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  1. What are you? A supervillain or something? Who talks like that? Chris Dawes training on Wednesday. Excellent. Soon my plan to take over the world will be complete. Muahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
    13 points
  2. Something something something darkside Something something something complete
    8 points
  3. Andrew Demetriou wanted Melbournefc to stand for something. Wish granted Andrew.
    7 points
  4. Fair dinkum, that's pathetic. You get hung for looking "grim-faced" these days? If looking grim-faced or disappointed after a game is what passes for "evidence" then wait till you see what Ray Finkelstein does to the members of the inquisition. This would be a joke but for the fact that our club needs to spend good money defending itself but the AFL won't widen this investigation to include several others who were involved in experimenting and didn't have much interest in winning when their seasons were shot. Pathetic!
    7 points
  5. OR she's heard Finkelstein has ordered a lot of Age back-issues featuring CW articles on mfc
    5 points
  6. Firstly, I changed the title to this thread because I am sick and tired of these media bozos refusing to credit the Melbourne Football Club with the presumption of innocence. We have yet to be charged with anything. As far as I know the club hasn't been given the benefit of seeing the alleged evidence against it or to respond. How can anyone say in those circumstances that we've "escaped penalties". Penalties happen when you've been found guilty of something, not before you've even been charged. Secondly, take note of this: I know this bloke and all I will say is that he's pretty much the best in the business. We're in good hands to deal with and repel the disgraceful attacks on the club we've witnessed in the media in the past month.
    5 points
  7. All Demon fans should be rejoicing at the news, not only because of the legal heavy hitting nature of the fellow, but also because we have quite clearly and publicly let the powers that be know that we will fight tooth and nail if they do decide to go us. This is very un-Melbourne-like ... and a very welcome change at a footy club that has for too long dutifully played the part of the 90-pound weakling getting sand kicked in its face at the beach. The off-field generals are now setting the tone for the on-field soldiers to follow. Whether in the courts or across the white line of play, know that we will NO LONGER be pushed around. Bring on 2013 and F!?#k the Establishment. We are becoming DEMONS at last!!
    4 points
  8. Does the Pope [censored] in the woods?
    4 points
  9. I hear a lot of people, especially Americans, saying "I could care less" when they mean "I couldn't care less". Not a mixed metaphor, but it annoys the hell out of me. Not only is it incorrect but it makes no sense as well. Also "It's not rocket surgery", but most of the time when I hear it it's being used in an ironic way.
    4 points
  10. Not a saying, but the word "laconic" has a different meaning in the AFL as compared to the rest of the English speaking world.
    4 points
  11. I hope Mark Neelds job starts getting a bit easier after this year.
    4 points
  12. Today's news is the best news in 2012 as far as I am concerned. Finally an MFC that stands and fights for its position. Perhaps we do have a place in the 21st Century. Thank God and pass the ammunition!
    4 points
  13. This is different to Lance Armstrong .There is proof and testimony that he systematically doped.All we have is a witch hunt looking for issues that dont exist , in a flawed system . It's funny that the AFL has chosen an expert in human trafficking as their tough guy.(For what is the draft but a supermarket of boys ) Barry Prendegast can at least claim total and utter ignorance , insanity, and stupidity in his case .
    4 points
  14. I'm all in favour of having someone with his obvious credentials on our side, but it's worth reiterating the dangers of biting the hand that feeds you. We take the AFL to court and this thing turns into a whole new type of cluster f***. The club needs to carefully weigh up the decision and any penalties before beginning to consider legal steps. Fortunately I think this may be moot. I'm getting the sense the AFL's case is increasingly starting to resemble a block of swiss cheese. Having investigators that allegedly threaten witnesses if they don't talk is the last thing they needed.
    3 points
  15. 3 points
  16. I find this so hard to believe.....that you actually ever liked his show..
    3 points
  17. My friend is his colleague and he says that if the AFL hit us hard they better be prepared for the new bumhole they will have torn for them. Seemingly this bloke takes no prisoners. Happy days.
    3 points
  18. Or? How about we get the Catholic Church to run the enquiry?
    3 points
  19. I want a Royal Commission It's that or there will be anarchy on the streets vive les démons
    3 points
  20. Very clever Vladimir; ensuring the investigating is flawed thereby ensuring a non actable finding. Result. Tanking officially put to bed. Teams live on and vexatious and spiteful elements of the media hung out to dry!! I wonder if she even realises shes been played ? Lol And we move on.
