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Scott Watters Sacked!


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Dermott absolutely gave it to the Saints...i agreed.

He is dead right...Brereton is also a very close mate of Watters and is very angry to the way he was treated.

Brereton has lived with success so i believe what he says...

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Didn't Al Clarkson have issues with Pelchin as well when he was at Hawthorn. I remember there was a period that it may have been a him or me situation between the two, one now has two premierships the other is in charge of a severely fractured club.

We have seen over the past 7 years what office and Footy staff can do to a club, it stuffed our club and it looks like the Saints are follow our path.

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The Run Home ‏@therunhome 18h

Derm says the Dees are "miles ahead" of the Saints now. Says 17 other clubs will win before them.

I'd agree with that.

I'm not sure how many other clubs we're in front of, but if you run over both lists, I'd have ours in front of theirs, and that's before you add in their off-field dramas.

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The Run Home @therunhome 18h

Derm says the Dees are "miles ahead" of the Saints now. Says 17 other clubs will win before them.

Hes not wrong

Look at their playing list


And then take out Riewoldt and Hayes who are both cooked and wont play past next season.

Our list is so far ahead of theirs it isnt funny.

And they dont have a coach when we have some bloke called Paul Roos.

We must smash those losers in round 1

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Why now. Why not do it before the trade period. What does 3 weeks make. I mean players that moved on may have decided to stay. I just think its strange that a few weeks before the draft you would want to be settled with a coach so he can pick the players he wants. I feel sorry for Watters in a way. Maybe they want there champ back Robert Harvey as coach. Bring some life back.

But we cant allow ourselves to lose in r1 like last year. But at least another club is in the news for coaching reasons and we are left alone.

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The Run Home ‏@therunhome 18h

Derm says the Dees are "miles ahead" of the Saints now. Says 17 other clubs will win before them.

Classic Derm speaking before he thinks.

If they employ Mark Williams they'll be level pegging with us. If they go a young coach they'll likely be behind but not miles behind. They've just added 2 decent big key defenders that they missed in 2013. Plus 3 first round picks and Shane Savage should help cover Nick Dal Santo.

FB: Roberton Delaney Dempster

HB: Fisher Bruce Geary

C: Savage Armitage Newnes

HF: Curren Riewoldt Ross

FF: Schneider Lee Murdoch

Foll: Hickey Steven Montagna

Int: Stanley, Hayes, Wright, Pick 3

Plus. Backline: Simpkin, Gilbert, Gwilt, Webser

Midfield; Longer, C. Jones, Saunders, Ray

Forward: Milera, Siposs, Markworth, Dennis-Lane, Spencer White, Saad*

Plus 2 more top 20 picks

That backline despite the 2 talls not being superstars is very good. Good rebound and good defensive skills and coverage. Midfield lacks depth but probably still has us covered and they need fresh blood in the forward line but they aren't useless. Overall the doom and gloom about this list is over hyped. Nail these draft picks to fix the midfield and then they have most things sorted. Plus the plan will be to get the permanent answer post Riewoldt in next years draft that has a couple of gun key forward prospects. In terms of pure playing list I wouldn't be overly concerned if I was the next coach of the saints. I'd just want to know that the new Pres, new CEO and Chris Pelchen are all on my side.

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Hes not wrong

Look at their playing list


And then take out Riewoldt and Hayes who are both cooked and wont play past next season.

Our list is so far ahead of theirs it isnt funny.

And they dont have a coach when we have some bloke called Paul Roos.

We must smash those losers in round 1

Show me where. I think Frawley obviously gives us a class edge in the key defenders. I and rate Tom McDonald of course but he's not miles ahead of Delaney and Bruce. Mids and small defenders they win. Come the midfield its probably Vince, Jones and Viney V Montagna, Steven and Armitage, a match up they win. The likes of Michie, Tyson, Toumpas, Watts, McKenzie haven't shown anything more than the Saints young boys plus we'll add pick 9 and 40 whilst they'll add 3 top 20 picks including pick 3. Same for small forwards and rotating mids. Longer and Hickey v Gawn and Spencer for rucks. All 4 unproven.

We have a clear edge in the back up ruck and key forwards with Clark, Fitzy, Dawes and Hogan v Stanley, Lee, Riewoldt. But that's only an edge if finally get our guys on the park together.

