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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/14 in all areas

  1. Riley was with the Casey group and did even less than the rest of them, may have an issue Asked Dave Misson about Watts, said he will be fine, which could mean he will play or be out for 6 weeks Asked Nev Jetta about Roos' words, just reinforcing messages from the weekend, asked him what general message was "just do the role assigned to you and not try too much" Nev was very modest about his shut down job on Betts, said without the midfield doing their job his would have been harder Complimented Jack Grimes on the great spoil, got exactly the same message "just doing my role for the team" And Cam Pedersen, praised his efforts in last couple of weeks "just doing my role, will play anywhere if it gets a game" And Roh Bail, complimenting him on his improved set shots for goal "need to impact the scoreboard in my role Nathan Jones was fine, running around doing laps with a big angry bear, no on second thoughts that was probably Chris Dawes Spoke to a couple of the young guns JKH, asked him how he was travelling, told me he is loving his footy, not even feeling fatigued at this stage, hoping to nail down the wing spot Dom Tyson, told him Footy Classified had compared his stats to Judd etc, was impressed, asked if he knew Liam Picken really well because after Saturday probably would, told me he planned to go to Mathew Boyd Walked back with Jack Viney, everybody who passed, Storm officials, media, staff from physio, all wished him luck tonight, he is hopeful.
    32 points
  2. Jack Viney ‏@jackviney7 4m Disappointing outcome tonight but I really appreciate everyone's support! Many kind messages. Don't stress Dees fans, I won't change!
    14 points
  3. If Lynch was wearing a helmet cam it would have looked something like this:
    12 points
  4. Its a fantastic night. Last time I was very close to the centre of the MCG in the drizzle with my pink poncho on. What broke my heart was seeing loads of men, cradling a framed photo of a loved once who had succumbed to this terrible disease with tears running down their faces. Some of these guys were big, tough blokes all bought together with something in common. I locked eyes with the great Jimmy - will never forget that moment. Went along with my friend who was not a Melbourne supporter but a breast cancer sufferer in her mid 40's - her prime of life. She unfortunately lost her battle 18 months ago. My mum is battling this terrible disease at the moment. I will be there for her. Remember if you plan on coming, you need to get there early ( I think it is about 4.30pm) as it takes a bit of organising to get everyone on the field but it is truly the most amazing feeling when the put the picture of the pink lady up on the TV screen. I would crawl over broken glass to be there.
    10 points
  5. Following the Jack Viney suspension I managed to get my hands on the AFL's new advertising campaign, watch it here. http://youtu.be/DXjOunDKc8U
    9 points
  6. Just 10 years ago the AFL was advertising this type of clash as a reason to see come see the game.... what a farce it is now
    9 points
  7. I didn't realise the tribunal was run on the adversarial system. Totally inappropriate in my view.
    8 points
  8. Just got back from training and am still thawing out. No sign of big Jake Spencer, ditto Chip and Jack Watts walked one or two slow laps and that was the extent of it. From the get go, they split into 2, those that played in Adelaide plus Mitchie and those that played Sunday for Casey. Those at Casey went onto the storm field did some gentle running and the some kicking and handball drills, a very light session that was more fun than anything else. The seniors also had a very light session, handball and kicking drills, some doing laps, some goal kicking at the end. Not a great deal to pass on to every one except for the one thing we found very interesting and that was Roos going around and pulling aside every player from Saturday and have a good one on one chat with them. Would love to be able to pass on what was said, but unfortunately was too far away. Saty had a chat to some of the players, so he may know more.
