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The Tom Scully Saga

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going well is he???

Absolutely killing it. 22 possies, 5 goals, everything he does is class. Long and accurate kick as well.

If the draft was done today he'd go No.1

I hope we weren't scared off by his neck tatts.

Edited by Range Rover
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new franchaises are not introduced into the AFL each year. This phase is just bad timing, and it is good old MFC who is once again being shat on by it. I hate it, but it is not Tom's fault.

Yes but there will always be a reason why MFC miss out. once gws and gcfc wash through the system there will be limited free agency which will no doubt have more players under pressure to delay contracts.

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Absolutely killing it. 22 possies, 5 goals, everything he does is class. Long and accurate kick as well.

If the draft was done today he'd go No.1

I hope we weren't scared off by his neck tatts.

Too late to worry about that now, he is a gun though.

But Brisbane are a mess don't forget.

Scully Martin & Trenners are all Jets...2009 was a good year.

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Yeah I am and it's not just a big footy rumour we are talking about here this is a persistent rumour that is having a big effect on the club and it's consuming the resources we have in trying to promote a positive front. Do you think the Coach the Players the committee and the management at the club are enjoying this? Do you think they want to continually fend off the media answering questions about this?

If Tom Scully can't see that it's effecting the club he must be an idiot, if he can and isn't concerned then I don't want him there.

How is it effecting the club?

I watched the draft with my wife and we both said at the time that he looked indifferent when he was drafted, if you think he looked more than mildly interested then we watched different drafts.

That settles it. You and your wife both thought the same thing. Therfore it must be true. :wacko:

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Tom Scully is old enough to understand that it's causing the club a lot of embarrassment and concern he is also old enough to understand that it is very disruptive to the players and the club. If it's money he wants then GWS win out so let's make the decision and get on with it. There are other players in his age group, who are as good, who have made their decision and have decided to stay and show some loyalty, all Tom has shown so far is he is interested in the financial side of things and nothing else. Good on him if he is driven by the Dollar but if that's the case I don't want him around the club because this will come back every time his contract is up for negotiation.

it says a lot to me about the man if this is the way he operates and i don't like what i see.

This has become so pathetic. Robbie, seriously, read what you are writing: tortuous, emotive guff that fails to make sense. tom has come out and said what his position is - funny that he should stick to it. If he is a young man with integrity, we have no reason to believe that he is going to do otherwise. He is acting as he said he is going to, without bowing to pressures. A good characteristic - kipling said something about this sort of behaviour.

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Yes but there will always be a reason why MFC miss out. once gws and gcfc wash through the system there will be limited free agency which will no doubt have more players under pressure to delay contracts.

I know mate, we do have to get tougher all the way through the club, but this present distraction is certainly a big one!!!

It may also make the club if we handle it right

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Jeez, you're no fun.

Can't you just say that a neighbour's friend who is Gubby Allen's cousin is 110% certain that's he's signed?

Feeding frenzies don't keep on going by themselves, you know.

Ted, nobody in my street is a Demon fan as far as I'm aware. My MFC supporter mates wouldn't have a clue. Nobody at work gives a stuff about Scully. I don't know a single soul on the club board. I don't listen to Theo X or Eddie McChins on the radio. I am not acquainted with any second cousin twice removed of Scully's maiden aunt. I admit I once saw Sandra Sully shopping in the city but I believe she's not related. I have no inside information whatsoever but I do reckon he'll stay here. In fact, I'm 98% sure of that. OK?

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I watched the draft with my wife and we both said at the time that he looked indifferent when he was drafted, if you think he looked more than mildly interested then we watched different drafts.

Well, it's not like it was a surprise to him. He already knew he was going at 1 and there was never much doubt that he was going to Melbourne. He kept his poker face on. I do that all the time when I win things. I prefer to have a bit of composure when I'm the focus of attention rather than grinning like an idiot, and he had a whole lot more attention that I've ever faced right then.

As for the rumour mill, I used to go to school with a guy who's father was a big-time bookie. They both tell me that he's staying, and they'd know, having lots of connections in the horse racing industry.

