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  1. Williams is a no brainer for me. I think he is perfect for this club - for so many reasons. And get Junior McDonald back as part of the package.
    7 points
  2. They have just discussed on SEN that the dees have contacted Roos again on Friday an again he said no ATM I'm not interested. As a result PJ has said ok we are moving on to other coaching prospects. Good to c we are not trying to convince Roos to coach cause as some have said on here we don't want a coach who has to be convinced to coach us we want someone who WANTS the job. For me it's now Williams.
    7 points
  3. Bingo. PJ sent him an SMS and he replied by SMS, really. Is that how PJ approaches his most important appointment, I don't think so. I think they want everyone to stop speculating. That is what I am now going to do.
    5 points
  4. They could all get in on a family membership.
    4 points
  5. Bit of positive here but isn't it great to see Aussie back in red and blue. And one thing that really surprised me was he actually looks in better shape now then he was in his last year at the club I reckon. Kudos to the MFC on keeping that relationship with Aussie and still accept him as one of our own still. People who say our relationship with indigenous players is crap needs to rethink again.
    4 points
  6. Not at the dees. The time for taking a punt is long gone. Only a proven performer will do.
    4 points
  7. And the award of the '[censored] of the year' goes to angrydemons.. bravo son!
    4 points
  8. Was a silly move from the word go, Tassie would have been a much better option.
    3 points
  9. Well it depends firstly if it is true that that is what happened Also, if it did happen, it depends on context e.g. hypothetical Danks: Hi Bill its Danksy here. Got a quick question for you ASADA Bill: G'day Danksy. Fire away. Danks. Can you look up your latests lists and tell me if AOD9604 is on the S2 list. ASADA Bill: Sure, I just happen to have the latest list handy Danks: Thanks Bill. ASADA Bill: OK, found it. Let me see. AOD9604...hmmmm. Nope , it doesn't seem to be on the S2 list. Danks: Thanks Bill. ASADA Bill: No worries. Anything else I can help you with Danks: Nope, thanks again.....click Remember Danks is supposed to be an expert on sports supplements and the different WADA codes. He would be FULLY aware of the S0 category and rules, and ASADA would know that Danks would understand S0 ASADA do not decide what is fit for human use. That is up to local health authorities There is no S0 list ASADA don't necessarily know all new drugs that fall under S0, that is why they word S0 the way they do Finally, there is yet to be seen (publicly) any evidence that asada did mislead danks The ACC web statement post-dates Essendon starting to use AOD so is irrelevant
    3 points
  10. Devils advocate only: A statement like this is exactly what is needed to deaden the speculation and hype and also remove the focus from roos in the media. The other candidates can't be appointed, so now no decision can or will be made until after the season. Pressure off whether he is interested or not.
    3 points
  11. Well I feel that this story still has a bit to play out. I still have him in the loop.
    3 points
  12. By the way, this case is the exact reason they have a catch all "not approved for human use" category. Let's say i invent a new super drug. It hasnt been certified fit for human use but no matter, I've got $ to make so I go to Mr. Dank and say, "mate ive got this amazing new drug, you should give it to the players." He rings ASADA who of course say its not on the prohibited list (which it isn't). Players take the drug. This is cheating. It is also unsafe! My drug contains bleach, cyanide and some rat poison. But ASADA don't have it on their prohibited substances list. This is why the not approved for human use clause is so important. It's not rocket surgery.
    3 points
  13. He did have seven tackles against Geelong, not such a bad effort. I'll put your comment down to trolling.
    3 points
  14. Your soft with your thoughts. You wanted instant gratification with Jimmi, didn't get it, therefore your crying like a baby!!!
    2 points
  15. His biggest issue was he didn't get the pace of AFL right away, not an uncommon issue and he is finally getting that and showing us why the club has considered him to be a better prospect than some really good players ( stringer, vlastian, wines, mcrae, menzel )
    2 points
  16. I'm shaking my head at these comments of people calling him soft. He went in hard many times vs Geelong and he showed some very good inside work which is totally against what he is known for. There is nothing about him that reminds me of Cale Morton. He's showed some real confidence in the last few games, and I expect that confidence to grow.
    2 points
  17. That's a great read - thankyou. If determination and ingenuity can fashion a purse from a pigs ear and get a lead balloon to fly then there may be hope for the Melbourne Football Club after all.
