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Jack Watts and Mike Sheahan

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This may come as a surprise, but I'm not Watts' greatest fan. That said, football is 80% above the shoulders and I suspect even more so when it comes to Watts and what he's been through.

The best thing I've seen Watts do on a footy field was that match saving mark last week. Not two months ago Watts was lamenting not having senior players like Geelong to lead the way. He was rightly lambasted for those comments, as he had ownership over his own contributions and could be the player he craved. Jack led the way last week. Something needed to be done and he willed himself to do it. I'm a great believer that you "become your thoughts". Craig has Watts believing and Neeld had him doubting. There's no bigger formula for success in life than belief. I don't think Watts will be superstar we originally hoped, but he can most certainly become an A-grader if he believes he can.

I give him a hard time, but I reckon he's showing he can become a player we all admire. I hope he stays.

Edited by Ben-Hur
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The superstar we originally hoped for was a key position hulking forward. Jack was never going to be that. If he can become consistent, he will become an A grader. Get in now and sign him up on a long term contract.

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you notice when watts says he was not pleased when neeld got fired that he reaches uup and scratches his right ear. Watts was thoroughly pleased neeld got the chop. classic body language for someone uncomfortable with what they are saying.. ie. bullsh1ting

I prefer to look for micro-espressions.


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Clearly Cameron Schwab made a number of calls that were damaging to the club but to argue as does 'heart beats true' that the fault with Neeld's coaching lies with Schwab is nonsense.

After 186 Schwab wanted to be proven right. He got someone that did that. Foolishly it cost him his job. He should be remembered as the mastermind of all this. Neeld made mistakes, but he was encouraged to make them. As Martin Ferguson said 'a coach is like a cook, he has to make something with the indigents available' (or words to that effect). If you tell people they aren't any good that's exactly what you'll get.

I'm firmly in the camp that Cameron Schwab is the worst thing to happen to our club since Simon Eishold forgot how to kick. He oversaw tanking (both the plan and the lack of defence) and Neeld's confidence shredding hard man charade. Lets see what the industry thinks of him. I bet he'll never work in it again. Neeld will be at a club next year.

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no wonder we hit rock bottom

worst coach of all time - Mark Neeld

worst CEO of all time - Cameron Schwab

Thank god that nightmare over and we are beginning the slow rise back to respectability

Edited by hogans_heroes
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This may come as a surprise, but I'm not Watts' greatest fan. That said, football is 80% above the shoulders and I suspect even more so when it comes to Watts and what he's been through.

The best thing I've seen Watts do on a footy field was that match saving mark last week. Not two months ago Watts was lamenting not having senior players like Geelong to lead the way. He was rightly lambasted for those comments, as he had ownership over his own contributions and could be the player he craved. Jack led the way last week. Something needed to be done and he willed himself to do it. I'm a great believer that you "become your thoughts". Craig has Watts believing and Neeld had him doubting. There's no bigger formula for success in life than belief. I still don't believe Watts will be superstar we originally hoped, but he can most certainly become an A-grader if he believes.

I give him a hard time, but I reckon he's showing he can become a player we all admire. I hope he stays.

First post of yours, I wholeheartedly agree with!

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This may come as a surprise, but I'm not Watts' greatest fan. That said, football is 80% above the shoulders and I suspect even more so when it comes to Watts and what he's been through.

The best thing I've seen Watts do on a footy field was that match saving mark last week. Not two months ago Watts was lamenting not having senior players like Geelong to lead the way. He was rightly lambasted for those comments, as he had ownership over his own contributions and could be the player he craved. Jack led the way last week. Something needed to be done and he willed himself to do it. I'm a great believer that you "become your thoughts". Craig has Watts believing and Neeld had him doubting. There's no bigger formula for success in life than belief. I still don't believe Watts will be superstar we originally hoped, but he can most certainly become an A-grader if he believes.

I give him a hard time, but I reckon he's showing he can become a player we all admire. I hope he stays.

I had to check a couple of times I had the author of this post correct..

It's official then. All aboard the Watts train. :D

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Neeld is worth discussing because he is the personification of one approach to player management/development. We all, naturally, have an interest in the question of what sort of coaching will bring out the best in our players. It matters for the future.

