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Interesting parallels...

I took note of the way Adelaide are handling their similar situation

We've spoken to his [Walker's] manager a couple of times and the bottom line is they want to put it [his contract negotiation] off until the end of the year and we respect that," Harper told the Adelaide Advertiser newspaper.

Obviously, it's not ideal for us but there's not much we can do about it. There's no use panicking about something you've got no control over. All you can do is try to talk to them about it and let them make a call from there. You can't force people to do what they don't want to do.

I dont see anywhere written - tell us what you are going to do or you go and play for Norwood- No ultimatums.

I also found this part interesting

Adelaide forward Chris Knights made a similar decision to delay contract talks last year and ended up re-signing with the club.

IMO the most interesting parallel by far is this:

Walker is regarded as a player with enormous potential, whose asking price could increase dramatically if he has a breakout season in 2011.

This is by far the most relevant reason for both Walker & Scully (and Knights too) to wait until the end of the season.

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I posted similar on "ology"

At the risk of causing a stampede (and it is not my intention), I don't believe Sylvia has signed a new contract ?

I will delete this post if I am wrong.

He is a game breaker and coming into his prime and one that I would have thought would be on the GWS radar.

My question is to all of those who are adament we should be setting deadlines and giving ultimatums to Tom Scully/his management.

Why arent we doing the same re Sylvia's contract renewal ?.(read - why arent we hysterical about him ?)

Answering my own question - because the spotlight has not been on Sylvia and the rumours aren't circulating.

In the same way that club has said they wont negotiate with Tom Scully and his management in public is the same that they would not negotiate publicly with Sylvia ( or Morton, Fitzpatrick, Gawn, Gysberts etc who are all coming out of contract seasons end)

I am very aware that GWS has bucketloads to spend but I have faith that our management can sell the dream and retain the talent pool we have. The end result may be that we lose Scully or others but I dont think it will be because our negotiation approach or proposals are wrong.

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IMO the most interesting parallel by far is this:

Walker is regarded as a player with enormous potential, whose asking price could increase dramatically if he has a breakout season in 2011.

This is by far the most relevant reason for both Walker & Scully (and Knights too) to wait until the end of the season.

Scully is not going to sign a thing until seasons end, and why should he?? He needs to evaluate his own 2011 performance, and the MFC performance..If we play Finals & Scully is a star, then dynamics change don't they.

He is with us this year...that's all we can go by. So far he is not with GWS

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I thought Sylvia signed a deal up to end of 2012. I would be more shattered if Sylvia left the club, in fact I would be happy for Tom to go to keep Col on our list.


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There is no real reason for Scully to postpone contract negotiations till the end of the year unless he's leaving.

Maybe late last year he thought it was a good idea, but he wouldn't have realised what a stir it would make. Now that he does realise it will be scrutinised the entire year, it makes sense that he'd want to get it out of the way now, assuming he really does want to stay at Melbourne. His value now is enourmous anyways, so he could get an awesome long-term deal.

If he doesn't sign in the next 3 weeks he's GAWN imo.

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No mistake about it, Col Sylvia is a pure match winner, can kick goals, take a good mark and would be one of the best kicks in our team and showed over the last two years he can get the footy. Sylvia's body held him back this is right his head is right and we are playing him in the right spot a midfielder, Col is at his best in the midfield. Tom will be a good footballer, but I would take Col over Tom any day of the week. I hope we keep both.

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There is no real reason for Scully to postpone contract negotiations till the end of the year unless he's leaving.

Maybe late last year he thought it was a good idea, but he wouldn't have realised what a stir it would make. Now that he does realise it will be scrutinised the entire year, it makes sense that he'd want to get it out of the way now, assuming he really does want to stay at Melbourne. His value now is enourmous anyways, so he could get an awesome long-term deal.

If he doesn't sign in the next 3 weeks he's GAWN imo.

Someone over on Bigfooty (therefore take it with a grain of salt) pretty much said the same thing. EVen though it is on bigfooty, the post from 'Trentfrompunchy' makes me feel a little better. Big Footy

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There is no real reason for Scully to postpone contract negotiations till the end of the year unless he's leaving.

Maybe late last year he thought it was a good idea, but he wouldn't have realised what a stir it would make. Now that he does realise it will be scrutinised the entire year, it makes sense that he'd want to get it out of the way now, assuming he really does want to stay at Melbourne. His value now is enourmous anyways, so he could get an awesome long-term deal.

If he doesn't sign in the next 3 weeks he's GAWN imo.

He would have known the Media Hype last year for certain. He was already the number one draft pick. He will sign nothing till years end, there is a full 88 quarters of Football to get through first, in the Red & Blue.

