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  1. What really annoys me about Dwayne Russell is everything he says and the way he says it.
    16 points
  2. So I'm watching the game at the pub up here in Queensland with a Richmond following friend. Cover band blaring in the background. Paul Kelly's 'Dumb Things' is playing as Trengove turns it over in the last quarter. Minutes later and the cover band is predictably having a crack at 'Holy Grail' as JKH ran into goal for his third. I found myself fist punching Brett Lee style in front of the bar to the bemused looks of mainly disinterested onlookers. Realized it was pre-season. Sat down. Slightly embarrassed. True story.
    15 points
  3. It's not about the win for me, it's just the sheer relief of the fact that we played like a footy side. Every other club's supporters are going to think we're carrying on as if we've won the flag, but fuck 'em, none of them have been through what we have. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel is an awesome feeling.
    13 points
  4. Many years ago my mum (a Footscray supporter, and not someone that takes things overly seriously) wrote a letter to Dwayne because she felt that he wasn't just biased in his views, but he was also badly informed when it came to talking about Footscray and their players. What came back was a long, patronising reply that not only showed him to be an arrogant [censored] but a thin skinned one. The gist of it was that he was a professional and therefore knew all that there was to know about the game, and she was just a supporter who didn't really understand either the media or football. And there was a real undercurrent of 'you're just a woman so what would you know' to it also. Now mum is a life long friend of Kevin Sheedy, Norm Smith came to her wedding, her brother in law just happened to play in 3 flags for us, plus she goes to every Footscray game she can - by herself usually because dad won't go to any game not at the 'G. But this Dwayne character talked to her as if she was a child interrupting the adults. She wasn't upset by this though - that ain't her style. She laughed at the reply and happily shows it to anyone that might make a comment that Dwayne is a good commentator. I'm yet to see such a person not change their mind after reading the self absorbed and condescending drivel he wrote her.
    12 points
  5. I just wish the commentators would have reminded us how poor Melbourne have been over the past few years, I had no idea.
    9 points
  6. ... "any Demon fan who can afford it and doesn't own a 2014 membership by Monday morning is also a bum. "
    9 points
  7. WOW did not see that coming! In actual fact I did not see anything last night went to Springsteen and got out to find we had won. I seriously thought we would struggle last night. Great way to start 2014 could not have been better considering the players missing. I can only imagine how good the players must have felt after the last two and a half years. Should bump along memberships next week. Go dees
    6 points
  8. I reckon Terlich's disposal is talked about way too much. He more often than not makes the right decision and uses it well. He's got mongrel, he's a good mark, fast and last night was a cracker. He's easily in our starting back 6 for me.
    6 points
  9. I was at the game last night and this is my first opportunity to post. Sat near the interchange bench and it was a great experience. The players interchange at precise moments according to computer GPS readings of time spent on the ground, all co-ordinated by Dave Misson. First time driving to Etihad and got a bit lost, meaning we had to park under the ground. Bugger me, it's expensive! $8 at the MCG but $30 at Etihad. Stafford's work with the rucks coming on and off the ground was brilliant - he is a really good acquisition. First NAB cup game I have ever been to. Very different. More interested and looking at new players, game plan that the emotional barracking I get into during real season. Notes from the game. Strauss, Barry, Nicho and Spencer made some mistakes but their other hard work made up for it. Evans was very quiet, probably the only player who didn't contribute to the overall team performance although some of his tackling and blocking was good (e.g.JKH goal) People all around kept on yelling out "kick it long, don't go backwards" etc... when the players were kicking exactly the same patterns they have been doing at training. Some of the kicking skills were poor. Welcome back Ro Bail. Two years ago I had him as my favourite player on the rise (remember the two games under Bailey against Essendon and the Swans) but thought his concussions meant the end of his career. Very glad I was wrong. Man crush re-emerging. OUr mid-field was magnificent, but defensive spread needs a little attention We won the possession count - wow! Frawley's reading of play etc... was excellent, his decision making ok, but execution often dreadful. Our backline were outstanding. Trengove will be an absolute bolter this year. a big 2014 looms for him. Round 1 from here likely to include Bail and JKH. Persevere with Blease. I get out of my seat every time he runs near the ball. He will get more of it. I have no rsied the bar on my expectations, but hope just might be rekindling.