Up till now, I would have described Neeld's approach as the tough disciplinarian approach. I thought he was a fail because the team was chat all over every week. But now I think that may be missing the real point. In the Mike Sheahan interview, I thought Jack Watts implied that how he reacts is not the way others do, and it sounds as though he has not discussed it with his team-mates. This strikes me as odd. I wonder how close the playing group are. Maybe Neeld was actually, essentially, a divider of men.

What if this was in practice the real core of Neeldism - dichotomising or polarising everything? Maybe part of Neeld's culture was to polarise people into "for me" and "against me" groups? Think about it - the old guard had leprosy, Moloney was clearly taking his bat and going home, and the young guys not very confidently knew just one thing for sure: that the right answer was to "buy in", whether they felt like it or not. Delete any ideas about Mr Nice-guy relationships, etc. And no lack of people to tell them they were in the wrong, if they weren't really comfortable with it all. Some got their heads around it, others struggled, but what if nobody really discussed it? - so that someone as intelligent as Jack Watts afterwards is not really able to say much about the range of responses to Neeld. (Jack could have been being diplomatic, circumspect, etc - I know. But if he was just telling it how it is, then it seemed odd to me that he was not able to say in any specifics what the range of reactions were.)

Polarisation is always destructive, I think. Inclusivity is always a good thing. "Team" must always be in the space between the members, filling the whole space from each to each other. Team members know each other.

I am delighted to see progress under Craig, and I believe it is largely due to Craig's more personable and wise handling of the players. I'd love to see growing empathy and bonding between the players; but Jack Watts' interview made me wonder whether in his time the benefits of understanding stuff about one another - and sharing stuff, learning from each other - have been fostered at Melbourne. Closeness and knowing each other really well was reputed to be one of the features of Norm Smith's great sides.

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In the Mike Sheahan interview, I thought Jack Watts implied that how he reacts is not the way others do, and it sounds as though he has not discussed it with his team-mates. This strikes me as odd. I wonder how close the playing group are. Maybe Neeld was actually, essentially, a divider of men.

It's discussed. The players know what others are thinking.

It's called diplomacy. They're schooled in media and Watts would have been considered in his responses.

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Sorry but someone has to say this. We have played 2 teams under Craig who are 16th and 15th on the ladder Our improved performance has nothing to do with the coaching change, it's only because we were playing other crap teams on our home ground where those teams are known to struggle. Everyone just calm down. Now if we play well on Sunday then I'll jump on the Craig bus like the rest of you.

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Sorry but someone has to say this. We have played 2 teams under Craig who are 16th and 15th on the ladder Our improved performance has nothing to do with the coaching change, it's only because we were playing other crap teams on our home ground where those teams are known to struggle. Everyone just calm down. Now if we play well on Sunday then I'll jump on the Craig bus like the rest of you.

Saying it has nothing to do with the coaching change is on par with hailing Craig as the new messiah. You don't know how much can be attributed to the coaching change yet. No-one does.

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It's discussed. The players know what others are thinking.

It's called diplomacy. They're schooled in media and Watts would have been considered in his responses.

Yep, that's how it is. Jack was trying to be diplomatic and held the party line.

Sorry but someone has to say this. We have played 2 teams under Craig who are 16th and 15th on the ladder Our improved performance has nothing to do with the coaching change, it's only because we were playing other crap teams on our home ground where those teams are known to struggle. Everyone just calm down. Now if we play well on Sunday then I'll jump on the Craig bus like the rest of you.

No, that's not quite right. We are now starting to get a bit of ball and share it around which we couldn't do against any team in the comp. At least for the moment we can go to a game and think well maybe we could win this one. Before it was more how much can we keep the losing margin down to.

...but there is a fair chance we have a few good beatings coming.

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Sorry but someone has to say this. We have played 2 teams under Craig who are 16th and 15th on the ladder Our improved performance has nothing to do with the coaching change, it's only because we were playing other crap teams on our home ground where those teams are known to struggle. Everyone just calm down. Now if we play well on Sunday then I'll jump on the Craig bus like the rest of you.

Good God man. It's not the result, it's the difference in attitude.

