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LOL by far the worst comparison going around.

Your saying we should get Crouch yet he cant kick, not a big endurance base at all for a midfielder, very slow, and lacks the work ethic at training.


I get that you are replying to a provocative post that but you are pushing things a bit here. Crouch is not the best kick but not that bad, his decision making and handball under pressure is 1st rate, his endurance base is so bad that he averaged 38 possessions (maybe not so bad), he's not very slow just not explosive like his brother, his work ethic and willingness to change his game is evidenced by how he racked up possessions when told he needed to develop an outside game which he has. He gets inside and outside ball.

Crouch is a very good player, and if we wanted a clearance player who hits the contest harder than anyone in this draft he would be the one. I think the only reason we will overlook him is we are looking to add a bit more class this draft. It may well be a mistake, then again he might be on our radar. I wouldn't be disappointed to pick him up.

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lets put the 38 possessions into perspective

it was the average for 7 TAC games only

when he stepped up to rep level (U18 champs) he averaged 21.5 possessions for 2 games with Vic country

just saying

Still not bad, and coming back from injury also picked up 25 touches in his VFL game. I think the possession count shows that whilst he was seen as not having an outside game and lacking a tank he has worked to address this. Doesn't show much more at TAC cup level, but he does accumulate and is a footballer.

We shouldn't place too much store in combine results, we've been there before. It can be very misleading.

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IF we get the player we really wanted at 2 with 9 and IF he becomes a good player for us and IF Tyson also becomes a good player for us we will have done extremely well in our trade of 2.

This trade could then be an important link in our resurgence.

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IF we get the player we really wanted at 2 with 9 and IF he becomes a good player for us and IF Tyson also becomes a good player for us we will have done extremely well in our trade of 2.

This trade could then be an important link in our resurgence.

If you add Hogan who is touted as a top 3 pick and a better footballer then Boyd then we have come away with:

Pick 2 that has turned into Dom Tyson a ready made young gun

Pick 9

And Hogan as a freebie :cool:

So technically we have picked up 3 top 10 elite junior prospects.. Cant complain can we :wub:

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I get that you are replying to a provocative post that but you are pushing things a bit here. Crouch is not the best kick but not that bad, his decision making and handball under pressure is 1st rate, his endurance base is so bad that he averaged 38 possessions (maybe not so bad), he's not very slow just not explosive like his brother, his work ethic and willingness to change his game is evidenced by how he racked up possessions when told he needed to develop an outside game which he has. He gets inside and outside ball.

Crouch is a very good player, and if we wanted a clearance player who hits the contest harder than anyone in this draft he would be the one. I think the only reason we will overlook him is we are looking to add a bit more class this draft. It may well be a mistake, then again he might be on our radar. I wouldn't be disappointed to pick him up.

Magna got 38 possessions in an AFL game. All a bit meaningless until you get to the elite level if you ask me. For me, i think it is time to go for a bit of class - we've got four hard inside mids in Tyson, Viney, Michie and Vince, and add an in-form Trengove and we are just about there. Let's get some taller, elite skills like Lennon

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Magna got 38 possessions in an AFL game. All a bit meaningless until you get to the elite level if you ask me. For me, i think it is time to go for a bit of class - we've got four hard inside mids in Tyson, Viney, Michie and Vince, and add an in-form Trengove and we are just about there. Let's get some taller, elite skills like Lennon

You sure about that??

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If you add Hogan who is touted as a top 3 pick and a better footballer then Boyd then we have come away with:

Pick 2 that has turned into Dom Tyson a ready made young gun

Pick 9

And Hogan as a freebie :cool:

So technically we have picked up 3 top 10 elite junior prospects.. Cant complain can we :wub:

Well you can always complain if you have good reason to. Don' t know if it really helps in the AFL though.

We really do have some upside though with new players coming through and young guys into their second season and of course Roos.

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If you add Hogan who is touted as a top 3 pick and a better footballer then Boyd then we have come away with:

Pick 2 that has turned into Dom Tyson a ready made young gun

Pick 9

And Hogan as a freebie :cool:

So technically we have picked up 3 top 10 elite junior prospects.. Cant complain can we :wub:

I know Hogan will play in 2014, but the way I see it, Hogan is on the list thanks to the wheeling and dealing in 2012. Hence a pick up last year.

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My old football coach is now a part-time recruiter for Collingwood, being one or Dad's good mates I asked him who he saw going to Melbourne. He was pretty adamant, and the reason so many mock drafts have Freeman coming to us is the whispers are that if he's available we will take him. He said in as many words if he wasn't taken by us he'd be very likely to go at pick 10.

That I took with a grain of salt, but made it clear that they had a plan for someone at pick 6.. Or at least didn't value Freeman pick 6 worthy.

I responded that alot of mock drafts have Bontempelli at 6, so are those whispers correct too and he gave me absolutely nothing.

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One thing is for sure Roos knows a hell of a lot more than us.

I am sure he will make the right choice despite all the arguing going on here.

I am also sure that when we pick the player some poster will come on and say " told ya I was right"!

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Magna got 38 possessions in an AFL game. All a bit meaningless until you get to the elite level if you ask me. For me, i think it is time to go for a bit of class - we've got four hard inside mids in Tyson, Viney, Michie and Vince, and add an in-form Trengove and we are just about there. Let's get some taller, elite skills like Lennon

Not the point I was making but I think you are right with us looking for someone like Lennon.

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What game...?

Might want to do a little bit more research pal.

Sure PAL (to quote you). Sorry that should have been VFL game. My typo - should have checked it more thoroughly, but for what it is worth:


If you read my original post it was obvious I meant VFL, but I apologise anyway.