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No mistake about it, Col Sylvia is a pure match winner, can kick goals, take a good mark and would be one of the best kicks in our team and showed over the last two years he can get the footy. Sylvia's body held him back this is right his head is right and we are playing him in the right spot a midfielder, Col is at his best in the midfield. Tom will be a good footballer, but I would take Col over Tom any day of the week. I hope we keep both.

i agree with all your points.

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There is no real reason for Scully to postpone contract negotiations till the end of the year unless he's leaving.

Maybe late last year he thought it was a good idea, but he wouldn't have realised what a stir it would make. Now that he does realise it will be scrutinised the entire year, it makes sense that he'd want to get it out of the way now, assuming he really does want to stay at Melbourne. His value now is enourmous anyways, so he could get an awesome long-term deal.

If he doesn't sign in the next 3 weeks he's GAWN imo.

How about: not wanting to rush a decision either way, that he may come to regret in 6 months time, when he can take his time to make that decision?

Making a decision now would require him taking his focus of footy and thinking further ahead, maybe something he is more comfortable doing once the season is over?

If it were a fait accompli, the same would have applied to Chris Knights and Pavlich last year.

I think even the pressure we talk about him being under is all perceived very differently by us as supporters.

He only has to deal with a bunch of dumb repetitive questions every week and that's about it.

I doubt his teammates or the opposition will treat him any differently.

In fact, he probably get used to the questions very quickly, to the point it would be like water off a duck's back.

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......I think even the pressure we talk about him being under is all perceived very differently by us as supporters.

He only has to deal with a bunch of dumb repetitive questions every week and that's about it......

whats happened so far is nothing to what is to come if in fact it does drag on till the end of the season

Tom's only 19 and I think his management have put him in a very uncomfortable place. The chances of this adversely affecting his performance must have increased. The strategy (ie of maximising all possibilities) may infact crumble under the blowtorch.

But....what would I know

C'mon Tom wrap this up by the start of the season if you want to concentrate on football

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Guest Rojik of the Arctic

Someone over on Bigfooty (therefore take it with a grain of salt) pretty much said the same thing. EVen though it is on bigfooty, the post from 'Trentfrompunchy' makes me feel a little better. Big Footy

Nice read (and I hope it is true) but I'm going to stick with my policy of disregarding all rumours positive and negative.

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Nice read (and I hope it is true) but I'm going to stick with my policy of disregarding all rumours positive and negative.

Why do that when you could unnecessarily panic over something that won't happen?

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Guest Rojik of the Arctic

Why do that when you could unnecessarily panic over something that won't happen?

I think I'll save it for when there is a rumour that Newton is getting promoted back to the senior list to replace Jurrah who wants to go home.

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As posted on Demonlogy yesterday (Friday 11th Feb)

I have been disturbed by the thought that our well managed advancement both on & off the field could be so deeply derailed by the issue of young Tom Scully and his playing future.

Until a week ago, this and all forums were upbeat about our prospects, our potential and our likely performance and win/loss ratio.

Now all we have is "will he/won't he/has he" scuttlebutt and a less favourable perception of a fine young man.

The Scully issue demeans the value and spirit of the other 40 odd guys on the list. And that is disappointing.

Nevertheless, I claim no "superior" knowledge of this situation than any other speculators except acquaintance with a person who is a friend of Tom's uncle.

The word relayed to me this afternoon, is that Tom HAS NOT signed any letter of intent (or anything else, with any other club.

He has been upset by the speculation and is under instructions to distance himself from all media. He does not read/watch any media speculation on his position as he remains focussed on doing his job for Melbourne Football Club.

As has been said many times in this thread, which I have been told is true, he wants to stay in Melbourne and he wants to play for Melbourne. It is pretty much as simple as that.

Tom's management have muzzled him, presumably so that he does not add to, compound, or create further controvery and personal distress. He is a genuine fellow who just wants to play footy. The suggestions he is mercenary or screwing the club are simply untrue and totally inconsistent withhis character.

I agree with those that have said that a personal statement from Tom that he wants to be a Demon, would be sufficient to restore the team and its supporters' focus back to footy.

I cannot cliam to be entirely comforted by the news relayed to me, but I must say I am less concerned that any "ink is dry" on a contract.

In the meantime, I look forward to seeing our boys play tonight.

Go dees, unleash hell!


Am very pleased the "other 32 guys" last night took the limelight off the Scully issue.

The Jurrah or Scully thread on 'Land really is a brain teaser. If we had to lose one of them, I'm not sure I would so easily give up LJ ahead of Sculls, especially if keeping Sculls put pressure on our salary payments to adequately reward our other emerging young guns.

