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Keyser Söze

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  1. Yes, the substitue will need to be a versatile player, not necessarily tall, but it will necessitate the use of guys like Morton or Dunn who are big AND mobile, so players can be shifted around the ground to fill holes. They will rotate. The substitute will also change week to week, even if fitness is maintained via extra training. These things I'm stating may seem obvious, but many have missed them up to this point.
  2. It has been in early days, but as time goes by he shows more and more. Still not enough, but enough to have not given up hope. The kid has time on his side.
  3. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/no-rest-for-the-bench/story-e6frf9jf-1226022084920 The plan is for the substitute, depending on actual game time played, to complete a rigorous training session after the match, to ensure match fitness is maintained.
  4. This is Mike's predicted top 50 headed into the season. Presumably he thinks Jamar will drop off, while Jolly & Mumford will be better. He may be called a fool and make some contentious decisions, but no one else releases a top 50 players list that gets paid this much attention. Credit where it's due. (which makes me wonder why the Age have never tried to jump on the bandwagon & release a rival list...)
  5. One idiot posted that in the feed and Stevens said he'd check on that. He never mentioned it again. I'm sure if there was even the slightest hint of truth in it, he'd have found out and there'd be a Hun fluff article about Sylvia being in doubt for round 1. Relax and worry about things that have actually happened...
  6. Maric was drafted a year earlier and has just now started to fulfill some of his potential. Blease was even bottom-age in his draft year, like Watts, and is only 19. He also lost a year due to the broken leg. He has at least 2-3 years before anyone should be worried.
  7. Jaded's post was actually quite funny & clever. The posts following on from that aren't, and it's got little to do with them being in poor taste. Honestly, if you're going to make a joke, can it at least be mildly funny..?
  8. Like a broken bloody record... The season can't start soon enough!
  9. Well, if you can't understand the merit in Bailey's simple approach, then it's pretty clear that I am and you unfortunately are not... I'm pretty good, that much is certain.
  10. *sigh* Sometimes, it doesn't matter how much sense you make, some people refuse to listen... You guys are seriously lacking some perspective here.
  11. I think you might be right. I'm thinking "taller Jarrad Grant".
  12. Look at the raw attributes that Watts possesses. This is what I look at when assessing a young prospect. Compare them to what Miller had. No contest. Excellent pace & agility, taller, much better skills and kicking for goal, higher football IQ, excellent below his knees. All Miller really had was a bit of size he was willing to throw around and an excellent work ethic. If Watts can develop the same, we'll have an out & out champion. It is already clear that if he doesn't he'll still be a very good player.
  13. It also puts a bit more heat on Stef Martin - perform or we'll swap you with Juice! We're not bluffing, we'll do it!!
  14. Realistically, Evans would have a hard time squeezing into the side when other fringe dwellers in Maric and Nev Jetta have had such great preseasons.
  15. Yes, in ONE game. Played by a 19 year old. Do you recall what supporters said of Frawley or Garland back in 07/08..? Give the kid time FFS. It doesn't matter what you see because he's still bloody developing! Why is that so hard to understand? Stupidity? Impatience? Denial? What is it?!
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