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Never understand why people on here think CW is in any trouble.

95% of football fans think she is exposing the MFC as tankers

That will not change no matter what happens over the next few weeks.

So a majority of Dees fans dislike her

Don't think she is lying awake at night worrying about MFC supporters

The one thing I feel certain of - the one person that the MFC will not be appearing in court against is Caroline Wilson.

If there is a "no charge to answer" finding I think the MFC will breathe a big sigh of relief and wont be inflaming the issue by dragging a reporters sorry arse into court.

As aggrieved as many people are by her scribblings if the AFL comes down with a no charges to answer the MFC will want to move on as quickly and quietly as possible.

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I agree with this "nut"......I don't think the club can hang anyone out to dry on this and I think we should back our Admin to the hilt....otherwise who the hell would want to work for us in the future if we drop people at the slightest bump in the road.....I think it's a case of one in all in....I would be so pizzed if we don't....

Absolutely. If it's reasonable for the Club to expect loyalty through thick and thin from its employees and other stakeholders, then it needs to work both ways. IMO, the only caveat to this principle would be if an individual had gone it alone to institute tanking (as defined by the AFL) ........... and clearly that would not happen.

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I'm not spooked by her opinions and I think the rest of the footy world think she is on a vendetta and don't take much notice anyway. I really don't think she has damaged our brand with her reporting and has probably done her own brand more harm. Perhaps that's why she's on holidays!

MFC supporters are too close to this Scoop and I think many are unnecessarily spooked.

I think she has. Your ordinary every day non-Melbourne supporter (and even people who aren't big footy fans) would be left thinking that the MFC of 2009 were a bunch of dispicable cheats that have put a stain on the game that cannot be removed.

The amount of people I've spoken to about the tanking issue (non-Melbourne supporters) and their comments on it clearly indicates to me that they have been affected by her articles. I haven't heard one person come up to me and say "gee that Wilson article was way off the mark".

It's very easy for us as Melbourne supporters to poke holes in the story and recognise bias, but your average non-MFC fan out there who doesn't over-analyse the article like we do is likely to 'buy in' to what she says.

So while I understand that you are not spooked by her, I think in the eyes of the wider footy community she has done a fair degree of damage to our brand.

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I think she has. Your ordinary every day non-Melbourne supporter (and even people who aren't big footy fans) would be left thinking that the MFC of 2009 were a bunch of dispicable cheats that have put a stain on the game that cannot be removed.

The amount of people I've spoken to about the tanking issue (non-Melbourne supporters) and their comments on it clearly indicates to me that they have been affected by her articles. I haven't heard one person come up to me and say "gee that Wilson article was way off the mark".

It's very easy for us as Melbourne supporters to poke holes in the story and recognise bias, but your average non-MFC fan out there who doesn't over-analyse the article like we do is likely to 'buy in' to what she says.

So while I understand that you are not spooked by her, I think in the eyes of the wider footy community she has done a fair degree of damage to our brand.

I reckon you are close to the money SJ

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I think she has. Your ordinary every day non-Melbourne supporter (and even people who aren't big footy fans) would be left thinking that the MFC of 2009 were a bunch of dispicable cheats that have put a stain on the game that cannot be removed.

The amount of people I've spoken to about the tanking issue (non-Melbourne supporters) and their comments on it clearly indicates to me that they have been affected by her articles. I haven't heard one person come up to me and say "gee that Wilson article was way off the mark".

It's very easy for us as Melbourne supporters to poke holes in the story and recognise bias, but your average non-MFC fan out there who doesn't over-analyse the article like we do is likely to 'buy in' to what she says.

So while I understand that you are not spooked by her, I think in the eyes of the wider footy community she has done a fair degree of damage to our brand.

I am sure you are right - and because the footy world ( partly because of Caro) believes we are not squeaky clean, I think we are kidding ourselves to think that the charges will disappear. Remember we have been reinforcing each others views for months now.

I think the club will get off - and probably Schwab as well - but the AFL will look weak if they don't chase Connolly as evidence that they have the power and are prepared to use it. Scapegoat - pure and simple.

Although some might like us to distance ourselves from him and move on - I don't think we can. A stain on the name of one our officials is a stain on the name of the club. Either we say that he acted as an individual and doesn't deserve club support - or we say that he is a true blue Melbourne man who has been misunderstood ........... and back him to the hilt. I think the latter.