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I'm not worried though, watch Brent Moloney sacrifice his pay and give it to Scully. Just watch

haha we need more blokes like Beemer!!

If tom scully leaves i'd have no issues boing him and calling him Judas. The club probably harp on a little too much about our rich history and tradition, but surley the kid understands what the #31 means....

Jimmy might need to start another fundraising campain like debt demolition...but not to iradicate debt, to be able to hold onto our players!

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As posted on Demonlogy yesterday (Friday 11th Feb)

I have been disturbed by the thought that our well managed advancement both on & off the field could be so deeply derailed by the issue of young Tom Scully and his playing future.

Until a week ago, this and all forums were upbeat about our prospects, our potential and our likely performance and win/loss ratio.

Now all we have is "will he/won't he/has he" scuttlebutt and a less favourable perception of a fine young man.

The Scully issue demeans the value and spirit of the other 40 odd guys on the list. And that is disappointing.

Nevertheless, I claim no "superior" knowledge of this situation than any other speculators except acquaintance with a person who is a friend of Tom's uncle.

The word relayed to me this afternoon, is that Tom HAS NOT signed any letter of intent (or anything else, with any other club.

He has been upset by the speculation and is under instructions to distance himself from all media. He does not read/watch any media speculation on his position as he remains focussed on doing his job for Melbourne Football Club.

As has been said many times in this thread, which I have been told is true, he wants to stay in Melbourne and he wants to play for Melbourne. It is pretty much as simple as that.

Tom's management have muzzled him, presumably so that he does not add to, compound, or create further controvery and personal distress. He is a genuine fellow who just wants to play footy. The suggestions he is mercenary or screwing the club are simply untrue and totally inconsistent withhis character.

I agree with those that have said that a personal statement from Tom that he wants to be a Demon, would be sufficient to restore the team and its supporters' focus back to footy.

I cannot cliam to be entirely comforted by the news relayed to me, but I must say I am less concerned that any "ink is dry" on a contract.

In the meantime, I look forward to seeing our boys play tonight.

Go dees, unleash hell!


Am very pleased the "other 32 guys" last night took the limelight off the Scully issue.

The Jurrah or Scully thread on 'Land really is a brain teaser. If we had to lose one of them, I'm not sure I would so easily give up LJ ahead of Sculls, especially if keeping Sculls put pressure on our salary payments to adequately reward our other emerging young guns.

Great post, Hot as Hell. Your post gives me comfort as well - if, for no other reason, than the fact that you can actually write clearly.

I feel confident that Scully will be a Demon for life. That is not based on any discussions with anyone - it's based purely on my observation of him in his time with this club, albeit brief to date.

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I found this HeraldSun article on Daniel Wells interesting (surprisingly):


"I spoke to the coach about that and Brent Harvey as well, our two leaders.

"They fully supported where I was at and said we'll back you which ever way you go.

"None of them tried to convince me, they just said we understand where you're coming from and that was really good."

It seems to me, the best course of action for the club, is to fully offer their support to Scully in making the decision that makes him happy.

Stress the happy aspect - because when the decision comes down to happiness (as opposed to money) we will win hands down, every time.

And also this:

Wells said he was unaware of offers being made through the season as his manager kept him in the dark.

"Liam Pickering does all the stuff and he hardly tells me anything," he said.

"I didn't know what was happening behind the scenes. I was just concentrating on footy and what would happen will happen.

Many don't seem to realise that, as time goes on and Scully still hasn't signed, it is meaningless.

Most likely he is in the same boat as Wells was, and is pushing it to the farthest reaches of his mind so that he can concentrate on his footy.

A decision will most likely come at the end of the season, as has been his resolution from the beginning.

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Was listening to SEN a caller said he was from the inner sanctum at Melbourne and Scully isn't going anywhere. Now of course we must take this with a grain of salt but when you weigh everything up- dreams, mates, family, rich culture, history, the MCG Vs money and money alone the decision becomes quite easy indeed.

On another note- a caller named Terry (North supporter) called up and spewed a shite load of vitriol, called us a PATHETIC club, with PATHETIC supporters "and there are only half a dozen of them" (rich coming from a North supporter) who are only good because we "tanked the last 5 years" and are only good at "holding out our tins for handouts" This guy made my blood boil.

What is it about North supporters? So bitter, so jealous! They are all upset that we are the club that gets all the attention, they get none. They are boring, they have a boring strip and a boring emblem. Kangaroos are boring too, what do they do? Hop? [censored] me off!!

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