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Time to go Mark Neeld

Grand New Flag

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No. Any suitor would have an unspoken understanding that Neeld couldn't coach these guys.

Moloney, Rivers, Bennell, Petterd, Gysberts, even Morton, all snapped up by other teams, wonder why?

Moloney is currently the number 1 mid for Brisbane under hard man Michael Voss. Brad Green was quickly snapped up as an assistant for hard man Mick Malthouse.

Do you think names like Voss and Malthouse understand footy culture? More than a few premierships between them...

Green has his coaching badges and would be snapped up, most don't stay with playing Club

That was Moloney's first good game, they were 1 and 3, Rivers left because he wanted to try and play finals in his last year, Bennell is a rookie in home state, Petterd has been given a role, he is now being caught out in that role, the other two can't get a game... and most on here hated the latter 4 with a passion

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You mean you interpreted what you thought he said in the report, this is Vlad in SA, he would say David Koch is the greatest media personality in the world if he thought it would ingratiate him with Port, he said Koch had done a good job

You have no idea how it works then, Malthouse kept everybody at Carlton? etc etc...you have to pay out contracts, nobody walks

Time to join the real world 'Sat' - things happen in strange ways!

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You mean you interpreted what you thought he said in the report, this is Vlad in SA, he would say David Koch is the greatest media personality in the world if he thought it would ingratiate him with Port, he said Koch had done a good job

"From an AFL perspective [what's happening at Port Adelaide] is what we love to see with all our clubs and that's what we hoping will happen with the Melbourne Football Club," Demetriou said.


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So Roos works for charity does he? I was waiting for that name, parted on good terms with Misson, you absolutely sure

What's worse: keeping Neeld until the end of his contract or paying him out and getting a coach that can motivate the players to actually have a dip? I know which one I'd choose.

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Royal, Mahoney, Viney, just a few that were there pre-Neeld.

Because Royal had contract and Neeld knew him, Mahoney has always wanted to do Footy Manager, he was reluctant Coach, I know I asked him, he is talented Footy Manager, you don't see his work and Viney is in different roles...coaches I said

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Green has his coaching badges and would be snapped up, most don't stay with playing Club

That was Moloney's first good game, they were 1 and 3, Rivers left because he wanted to try and play finals in his last year, Bennell is a rookie in home state, Petterd has been given a role, he is now being caught out in that role, the other two can't get a game... and most on here hated the latter 4 with a passion

Are you deliberately misunderstanding?

I didn't say they were great players, but clearly other teams are more than willing to give our "rejects" a chance because they understand how it sometimes doesn't work out between a player and a coach, and we have a lot of those players.

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"From an AFL perspective [what's happening at Port Adelaide] is what we love to see with all our clubs and that's what we hoping will happen with the Melbourne Football Club," Demetriou said.


"All our Clubs", and is hoping, didn't say "sack everybody".......I don't mind topics like this but let's keep it real and truthful shall we, Roos is only name offered up at them moment

Time to join the real world 'Sat' - things happen in strange ways!

They don't, these days it is a business, you can't terminate a contract without good reason and not pay for it

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Because Royal had contract and Neeld knew him, Mahoney has always wanted to do Footy Manager, he was reluctant Coach, I know I asked him, he is talented Footy Manager, you don't see his work and Viney is in different roles...coaches I said

So you must know them all well 'Sat'!

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"That was Moloney's first good game, they were 1 and 3, Rivers left because he wanted to try and play finals in his last year, Bennell is a rookie in home state, Petterd has been given a role, he is now being caught out in that role, the other two can't get a game... and most on here hated the latter 4 with a passion"

This is rubbish! Moloney's form has been excellent, Rivers would have stayed if not for the fact we are a basket case. Neeld was a factor. Pettard has been ok. Keeps his spot in a finals bound team, but had an average game last week, mind you on current form would be in Melbourne's best dozen. Morton has a long term injury, as has Bennell and have not been seen. I always though the right coach could make Morton. Just too many errors at critical moments.The one you have missed is Martin. You cant tell me that Martin is worse than Sellar or Pederson.

Edited by Grand New Flag
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Because Royal had contract and Neeld knew him, Mahoney has always wanted to do Footy Manager, he was reluctant Coach, I know I asked him, he is talented Footy Manager, you don't see his work and Viney is in different roles...coaches I said

Oh so what you're saying is sometimes people stay on when a new coach comes in? Got it. So you were wrong.

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Are you deliberately misunderstanding?