Seriously because the footy public as a whole will think the AFL is a joke if it just lets us all go .... I reckon Connolly is in trouble. Peirik's garbage this morning pointed out that there are separate cases running here - and that some of the legal reps are more worried than others.

Edited by hoopla
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So while I understand that you are not spooked by her, I think in the eyes of the wider footy community she has done a fair degree of damage to our brand.

To be honest i don't think so. I reckon most footy fans recognize a beat up when they see one and the most common refrain i've heard is MFC were only doing what a whole lot of other clubs were doing. I reckon this has meant we might even win a bit of sympathy from some fans.

I think the main dame has been to her credibility as a writer. I'm not a fan of her gossipy style as internal club politics don't interest me much but I agree with Fan (sorry, bob) that she has long had good sources and has broken some big stories. But, as i've said before she's over played her hand here and won't easily come back from it. I suspect some of her sources may now be a little more reticent to feed her info now. And given she relies so much on them (as opposed to say match day analysis etc) i wonder how relevant she will remain.

One thing is certain. If CS survives this CW will have egg well and truly over face given her certainty in print that he would be going down. Conversely she may well alvage something out of all this if he is axed (for whatever reason - even if he quits, as she will claim it is a secret deal)

If he survives i will enjoy watching Footy Classified this season.

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One thing is certain. If CS survives this CW will have egg well and truly over face given her certainty in print that he would be going down. Conversely she may well alvage something out of all this if he is axed (for whatever reason - even if he quits, as she will claim it is a secret deal)

If he survives i will enjoy watching Footy Classified this season.

Why? All she will do is tell whoever challenges her to "not be ridiculous." That is her "modus operandi" everytime she is challenged and especially when shown she was wrong.
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So nothing has been reported yet then!

You could be forgiven for thinking that as of close of business today the AFL have the MFC response to hand and that it is now being considered.

No doubt tomorrows media shall feature an "it is understood" report on the matter.

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Guest José Mourinho

To be honest i don't think so. I reckon most footy fans recognize a beat up when they see one and the most common refrain i've heard is MFC were only doing what a whole lot of other clubs were doing. I reckon this has meant we might even win a bit of sympathy from some fans.

I think the main dame has been to her credibility as a writer. I'm not a fan of her gossipy style as internal club politics don't interest me much but I agree with Fan (sorry, bob) that she has long had good sources and has broken some big stories. But, as i've said before she's over played her hand here and won't easily come back from it. I suspect some of her sources may now be a little more reticent to feed her info now. And given she relies so much on them (as opposed to say match day analysis etc) i wonder how relevant she will remain.

One thing is certain. If CS survives this CW will have egg well and truly over face given her certainty in print that he would be going down. Conversely she may well alvage something out of all this if he is axed (for whatever reason - even if he quits, as she will claim it is a secret deal)

If he survives i will enjoy watching Footy Classified this season.

I think to the astute football observer, or even the non-astute but regular football watchers, this attitude is prevalent.

It's the casual footy observers that don't pay too much attention beyond browsing the football section of the newspaper, or even the ones who don't ever read the sport section and jump on when their team has a win... these are the ones who will have "DEES ARE CHEATING TANKERS" imprinted on their brains.

The ones who take a casual interest, but don't yet follow a particular team? Right now, we've already lost them.

A couple of years with a winning record will rectify this completely.

But expect opposition supporters who currently are sympathetic to attempt using this as a way to get under our skin.

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"I think the club will get off - and probably Schwab as well - but the AFL will look weak if they don't chase Connolly as evidence that they have the power and are prepared to use it. Scapegoat - pure and simple."

Connolly could fall, as a scapegoat, with the explanation that there has been a lot of smoke alright, but actually all there was behind it was an individual making stupid jokes. Damaging nevertheless - witness the extended investigation and media clamour, and the exciting of generally negative public opinion - and so he will have to pay for the besmirching of this squeaky-clean and over-scrutinized game. Now, repeat, 'there is no tanking...", and back to your seats...

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Guest José Mourinho

The AFL might wish to target Connolly as a scapegoat, but they'd still be foolish.

If all they have to charge him is a sarcastic remark taken out of context, his defence will refute it effortlessly.

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If we roll over to any sanction (which in all honesty would only be to appease the AFL) I would not want to be a board member at the AGM next month! As mentioned by other posters an adverse finding and our agreement to it will tarnish our brand forever.