    2 points
  18. You can research my posts if you desperately desire but you needn't worry, I'll put it straight from the start that I have said this (possibly many times) before. That has got to be the worst piece of writing I've seen in a "respected" paper. How journalists get away with writing trash like that is so far beyond me I couldn't reach it if I lay Max Gawn out flat in front of me. Compare it, say, to this article. I shudder to think what Tanya Aldred would do after reading the article linked above. That said, it's pretty true.
    2 points
  19. and don't forget their victory in securing Izzy too
    2 points
  20. My heart bleeds. Suck it Sheeds.
    2 points
  21. My Collingwood mates rated Neeld. We can do without what our mates think.
    2 points
  22. Isn't Jamar supposed to have a particular problem with smelling badly? Small plane + Mark Jamar = emergency landing.
    2 points
  23. Here's the win stats for every team over the past 7 years. I haven't included finals or mentioned draws. Geelong: 123/147 Collingwood: 103/147 Hawthorn: 99/147 St Kilda: 86/147 Sydney: 84/147 Adelaide: 77/147 North Melbourne: 74/147 Bulldogs: 71/147 Carlton: 70/147 West Coast: 70/147 Essendon: 69/147 Freemantle: 69/147 Brisbane: 58/147 Port Adelaide: 57/147 Richmond: 53/147 Melbourne: 34/147 GC: 11/59 GWS: 2/37 I've highlighted the Bulldogs record as they seem to be generating a bit of discussion over their eligibility for a potential priority pick.
    2 points
  24. We don't want another drop-kick either
    2 points
  25. We have won 34 out of a possible 147 games in the past 7 years. If we jag a few wins in the run home, I don't think a record of say 38 out of 154 is going to change the AFLs thinking too much. If they decide that we warrant draft assistance, so be it. If not, they may as well scrap it altogether as no other team would qualify... that is unless GWS continue like they are for another 5 years.
    2 points
  26. Look forward to seeing Jimmy play next year after another pre season, under a new coach and further away from his hip operation. Under extremely difficult conditions and circumstances he played his best game for us. That tells me a lot about him. He will be a good player for us.
    2 points
  27. absolutely we are attractive, someone gets trenners and watts playing like all australians and we do what port has done and they go down as the best coach ever and the biggest problem i'd say is belief
    2 points
  28. i still have no idea who is going to coach us, but for the first time in a LONG time i feel as though the club has it under control and will get it right.
    2 points
  29. Del Santo is a class mid but I am unsure if he is the type you could build a midfield around. His influence often appers to be his skilfulness rather than his impact on games of team mates being inspired by him. I am unconvinced that he would/could influence Viney, Toumpas, Barry too much. Now Brad Sewell on the other hand...
    2 points
  30. The pre-disposition of Melbourne supporters is (perhaps correctly) to assume the worst of any situation. You don't need to tell me about the seriousness of the injury - I understand that. And, right now, we are in the phase where any information on his future is incredibly sought after by posters on this site. Posters worrying about his future - I have no problem with. Posters implying they know more than they do with closed statements like 'he will never play again' - I do have a problem with. If you have inside knowledge, then explain and we can take it on face value and cry into our beers tonight. But if you are just relaying your own fears as facts - keep them to yourself.
    2 points
  31. We need a decent culture so no to Thompson. You don't want me to go any further and explain it. Just let that idea go.
    2 points
  32. "Roos has refused to rule himself out completely, and if he changes his mind he will get the job." How nice of him.lol So we still have four usual suspects really. Whilst I have no doubt Roos would make an excellent coach . Two aspects do irk me about his demeanour.. One...acting like some sort of god and toying with the club. Yes I appreciate there are fine lines to walk and such but really, its just a bit of a prima donna carry on. But its the second area that worries me more. And yet it too is supposition in the main ; that he would be doing it essentially short term then handing over to underlings. Thats just mercenary to the max. ( if it were the case to be ) Whomever comes in I want them to invest as much of themselves into the task ahead for a reasonable period of time. Say 4-5 years. I dont want any fly by-nighters with one eye on the meter and the other on the door. I was asked my opinion some time ago as to my personal choice and I replied with Williams. He is still my preference. If Roos deigns to change his mind all well and good but he would want to be doing it properly and not half hearted.. I think given time it might well be a case of Roos Rues Ruse
    2 points
  33. End of thread lets all move on to other potential candidates being Eade, Williams and Craig
    2 points
  34. My mail from the start was that Roos wouldn't coach for private family reasons. In any event, the last thing we need is a coach who doesn't have passion a la Malcolm Blight at St. Kilda a decade ago. Neil Craig has certainly "freed up the players" and that resulted in some better performances but from a long term perspective, I'm not sure that this philosophy is enough to get us up to the required standard to challenge the top teams. Williams has always been Caroline Wilson's favourite for the position and since it appears that she has the AFL's ear, it will probably come to pass.
