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I think youre playing a very straight bat WJ...and being far too kind and generous with the lattitude you afford both this bloke and his over-seers.

Despite anyway you want to wash this the decent thing, the honourable thing, the manly thing to do would have been to thank the club for everything ( including bucket loads of money, lets not forget this for one moment ) and suggest the way forward was to move closer to where he wanted to be and to do so in a way which provided the result he was looking for and gave acknowledgement and respect to the club that mentored him. He could have and should have allowed for a trade to happen.

He hasnt. Thats p!ss poor in any mans language. Any platitudes or condolences from Rudeboy can to be quite frank go right back up his posterior.

No person ought to be denied the opportunity to explore options or pursue their career as they choose, but just as we were suggested to observe his ways and culture theres also an etiquette to all of this and as such it was shat on.

Good post. As Jerry Maguire said ..."There's such a thing as manners. A way of treating people".

Sadly lacking by Liam and his charges here.

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For a man who cares so much about his family, it's a shame that Liam is a war with one half of it and has totally disrespected his adopted family (the MFC).

He is supposed to be a leader of his community, but I don't think he's shown much leadership at all. I'm pretty disappointed in him.

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Really?? So we help a guy from a remote community fulfill a dream to play AFL. We support him endlessly and go out of our way to accommodate his cultural needs. We support him through injury and a major court trial AND THEN the guy spits in our face and drops a bombshell on us without a consideration that we might get a trade for him or a draft pick somewhere.

And you don't understand why people are upset??

Sean Charles, Wonna, Lawrence and now Jurrah have all walked out on the club. You can't understand why people don't connect the dots??

You're not really trying very hard are you.

Very rarely have we ever agreed on something JNRmac but today we can be allies. Couldn't agree with your post anymore.

Furthermore, RR this is the risk you take with people who are confident they want to stay at home, NicNat would probably be leaving us this offseason too.

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It's tough people turning on Aaron Davey in all this. There are no implications for him at all. This is pure and simple Liam's issues with his extended family or clan.

This episode makes me resent Hawthorn all the more though. Famously reluctant to recruit indigenous players, when they do finally overcome their reluctance they get Cyril and Buddy. Man they can pick em.

And our unfortunate history with indigenous players continues: Bamblett, Charles, Farmer, Wona, Liam...all great talents who were unable to fulfil their potential with us.

That history makes the successes of Matty Whelan and Flash all the greater.

As for Kel Lawrence, he was a homesick kid who couldn't adjust. There's no deeper meaning in his departure.

I do think we might have a dose of the Rendells, albeit unspoken, from here on in. I wish Liam well but I reckon he has blown his career. Come next March 22 (when the jury will be settling in to consider a verdict) I doubt he will be in any shape to resume with Port, so that's next year SANFL at best.

And so far as Flash goes, the flame is out and the body tired, so we may not see much of him in 2013, the last year of his contract, But I hope people respect him for what he has done rather than bag him for what his body will no longer allow him to do.

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Martin Flanagan has once again produced a fine article describing the issues faced by LJ A new turn on Jurrah's journey. It's just a shame that a number of people on these forums cannot see beyond the MFC in this instance and instead turn to abusing him.

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Occasional reader only, first time post, but I felt moved enough by this episode to want to say something.

I don't know enough about Liam's personal situation to comment one way or the other, but I am seriously concerned that we are losing respect within the indigenous community, which may have serious ramifications (the main one being that they won't want to come and play for us) The criticism dished out to Davey here appals me; he's never been anything but a faithful servant of our club.

Haven't read all of the posts, but has anybody mentioned the sacking of Ian Flack? People I know say he was a wonderful go-between between the indigenous players and the club.

Social justice issues aside, there are so many great Aboriginal players running around at present, it would be a disaster for our future success if we were to lose them (and before somebody jumps down my throat, yeah, yeah, I know we gave a lot of support to Liam - I just don't know enough about what's going on in his head to be as angry with him as some here are - he's obviously having a bad time, and I do know enough about Aboriginal people to know that family is the most important thing to them)


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I havent read all this thread and this may have been said already but when we picked Jurrah...wasnt Rockliff training with us looking for a chance? Brisbane picked him after we passed but I think if there was no Jurrah we would have gone that way. Its definitely a torment being a dee in 2012 isnt it.

I have a semi ridiculous theory that, after the Jurrah machete incident, the bone was pointed at us...black magic. How the FU$K else do you explain whats happened this year!

Rockliff was training with us prior to the PSD and rookie drafts. He has stated that MFC were going to rookie him. Picking Jurrah as there preferred choice in the PSD meant that Rockliff could only come to MFC via the rookie draft.

It is my understanding that Aaaron Davey had a big say in the MFC selecting Jurrah.

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Another thing that needs to be cleared up is this idea that indigenous people somehow have a greater "love for family" than the rest of us. It's implied in virtually everything that's been written about Liam and his 'case'.

