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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/12/12 in all areas

  1. Having spent 12 years dealing with drunks at the G and other venues and locking up many I can say the following, they passed the attitude test and went quietly so my expert opinion is not drunk, just 'affected by alcohol', very smart decision to leave without trouble, and that is what I'd focus on as the coach. No fights, no drunk driving, no sexist behaviour reported just beers watching the cricket and then going peacefully when told... After a few shennanigans.. I have seen lawyers, politicians, senior civil servants, teachers, CEO's and others who would all make the news if someone chose to dob on them. Could they have got drunk in private and kept up some sort of BS choir boy appearance, of course they could and it would have made people here happy obviously. I always found the people pouring out of the super boxes the most shabby after a long day. Now we either have an extraordinary over representation of the temperance society amongst Demon supporters or a truck load of hypocrites everyone has been bent out of shape sometime and it's what happens at that point is key. Footballer player had a drink!!! don't make me laugh, more than a few premiership players who have done that. I can also say that I found the security at the G to be cowards and snipers (up until 2006, so if they have improved since then i'm sorry) and that on more than one occasion they were either charged or close to being charged with assault, including a 14 year old girl getting pummelled by four 90kg+ blokes one time. I reckon they'd be nervous of the footy players as in their dreams they couldn't touch these guys and most of the guards are on our power trip, as bad as G4S guards at an airport. And finally so what if its in the paper, can we stop being so frigging scared of the media and just stare them down at least once or twice. God our politics would be better if the pollies didn't live by every sound bite.
    7 points
  2. Wanted to say congratulations to Nathan Jones who is to marry his childhood sweetheart today. I'm sure he has worked hard for this over the years, just as he has with footy! All the best Jonesy.
    6 points
  3. More likely she will call for the sacking of Cameron Schwab.
    6 points
  4. I completely disagree. Building a snake with beer cups may be puerile, but hardly an offence of any kind. Remonstrating with the public/security is speculation, and in any case it seems they handled that element well when confronted, removing themselves from the vicinity. Throwing beer cups is reportedly the domain of a richmond player alone. The issue is the decision to place themselves somewhere where an incident of this nature was highly likely. The decision for location is where this incident went wrong, and a wiser choice would've avoided all of this.
    6 points
  5. Bing I am so tired of this attitude that a football team has to be a team of guys who are beyond reproach. Quite a few of the teams that have won flags over the last ten years have had some ordinary human members. I do not care what they do on Boxing day. Just win bloody games.
    4 points
  6. The witness, who asked not to be named, told Fairfax Media that the group was ‘‘very vocal’’ and boisterous but trouble-free before Howe and the unknown man exchanged heated words for about five minutes. Four security guards then told both men to leave. ‘‘It was an unnecessary show of security guards and police when, really, nothing actually happened. That was the most disappointing thing for me,’’ the witness said. ‘‘I was at the Boxing Day Test four years ago and there wasn’t the presence of security that there was this year. It’s been over-regulated.’’ Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/sport/demons-exorcised-in-mcg-overkill-20121228-2byr9.html#ixzz2GJuJa0jr Nothing in it. I am sure Caroline will call for their immediate sacking, the Melbourne players that is, not Rivers and Petterd.
    4 points
  7. I sense a new whipping boy coming up, which is a little peculiar seeing as Trengove isn't a ginger-nut, doesn't have a porn-star style mo, or isn't challenging a stick of celery for the lowest BMI. Youngest captain in MFC history- obviously was playing under duress last year, which may have contributed to his current injury, loyal as a dog and has never put a foot wrong off field, loves our club and has declared his intent to right this wrong ship yet still some of you have a dig. Heres a suggestion- go watch some of his junior tapes, recognize that last year was a hiccup- breath- and give the kid a break FFS
    4 points
  8. To quote the Big Lebowski "No Walter ,you're not wrong ,you're just an [censored]".
    4 points
  9. There is a positive from this that we have all seemed to have forgotten - Col Sylvia was nowhere to be seen. Hallelujah
    4 points
  10. My big problem is not that they got drunk on holidays, thats fine, its not that they chose to have fun at an iconic sporting event. If they had done these things in a more private setting, from a corporate box to simply a different stand then there would not have been a problem. But the fact that they chose to go to the most infamous Australian location for loutish behaviour in Bay 13, on the biggest day on the Cricket calender and then proceeded to act exactly the way that would draw attention to them in a negative way, from press, police etc, is incredibly stupid for them, the club and the AFL. When you work for organisations that require public support to survive whether you like it or not you are culpable for the image of that organisation. The players involved weren't a good look for themselves, the MFC or the AFL. Stupid and dissappointing thing to do especially in light of our clubs current predicament.
