck, it's bad timing for the club, and it's coincidental that they're all talls.

See it for what it is, and suck it up Demonlanders.

Webber, you know your stuff so some questions for you...is it correct that knee reconstructions are done (sometimes? always?) using a pice of tendon from the hamstring to replace the torn ligament? If this is the case, is it possible that Gawn's hamstring problem might be associated with what I would assume, perhaps incorrectly, is a weakening of the hamstring because of his knee reconstructions? And furthermore, is it possible that he doesn't necessarily have a tear in his hamstring at all but rather something associated with the tendonous rather than the muscular part of the hamstring?

Charge me your usual rate for this consultation, thanks.

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Fitzpatrick suffered a concussion last week so I'd say it's more than likely he's not going to play if the AFL's concussion rules are abided by.

Fitzpatrick suffered a concussion last week so I'd say it's more than likely he's not going to play if the AFL's concussion rules are abided by.

Every Concussion is different.....Some players can come back on after being concussed in a game.....Some can play the next week,some can't......It's up to the doctors of each club to make a decision....

There is no set rule...

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I don't mind Petterd's delisting, it was a reasonable call. What I find silly is that having been delisted many Demonlanders say that even fit he was no good and we are better without him.

Petterd, Moloney, Rivers and Bennell are now playing regular footy elsewhere, some with more certainty than others and some in better teams than others.

They'd sure as hell get a game with us.

Their weakness are less evident when they're spread disparately among better clubs; throw 'em all together in one side and you have a team of ordinary players who get thrashed week in week out.

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Every Concussion is different.....Some players can come back on after being concussed in a game.....Some can play the next week,some can't......It's up to the doctors of each club to make a decision....

There is no set rule...

Is there not a test they have to pass?

I remember Bail failing one for about 4 weeks in succession if my memory is serving me well today.

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Their weakness are less evident when they're spread disparately among better clubs; throw 'em all together in one side and you have a team of ordinary players who get thrashed week in week out.

But they weren't all with us last year.and what happened....

They would be in the selection mix at MFC.

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Is there not a test they have to pass?

I remember Bail failing one for about 4 weeks in succession if my memory is serving me well today.

Pretty sure they have tests, pretty sure different people pass or fail depending on what happened to them and their individual response.

re Fitz playing, I've no idea whether they have a test such that if you fail it on Thursday, it means there is no way you will pass a test on Sunday.

If they do, since he has been named in the squad, he's either got past that hurdle or MFC are trying to keep WCE guessing.

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Is there not a test they have to pass?

I remember Bail failing one for about 4 weeks in succession if my memory is serving me well today.

Tests are preformed by Club Doctors....Doc OK's them....then they play...As I said it is different for all individuals ...
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I dont understand why Dawes would need to go AIS for a second opinion. We should have a doctor who is able to identify what the problem is after 2 months. Isnt that their job?

I don't have any problem with them getting a second opinion olisik.

Send him to the North Pole if that fixes the problem.

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I dont understand why Dawes would need to go AIS for a second opinion. We should have a doctor who is able to identify what the problem is after 2 months. Isnt that their job?

Not familiar with the concept of a "second opinion" or a "specialist"..?


Not too surprised, I guess...

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I don't mind Petterd's delisting, it was a reasonable call. What I find silly is that having been delisted many Demonlanders say that even fit he was no good and we are better without him.

Petterd, Moloney, Rivers and Bennell are now playing regular footy elsewhere, some with more certainty than others and some in better teams than others.

They'd sure as hell get a game with us.

Moloney wouldn't, and don't get too ahead of yourself Bennell's played one game, wouldn't call that regular footy

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Might have to give Demonland a miss for a while

The bleating and moaning about injuries is just way over the top....Every club has them...West Coast last year were decimated by them.....One of the best ruckman in the games was out for a year and a half (Sandilands)

Judd has not come back on time predicted by Carlton.....Reid at Collingwood....and many others that I can't be bothered looking up, but some just want to take out their frustrations by calling the club liars and trying to hide something

And while I'm at it.....The criticism of our players is pathetic by beer guzzling blokes sitting in the grand stands. They bag the players, the club and every thing the clubs tries to do to improve. The hate for some of OUR players is really concerning. For the past year or so Dunn was so hated on here he received hate mail...now he has become the favourite son. We build players up and when they don't play to our expectations we start to hate them. WTF. Jimmy T is a prize example. JKH is heading that way and Byrne is also hated. Just don't understand. They are just young men trying their best to win.

Posters being upset and angry that we picked this player instead of that player......Posters insulting others for an opinion that they don't agree with.

The negativity on here is just depressing.

Rant over.

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Might have to give Demonland a miss for a while

The bleating and moaning about injuries is just way over the top....Every club has them...West Coast last year were decimated by them.....One of the best ruckman in the games was out for a year and a half (Sandilands)

Judd has not come back on time predicted by Carlton.....Reid at Collingwood....and many others that I can't be bothered looking up, but some just want to take out their frustrations by calling the club liars and trying to hide something

And while I'm at it.....The criticism of our players is pathetic by beer guzzling blokes sitting in the grand stands. They bag the players, the club and every thing the clubs tries to do to improve. The hate for some of OUR players is really concerning. For the past year or so Dunn was so hated on here he received hate mail...now he has become the favourite son. We build players up and when they don't play to our expectations we start to hate them. WTF. Jimmy T is a prize example. JKH is heading that way and Byrne is also hated. Just don't understand. They are just young men trying their best to win.