    2 points
  35. I'm not as confident as Whateley is that this means Essendon players are exonerated. The ACC statement explains its position in respect to the description of AOD9604 on its own website but it also reiterates the WADA position that the drug is prohibited due to it being untested and therefore the prohibition had actually existed since 2011. It's not clear that ASADA informed anyone at Essendon otherwise so the Bombers need to provide proof that ASADA told the club or its medical people that it was in order for it to be taken. As I understand it, ASADA continues to insist that it never informed anyone that AOD9604 could be taken by professional athletes. The question is what questions did Essendon ask and what answers was it given? If the Dank emails that were recently presented in the media are all that the Bombers are hanging their hats on, they would appear to still be in trouble.
    2 points
  36. I think it's just policy. Asking for a priority pick during the season is like filling up your petrol tank while your car is in motion. It's theoretically possible, but it's probably better to wait until the vehicle has come to a complete stop before giving it a shot.
    2 points
  37. Amazing Geelongs highest draft pick in over 10yrs is number 7! Goes to show that our club was fixated on tanking to get early picks that they forget that its culture & development that makes players not their draft number!
    2 points
  38. New Chairman New Coach New assistants New Captain Hogan joins the men We are rostered to play the Cats at the MCG Sylvia plays well at the Lions Jamar plays poorly with GWS Frawley re signs for another three years Watts polls highest votes for the MFC in the Brownlow and wins the Bluey. MFC finish 15th with no 10+ goal losses
    2 points
  39. I thoroughly disagree with the notion that the Roos/Lyon style of coaching is dull or boring. Its winning football at its most structured, disciplined and strategic. Like feasting on prime steak instead of junk food.
    2 points
  40. He's not on his own there. It is testament to the kid that he still has a go, given the environment he has had to endure of more recent times. The malaise in some players on the list - who we all know should be better - is symptomatic of the root cause. That is, for too long, this club has viewed first round draft picks as a panacea, without continuing to develop from within, in terms of skill improvement, leadership and culture with existing lists. Whoever takes the coaching reins in 2014, will have this to fix, as one of their main briefs.
    1 point
  41. Haha, as my wife explains to me regularly - dark colours are slimming....
    1 point
  42. Tremgove was tracking beautifully at the end of 2011, his 2nd season. Averaged over 20 touches, and i think came top 5 in the Bluey despite missing 3 games. So what happened? Mark Neeld came in He was burdened with the captaincy I dont subscribe to the the theory he has an ongoing injury. You telling me hes been carrying an injury since round 1 , 2012? Anyway hes had 20+ touches the last three weeks so I think the tide might be slowly turning.
    1 point
  43. You don't have to look too far to find a more disappointing player in the AFL and that is the bloke selected before him But there is something wrong with Trengove. He has lost all his kicking penetration and god only knows where his 2.97 sec 20 metre sprint speed has gone from his draft testing. Still got good hands above his head and still has the talent and leadership capabilities Get the feeling that one day we will find out what has been wrong with Jack and from there he will start to fulfil the potential he showed in his first year
    1 point
  44. Perception is such a weak reason for doing something. I don't care how others see the MFC - just because they see us in a certain light does not mean we should alter how we go about doing what is best for our club. We should try and win as many games as footy as this limited group can win. We should go cap in hand to the AFL to fund the pay-outs of employees. We should ask the Commission for draft assistance to allow us to compete sooner than we otherwise could. We should explore every avenue to get better.
    1 point
  45. starting to play some good consistent footy. Only his first season too. Development is coming along nicely. Chiilllllllllll.
    1 point
  46. I have no issues with Jimmy I think he is coming along well. I wish we had a half decent team so we could see Jimmy run and carry the footy a bit more. Seeing Jimmy on the run through the guts kicking to any forward on the lead would be poetry in motion.
    1 point
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