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  1. FNQ Demon Report – Wednesday, 28 November 2012 Arrived at training about 0905 the ground support staff were setting up Gosch’s Paddock for a gruelling session; and gruelling it was. Dave Misson arrived with his team at about 0935 and they commenced the set-up of some different training areas designated by small coloured markers. The rehabilitation area was also set out at the same time. Coaches arrived at approximately 0945 and a couple of minutes later the players arrived. Jack Watts and Max Gawn headed the group chatting and laughing to themselves, Jack Viney the new recruits and Rodan all together talking and near the end were Mitch Clarke and Chris Dawes again talking to each other. Nathan Jones and Daniel Nicholson were very vocal in encouraging the boys to train hard and do it for each other. Missing – Jack Grimes, Jack Trengrove and Colin Sylvia. The team placed their bags down and went straight into warm-ups. All players were wearing all blue training tops and all others (new recruits and rehabilitation group) wore red and blue singlets. The team broke into two Groups: Group 1 – Modified programme. Mitch Clarke, Chris Dawes, Max Gawn, Michael Evans, Jesse Hogan, and Tom Gillies broke into some of their own stretching and walking around the oval. MN and Jesse Hogan walked a whole lap together talking and at the end JH looked pretty happy. JH was walking very slow deliberate laps. It looks like everyone is on an individual programme. They walk laps together, conduct individual stretches and break off to do their own thing and come back to do their walk around the oval. It is all under the guidance of Dave Misson's team and it is very structured, deliberate. I get the feeling there could be some sort of brief prior to training and each discussion is just to re-enforce points and conduct some minor tweaks. I spoke with one of the trainers and he said they were all coming along perfect and looking good to get back into the main group. I asked him (on behalf of all of us) to take it easy with Mitch and he did say Mitch would be a while off full training. I spoke at length to Mitch and he said he felt really good after Monday and all doctors and physio are telling him he is coming along really well and they are sticking with the programme and time lines for return. He said he will be back. Group 2 – All other players (including recruits) conducted a lap and then some stretching, another lap and more stretches. They also conducted some ball work (half pace) as part of the warm up. This was all conducted by Dave Misson. Very structured warm up and Dave Misson had them eating out his hand. Noticeable is the way the boys react to words of command. It was almost military like. No back chat, got straight into whatever was required; they look like a very disciplined team, Especially the backs. They look like a very tight group. After warm up’s they moved into tackling practice led by one of the Melbourne Storm tackling coaches. He was very vocal and pulled everyone up for grabbing around the chest during the tackle, he reminded them (in no uncertain terms) that was not the way he had taught them and they were to get down low and drive up with the legs through the chest area. WOW, did things change. Most notable – Luke Tapscott, James Magner, Colin Garland, Lynden Dunn, James Frawely. This was a very aggressive and positive session, all players encouraging each other. They then moved into a hand ball drill where you have three defenders and three attackers and you have to get the ball over the opposition line. This was fantastic to watch, lots of talking, encouragement and skills. Most Notable was “FLASH”, he was quick, elusive, skilled and putting on some hits (one especially against Frawley). The next drill was kicking drill in a triangle group to group; I was impressed because the ball hit the ground twice in the whole session – Best Kick, Jetta, Watts, T Mac, Davey, Garland. They then moved into some stoppage drills/clearance drills. This was run by Neil Craig. The boys split into FWD’s MID’s and BACK’s each wearing different coloured tops and then conducted the drills against each other whilst one group rested. It was quick, high intensity footy. There were coaches all over the ground with MN in the middle and they were very vocal barking instructions and getting the plan in place. This went for a while and was very intense. The game plan looked like it took the ball wide and then cut into a running CHF, FF. It also looked like the MID’s were doing a massive amount of running, because the alternate game plan looked like short, quick continuous footy. It was very quick and looked good (from my perspective) there were a couple of sprayed kicks but nothing too bad. Nearing the end of the session, Taggart and Watts had a slight clash; Taggart went to tackle Watts and slipped off him. Watts accidently heeled him in the face and Watts delivered a beautiful kick to Colin Garland and then pulled up lame. He was holding his ankle/back of calf area. He went off with the Physio, however returned for the some of the last (gruelling) session. He did leave earlier than everyone else and I spoke with him and he said it was nothing, he just didn’t continue because he was still getting over the illness and he did look tired. Most Notable – Jetta, he ran all day, chased, tackled, beautiful kick. He was impressive. The