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I think she has. Your ordinary every day non-Melbourne supporter (and even people who aren't big footy fans) would be left thinking that the MFC of 2009 were a bunch of dispicable cheats that have put a stain on the game that cannot be removed.

That's not my experience. With all the rubbish that's come out the response to me is "you're being unfairly targeted". But maybe we speak to different types of supporters. Besides, non footy people wouldn't read Caro I wouldn't have thought and those that have any understanding think she's a goose the way she's carrying on.

And if you look at your post it seems to indicate the damage has already been done. More "editorial comment" won't hurt.

IMO jerks like Dwayne Russell are far more damaging when he harps on about our low attendances, our irrelevant club, our terrible list, his toxic commentary and anything else he can think of. Caro is editorialising a current issue which the whole world knows about and has made it's mind up on.

I just don't think she has much influence. I give people more credit than to be sucked into her bias, but perhaps I'm wrong.

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I think she has. Your ordinary every day non-Melbourne supporter (and even people who aren't big footy fans) would be left thinking that the MFC of 2009 were a bunch of dispicable cheats that have put a stain on the game that cannot be removed.

The amount of people I've spoken to about the tanking issue (non-Melbourne supporters) and their comments on it clearly indicates to me that they have been affected by her articles. I haven't heard one person come up to me and say "gee that Wilson article was way off the mark".

It's very easy for us as Melbourne supporters to poke holes in the story and recognise bias, but your average non-MFC fan out there who doesn't over-analyse the article like we do is likely to 'buy in' to what she says.

So while I understand that you are not spooked by her, I think in the eyes of the wider footy community she has done a fair degree of damage to our brand.

Sad but true. It won't matter if we are cleared of the charges by the AFL, the Commission, or the courts - this mud will stick with us for a very long time.

And it's not just the articles from CW. it is the constant sniping from all sections of the media, whether is Robbo or a rookie journalist or a joke on the footy show.

So what happens now? Does Demetriou stand aside and let deputy McLaughlin decide if we have a case to answer?

Or does it go straight to the next meeting of the commission (AD being a member)?

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Guest José Mourinho

That's not my experience. With all the rubbish that's come out the response to me is "you're being unfairly targeted". But maybe we speak to different types of supporters. Besides, non footy people wouldn't read Caro I wouldn't have thought and those that have any understanding think she's a goose the way she's carrying on.

And if you look at your post it seems to indicate the damage has already been done. More "editorial comment" won't hurt.

IMO jerks like Dwayne Russell are far more damaging when he harps on about our low attendances, our irrelevant club, our terrible list, his toxic commentary and anything else he can think of. Caro is editorialising a current issue which the whole world knows about and has made it's mind up on.

I just don't think she has much influence. I give people more credit than to be sucked into her bias, but perhaps I'm wrong.

That doesn't mean her views don't get repeated by media outlets and men on the street.

It becomes the "wiki-truth"

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I hope this matter is resolved by the end of the week, the longer it drags on the more uneasy i will get

Good luck mate

I seriously doubt it.

As I remember the AFL have a couple of weeks to consider our response.

So you can bet they will take it.

Especially if the MFC are saying in their reply " we will fight this to the bitter end. In court if necessary"

If the MFC goes to court expect it to be still a thread this time next year.

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If we roll over to any sanction (which in all honesty would only be to appease the AFL) I would not want to be a board member at the AGM next month! As mentioned by other posters an adverse finding and our agreement to it will tarnish our brand forever.


I think they are safe this year diesel

Seriously doubt there will be anything to talk about at the AGM.

It is only 8 days away.

The AFL will probably not have given their decision by then.

And the MFC will say they cannot discuss any unknown AFL decisions as they may become the basis of a court case

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That doesn't mean her views don't get repeated by media outlets and men on the street.

It becomes the "wiki-truth"

You are right Jose

It astounds me how little the average Dees supporters understands how we look out in Footy land.

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Ive heard that Ivan drago is now part of our legal defense team. The MFC sent him into AFL HQ for our official response. He looked AD in the eyes and said "You will lose" and then walked out. When asked about Brock McLean he stated "If he dies, he dies" expect no sanctions.

Edited by cowboy_from_hell
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We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in the Courts, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our club whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the football grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender,

We ARE Melbourne

pure daisycutter

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