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From Craig to Watts, to Jones, Trengove, Frawley, they have all remained consistent - in that they haven't bagged Neeld and have maintained it's just the change.

To me that says, they all know very well that Neeld was the issue, they are happy to have him out the door and see no need to even bag him.
The problem is gone, they are all very happy and refreshed that Neeld is no longer the coach.

IMO I think Craig and the players agreed with what Neeld was trying to do, but they just never bought into Neeld as an authority figure.

Just from the little I seen of the Watts interview with Mike, blokes like Watts and Trengove - who are placid fellas - respond better under Craig.

Craig is a nurturing bloke and it appears that our list respects Neil Craig, because he isn't trying to be something he is not and isn't playing dictator.

I am glad Neeld is out whilst Toumpas is in his first year, because IMO Neil Craig is the type of coach these young blokes need atm.

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This may come as a surprise, but I'm not Watts' greatest fan. That said, football is 80% above the shoulders and I suspect even more so when it comes to Watts and what he's been through.

The best thing I've seen Watts do on a footy field was that match saving mark last week. Not two months ago Watts was lamenting not having senior players like Geelong to lead the way. He was rightly lambasted for those comments, as he had ownership over his own contributions and could be the player he craved. Jack led the way last week. Something needed to be done and he willed himself to do it. I'm a great believer that you "become your thoughts". Craig has Watts believing and Neeld had him doubting. There's no bigger formula for success in life than belief. I still don't believe Watts will be superstar we originally hoped, but he can most certainly become an A-grader if he believes.

I give him a hard time, but I reckon he's showing he can become a player we all admire. I hope he stays.

l can't understand why our own supporters give Watts a hard time, we should stand up for him because he has been the most scrutinised AFL player ever. He has not been given a break since the day he landed at the club and the day as a schoolboy he played Queen's B'Day game. All the "experts" have been giving him shyte for 5 years, l mean at the start of the year he was given a hard time for having a beard. Now correct me l'm wrong but l reckon there is about 50-60 players in the AFL who now have beards, but Watts was singled out by Carey and Derm the germ, all these tossers were having a go at him for absolute trivial shyte, he could do nothing right. I reckon we just need to support him all the way and not slag him off.

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From Craig to Watts, to Jones, Trengove, Frawley, they have all remained consistent - in that they haven't bagged Neeld and have maintained it's just the change.

To me that says, they all know very well that Neeld was the issue, they are happy to have him out the door and see no need to even bag him.

The problem is gone, they are all very happy and refreshed that Neeld is no longer the coach.

IMO I think Craig and the players agreed with what Neeld was trying to do, but they just never bought into Neeld as an authority figure.

Just from the little I seen of the Watts interview with Mike, blokes like Watts and Trengove - who are placid fellas - respond better under Craig.

Craig is a nurturing bloke and it appears that our list respects Neil Craig, because he isn't trying to be something he is not and isn't playing dictator.

I am glad Neeld is out whilst Toumpas is in his first year, because IMO Neil Craig is the type of coach these young blokes need atm.

agree entirely

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Sorry but someone has to say this. We have played 2 teams under Craig who are 16th and 15th on the ladder Our improved performance has nothing to do with the coaching change, it's only because we were playing other crap teams on our home ground where those teams are known to struggle. Everyone just calm down. Now if we play well on Sunday then I'll jump on the Craig bus like the rest of you.

what a load of crap

We would have got flogged in both games and had 100 less disposals as per usual if Neeld was coaching

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you notice when watts says he was not pleased when neeld got fired that he reaches uup and scratches his right ear. Watts was thoroughly pleased neeld got the chop. classic body language for someone uncomfortable with what they are saying.. ie. bullsh1ting

yes it was a very "lie to me " tell in that moment .
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Sorry but someone has to say this. We have played 2 teams under Craig who are 16th and 15th on the ladder Our improved performance has nothing to do with the coaching change, it's only because we were playing other crap teams on our home ground where those teams are known to struggle. Everyone just calm down. Now if we play well on Sunday then I'll jump on the Craig bus like the rest of you.

the neeld bus nearly got us beaten by GWS on our home ground. There is no way we would have got close in either game because it is what it is and its a rebuild of a rebuild.

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