    5 points
  10. After all these years it's finally happened, we have a "Ryan O'Keefe type player"!
    5 points
  11. After recovering from last night and then attempting to watch the replay on Foxtel Go on my phone to not wake the wife up general thoughts below. Great to see us run hard, use quick hands to clear the ball out of contests to give time to set up, transition the ball by foot with angles through the ground rather than just laterally to then go nowhere. Vince is not just a great kick but a smart decision maker and I cant wait to see him and Watts pairing through the middle with that style of play. When we handballed, we handballed flat and to the players advantage. When we tackled we stuck them. I thought Strauss was really good with the ball but was done in the contest particularly on the lead. I thought Terlich was great in the contest but he holds the ball for too long and causes errors up the ground. Merge the two together and that is exactly what we are looking for from a small back. JKH close to locked at least a sub spot round 1 and that was without big fella's to sit at the feet of. Trengove's game was a carbon copy of Ryan O'Keefe's style at Sydney. That is exactly who he should be modelling on. As much as he got good ball first half I found Tyson a bit disappointing first up. Missed some easy kicks and twice went in to the contest with arms rather than with his head over the ball. If we actually ever have three tall forwards I feel sorry for the poor fourth backmen that has to take Howe. As much as they are limited I expect Bail and Nicholson will play more than people expect and will play their roles well.
    5 points
  12. Funny how many forget over a pre season, but Terlich is so far in front of others competing for similar positions. Just because he isn't as 'fashionable' doesn't mean he isnt a more effective footballer. Strauss and co aren't even close to taking his spot.
    5 points
  13. Are we talking about the same Scully? Frawley is an elite defender (who probably goes 70% at pre season comps as he should). When Scully wins an AA let me know. Dime a dozen midfielder or one of the best defenders in the competition. No brainer and a must keep.
    5 points
  14. Just watched the replay Never seen Jordie McKenzie move so fluently and use the ball so well Was great to see
    4 points
  15. His comment about Jones winning B+F and the best clubman as 'there was no one else' was just disgraceful. Yeah we've been poor. Yes Jones has been head and shoulders above the other players the last 2 years but we are still a footy club and have still had some decent, hard working players. I've got no problems with real analysis even if it's hard hitting and blunt but blatant cheap shots aren't needed. Dwayne should pay more respect to teams and current players as they are the ones who get him paid for average football commentary. Dermie is a bit self indulgent but at least he sees some positives in a lot of players. I think he'd be under appreciated as a coaching mentor
    4 points
  16. Dunn played very well and is a lock in the team, but what also stood out was that [censored] Dunn had gone. I have zero doubt that Roos has told him to drop the tough guy antics.
    4 points
  17. Well, you lost your money didn't you? He didn't ask to dislocate his lisfranc and have soft tissue issues playing for your club - but here we are. Show some respect.
    4 points
  18. My name is Gorgoroth and I enjoyed a MFC game... It's only been one night but I think I may be on the road to recovery. I expect here will be lapses but I'll stay on the path as best as I can.
    4 points
  19. It wasn't even the win that excites me, although I acknowledge the pleasure that brings, it's the game-plan, structures, running, the disciplines to keep it up for 4 quarters and that I now KNOW the dark days are over. To have a game-plan where we get and retain the footy, while starving the opposition is manna from heaven.
    4 points
  20. Pedersen didn't look fat, another highlight.
    4 points
  21. Is Melbourne the new Port Adelaide?
    4 points
  22. I'm more excited by the way Melbourne played than the result, especially considering the fact that most of the forward line was missing yet we were still able to kick a decent score.
    4 points
  23. ANyone know who you call if you've had an erection for longer than 3 hours?
    4 points
  24. On last night's form, I simply cannot see how he won't make the grade. Could very well play 400 games for the club.
    3 points
  25. After Neeld, "kick it long" shouldn't be a phrase any Demon supporter should utter. Even more so when you have no key forwards.
    3 points
  26. Already last night supporters were annoying me by yelling out "kick it forward, kick it long, stop handballing". FFS are supporters so dumb that they would question a Paul Roos' game plan? It's gonna be a long year for some if all they're expecting is fast forward movements.