Get it straight, we all love our families just as much as anyone else.

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What a lot of self centred nonsense is being written on this thread.

Any semblence of factual basis for criticising Liam or his "mentors" (why not be a man and say their names) is not even attempted because of course no one here actually knows the facts.

Instead what we get is the bismirching of Liam, his mentors and our own club offficials.

Just because the media got a whiff of the story and immediately published it and then Port stuck their hand up in the air does not mean Liam was not doing the right and decent thing by the club or vice versa. If anyone has a verifiable fact that shows otherwise they can present it and then state their opinion.

Here are some facts. Liam is in a terrible situation that few of us can understand. If you have been to a remote community you can just begin to get an idea.

Rudeboy (Bruce for those who have trouble using names) is a fine man who with his wife have treated Liam like a Son wanting only the best for him including providing encouragement for his career at Melbourne a team they have no affinity with. Rudeboy would be the first to admit he regrets some things that happened along the way but has had Liam's and our club's best interests at heart (not that he needed to).

Liam was no certainty to be recontracted at the club given his situation.

Our club could not pay his legal fees because the salary cap issue and so provided the best support it could and rightly and proudly continues to offer him personal support. I hope they continue to do so.

Hardtack is absolutely right when he says:

It's just a shame that a number of people on these forums cannot see beyond the MFC in this instance and instead turn to abusing him.

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Martin Flanagan has once again produced a fine article describing the issues faced by LJ A new turn on Jurrah's journey. It's just a shame that a number of people on these forums cannot see beyond the MFC in this instance and instead turn to abusing him..

Mate. I think many are getting the wrong idea about all this and are misdirecting their attetnion as to what it is that irritates some of us.

With all due respect to Flanagan and all of the apoligists fort Liam what they are only too happy to either overlook or playdown is not the issue that 1) the lad has issues ( candidate for unstatement of the year 2012..lol ) or 2) that he wants to move closer to his family etc. or even 3) he now finds playing under Neeld all too demanding and so wants to move to a more "understanding" club

its none of that

Quite simply hes backhanded us. He could have achieved all he wanted in respect to the above by being honest with the club, respectful of our understanding and preparedness to assist him and seek a trade via the conventional and prescribed manner.

He hasnt. He dogged us...Simple as

We were supposed to accomodate his situation, but he couldnt ours !!! Thats what this is really about.

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He could have achieved all he wanted in respect to the above by being honest with the club, respectful of our understanding and preparedness to assist him ......


Please enlighten everyone with your knowledge of the inner workings of the discussions between Liam and the club which show he was not honest with the club and disrespectful to it.

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Good luck to Liam, and his future endeavours.

I believe Neeld has been the best thing for this club. Doesn't matter who you are, what position you held, how good you are, what potential you have. If you're not gonna have the "elite" attitude, and the "elite" effort, you're not going to be at the MFC.

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Please enlighten everyone with your knowledge of the inner workings of the discussions between Liam and the club which show he was not honest with the club and disrespectful to it.

Are you so blind ?

Surely it stands to logic that had he, then the club would have and we would not be reading about him having "LEFT" the club. He would still be at the club seeking a trade.

its not that hard for some of us, obviously a yard too far for yourself and others.

He has obviously done quite a few things outside the parameters that were both wise for him to have followed and others intimated by those that he dealt with.

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its none of that

Quite simply hes backhanded us. He could have achieved all he wanted in respect to the above by being honest with the club, respectful of our understanding and preparedness to assist him and seek a trade via the conventional and prescribed manner.

He hasnt. He dogged us...Simple as

We were supposed to accomodate his situation, but he couldnt ours !!! Thats what this is really about.

Do any of us know that for certain? Do you or anyone else know for a fact that no dialogue took place between Jurrah and the MFC prior to this blowing up in the press; why is the club insisting they will still provide support? Haven't any of his critics considered that this support would not be forthcoming if he had simply walked with no regard for the club?.

Another thing that bothers me... when the press are criticising the club we all dismiss them as journos who have no facts but like to run the club down, but when something like this occurs, all of a sudden the press have it right and we can believe every word they print.

And why are the likes of Flanagan and Bruce aka Rudeboy suddenly apologists? When LJ was a part of our club and before his life suddenly became more complicated, everyone was full of praise for the both of them... now that things have turned sour (well, from the point of view of Demonlanders at least), all of a sudden they are apologists, LJ is a traitor, Davey is somehow to blame, LJ was never a great footballer, was just a flash in the pan etc etc etc.

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It's tough people turning on Aaron Davey in all this. There are no implications for him at all. This is pure and simple Liam's issues with his extended family or clan.

This episode makes me resent Hawthorn all the more though. Famously reluctant to recruit indigenous players, when they do finally overcome their reluctance they get Cyril and Buddy. Man they can pick em.