last session was punishment. FWDs MIDs & BACKs under the guidance of Misson. He punished them with various times jogging and then timed sprints. Notable – Nicholson, Jones, T Mac. Strauss copped it bad from MN and most of the other coaching staff. He was slower than FLASH. I also have to mention Sam Blease, although not the quickest he was putting in harder than anyone, it was a great effort. END of Training. I spoke with Aaron Davey who said he is feeling fantastic; his knees are the best they have ever been. The patch on his knee is due to a grass burn that has got infected. He admitted he is not as quick but feeling fantastic. Again, he trained really well. MN was taking with his constantly and his field position, kicking was excellent. The players continue to use him a lot. I spoke at length with Mark Neeld; he is very happy where the guys have come in 12 months. He said the recruits would join the main group in Darwin. The current training is putting down a base level of fitness prior to Xmas, and then they will really step it up. He is very happy with what was going on and the attitude of everyone. Overall a fantastic session. FNQ Demon
    15 points
  2. Are you serious, There are plenty of kids out there who get up at 5.00am to take a 1 -2 hr hike to work get home around 7 play amatuer sport so train and I'm sure quite a few use drugs on their days off but others don't. And they would give away a limb to be have the opportunity to play AFL. AFL is just another part of society no different to others so they should be afforded no more slack to anyone else, life is hard for most of us but to condone drug use is wrong. With 17 years experience in the Police I have seen many heartbreaking stories from drugs, it kills, tears families apart and makes people do things they normally would not do. n top of that it curtails numerous talented sporting kids aspirations You will never stop them and the 3 strikes policy is about saving face for the AFL nothing else. So in a nutshell it is a problem it's like thinking you can drive because you have only had a few beers, you may be able to function but your reactions will be affected a bit. As for your comment about the hard life these players face, we all chose what we do in life, some of our choices are limited due to talent, ability, genetics and education so please don't take me down the track of how difficult it is. Yes I have done pre season's may be me but I love pain so had no effect on my state of mind made me fitter and sharper. Train hard play hard and enjoy a drink that was me in my younger days but that was a different era, never though did I ever dabble in drugs. Whilst the money is great and the buzz of playing in front of big crowds is attractive it is having such an affect on your health you are becoming depressed and using drugs then like teh rest of us in the workplace you need to be mature enough to make the decision to walk away for your long term benefits. Being in the AFL system did not create the situation for these players, their make up and characteritics were in grained well before they were drafted and is due to their parents, mentors, family and friends. All the AFL drug policy allows is for someone to be able to take the risks without fear of being subjected to public scrutiny or loss of employment that many of the rest of us face. In closing if you feel drugs are not harmful find a kid around 11 to 12 years of age who is a beautiful fun loving child and a bit of a larican, handsome, fit and full of life. Due to circumstances out of the kids control he gets in with the wrong crowd and mum and dad are to pre occupied to care or notice change, a couple of beers and smokes at 13/14 turns to Cannabis you meet the kid a few times over the years, he still seems the same on the outside, lost a bit of weight but seems to be still a bit of a lad. You try and discuss the Cannabis use affects ever person differently and to tread carefully. At 15-17 you realise the kid is out of control, he now looks 30, black circles around the eyes, clothes falling off him and he has no care for his appearance. You meet with the parents and they tell you they cant get through to their kid and he fell in with the wrong crowd, they try their best ( but in your heart of hearts you know they haven't). You offer advice and try and help the best you can. Then one night your working as a cop and you get the call to a collapsed person in a park. You attend and in the freezing cold is a skinny 18 year old up against the wall of a toilet block and a syringe and other drug paraphenalia beside him. You look at him and recognise him and realise this is the end of the line for him, you drive to his parents house and you think back to the 12 year old fun loving kid you met all those years ago. You have to break the news to his parents and there is no eay way to do it you comfort them as best you can but whilst there is no longer the constant worry for them they have lost their only son and you have your first son on the way and know they will never recover. So Tonotopia that story happened to me between 1999-2005 and I still think about that kid and see his face at 12 and the deceased face at the toilet block. It is one of many kids and adults I have seen go this way. I also still see some of the "wrong crowd" he got in with and some have got on with their lives for various reasons. All I'm saying is drugs are harmful no matter what you may think, the harm goes far beyond the user and IMO you need to think a bit more before posting such comments. Garlett does not need an AFL career at this stage, Garlett needs a wake up call, play WAFL for 12 months and realise the chance he has and the choice is his, play 4 good years of WAFL or take the opportunity you have been given, get your finger outof your arse and make them take you next year with no questions asked