Posters being upset and angry that we picked this player instead of that player......Posters insulting others for an opinion that they don't agree with.

The negativity on here is just depressing.

Rant over.

Just two comments Bossdog

Is it surprising that after seven years of crap performance that supporters get a bit upset?

I don't really care about injuries at other clubs

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I dont understand why Dawes would need to go AIS for a second opinion. We should have a doctor who is able to identify what the problem is after 2 months. Isnt that their job?

I think you should just leave that as your response for most threads on Demonland.

FFS is it that difficult to understand, continued issues not responding - second opinion

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Might have to give Demonland a miss for a while

The bleating and moaning about injuries is just way over the top....Every club has them...West Coast last year were decimated by them.....One of the best ruckman in the games was out for a year and a half (Sandilands)

Judd has not come back on time predicted by Carlton.....Reid at Collingwood....and many others that I can't be bothered looking up, but some just want to take out their frustrations by calling the club liars and trying to hide something

And while I'm at it.....The criticism of our players is pathetic by beer guzzling blokes sitting in the grand stands. They bag the players, the club and every thing the clubs tries to do to improve. The hate for some of OUR players is really concerning. For the past year or so Dunn was so hated on here he received hate mail...now he has become the favourite son. We build players up and when they don't play to our expectations we start to hate them. WTF. Jimmy T is a prize example. JKH is heading that way and Byrne is also hated. Just don't understand. They are just young men trying their best to win.

Posters being upset and angry that we picked this player instead of that player......Posters insulting others for an opinion that they don't agree with.

The negativity on here is just depressing.

Rant over.

If you are suggesting that our injury issues are 'on par' with the rest of the competition you are completely mistaken. It is not an exaggeration to say we have had about 6-7 players missing from our best 22 for about 3 years straight. That is NOT a common scenario at other clubs.

I wouldn't call it 'hate' either.. we come here to talk footy, and we all want to club to win.. so if we have players out there that we feeel are holding us back of course we are going to comment on it. Would you reallly come to this site if everybody was just going 'we lost again! this is great! the players have my full support!' of course you wouldn't, so I think you need to analyse your own comments because they don't make sense.

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Might have to give Demonland a miss for a while

The bleating and moaning about injuries is just way over the top....Every club has them...West Coast last year were decimated by them.....One of the best ruckman in the games was out for a year and a half (Sandilands)

Judd has not come back on time predicted by Carlton.....Reid at Collingwood....and many others that I can't be bothered looking up, but some just want to take out their frustrations by calling the club liars and trying to hide something

And while I'm at it.....The criticism of our players is pathetic by beer guzzling blokes sitting in the grand stands. They bag the players, the club and every thing the clubs tries to do to improve. The hate for some of OUR players is really concerning. For the past year or so Dunn was so hated on here he received hate mail...now he has become the favourite son. We build players up and when they don't play to our expectations we start to hate them. WTF. Jimmy T is a prize example. JKH is heading that way and Byrne is also hated. Just don't understand. They are just young men trying their best to win.

Posters being upset and angry that we picked this player instead of that player......Posters insulting others for an opinion that they don't agree with.

The negativity on here is just depressing.

Rant over.

Pot. Kettle...

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If you are suggesting that our injury issues are 'on par' with the rest of the competition you are completely mistaken. It is not an exaggeration to say we have had about 6-7 players missing from our best 22 for about 3 years straight. That is NOT a common scenario at other clubs.

Not sure where you plucked this from ?

From this statement I can only deduce that we have been worse hit than any other team over the past 3 years - any evidence you wish to produce for this ?

Look at Adelaides injury list ...whooaa !

Collingwood lost their two key forwards for round one.

I will agree that we have a much lesser talent pool than other clubs so when we lose Clark, Dawes and Garland it is much worse for us than the Swans losing Tippet and Goodes.

Injuries to any MFC player with a touch of talent affects us greatly because we dont have that much talent.

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Just two comments Bossdog

Is it surprising that after seven years of crap performance that supporters get a bit upset?

I don't really care about injuries at other clubs

It is surprising they get upset over the fact estimated recovery times aren't accurate.

They never have been, never will be.

And even if they could tell with 100% certainty, I'm all for the club playing ducks and drakes.

I'm not self-important enough to think my personal need to know matters above all.

It's surprising that some do.

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It is surprising they get upset over the fact estimated recovery times aren't accurate.

They never have been, never will be.

And even if they could tell with 100% certainty, I'm all for the club playing ducks and drakes.

I'm not self-important enough to think my personal need to know matters above all.

It's surprising that some do.

the only 100% certainty is that the estimated recovery times are going to be wrong.

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If you are suggesting that our injury issues are 'on par' with the rest of the competition you are completely mistaken. It is not an exaggeration to say we have had about 6-7 players missing from our best 22 for about 3 years straight. That is NOT a common scenario at other clubs.

Having only a small handful of reliable players in our club our doomsayers have the 'luxury' of redefining who the good players are all the time. They are the ones who are injured. Hence we have the worst injury record.

Just two comments Bossdog

Is it surprising that after seven years of crap performance that supporters get a bit upset?

I don't really care about injuries at other clubs

Point 1 - no not surprising. Just need to not let emotion rule us.

Point 2 - fine, as long as people don't complain about us being worse than or spinning more than the other clubs.

We are all frustrated that the hoped for new start for the club under Roos with a new midfield, a decent backline and 3 serious forwards has possibly been derailed by injury. Just need to bear it and hope for better times as the the year goes on.

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