    4 points
  11. 1 pm boxing day: Tom McDonald working out at the gym (according to his twitter) Howe, Dunn and Frawley sinking [censored] in bay 13 at the G. Spot the difference in dedication.
    4 points
  12. In the context of this thread - yes, they could have. But when you are elite athletes such as these guys there is a difference between getting totally rat faced and a few beers. The effect of such abuse on your body can quickly destroy any good work (such as Darwin) you have done. I takes at least 72 hours for alcohol to totally leave your body. So, if you make a real mess of yourself, training will be affected. I know from my fairly high level days as a marathon runner and am not a wowser. But, when you are being paid a six figure sum there is a responsibility.
    3 points
  13. It's the sober decision to sit in Bay 13 that I take issue with, and that alone.
    3 points
  14. I've just been to a mates funeral. He was a top fella, & dyed in the wool Melbourne supporter, much loved all around his community & all over the place where he was involved in all organisations, helping in nearly all the areas he could. He partied hard & he is irreplaceable. Winners are grinners ------------ I'd rather sacrifice a tiny bit of over decorum,,, for a bit of spirited play from spirited players, than the mish mash thats been dished up over the last nearly 15 Years. I'm happy with them getting [censored] once in a while, whether its around someones pool party, or up on the river around a camp fire. They just need to learn that some don't allow others to be themselves and relax & unwind.
    2 points
  15. Jeez, I hope nobody gets on the p155 at the reception. The nannies on here will go into meltdown.
    2 points
  16. I'm with Belzebub on this one. It is not the same as letting off steam with your mates whilst on Hols; it is positioning yourself in a very public place (our home ground) in an area (Bay 13) where most cameras are focussed on the biggest day of the cricket calendar and then not holding your alcohol very well. I suggest that it displays pretty poor judgement from a member of the leadership team (Frawley), a popular senior player (Dunn) and a high profile (mark of the year) player. Blind Freddy could see that they were setting themselves up!
    2 points
  17. This is a stand alone thread and will not be merged with any other as its topics are wide and varied. If unhappy go back to the bush demon.
    2 points
  18. Anderson had a brilliant imagination. A resusable rocket....hell NASA were still playing with Satrun V's lol A multiuse versatile container lifting plane,let alone it was VTOL. (The kestrel/ harrier was still but a prototype) .... brilliant stuff. Who didnt imagine themselves as a Thunderbird !! , going down that elaborate crew slide ..lol
    2 points
  19. None of this actually goes to the point. These 'blokes' are AFL footballers . This is a high profile sport in Melb. They are educated in the means and hows ( sic) of avoiding unecessary trouble as part of their AFL players personal development.. its part of their work -code. This was the G the most recognisable stadium in the country on one of the most publicised days of the year at an event reknown for actings-up. They were located in a vacinity also of repute for just such shenanigans. You dont go to 13 for a quiet arvo. So this displays either intent or dumb-[censored] intelligence. There are NO real days off during your AFL career, not if you want to play at the elite level, not any more. What other people do or did is irrelevant, are they Melbourne players also ? wow sh!t stinks...theres news
    2 points
  20. Australia thinks of itself as this super relaxed, chilled out society. The reality is, however, we are a reactionary, intolerant, hyper sensitive, over regulated, anti intellectual place that is as far from a chilled out society as any place I've been in my life. I'm not condoning what Frawley, Dunn and Howe may or may not have done, but I expect the security guards who evicted them are most likely brainless twits.