    10 points
  3. Re Spencer, it was already mentioned in the article on the Club website when Spencer signed his new contract that he was seen as part of the succession plan for Jamar and he will be 25 or 26 when Jamar reaches the end........or sooner. The fact that we now have a monster player who seems to be continually improving and developing will also ensure that Jamar plays at his abosolute best each week coz if he doesn't I am sure Neeld would have no hesitation in swapping him for Spencer
    7 points
  4. I agree 100% Saw all of what you describe yesterday. I know this guys family. I Think he was coasting under the previous FD. This one has inspired him to believe he can be the Dees no.1 ruckman. It is the next two years or never for Jake. He knows he has to improve substantially over the next two years or AFL is done. Time will tell if he has the skill But I don't think he will falter because of a lack of endeavour. Believe me he wants it badly
    5 points
  5. I've been to a few AGE parties over the years and lets just say if they drug tested the Journos they would find some individuals that defy Science. I contacted some fairfax staff about this for my new job but they didn't reply .
    4 points
  6. Helped me get through a few games at the G this year.
    4 points
  7. 4 points
  8. Many of us have very short memories. I'd suggest that the majority of supporters saw his contract as a plus at the time. Let's stop drawing negative conclusions based on limited knowledge of the ups and downs of his pre-season program - and see what happens when the season starts. It would be great if he has a good year - and ironic if he pulls the pin at the end of 2013 with the supporters screaming at the club to force him to play on.
    4 points
  9. I lost 10 years to drugs and wish i could tell lot's of young men what i went through. Thank god for my wife and kids. Drugs are evil.
    4 points
  10. FNQ, you are a beauty. Thanks to all for their training reports. I live on this stuff...sad as that is...
    4 points
  11. I got down there about 9.30 and stayed for an hour or so. I agree with most of what has been said already so will keep it down to specific observations. Neeld seems very relaxed; I guess I was expecting a more intense personna but I was really impressed with how he interacts with the players. As an example there were a couple of love taps with some of the senior players (Mitch in particular) and most impressively he took time to walk a full lap with Hogan. He appeared to be offering a bit of low key input which I would imagine for a 17 year old boy 5000ks from home would have been really valuable. Taggert has inherited the worst Mo award, it is a shocker! I tried to get a bit of info about where the 2 skippers were. By the time I left they had still not appeared. I asked one of the support staff who suggested that Grimes is on a modified program but he could not say where Trenners was. I also did not see Col. Pickles was with the group doing laps but he managed to snag a classic drop kicked goal I too could not get over the chirp amongst the group, really impressive. Jimmy T is a rolls royce; before I left I wanted to have a look at the newbies who were up the north end of the paddock doing time trials. He moves like a cat and has a really sunny disposition. I welcomed a couple of the new recruits who seemed slightly taken aback, hey said that they were being eased in slowly. I think that these open sessions are great. As long as you pick your moment there seems to be no resistance to questions from the players or staff. That is about it but am happy to answer any questions. Go Dees
    4 points
  12. Good to see the devotion and committment from FNQ. I went down myself for the first look of the pre-season. I usually leave it until now, so that the majority of the new recruits are there. No doubt others will fill in with their observations but here are mine: * Davey looks to have had arthroscopy, with a small medical bandage on his left knee. He is still favouring it, which wouldn't be surprising if he has had the operation. He wasn't running freely or moving to that side, but kicking superbly with the left in subsequent exercises. * I have been to pre-season for many years and this is the FIRST time that our new recruits don't look like 17 year old stick insects. All of them are built solidly and have that upper body definition that comes from working out in the gym. The comparisons with the body shapes of Gysberts and Morton would be chalk and cheese. * Josh Tynan ran a lot of laps and a serious pace. But his body is simply enormous for one so young. I wish I looked like that at 19! * Rory Taggert was hard to pick out for a while, but has he grown as well! * Jack Viney is a bull at a gate with everything that he does. He hasn't got the body yet, but he simply charges and tries to break through or walk over anyone in his way. He simply reeks of attitude...... * Jake Spencer has been taught to jump. For