And our unfortunate history with indigenous players continues: Bamblett, Charles, Farmer, Wona, Liam...all great talents who were unable to fulfil their potential with us.

That history makes the successes of Matty Whelan and Flash all the greater.

As for Kel Lawrence, he was a homesick kid who couldn't adjust. There's no deeper meaning in his departure.

Jeff Farmer fulfilled his potential with us. His best years were in red & blue; 77 and 79 goals in two season respectively iirc.

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Only the parties themselves know all of it, and dare I say only Jurrah and his confidents know ALL.

Sometimes it's quite reasonable to deduce things from what's presented. . As another alluded the term coined was the clubn will continue to offer 'persoanl' support. I too take that as differing form financial. I also see thi sas simply the club having some decency.

ive made no particular suggestion about specific words either way, what ive suggested is what I have written. That is, there are probably two simply avenues of approach , one would have see the MFC accomodate Liams wish to move on and facilitate a trade..This isnt happening. So i think its fair to say he hasnt gone down that path.

I call these others apologists as they are obviously sugar coating the circumstances of his going whilst ignoring the elephant. There were always two parties in this. The club and the player. In my opinion from what we currentlyhave before us I think he ( LJ) has done neither himslef and certainly not the club any favours. This despite all we ( MFC) have done to try and accomodate his 'unique' situation,

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Jeff Farmer fulfilled his potential with us. His best years were in red & blue; 77 and 79 goals in two season respectively iirc.

He kicked 76 in 2000, which at the time was the most goals ever kicked in a single season by an indigenous player. And yes - his best football by far was in a Melbourne guernsey. Unfortunately we didn't see 12-13 seasons of it. His MFC career highlight reel would make some serious viewing.

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Only the parties themselves know all of it, and dare I say only Jurrah and his confidents know ALL.

Sometimes it's quite reasonable to deduce things from what's presented. . As another alluded the term coined was the clubn will continue to offer 'persoanl' support. I too take that as differing form financial. I also see thi sas simply the club having some decency.

ive made no particular suggestion about specific words either way, what ive suggested is what I have written. That is, there are probably two simply avenues of approach , one would have see the MFC accomodate Liams wish to move on and facilitate a trade..This isnt happening. So i think its fair to say he hasnt gone down that path.

I call these others apologists as they are obviously sugar coating the circumstances of his going whilst ignoring the elephant. There were always two parties in this. The club and the player. In my opinion from what we currentlyhave before us I think he ( LJ) has done neither himslef and certainly not the club any favours. This despite all we ( MFC) have done to try and accomodate his 'unique' situation,

Its far more simple you have no facts and nothing can be deduduced and yet you are prepared to say Liam is dishonest based on your speculation.

Why not deduce that the parties spoke honestly and frankly to each other which in this situation is the more likely situation.

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It's tough people turning on Aaron Davey in all this. There are no implications for him at all. This is pure and simple Liam's issues with his extended family or clan.

This episode makes me resent Hawthorn all the more though. Famously reluctant to recruit indigenous players, when they do finally overcome their reluctance they get Cyril and Buddy. Man they can pick em.

And our unfortunate history with indigenous players continues: Bamblett, Charles, Farmer, Wona, Liam...all great talents who were unable to fulfil their potential with us.

That history makes the successes of Matty Whelan and Flash all the greater.

As for Kel Lawrence, he was a homesick kid who couldn't adjust. There's no deeper meaning in his departure.

I do think we might have a dose of the Rendells, albeit unspoken, from here on in. I wish Liam well but I reckon he has blown his career. Come next March 22 (when the jury will be settling in to consider a verdict) I doubt he will be in any shape to resume with Port, so that's next year SANFL at best.

And so far as Flash goes, the flame is out and the body tired, so we may not see much of him in 2013, the last year of his contract, But I hope people respect him for what he has done rather than bag him for what his body will no longer allow him to do.

I brought Aaron into this as I don't think he seems to be doing a good job as an ambassador/mentor for the indigenous players. He has this role and he obviously is not doing it well to have 3 players walk out in a year.

Whats the point of this role if he is unable to even keep communication lines open between them and the club? If a player is homesick like Kel then why did he need to walk out on the club rather then have a proper exit? We have seen recently the dees want to exit players properly. This was not the case with Kel and the only conclusion I can come to is that the MFC were not completely aware of his situation.

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For a man who cares so much about his family, it's a shame that Liam is a war with one half of it and has totally disrespected his adopted family (the MFC).

He is supposed to be a leader of his community, but I don't think he's shown much leadership at all. I'm pretty disappointed in him.

Gee he is a 24 years old trying to do a job that has stumped much older and experienced people.

I lost interest in him some weeks ago and seriously doubted we would see him again in the red and blue.

However give the kid a break.

He is fighting a battle that probably no one on here as every had to face.

Surprise Surprise the MFC comes second.

Please everyone a little humanity would not hurt.

And remember football is only a game.

What he is fighting is the destruction of his family

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