    2 points
  21. Goes to show how stupid some of these blokes really are. Shame is that Howe & Frawley are talented footballers. Players that we need to improve to go to the next level. If they behave in public like that then what do they do when they aren't in the public eye? Yes for most 23 year olds it's not an issue, but when you are talking about elite sportsmen, diet, mental preparation etc it really makes me wonder what these guys get up to off the field. Most of the supporters of the club want an elite culture, great strides have been made. However it looks like for some members of the group the penny hasn't dropped. This sort of behaviour for a footballer might have been ok 20 years ago, but not now. From my perspective it just looks unprofessional, stupid, careless I could go on. It's certainly not representing an elite culture.
    2 points
  22. That Mitchell & Webb Show. Rocket scientist: "What do you do?" Brain Surgeon: "I'm a brain surgeon." Rocket scientist: "It's not rocket science." Well, I liked it, anyway.
    2 points
  23. I just hope Chip, Dunn and Howe don't go back to the club .01% worse than what they left because they are already on Neeldys sh*t list after their boxing day antics! These blokes are professional footballers!!! If they want to sink [censored] and get kicked out of the cricket, go stack shelves at Coles! Yes it sucks that they are only 23 years old but they are quite happy to take 6 figure contracts during the year, sacrifices need to be made ( eg not getting [censored] in public). They could have had a BBQ at home, wrote themselves off and we would have never heard about this..more importantly for them the club would not have heard about this.
    2 points
  24. The thing is, the team doesn't win. Normal for us has become embarrassingly bad. We don't want more normal. We want football success, and I keep thinking of Shane Woewodin and what he did to achieve football success. Opportunity was slipping by, year by year, and he wasn't getting what he wanted - so he got seriously serious: watched very carefully what he ate, stayed right clear of the booze, etc etc. His over-the-top efforts were rewarded. I wish our players had that level of commitment, because as a supporter, that's the level of success I'd love to see again. But it does sound like some of them don't get it. To me, this goes to the heart of what culture is, when guys join their mates in what is clearly ok stuff to do. Ordinary breeds ordinary. Culture can raise the individual's expectations of himself, his ambition and his sense of what is 100%.
    2 points
  25. Him and Petterd were obviously the troublemakers in hindsight . Glad the security staff got them out of our ground for us . Nice of Howe and Frawley to show them out .
    2 points
  26. They are either naive or stupid. Most likely the latter. The disappointing thing is someone, probably Frawley being in the leadership group, should have thought about the consequences. Drinking copious amounts of beer, sitting in the notorious bay 13 with all the other bogans is just stupid. At some point someone had to say; this is not a good look. They know perception is everything when you are an AFL footballer. They would have been warned numerous times. The eyes of the world are the Boxing Day Test. It's one of the biggest events on the Australian sporting calendar. I'm amazed that that they thought this was a good idea.
    2 points
  27. As a member of the leadership group, Frawley in particular, should have shown more commonsense. If you are going to have a few beers at the cricket you don't set yourself up for negative publicity by doing it in Bay 13.
    2 points
  28. The incident itself is nothing much, it's just the stupidity on parade that gets me. They need to pull their heads in and show they are dedicated to turning around the shitheap this team has become under their watch instead of making public spectacles of themselves amongst well-known congregations of drunk bogans with the sports press everywhere. It just shows an astounding lack of judgment but yeah, win a few games and maybe people won't care so much.
    2 points
  29. A trivial incident that doesn't offend me one iota. The dedication of AFL players as young men is extraordinary, so I won't condemn them on a lapse of judgment on a public holiday on one of Australian sport's iconic occasions. It's a no biggie for me. But it doesn't surprise me that many on here wet themselves over it.
    2 points
  30. A AH the good old runes eh , i had forgotten about my bag of runes and book , might go dig em out right now , havent seem em for about 8 years , but i know where they will be , cool thanks for the reminder , cheers
    2 points
  31. I suspect Neeld will be absolutely rope able, the MFC has had enough media coverage over the past few months. I don't think we'll be seeing either of these boys against Port in round 1 or in the leadership group for that matter. Imagine being hungover and Mark Neeld flashing up on your phone haha!. I hope you enjoyed boys!