    3 points
  27. Just watched the full replay again. It was a fun game to watch. Obviously JKH has a lot of potential and to those who have been saying so in all the training reports you are spot on. Our set up in the back half was brilliant. A lot of talk centres around Hogan and now JKH but I believe out best and most reliable recruit will be Grimes back in defence. He plugs holes and will sit under packs but can also rebound well. His leadership faded when he played in the midfield last year. In the back line he stands up and oozes leadership. WORST ON GROUND by far was David King. Fair dinkum david you need to relax. He talked us up saying we have our identity back and also said Richmond should have won but they lack leaders. So after 5 years of absolute rubbish and a decade or longer of nothing 1 pre season win has us claiming our identity back. I wasn't around in the glory days of melbourne but if we had our identity back it would mean we are the most dominating team in the league year after year.
    3 points
  28. What stood out was our adherence to the fundamentals (as highlighted by many previous posters) We looked and played like a proper AFL footy team ... and we looked self assured in the process. Nothing startling if compared to how other clubs go about it but when compared to our previous years in the doldrums, last night's performance was more than heartening. Now we have to back it up - again and again. Just having Roos at the helm creates a natural motivation for the players. They won't want to let him down. Not only is Roos an excellent tactician with a message that would be easy to understand, he'd only have to walk into a room in order to motivate the players. With Clark, Watts, Hogan, Viney and Garland to come into the side, we can only get better. There's a few others that will press for selection as well. Things are looking good. Having 2 weeks off until our next match (against the Cats) might be a good thing as well ... it gives the group some extra training sessions to work on our new game plan.
    3 points
  29. I reckon he will be elevated. I loved his work, looked like a veteran. I think he has the game to transfer to the real stuff. Physical player and he did hit targets, sometimes under real pressure. Very handy.
    3 points
  30. If you can't tell the difference between last night's win, and the one against Collingwood this time last year, god help you son. Some people just don't get it.
    3 points
  31. Compared to US and UK sports commentators it's actually embarrassing.
    3 points
  32. Clearances Vince 5 Tyson 4 Cross 4 13 we wouldn't have won last year. With a functioning midfield and some fit forwards we will worry a few sides. NB: Tyson will end up our best clearance player.
    3 points
  33. Rohan is a terrible kick for goal. I predicted where both his easy two set shots would go and people around me laughed when he did exactly as I said. The first to the right points and the second to the left points. Seriously though, It is unforgiveable for an AFL footballer to consistently miss easy shots for goal in perfect conditions. Robbo was a poor shot for goal early on and improved to be very accurate. I wonder if he should help Bail.
    3 points
  34. people bagging Toumpas and his game last night actually have no clue about football.
    3 points
  35. Great result last night and enjoyable style of game to watch, what a difference having a decent midfield makes! Jones will love having Cross, Vince, Tyson and Michie to lean on. even Trengove showed a renewed hunger, removing the burden of captaincy may be his rebirth. Spencer was Spencer, I know he doesn't have a lot of fans on here but have a look at the tackles column and you'll see why I think the coaches appreciate him, none of our players had more last night. He had more hitouts than anyone else on the ground, and a richmond member sitting with us pointed out they selected 5 guys that were close to 200cm last night. he's never going to win a beauty contest with his disposals but that's not what he is there for. He provides a contest. Jeremy Howe as the sole genuine, albeit undersized, leading forward held his line brilliantly. Great signs with Dawes, Garland, Watts, Viney, Hogan and maybe Clark to still come back into the side
    3 points
  36. Options behind the ball, finally. And plenty of them, and for a whole game. Often we'd win the clearance and dish it back and have to keep dishing back, it lacked the fluency of a Hawthorn or Sydney clearance, be we were winning the contest and knew where our players were going to be, and they were always there. This never happened under Neeld, it was hit in and hope, Nathan Jones. That was the most pleasing thing for me. Hitting more targets in one game than we did in two years was also pleasing. Georgiou is the best worst kick I've seen. Picks the right options which helps. Solid backup. Toumpas is a little concerning, still adjusting, but didn't get near it when we had 400+ disposals... If he and Blease ever click, look out. JKH will ignite the young supporters' excitement. Seems a great and talented kid. Spencer really surprised me, I didn't think he could get any worse, and he did. Can't wait to see what we're like with a full squad.