    8 points
  9. It's important to understand that the Tribunal isn't what it used to be. In the past, the Tribunal was there to keep play within the rules, and to stamp out "dirty" play. It is now there to stop the AFL having to pay out large sums in the future for ex-players who were injured during their playing careers, and who allege that current medical problems were caused by past injuries, in which case they would have to prove that the AFL was negligent in that it did nothing to prevent such injuries occurring. So in the past, a player who took a deliberate swing at an opponent but caused only a minor injury would be punished much more heavily than a player who did not intend contact but a severe injury resulted, because the Tribunal's role was to prevent "dirty play". In the present, it's reversed, so that non-deliberate-hit-severe-injury is punished far more severely than deliberate-hit-minor-injury, because the Tribunal's role is now to reduce the AFL's liability for severe injuries. In other words, the Tribunal is now more about Claims Management, instead of its past role of the Sheriff trying to stamp out lawlessness. The reason that this is a watershed case is that, despite Viney making substantial efforts to reduce the severity of the injury to Lynch - by staying on the ground, staying low, not "running through" the contact (a la Pickett) - and it being obvious that his main purpose was to win the ball, a severe injury occurred nevertheless. It was only at the last second, when Lynch's knees collapsed, that caused his face to contact Viney's shoulder, despite Viney's efforts to try to prevent this happening. So is the critical factor that Viney did everything within reason to try to reduce the danger of the contact and to avoid severe injury? Or is it more important that, despite this care on Viney's part, a severe injury still occurred? That's what's at stake here. And that will hinge on whether the Tribunal accepts the argument that the contact between Lynch's face and Viney's shoulder was "accidental"; if it wasn't, it would have to be either "negligent" or "reckless", in which case there were steps that Viney could reasonably have taken to avoid the injury, but he failed to take them. For most footy people, it's clearly accidental contact. But the other thing that worries me here is that Adelaide seem to be the one club that makes an effort to extract the maximum penalty in such situations. That shouldn't matter, but it does. Expect a medical report that highlights the catastrophic consequences, which will have the AFL's insurance company breathing down the necks f the Tribunal to find any pretext, no matter how flimsy, to extract the maximum penalty.
    8 points
  10. Since our win over the Crows, people keep coming up to me saying how good Chris Dawes was on the weekend, and ive been feeling nothing but man love for the bloke. With Clark retired and Hogan injured, there was always one guy we really desperately needed to step up and lead us up forward and chris has come to the party in spades. Its no coincidence we started improving dramatically since he came back on board, and its great to see he is over his niggling injuries that have plagued him since his last couple of seasons at collingwood. Hope he keeps going as he is super important to us , especially when he is in that fired up mood...it just lifts the whole side.
    7 points
  11. New @AFL approved book released featuring @Jackviney7 #freeviney
    7 points
  12. http://www.sportsfan.com.au/spoil-to-boost-demons-year/tabid/91/newsid/130541/default.aspx Great to see the co captain getting some love. That spoil was magnificent and absolutely crucial to the victory.
    7 points
  13. In honour of the AFL embracing the "May the Fourth" Star Wars gimmicks over the weekend I suggest we run the Chewbacca defense.
    6 points
  14. This is the best tweet.. hahah Jordan @wittsjw Follow gleeson suggests Viney could have travelled back in time & punched his dad in the balls to ensure he was never born & unable to bump anyone
    6 points
  15. Oh look... I have a freshly poured scotch in my hand.
    6 points
  16. 6 points
  17. I haven't seen what deledio did but I have no doubt he is guilty and the suspension is worthy of his actions.
    6 points
  18. I have a number of very tasteful pink ensembles to choose from - some difficult decisions coming up.
    6 points
  19. Watching it again this morning, this is not a bump, it is an unplanned collision of two players attacking the ball. Viney managed at the last second to get side on to protect himself, Lynch couldnt because he had Georgiou hanging on. Collisions happen in a contact sport. We are still playing a contact sport aren't we?
    6 points
  20. Probably not the right time to say it but I still cant get over how Viney just bounced back up and attacked the contest again. The guy should be talked up next to Joel Selwood Luke Hodge in terms of toughness and courage. Just as courageous as those two.
    6 points
  21. So you're allowed to intentionally hit someone but not accidentally hit someone. Makes sense.
    5 points
  22. The entire football world bar 2 "experts " are with us! Who's up for a good old fashioned riot?
    5 points
  23. https://twitter.com/uberageorgiou/status/463607503540867073
    5 points
  24. Medium enough to break his jaw! They're trying to "spin" the penalty to limit the outcry.
    5 points
  25. And how about that tackle in the 3rd QTR.... MAN CRUSH
    5 points
  26. Afl has ordered 720 michellan man suits
    5 points
  27. Nev Jetta to Dalhouse this week?
    5 points
  28. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the new look of AFL! Coming to a team near you!! *Smug look sold seperately
    5 points
  29. Will be a great ruckman.
    5 points
  30. The amount of time and resources put into these things is incredibly ridiculous. The whole MRP/Tribunal system is one big complicator that invariably reaches the wrong decision half the time when going on public opinion and general consensus. On this occasion and any other that a case is referred to the Tribunal, the MRP have basically admitted that their system is flawed in my opinion. Viney was going to get shitmixed if he hadn't have taken the action he did. It was part of the play that is part of a game in which these things happen every so often. If Georgiou's weight was not behind Lynch it would have been a clash where Lynch's shoulder would've quite possibly connected with Jacks head. So many variables but in essence it was a simple passage of play that involved a young gun of a footballer that only knows how to play the game one way - Full throttle. The irony that it's what the footy public loves but the AFL are trying to eliminate is palpable.