    2 points
  32. Oh no "Melbourne Players Tanked at the MCG" could end up in another series by CW or AFL investigation.
    2 points
  33. I was there yesterday just above bay 13 in N15 I watched them (people in bay 13, not dees boys) most of the day and they where very entertaining only the serious [censored] got dragged out kicking and screaming the others where just having harmless fun just like our boys no big deal
    2 points
  34. I'm not sure any of Caro's muck was leaked by anyone still in the club. She kept referring to unnamed former officials and former players who didn't want to be named - but I'm not sure any of her information came from current insiders. For our embittered former players and officials this is the last hurrah. Let's get this out of the way and move on.If the AFL really want to clean things up they'll charge McLean with bringing the game into disrepute. They need to get the message out that players and officials who have problems with their former clubs should go to the AFL - and not to the media. Whatever they conclude about our behaviours etc., they should definitely sanction McLean.
    1 point
  35. So don't read / watch them. The football media is always looking to beat up on something or someone, and it might as well be us. It's better than wrapping ourselves in cotton wool and turning our players into robots. If they are not fronting a judge over this then it is a nothing story.
    1 point
  36. We just want to win games, and until we're regularly doing so every little thing hurts.
    1 point
  37. I think you're correct in calling it a "storm in a teacup", but as has also been pointed out on this thread, it's not a "good look" and so the media will use it to further beat us up. I do not agree that because they are on holidays they can do stupid things. Since I was a young lad (and that was many years ago), Bay 13 was what it still is. It is notorious because it attracts louts and bogans. So, why would our boys go there ? There is the entire BIG MCG for them to choose where to see Jeremy's cousin. Winning the Mark of the Year has made him a "face". Howe of all,should understand this. But, so should the others. These guys get recognized even when they go to buy the newspaper at the local shop - especially if they are on the front page. They cannot avoid it. So, going somewhere like Bay 13 is like throwing a match on a petrol spill. They should know that. As for the drinking, I hope they weren't trashing themselves. Otherwise much of the good work they did in Darwin could have been compromised. They went there to ensure this year they got fit not fat in the pre-season !
    1 point
  38. I find this thread very disturbing, and i'm not referring to the behaviour of our players. Can't believe people get so riled up about such a non-issue.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. No harm done was there TD ? Surely they are entitled to a few beers on boxing day be it bay 13 or anywhere else. We expect too much from these young blokes IMO.
    1 point
  41. I agree its just plain dumb and a poor lack of judgement. They certainly dont have to prove they're bogans. There are many ways of showing that you are human just dont exhibit that lower end of the gene pool when you do it.
    1 point
  42. Couldnt agree more, Im from Corowa where Kozi went to school. He came to a school reunion in a pub my missus owned and was blind, tryed to shout the whole bar Jager shots (not enough Jager) picked up the tab for the last half hour for the hunderd people in there, then went back and partied at some dudes house (where they fed him Carlton Draught cans with the collingwood team photo on it). Apparently some time after that a few other St Kilda boys came up and they were stuffing around on his parents farm I presume and someone got run over by a four wheeler. Never heard this boring story have we, why? BECAUSE IT WASNT IN BAY 13 ON NATIONAL TV! I really think players need some kind of nanny to stop them making silly choices. So what they got [censored] and played up, but for god sake do it at home. And to those who say "they are only young adults, let them be boys" I say no. When you sign a contract for $300,000+ a year there are some things you are expected to give up and getting dragged out of bay 13 on boxing day is one of them.
    1 point
  43. Doesn't scream "elite culture" does it.
    1 point
  44. Huh? I thought Bird could only bowl well on Bellerive? It's pretty funny though, I remember listening to one of the SA tests on the radio and O'Keefe prattled on about how he didn't rate Bird at all (without offering any logical reasoning at all). Then yesterday on TV, Mark Nicholas was making Glenn McGrath comparisons. It's like reading Demonland on the off-season.
    1 point
  45. Yeh there's nothing in it other than current employees of the club getting sh#t faced in the most public of places & getting ejected from a place where 99% of the guests can maintain appropriate behaviour. I know they are entitled to do as they please in there time off. However it doesn't paint a very professional or dedicated picture of them in particular, they should know better.
    1 point
  46. I don't know if it was the Chook but I can tell you that when Matthew Wade took that catch today I reckon it wasn't far from where his cousin Jeremy Howe took one of his marks of the day this year and it was every bit as good.
    1 point
  47. Jackson Bird has made a very impressive start to his career.
    1 point
  48. Hmmm wouldn't it be nice.........
    1 point
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