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Ted, nobody in my street is a Demon fan as far as I'm aware. My MFC supporter mates wouldn't have a clue. Nobody at work gives a stuff about Scully. I don't know a single soul on the club board. I don't listen to Theo X or Eddie McChins on the radio. I am not acquainted with any second cousin twice removed of Scully's maiden aunt. I admit I once saw Sandra Sully shopping in the city but I believe she's not related. I have no inside information whatsoever but I do reckon he'll stay here. In fact, I'm 98% sure of that. OK?

Are you ... putting the dampeners on this shamblesdebate?

I do believe this is in breach of forum rules.

By the way, my ouija board reckons he's gone. Gave me a nasty turn, I can tell you. Fortunately the tea leaves came through -- they reckon he loves MFC and is staying!

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Ted, nobody in my street is a Demon fan as far as I'm aware. My MFC supporter mates wouldn't have a clue. Nobody at work gives a stuff about Scully. I don't know a single soul on the club board. I don't listen to Theo X or Eddie McChins on the radio. I am not acquainted with any second cousin twice removed of Scully's maiden aunt. I admit I once saw Sandra Sully shopping in the city but I believe she's not related. I have no inside information whatsoever but I do reckon he'll stay here. In fact, I'm 98% sure of that. OK?

Nice - needed a good laugh :)

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I'm going to say it. We should've taken Trengove/Dustin Martin at 1/2.

I agree, i always felt awkward re Sculls. I don't relly know why but just felt, something different about him. Even his first Melbourne photograph I saw with him and Trenners, he just didn't look at all overt the Moon!

Just straight face and no 'grin of the cheshire cat' with him. Just the not happy Jan look from that little celtic face.

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I watched the draft with my wife and we both said at the time that he looked indifferent when he was drafted, if you think he looked more than mildly interested then we watched different drafts.

Meanwhile Dustin Martin (and father) looked delighted when Richmond called out his name.


Didn't stop him signing a contract extension pretty quickly though did it.

I think people are starting to read too much into Tom Scully, the person. Everyone has their own two bobs worth on Scully's thought process, but I doubt anyone knows what the kid is like, apart from those at the club and close friends/family etc.

I just hope Howe takes mark of the year tomorrow, or Watts kicks 5 or something, anything to get something else MFC-related in the paper.

Edited by Sylvia Saint
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This has become so pathetic. Robbie, seriously, read what you are writing: tortuous, emotive guff that fails to make sense. tom has come out and said what his position is - funny that he should stick to it. If he is a young man with integrity, we have no reason to believe that he is going to do otherwise. He is acting as he said he is going to, without bowing to pressures. A good characteristic - kipling said something about this sort of behaviour.

What's really pathetic Tim is that you can't understand where I'm coming from and the fact I believe he's hurting the club. I still go by the theory the club is bigger than the individual but by leaving the club hanging he is placing himself above the club. I don't have the patience to deal with this crap he either wants to play for us or he doesn't if it's about money then let's just wave goodbye now. BTW how do you know he is a man of integrity for all you know he may have signed up with GWS, if that's the case then would you still hold the same view?

The longer this drags on and the longer he refuses to sign with us the more chance he's gone and I reckon that's a Monty now.

This is a footy board Tim if you want to talk about Kipling I suggest you visit the general board on big footy.

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Meanwhile Dustin Martin (and father) looked delighted when Richmond called out his name.


Didn't stop him signing a contract extension pretty quickly though did it

I just hope Howe takes mark of the year tomorrow, or Watts kicks 5 or something, anything to get something else MFC-related in the paper.

No it didn't did it.

See the difference?

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Meanwhile Dustin Martin (and father) looked delighted when Richmond called out his name.


Didn't stop him signing a contract extension pretty quickly though did it.

I think people are starting to read too much into Tom Scully, the person. Everyone has their own two bobs worth on Scully's thought process, but I doubt anyone knows what the kid is like, apart from those at the club and close friends/family etc.

I just hope Howe takes mark of the year tomorrow, or Watts kicks 5 or something, anything to get something else MFC-related in the paper.