    3 points
  37. I hope not. I don't want to have to wear tracky daks and commit crimes just so I can support my team.
    3 points
  38. Loved it when the commentators were making excuses for Richmond because the likes of Jack Riewoldt, Reece Conca, Ivan Maric and Daniel Jackson were all missing - as if we had a full side. Cracked up when they were scratching for more missing players and finally came up with Ricky Petterd.
    3 points
  39. I hope Spencer makes it, but we can't keep giving away 2 goals a game. On topic, Frawley's decision making and execution doesn't warrant hanging out for elite money; but I guess the market is the market. Looks fit, but gets more kudos than he deserves week-in, week-out. Scully will be more of a loss, if Frawley does go IMO. Other than Edwards' misses, Richmond were pathetic (and we made them look that way in many respects). They weren't far off full strength; whereas we were so far from it. Our turnovers gave them at least a third of the their goals. Loved the fact we didn't bomb high and long to the boundary. Was sick of it after Neeldy's 3rd game. Just hope our supporters stay smart and patient with our sometimes backward, slow steady and hopefully composed ball movement. I don't want to hear a thousand "just kick it long" screams by simpletons at the G this year. Our best win since the often mentioned Sydney draw.
    3 points
  40. I went and my god I know its only feb but what we have been through the last few years I will take anything My highlights Our kick ins from full back. It looks like we have a plan and not just bomb it to the ruckman on the wing. Spencers chase down on Grigg Jones, gosh I wish we could clone him. Just love him and his intensity Watching JKH and Barry play. JKH's goal in the last quarter was great when he ran away form the richmond player who gave up. I think we have a couple of replacements for davey Cross just go for everything and Vince and co getting the ball out of the midfield Watching Richmond fans leave before the siren and the panic in there voices around me when they were behind Winning at etihad. We can do it. Paul Roos is just great and I hope it puts a smile on his face and PJ's face. Its small steps but at least we have shown something.
    3 points
  41. JKH sat out the entire third quarter. He's definitely in our best team.
    3 points
  42. And to think there are still some saying, 'it's only the NAB cup'... If people can't see the difference between tonight's performance and any game we played under Mark Neeld and most of Dean Bailey's then there's something wrong with you. As Nasher has said, we played and looked like a team. We looked solid everywhere on the ground, (with an exception of the forward line for obvious reasons). Look at the numbers we had hunting the ball, look at the confidence and hunger our midfielders played with. Look at the difference Cross, Vince, Michie and Tyson had on the entire midfield dynamic. We had structure. The win tonight was nothing like the win we had against the pies this time last year. It was a beautiful game to watch. It's not as if we won because the tiges played poorly or didn't have a strong enough side. We won because a number have things have changed at the MFC in a short period of time. Of course everyone will be playing it down, but I'll tell you now the lid is well and truly off for me... If that's the kind of footy we're destined to play, we're all in for a very nice surprise.... PS - Hogan, Dawes, Viney and Clark. Go dees
    3 points
  43. First time poster here. I don't want to get excited (I've been through that with the Dees for years), but what I really liked tonight was that we played some decent football. Still, we butchered some easy kicks but players were playing to aplan and were trusting that other players would be where they were supposed to be. And that to quote Bruce was "delicious". I've been slack with renewing my membership cos I live in Tassie and don't get to go to games, but I'm renewing right now! I will let myself get a bit excited tho. JKH!!!! WOOOOOWWWEEEEEEE!!!
    3 points
  44. And we won at Etihad. And Nathan Jones was not our highest possession getter. The world has gone crazy.....
    3 points
  45. Seriously bud if you want to see someone soft go and have a look in the mirror FFS keyboard warrior if ever I saw one. His skills you can fault but never question Nicho's endeavour.
    3 points
  46. Does everyone know its 18 games in 18 days? The fox commentators seem to need to repeat every bloody 5 mins. It's driving me nuts!!!!!!!
    2 points
  47. A different one to you apparently. Watched him take several hits and bounce back up.
    2 points
  48. Remember a couple of seasons ago when we best the Pies at Etihad in a PS game, that was the highlight of Neelds coaching career, LOL what a disaster.
    2 points
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