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Sure PAL (to quote you). Sorry that should have been VFL game. My typo - should have checked it more thoroughly, but for what it is worth:


If you read my original post it was obvious I meant VFL, but I apologise anyway.

Thought you meant the VFL game..

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The more I think about it, the more Freeman looks like another Nicholson.

I suggest you stop trying to think so hard.

Brisbane are the ones that I have heard that have showed a real interest in Freeman.

They do have to replace a speedy mid in Polec.

Wouldn't surprise me too much.

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Possibly the worst post on demonland, from the least knowledgeable poster.

Seriously mate. Get a clue.

As posted elsewhere:

Top 10 selection duds:

2003: Tenace, Clarke, Trotter, Dunn

2004: Tambling, Meesen, Russell, Egan

2005: Ellis, Dowler, Oakley-Nichols, Drum

2006: Gumbleton, Thorp,

2007 :Morton, Grant, Palmer,

2008: all still playing with original club

2009: Sheppard, Butcher

2010: Polec,

and after 2010 it's too early to tell. Some of the above still have time. Some are debatable, Getting it wrong in the top 10 is common.

Who are the likely "dud" we are all craving now: Boyd, Kelly, Aish, Billings, KK, Scharenberg. Lennon, Bontepelli, McDonald, Freeman, Salem?

Come on GD, who are they and why couldn't Freeman be one. Most here are judging players on about 5 minutes vision out of say 1600 minutes played in 2013 (20 games by 80 minutes). It's funny how some get wedded to players on so little evidence. I don't have a clue who we'll pick but I know the FD will have their reasons. I also know there is no guarantee they will get it right.

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As posted elsewhere:

Top 10 selection duds:

2003: Tenace, Clarke, Trotter, Dunn

2004: Tambling, Meesen, Russell, Egan

2005: Ellis, Dowler, Oakley-Nichols, Drum

2006: Gumbleton, Thorp,

2007 :Morton, Grant, Palmer,

2008: all still playing with original club

2009: Sheppard, Butcher

2010: Polec,

and after 2010 it's too early to tell. Some of the above still have time. Some are debatable, Getting it wrong in the top 10 is common.

Who are the likely "dud" we are all craving now: Boyd, Kelly, Aish, Billings, KK, Scharenberg. Lennon, Bontepelli, McDonald, Freeman, Salem?

Come on GD, who are they and why couldn't Freeman be one. Most here are judging players on about 5 minutes vision out of say 1600 minutes played in 2013 (20 games by 80 minutes). It's funny how some get wedded to players on so little evidence. I don't have a clue who we'll pick but I know the FD will have their reasons. I also know there is no guarantee they will get it right.

Looking through that list just confirms that I should never read anything from any so-called experts in the two or three months leading up to the draft.

I'm sure there are several names there who appealed strongly when I read the various phantom drafts and other appraisals (some from experts in the game and others from the average Joe behind the computer screen).

Some continued to appeal when I saw them in action both before and after being drafted until they eventually achieved the status of dud.

In the case of Lucas Cook who was an All Australian key forward (but not quite top 10) and who looked good at times in his first six months at the club, I even thought he might make it - not as a "great" but as a handy key forward.

I think I'll stick to picking Melbourne Cup winners (people can apply for my expert tips on Wednesday morning :lol: )

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As posted elsewhere:

Top 10 selection duds:

2003: Tenace, Clarke, Trotter, Dunn

2004: Tambling, Meesen, Russell, Egan

2005: Ellis, Dowler, Oakley-Nichols, Drum

2006: Gumbleton, Thorp,

2007 :Morton, Grant, Palmer,

2008: all still playing with original club

2009: Sheppard, Butcher

2010: Polec,

and after 2010 it's too early to tell. Some of the above still have time. Some are debatable, Getting it wrong in the top 10 is common.

Who are the likely "dud" we are all craving now: Boyd, Kelly, Aish, Billings, KK, Scharenberg. Lennon, Bontepelli, McDonald, Freeman, Salem?

Come on GD, who are they and why couldn't Freeman be one. Most here are judging players on about 5 minutes vision out of say 1600 minutes played in 2013 (20 games by 80 minutes). It's funny how some get wedded to players on so little evidence. I don't have a clue who we'll pick but I know the FD will have their reasons. I also know there is no guarantee they will get it right.

Since you have gone to that effort, I'll reply to your post firstly.

First and foremost, as demon supporters we know there is no guarantee when it comes to the draft. Whether that be pick 1, 2 or 78. There isn't a sure fire way of knowing the player called out by the head recruiter on draft day is a 200 game player. The names you mention all symbolise that and there is no disagreement from me why freeman could not join them.

That said, my post was aimed at a poster who continues to make calls on a lot of club issues with little regard to facts or figures, and his or her own opinion is blinded by that. The post I disagree with was that the more he/she watches of freeman the more he is another Nicholson.

Dan Nicholson never ever was a top 10 draft pick. He was taken off the back of 2 year solid performances at uni blues and we picked him as a rookie in 2011. Now beg my ignorance, but I never once disagreed that freeman could be yet another top 10 pick who doesn't evolve into a long term player, merely stating that yet again, the poster in question made another baseless reference with little fact to support those claims.

You should be able to bank on a long term player inside the top 10, however it's fair to say a second round rookie listed player who battled away playing amateur footy for 2 years and had to fight to get into a senior list, is more of a bonus to us than a hindrance and a player worthy of such derogatory abuse from posters in some instances. What's to say he can't be worked on and moulded into a long term player.many clubs have a player come on after battling away previously, Matthew stokes, clancee Pearce, Michael Walters, Ted Richards all spring to mind. If there is an exact science to recruiting with your top 10 pick, BB, I'm sure many a club would love to hear from you.

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