We naturally have an advantage in that the bulk of a decent side on paper are already at the club but none of it has been developed. The saints have the advantage of a few more seasoned players across the lines and higher top picks in the draft. But it's way too early to declare us past the saints. We should've gone past them this year but stuffed that up badly

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Classic Derm speaking before he thinks.

If they employ Mark Williams they'll be level pegging with us. If they go a young coach they'll likely be behind but not miles behind. They've just added 2 decent big key defenders that they missed in 2013. Plus 3 first round picks and Shane Savage should help cover Nick Dal Santo.

FB: Roberton Delaney Dempster

HB: Fisher Bruce Geary

C: Savage Armitage Newnes

HF: Curren Riewoldt Ross

FF: Schneider Lee Murdoch

Foll: Hickey Steven Montagna

Int: Stanley, Hayes, Wright, Pick 3

Plus. Backline: Simpkin, Gilbert, Gwilt, Webser

Midfield; Longer, C. Jones, Saunders, Ray

Forward: Milera, Siposs, Markworth, Dennis-Lane, Spencer White, Saad*

Plus 2 more top 20 picks

That backline despite the 2 talls not being superstars is very good. Good rebound and good defensive skills and coverage. Midfield lacks depth but probably still has us covered and they need fresh blood in the forward line but they aren't useless. Overall the doom and gloom about this list is over hyped. Nail these draft picks to fix the midfield and then they have most things sorted. Plus the plan will be to get the permanent answer post Riewoldt in next years draft that has a couple of gun key forward prospects. In terms of pure playing list I wouldn't be overly concerned if I was the next coach of the saints. I'd just want to know that the new Pres, new CEO and Chris Pelchen are all on my side.

This is their best line up assuming no injuries and that Saad somehow escapes any penalty?

Wow. I am unimpressed.

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This is their best line up assuming no injuries and that Saad somehow escapes any penalty?

Wow. I am unimpressed.

That's why Saad's got an asterisk. It's not a great line up but I think it's far from useless. Most of the players have had a few preseasons so they aren't complete babies and the general skill and footballing level is actually pretty decent. I think that team it's actually harder to beat than people would realise. Steven and Armitage have taken over in the midfield now with help from Montagna. The big concern is winning games without Riewoldt dominating and so a lot falls to Lee and Stanley. But at Melbourne we haven't seen us win games with Dawes, Clarke etc because they haven't been out there.

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Saints will miss NDS. Whilst not a game killer in himself he was integral to the harmony (sts) of their engine room. Its now down at least one cylinder. Milne.. bugger that he was , was also their second best goal scorer, now gone, replaced by whom?

Theyll miss McEvoy. Longer is no Ben . There back line isnt that brilliant for mine. Given they HAD a midfield in 13 their % is poor.

Round 1...bring it :)

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Some players would be shitty now that trade period and free agency is finished.. Nicky Dal did the right thing.

I feel for Watters though.. Wasn't he on SEN before saying that the president had told him he was there for the long run?

Something not right..

OMG that is always the Kiss of Death

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Saints will miss NDS. Whilst not a game killer in himself he was integral to the harmony (sts) of their engine room. Its now down at least one cylinder. Milne.. bugger that he was , was also their second best goal scorer, now gone, replaced by whom?

Theyll miss McEvoy. Longer is no Ben . There back line isnt that brilliant for mine. Given they HAD a midfield in 13 their % is poor.

Round 1...bring it :)

Keep a lid on it Bubbsy

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Well handled?

Milne case: St Kilda coterie members and (allegedly) officials lean on St Kilda Police to cover up ('not proceed with investigation') serious allegations in a case deemed credible and reopened for investigation 7 years later.

Schoolgirl: St Kilda officials and coterie members circulate demeaning videos and jokes about the girl, publicly '[censored]-shame' her, make absurd threats to claim damages, and in the process basically keep the issue in the media for much longer than would otherwise have happened, by which time an apparently somewhat unhinged teenage girl has become a publicity addict with an axe to grind. Meanwhile, players and, incredibly, player manager Ricky Nixon, have managed to get themselves further entangled in a pathetic and sordid drug and sex web.