I didn't say they were great players, but clearly other teams are more than willing to give our "rejects" a chance because they understand how it sometimes doesn't work out between a player and a coach, and we have a lot of those players.

Stuie we are in total agreement for once.

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Interesting that Vlad said today that we could learn from PA who changed their coaching group and their president and are now starting to gain some respect. Something we haven't had for some time.

When did he say that? is it somewhere on the net we can see?

It's on the AFL website today!

You mean you interpreted what you thought he said in the report, this is Vlad in SA, he would say David Koch is the greatest media personality in the world if he thought it would ingratiate him with Port, he said Koch had done a good job

"From an AFL perspective [what's happening at Port Adelaide] is what we love to see with all our clubs and that's what we hoping will happen with the Melbourne Football Club," Demetriou said.


"All our Clubs", and is hoping, didn't say "sack everybody".......

Just so you know, what you post here stays here, so people can go back and list the conversation. That way you can't try and change things around to suit what you're trying to say.

Stick to the facts mate. It wasn't said that Vlad said "sack everybody" it was said that he said "we could learn from Port". You tried to argue against that and you were wrong. The evidence is above.

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That was Moloney's first good game


This year he has had 23, 24, 21, 22, and 36 touches, and VERY high supercoach scores in all games bar the North game.

Get your facts straight and people might listen to you.

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Last year I was savaged by posters on this site for pointing out the bleeding obvious. I will state it again.

Neeld is missing a major skill required to have success as a senior coach. This is the skill to be able to get the most out of your players. Neeld has no ability to create the confidence and self belief required to be an AFL coach. The number of players who play as a shadow of the players they were prior to last season in staggering. Virtually all players have gone backwards despite them being mostly low draft picks, young and up coming. I watch as our x players who were moved on suddenly find there lost ability at new clubs and point to this as further evidence. At the same time our recruits from other clubs suddenly struggle to get a kick, struggle to play.

I said it last year and I will say it again now. Neeld is not our man. He may be tough and smart, he may have a good footy brain but he is missing the skill of installing self belief and confidence while still being tough. He must be sacked ASAP. The perfomances since he became coach have been beyond appauling. Come season end we will see another wave of our better players asking to be traded or leaving through free agency if we don't get someone in who can install the most important thing in football........ self belief. Further we will be unable to trade for any quality recruit as the MFC will continue to seen as poison for any players career. We must get rid of Neeld before more damage is done.

Since you first wrote this post i have tried really hard to not agree with you but several more reads i am starting to think your actually on the money

I am astounded how our players are reactive instead of proactive especially when we dont have possesion

Other teams must be licking their lips when they play us as the body language is a tell tale sign that we are not playing for the coach

This idea of filling holes in space in THEIR foward line when THEY have the ball thus leaving 2, 3 and sometimes 4 of their players without an oppenet is BIZARRE

IMO the Hawks are the best kicking side in the competition and if we keep doing that we will lose to them by 200 points

We also seem to be the only team that consistantly turns the ball over when kicking in after a point is scored

We seem to have got this coaching gig so horribly wrong i think we should also be looking at hiring someone else to do the consulting

When i was a kid we were the most feared team ON and OFF the ground and we are MILES away from ever regaining that status

I really dont have any answers but i really think we would be better to see how we play on pure football instincts without ANY coaching during the match

Would be intestesting

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Hardnut, on 01 May 2013 - 20:24, said:

Akum, I understand your situation, but is there any way you can add some further information to this post?

There's nothing much to it. As I explained in another place, they are both involved with youth organisations in the western suburbs, who I see in the context of my work. I don't know what involvement they have with the Jets, but they both made comments about Neeld not being a good coach with the Jets. One of them said that while Neeld might be a good assistant coach, he doesn't think much of him as a senior coach. I didn't ask them for details or specifics.

It just confirmed my impression of Neeld - and of Bailey, for what it's worth - that they are examples of good (perhaps very good) assistant coaches who don't make the transition to good senior coaches.

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I wasn't against moving Moloney either but you have to ask questions when the guy winning your B&F in 2011 all of a sudden can't be fit in your salary cap, and doesn't really intend to stay.

How can you not find a role -- on-field, as a leader, or both -- for Rivers who has been at the club for 10 years and never once even had an inkling of being disgruntled with the club? Stood up last year at times and yet Neeld couldn't even convince the bloke to stay and help lead the team to a few extra wins this year. I understand he wanted to play finals, but you don't just let guys like that walk.