Well you know, he & his manager, are causing this specutative merry go round. It's easy to solve this problem, isn't it. tell tom to either sign on Now, or do a Pendlebury and sign for One,,, or sign a public 'Heads of Afgreement' with Melbourne, Now to state his intentions on paper that If he can hget X amount on his contract then he'll stay!!!

Otherwise rot in the VFL...

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..... I don't have the patience to deal with this crap .....

Yep. Sums it up perfectly Robbie. YOU don't have the patience. Suggest you try to find some otherwise the old tickedr might just give out before years end with all the stressing you are doing about something over which you have absolutely no control.

BTW how do you know he is a man of integrity for all you know he may have signed up with GWS, if that's the case then would you still hold the same view?

How do you know he isn't Robbie? Perhaps he hasn't even spoken to GWS, has no intention too, wants to focus on his football, wants to stay in Melbourne and wants to play with the MFC.

The truth is that NO-ONE except Tom himself knows.

Then again- maybe he honestly doesn't know yet. And it will be people just like you that would drive him away with your incessant badgering.....

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Yep. Sums it up perfectly Robbie. YOU don't have the patience. Suggest you try to find some otherwise the old tickedr might just give out before years end with all the stressing you are doing about something over which you have absolutely no control.

How do you know he isn't Robbie? Perhaps he hasn't even spoken to GWS, has no intention too, wants to focus on his football, wants to stay in Melbourne and wants to play with the MFC.

The truth is that NO-ONE except Tom himself knows.

Then again- maybe he honestly doesn't know yet. And it will be people just like you that would drive him away with your incessant badgering.....

And my patience and health are your concern because?

I never said he was or wasnt read my posts again and then read the post I responded too.

Edited by RobbieF
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And my patience and health are your concern because?

Because i value your input and would hate for it to cease.........

I never said he was or wasnt read my posts again and then read the post I responded too.

Yeah, i was just posing the question again. It is as rhetorical as your reply was...

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As a side issue, it is interesting to note that Geelong are 12-0 right now, even without Gary Ablett.

And that saga dragged on all year.

This whole deal will test our club strength to the core.

So far a lot of supporters are stressing, but the club thankfully has remained tight lipped.

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Meanwhile Dustin Martin (and father) looked delighted when Richmond called out his name.


Didn't stop him signing a contract extension pretty quickly though did it.

I think people are starting to read too much into Tom Scully, the person. Everyone has their own two bobs worth on Scully's thought process, but I doubt anyone knows what the kid is like, apart from those at the club and close friends/family etc.

I just hope Howe takes mark of the year tomorrow, or Watts kicks 5 or something, anything to get something else MFC-related in the paper.

To be fair they were both upset that the mother that night hadn't cooked the man some f$&king eggs.

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Guest Thomo

What's really pathetic Tim is that you can't understand where I'm coming from and the fact I believe he's hurting the club.


How is he hurting the club? Has he effected the results, the other players or the revenue?

He is a professional AFL player, he has a current contract, and he has said that he will negotiate his new one after the season when the new CBA is done and the clubs know what they can afford to pay him. Why should he be subjected to different rules than every other player because of a few peanuts in the media that need to fill there weekly word quota? Should he be treated differently from Sylvia, Martin, Gawn, Green, Maric and Morton? Did Green, Davey and Watts hurt the club then they signed at the end of the season?

In a season full of Sunday afternoon foxtel games with poor results Melbourne will struggle to get media coverage. Potential sponsorship is driven by media coverage. So is anything this speculation and the coverage it is given could actually be putting Melbourne in a better position to increase sponsorship when it is renegotiated.

You are frustrated, but that doesn’t mean that he is hurting the club.

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This whole deal will test our club strength to the core.

So far a lot of supporters are stressing, but the club thankfully has remained tight lipped.

Reguardless of weather Scully stays or goes, i really like the stance the club has taken.

They have shown real resolve, under mounting pressure from the the media and outsiders.

It's through the supporters passion, that the media is trying to draw information from the MFC, on this issue.

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