Meanwhile, they also blew the re-signing of Ross Lyon by making him wait and wait for even a solid contract extension offer, their relocation to Seaford has been a shambles (an expensive shambles) every step of the way. They also sacked Grant Thomas in a year (2006) he took the team to finals despite several top players being injured (and, indeed, if not for the rampaging might of Nathon Carroll, Brock Mclean and Cameron Bruce they would have continue past the first elimination final), a process done with considerable, enduring acrimony. The next year Butters was also overthrown and much of the board departed, again, in acrimony.

Far from being well-managed, the St Kilda football club has lurched from one conflict and media storm to another for the last 8 years, held together only by what would appear to have been two top coaches (Thomas and Lyon) and the strength of the core group of elite players which are now retiring or leaving, with few apparent replacements.

They have failed to build a solid financial base or to mobilise an active supporter group in the last ten years, despite being one of the most successful teams on the field with several of the highest profile names in the game - St Kilda's membership numbers have barely been ahead of Melbourne's for the last five years.

I deeply worry about St Kilda's situation if they also now have to deal with a very long period of being uncompetitive. Their best ten players, with the exception of Jack Steven, are either on the edge of retirement or already out the door.

Put another way - they turned out a pretty dismal year in 2013 despite more than half their Best-22 being at least 27 years old.

Right now, they are in a worse on-field situation that the Demon's season of 2007. And there's nothing going on off-field to suggest it will be responded to effectively.

Actually, you make a pretty good point.

Maybe it feels that they have handled it as well as expected because at least they were winning on field. This is the first real s**t storm they have been through where they have also been in a weak position on field as well.

Only thing I can nit pick about your post is the Thomas sacking. He probably couldn't have stayed on beyond 2006 due to the tension he had with Butterss but that's small.

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Yeah i know. The night shift at SEN will be hilarious now!!!

Yep Finey or more often called Viney will be in full voice

And then we have S J Peake giving his one eyed opinion

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St Kilda's PR manager should be fired (assuming they have one).

That press conference was abysmal. Nothing but corporate buzz-words and dodging the issues. Refused to answer questions and now won't do any media.

No wonder their fans are furious.

Melbourne's made more mistakes over the last few years, but at least when PJ came in to clean things up he fronted up to things and admitted exactly why we had to sack Neeld and why we had to beg the AFL for money. Stark contrast.

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Classic Derm speaking before he thinks.

I don't think Derm was talking about wins next season, he was talking premierships and I think he is right. 17 other clubs are ahead of them in the race at the moment. We have made the right moves to start moving forward the saints are a long way behind and they've backed Pelchin in big time, if he's pulling the wrong reins then they have a lot more pain to come.

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St Kilda's PR manager should be fired (assuming they have one).

That press conference was abysmal. Nothing but corporate buzz-words and dodging the issues. Refused to answer questions and now won't do any media.

No wonder their fans are furious.

Melbourne's made more mistakes over the last few years, but at least when PJ came in to clean things up he fronted up to things and admitted exactly why we had to sack Neeld and why we had to beg the AFL for money. Stark contrast.

Spot on. To be honest, and there are plenty of MN bashing threads on here, I think Neeldy seemed to try to turn the presser into a bit of a whitewash when he started on the 'I don't know why I have been sacked.' PJ was ultra impressive when he set the record straight and from that point on, I have had more faith that the club is in the right hands. It wasn't over blown. It wasn't political. It wasn't spin. It was merely a statement of the facts. We didn't get that from the Saints today.

Maybe this was all about professional courtesy? As the ALP 2010-2013 showed, sometimes you just need to fess up as to why someone was sacked, suffer the short term fallout and then move on.

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I'll post it as a rumour but I have it from an elite source that an American businessman was willing to sponsor the Saints, for around the value of $10 million dollars over 7 years.

It was told to me that I think Eric Bana or whoever the Saints bloke is set it up, however it was on the proviso that Watters was no longer coach.

Seemed the money won out, and quite frankly St Kilda had to make the decision.

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I'll post it as a rumour but I have it from an elite source that an American businessman was willing to sponsor the Saints, for around the value of $10 million dollars over 7 years.

It was told to me that I think Eric Bana or whoever the Saints bloke is set it up, however it was on the proviso that Watters was no longer coach.

Seemed the money won out, and quite frankly St Kilda had to make the decision.

are you Caro's Arrow by any chance?

Edited by Fifty-5
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