the first time ever, I saw him jump off the ground to take a mark. When he does, no-one can get close to him. * Max Gawn ran laps and again is simply a monster! If we get him on the ground this coming season, a few opposition rucks/players are going to need a change of pants. * Didn't see Trengove, Grimes, Sylvia at all, whil Clark was there but only jogging lightly. Has lost a bit of definition in his calf, which is to be expected. * Rhodans legs are like tree trunks. He never gets moved out of the contest, and even if he only plays for 1 year we WILL get great value from him. * Collingwood trained at the same time, but they shut up shop long before our guys, who just kept on going. We probably have to given our relative positions last year, but it is apparent we are putting in the extra work needed to produce better results. * Big emphasis at the start on tackling. I didn't recognise who was running the session, but they certainly knew their job and pulled players up constantly for not adopting the correct technique. Expect to see a lot of opposition players lifted off their feet and thrust backwards this year. * It was interesting to see the number of assistants on the ground. It means that no-one gets away with anything. And while Neeld was watching from the side, Craig is prowling around everything barking orders. Everything is completed correctly according to the coaches instruction. No half-arsed efforts are tolerated. Can't think of anything else. I'm sure others will fill in the gaps. No pictures today, the wife pinched the batteries from the camera. Next time......
    4 points
  13. Surely Pedders is the most logical nickname to give him.
    3 points
  14. Good call. The toxicology report is / was done, but the results not released. Even if she does know what was in it, it was unnecessary to bring JM into it - it added nothing to the story. 878 words and she couldn't find room for a single sentence about Dustin Martin, but had no qualms slurring the recently-deceased McCarthy by implication. Poor form.
    3 points
  15. 3 points
  16. Jimmy "Thumper" Toumpas. FTW.
    3 points
  17. Great report FNQ thanks Though some will still be concerned by lack of detail :-) notably "Dave Misson arrived with his team at about 0935 and they commenced the set-up of some different training areas designated by small coloured markers. " You didn't say how many markers and what colour they were. Otherwise a great report
    3 points
  18. Good report. Lots of match simulation today. Emphasis on running hard, defending man-on-man, repeat efforts, and playing on. Last year we often stagnated and were caught flat footed, but today it was play on, spread, play on, spread, play on. When your team has the ball run hard, or create space and become an option, when your team loses the ball go man-on-man, or defend space. I thought the skill level for such a high intensity drill was pretty good. Earlier there were two separate groups in confined spaces doing "3 on 3" handball. The ball was tossed to an unsuspecting player who then had to evade, sidestep, handball, or make his way through tacklers. Viney was excellent at this. Before the final match simulation with the umpire there were 3 groups - green, white and blue. One group was off the ground and the other two ran simulations that went the length of the ground. The interchange was constantly used with players calling their teammates off after a brief spell. There would be at least a half dozen players lined up waiting to get back on at any one time. When a blue player came off he was immediately paired with another player where a coach would throw the ball from 5 feet and quick spoils would take place and then the players would swap. One trying to mark and the other spoil. They'd then line up to go back on. The players are constantly working on their games, even the small stuff. Everything is loud, professional and timed to the minute. Very little down time. Even their drink breaks are short and sharp. Toumpas, Terlich and Jones running the boundary at intervals, as mentioned by the first training report. I saw the big Kent on the other side of the oval, but he didn't take place with full lap running. My standout today was Jetta. He moved quickly, tackled well (ran down Viney at one stage plus another great take down), got involved regularly and hit targets. Late in the session he also cleaned up Nicholson who took a while to get up. Tapscott and Watts also got tangled late and both were proppy. Tapscott played on, but Watts finished up. He slighly rolled an ankle, but looked fine. It wouldn't stop him training on Friday I wouldn't have thought. He took the boot off but was walking OK afterwards if not slightly gingerly. Jones and Howe were good. Viney tries to do a little too much on occasions, but I already love the guy. Hannath moves well for a big guy, is built well even though he's still young and looks to have reasonable skills. Davey had a decent session. Looked lively. Magner trained well and at one stage took Byrnes down beautifully after a chase. It's only training, so I appreciate that there's not much to read into it, but having been to plenty of sessions over the years I'm buoyed by the atmosphere and quality of the various training drills. They already look far fitter, stronger and are running hard at pace. There were quite a few people there, so there should be more reports from different angles.