Petterd, I'm not fussed to see him go, same as the other guys, but he has contributed more to Richmond in a handful of games than he did all last season, when he was given no chance whatsoever.

I agree that Neeld hasn't been given nearly enough time to demonstrate he can coach over the period he proposed was needed to get this team up and running, but he HAS proven that his coaching capacity at the absolute worst puts him firmly in the worst coaches of all-time bracket, because this team plays moronically-bad football some times.

If you think the people on this forum are dumb sometimes, really pay attention to the team's structures on game day, because they seem to me to take "dumb" to a whole new level. I can't coach, admittedly, but I know the difference between good football and bad football, and this team is playing well below what it's actually capable of.

Neeld seems like a top bloke with a passionate vision and a direct line of what he wants, but that doesn't make him a good coach.

Edited by Cudi_420
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Neeld says when he first came to the club......."It's going to take time to build this footy club"

D/Landers......."No it won't ...We have these great recruits"

Neeld says in 2013(2nd year)....."We have started building this footy club and are changing the culture and it takes time"

D/Landers........."No it won't....We have more recruits and Viney......"

After 5 games

D/Landers........."Sack the coach....Sack the coach.....Lets get Roos....Mathews....Clarkson..."Two who will never coach again.....I even saw someone want Malcolm Blight to come back....FMD

It must be a Gen y or Gen something or rather....Instant success or nothing....We want to play finals NOW

Lets not build a club and a footy side (which will take time) lets just sack everyone now...and start again and again and again and again .........You get the message.......


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There's nothing much to it. As I explained in another place, they are both involved with youth organisations in the western suburbs, who I see in the context of my work. I don't know what involvement they have with the Jets, but they both made comments about Neeld not being a good coach with the Jets. One of them said that while Neeld might be a good assistant coach, he doesn't think much of him as a senior coach. I didn't ask them for details or specifics.

It just confirmed my impression of Neeld - and of Bailey, for what it's worth - that they are examples of good (perhaps very good) assistant coaches who don't make the transition to good senior coaches.

Thanks for the response Akum.

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Is Neeld the type of person to step down as coach? If he truly is unable to get the players 'playing for him,' then surely he must respect this as an option?

I recall one of his first quotes, "I certainly won't die trying" or something very similar. Would this mean that he's too stubborn and would need to be forcibly removed?

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This is rubbish! Moloney's form has been excellent, Rivers would have stayed if not for the fact we are a basket case. Neeld was a factor. Pettard has been ok. Keeps his spot in a finals bound team, but had an average game last week, mind you on current form would be in Melbourne's best dozen. Morton has a long term injury, as has Bennell and have not been seen. I always though the right coach could make Morton. Just too many errors at critical moments.The one you have missed is Martin. You cant tell me that Martin is worse than Sellar or Pederson.

Morton doesn't have a LTI at all. He has been playing all year for East Perth in the WAFL, and unless he improves, that's where he'll stay - though that's no doubt Neeld's fault.

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There's nothing much to it. As I explained in another place, they are both involved with youth organisations in the western suburbs, who I see in the context of my work. I don't know what involvement they have with the Jets, but they both made comments about Neeld not being a good coach with the Jets. One of them said that while Neeld might be a good assistant coach, he doesn't think much of him as a senior coach. I didn't ask them for details or specifics.

It just confirmed my impression of Neeld - and of Bailey, for what it's worth - that they are examples of good (perhaps very good) assistant coaches who don't make the transition to good senior coaches.

so you don't know the reason why but you take it as gospel, do you believe everything you hear.........

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No. Any suitor would have an unspoken understanding that Neeld couldn't coach these guys.

Moloney, Rivers, Bennell, Petterd, Gysberts, even Morton, all snapped up by other teams, wonder why?

Stuie I have seen Morton playing for East Perth and it is obvious to me why he can't get a game in Meth Coast's injury ravaged early season side, The fact he went pick 4 even that he went Top 20 says that was a bad draft and once again we had lazy recruiters who went on u/18 carnival form. He has no drive, intensity or will to get to a contest. I'm sure those in Victoria can enlighten us on the progress of Gysberts!

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Rivers left as an unrestricted free agent, as far as i understand it we couldn't do much about it. Yes, if we were closer to playing finals he probably would have stayed. He wanted the chance to play in a premiership before he retires in a couple of years, and we weren't going to be able to offer him that. Unfortunately, that is going to happen more and more with free agency. So i don't think that Neeld can be blamed for him leaving.

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