    5 points
  31. If he didn't hit, you must acquit!
    4 points
  32. Ironically - this is the best branding we've had as a club for a VERY long time.
    4 points
  33. Give it a rest. You are just looking for gawkers and knashed teeth. Do something better with your time. Oh, and 'he will learn?' Learn what exactly? If you said to him or Roos that 'he will learn' they would look at you like you just ate a live cockatoo.
    4 points
  34. Emmet bloody Dunne. How many would he have whacked in the head over the years and not raised an eyebrow. Tiger copper. Tiger captain gets off with a reprimand.
    4 points
  35. And yet James Packer and David Gyngell weren't even cited. A joke
    4 points
  36. Damian Barrett tweet: "Everybody calm down. Please.. The tribunal have got this right 100% on Viney.. Id love to see this bloke out in the public.. an absolute Fwit of the highest order!
    4 points
  37. I'm confused - I had thought the AFL fined us previously for playing 'bruise free' footy - they called it tanking. Now this. Did these tribunal members receive their training in Syria? Incompetent, malevolent fools.
    4 points
  38. He didn't even bump, that's the point.
    4 points
  39. The thing that shows this is a broken system is that either: A) Viney chose to bump and broke someone's jaw--in which case he should get 4 weeks, or; B) He didn't choose to bump and the broken jaw is incidental--in which case he should be found not guilty. Instead, neither of those options is taken and he gets 2 weeks instead. Why?
    4 points
  40. I think we throw 15 thousand pink marshmallows on the field Saturday night in case the players fall over.
    4 points
  41. I am sure the club is putting a full effort into both Tomlinson & Hoskin-Elliot. Both these guys are exactly what we need.
    4 points
  42. I've loved his effort from the start. I did start to question whether he'd ever string 3 quarters together again though, let alone 3 games. When Clark burst onto the scene he was an instant hit, (how I wish we had both of them running around) Dawesy has had to win a few over the hard way. But I doubt there's any Dees fans that don't love him now. In a way he's picked up where Clark left off, that big, commanding presence up front that makes the players around him stand taller. His game on the weekend was the best he's ever played, he played some excellent games for Collingwood, but that was a premiership team at their peak, playing for us is a different story, and he dominated in a hostile arena. His chasing and tackling/bumping have been consistent, and his grabs and goals have been pivotal in our wins. He along with Viney have made us a much more physically challenging side, and I [censored] love that.
    4 points
  43. Can you imagine if Viney had actually maintained his speed and at the point of impact pushed up and into Lynch & locking his back leg? The injuries would have been horrendous. Viney absorbed the impact to lessen the damage. He could have really hurt Lynch and Georgiou and probably himself. He should be praised for his actions.
    4 points
  44. Not sure if you saw rgrs but Riley trained with the main group for a little bit. Reckon he will come in for viney if needed.
    4 points
  45. Stanton?! Really? Can't say I see that. I'd have to go with Christensen for Geelong. Very similar game style.
    4 points
  46. I disagree with 2 weeks. To me the tribunal can only go two ways - they either have to deem it unavoidable and a "collision at the contest rather than a bump" and clear him or deem it a bump and give him 4 weeks. Giving him only two weeks would be like saying to a team that you didnt really tank but we are going punish you anyway... oohh wait on....
    4 points
  47. Zac Clarke should a bit of form yesterday has had an interrupted pre season but rate him quite highly very athletic with his prime ahead of him. He and Sinclair to me are probably the best ruck options
    4 points
  48. Langdon was probably BOG in a team of Beams, Pendles and Swan all playing well too. JKH was awesome, but Tyson, Viney and Dawes etc. were better than him. He will get one before the years out.
    4 points
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