    3 points
  19. and some how this thread took a left turn i didnt notice
    2 points
  20. That's one for the D'Land scrap book. Thanks for that. I like your summation of quick, hard at it and a booming left foot kick. Can you describe how capable he is kicking over shorter distances ie. pinpoint passes with 'zing' would be a mouthwatering description. A la Hodge, Jarman (wishful thinking on my part; but I set the bar high). Thanks in advance.
    2 points
  21. I don't want to mix in nostalgia, contracts, highlights, lowlights and statistics. Sadly, alike almost all of our senior players in the last 5 years he did not go when it was his turn. You won't see me going in to bat for him.
    2 points
  22. A kill joy you suggest BB.
    2 points
  23. of course it was bloody deleted Einstienian conclusion !! People...we have to understand .......... there is a Banana hater in our midst. Unpalatable to digest i know . Funny , and ironic that in essence they just as YELLOW as the fruit they despise !!! yeah...howd ya like them apples.. I mean bananas !! its bad enough we have some of the ilk who would usurp our great club but even worse we have someone who wants to mince with our dietary intake.!! Custard of the Cowardy type is also yellow..... fancy that C'mon Mod-anon ...embrace your inner yellow.. !!!!
    2 points
  24. From all reports Jamar has all the prerequites covered to earn the Horse nickname. I didn't think he had a long face and big ears, but there you go. Also, while I love the Priest for CP, what about Herbert (or Herbie). If anyone watches Family Guy you will know what I'm getting at. For the non-Family Guy watchers, here's a sample...
    2 points
  25. Often kicking issues are 75% poor confidence. Jamar was renowned as a poor kick & wouldn't make it. a spud. Well he has made it & can play & can kick. He's not Aaron Davey, but he is OK for a big guy. Jamar copped the exact same negative talk Spencer is receiving now or last year, but he is starting to rise. How far we will see.
    2 points
  26. I can't handle the cut and thrust of the Demonland forum anymore. I'm going to throw my life down the toilet by picking up an Ice pipe and going for a job at The AGE.
    2 points
  27. Translation: Caroline Wilson could not find one single person at Collingwood this week prepared to even talk to her
    2 points
  28. What was really offensive and distasteful was her reference to John McCarthy's death at an end of season bender in Vegas. How distressing for his family to read this, especially if no toxicology report has come back yet. Is she guessing? Is it a rumour? If either she should hand in her 'journo badge' or be sacked. Even if fact a tox report is confidential. How dare she take it upon herself to 'release' this. Even if not guessing, she has stooped to a new low. No respect shown.
    2 points
  29. I think Spencer's biggest upside at the moment is how determined he is too improve. When you see him train, anything from marking practice to tap work to kicking on the run, he gets dirty on himself when he makes mistakes. He has come along way in the last 12 months. It's just unfortunate he hasn't had gawny there to push each other. I'd be hoping for something similar to a Mumford in the end, but his work rate means he will give himself every chance of getting there.
    2 points
  30. Even you need your little white pills OD . I recall when you lost them you thought you were a Swans supporter for a period .
    2 points
  31. I want him in our 22, plain and simple. Still pretty quick and I think largely forgotten among young guys who turn it over regularly. He tried a lot harder than some of his team mates in certain games
    2 points
  32. well done , most dont make it glad you have the courage to speak about it
    2 points
  33. Whoever it was who was responsible for signing Flash to a four year deal in 2009, most of us welcomed it with open arms. The article below indicates that the signing was a "badly-needed boost" for the club. Aaron Davey signs new four-year deal with Melbourne. No doubt, if Davey, the Keith 'Bluey' Truscott Medallist that season would have been lost to the club, there would have been much condemnation of Schwab, Connolly, Bailey and any other target at the club that people feel the need to criticise. You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.
    2 points
  34. I was there for a while. Agree with most of what has been said. Jetta looked very good. Sharp, fit and tackles as well as always. Kicking was good too. Tom McDonald's kicking was good too, I didn't see him miss a target. Spencer suddenly looks like quite an athlete. Moves beautifully for such a big man. His ball drop is still horrible but he was on target. Gawn ran solid laps, he's huge. Dawes walked laps while I was there. So did Hogan. We have some monsters on our list now. Jamar was moving well too. Garland looks bigger, I noticed it last week, and again today, his arms are bigger, he's very vocal and trained well. Viney does try to do too much. But he's an impressive kid, beautiful blind turn and sidestep at one stage. After the tackling coach mentioned in previous posts had the boys tackling the blokes with the bags, they went into a tackling/evasion drill, pretty much straight away Davey went the arm dive and flail technique that was the opposite of what they were just told to do. Apart from that he trained better than has been previously reported, but there was no endurance stuff that I saw. Jimmy and friends ran laps, Jimmy lead the whole time. I can't think of anything else, training is a lot more structured than my sloppy report.
    2 points
  35. The 3 strike policy is just so wrong. Why should the AFL put itself above societies laws. I have taken my share of drugs over many years. I have never been caught or charged, but i always knew it was possible. 3 strikes is just hiding more damming information that Vlad & Anderson do not want to acknowledge.
    2 points
  36. The tackling coach is John Muggleton, from the Melbourne Rebels Rugby team, been in the game for 30 years, both with League and Union, renowned tackler when he played league, I loved watching him last week and good to hear he is again pulling up the arm wavers, the technique I think he is teaching is to aim for the midriff and push upwards and back.......I reckon we will see lot's of panicky handballs from tacklees (if that is a word) assume plan will be to get second player to follow in
    2 points
  37. that or tied to seats at the G whilst "Its a grand Old flag " repeats relentlessly !!!
    2 points
  38. Good luck with finding a free wi-fi spot in Europe outside of your hotel ...
    1 point
  39. As do the FD. We've just had a major clearout ... yet the pencil holds his spot. For a (just) 23 year old ruck, coming along nicely I would have thought.
    1 point
  40. Jordie "Frenzy" Mckenzie!
    1 point
  41. As one of the fastest kids in the league, Sammy Blease has got to be 'blaze'
    1 point
  42. Without commenting on Spencer specifically today, he may hit targets at training, but with a flawed kicking action (a high ball drop in particular) there is a lower probability that in a pressure situation he will consistently hit targets. That's not to say he won't hit targets, it's just the probability of error is increased. I picked it from looking at a photo early on that it is being addressed with McDonald, hopefully Spencer, Nicholson and Fitzpatrick get the same attention.
    1 point
  43. Why would you want your 30 year olds training the house down in November???? Aaron did not have the best of years but he had so many friends,it is unfair to single him out.. How many times did the ball get turned over in the midfield??/ ....Very hard for a small forward to shine in our team in 2012 The club signed him on a four year contract......He is honoring that contract...as he should...and as the club should... I hope he gets over these injuries and works up to match fitness in MARCH 2013...and can be a useful member of our side.... I hate the way people stick the knifes in when a player heads into retirement ...
    1 point
  44. Viney doesn't have a nickname. Nicknames have Viney.
    1 point
  45. We sure are a ruthless bunch. I think we're entitled to be frustrated by Davey being paid overs, and clogging the list etc, etc. But Aaron surely could have walked out on this club years ago, chasing success. He has been a loyal servant for almost ten years, a BnF winner. Sure any criticism is far from unwarranted at the moment, but criticise respectfully.
    1 point
  46. So Stingrays is your real name? And for the poster who opined that 'Captain Blood' was the best nickname ever - and it is a beauty - I prefer 'the galloping gasometer'. Probably meaningless to anyone who (a) doesn't remember Mick Nolan (B) doesn't know what a gasometer was and © doesn't remember the Arden Street Oval. But those who do will possibly agree that all those things combined seamlessly into the descriptive nickname which I seem to recall was invented by Lou Richards.
    1 point
  47. he was top 5 in all these stats, disposals, kicks, tackles and pressure acts but didnt deserve a game half the time?
    1 point
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