    3 points
  21. Me too. It doesn’t surprise me that Clothier is a former taxation investigator. Taxation legislation gives the ATO some pretty unusual powers of compulsion (and not just to make you hand over your money), so he’s probably used to being a power unto himself; and Haddad’s background no doubt has given him some pretty similar values. With the ATO, the first and continuing presumption is of guilt. Even when there’s incontrovertible evidence that you’re innocent, all it means to them is that you’re not guilty yet. So it’s no wonder Clothier’s ‘investigation’ is now turning out to have been nothing more than a star chamber. And it’s no wonder Don’s first shot was about ensuring natural justice. It won’t just be the MFC’s calling in Ray Finkelstein now that will give the AFL plenty of pause for thought, but what Finkelstein will do with evidence of intimidation, harassment, traducing of witnesses or whatever else has been going on in their own much more objectionable vault. Presumably any reasonably competent barrister could do so, but why stop there? It’s the way the MFC has upped the ante that I like. Don’t tread on us. And Wilson? She seems to have recognised that she’s not much more than a noisy bystander. This is where the real game begins.
    3 points
  22. I giggled when I read the Jon Ralph article. I imagined the conversation. AFL source to Jon Ralph "no mate, the investigation won't wind up before this years draft". Later ... Editor to Jon Ralph, "what did your source say?" Jon Ralph to Editor "no penalties for this draft but boy, oh boy are they in trouble for the next draft". As suspected: - step one - no report before this years draft - check - step two - lots of shuffling papers and official looking interviews conducted by AFL and media taking it all in = "ohhhh big trouble" - check - step three - legal heavy hired by the MFC just to reinforce to the AFL that this should go away - check - step four - report handed down during bush fire/tidal wave/snap election week- finding of insufficient evidence to conclusively prove that tanking within the AFL definition actually took place - stand by ...
    3 points
  23. This is Demon fans reaction after finding out we are not getting penalized this draft
    3 points
  24. I am very glad the club has retained counsel, i just hope they use it wisely and that all players, staff and administration understand that the hymns that will be sung are those chosen by Mr. Finkelstein. If the club needs to go to the well on this then they should, I'm ready.
    3 points
  25. Seems a lot like someone has said to Caro -- the AFL, The Age's lawyer, Ray Biffen -- 'just the facts, M'am'. She's even inserted use of the word 'allegedly'! Given how comfortable she has been previousy with our 'disgusting blah blah' behaviour, it's one of the fastest back pedals you'd ever seen. Indeed, so fast she needs to be s(ch)wabbed.
    3 points
  26. I am no lawyer but i would be going the AFL for his fee , if charges are not proven
    3 points
  27. Mitch Clark walked past me on the other side of the road as I headed to Richmond station this morning. 9 page essay on my emotions and physical reactions to follow...
    3 points
  28. 4x or 15x better or 15x worst who really cares..... Take it easy....The real issue is...... why should the MFC and us supporters, have to worry about losing first round draft picks next year? When the AFL has no proof of us tanking.... Why is it ok for the media to run our name through the mud for another year.... Stuff that.... I'll be looking forward to adding first round talent next year..... Regardless of how good the draft is....
    2 points
  29. This lead investigator has come out of a war zone. He's an army man cum-policeman.Yes Sir .... Name Rank and Serial Number Sir ....... Name Rank and Serial Number. How can this guy understand the nuances of debate around a footy club - when humour, anger, emotion etc influence what things are said and how things are interpreted. How can this guy be an effective investigator when there is no black letter law. He is an expert grilling confessions out of sex offenders.Law and Order SVU !! Talk about using a sledgehammer to crack a nut The AFL have really botched this whole thing
    2 points
  30. LOL I have this image of Law students at melb uni sitting around a tv all day watching cop and courtroom dramas, and taking notes And reading John Grisham and Michael Connolley on the wekends to brush up on the fine details
    2 points
  31. It helps to be less reliant than previously on AFL handouts. I'm not sure I'd be that keen on biting the hand that feeds me. Debt demolition has done a lot more than just shore up our financial position. It's allowed us more freedom to act unilaterally.
    2 points
  32. There are some pretty smart boys on the AFL commission and they are sitting around the poker table with the following cards in their hands One card is "no player was told not to perform" Another card is a fudgy to non existant definition of tanking The next card is lots of heresay, tongue and cheek and innuedo but little of substance The last card is practices that have been highlighted which at least 6 other clubs have practiced for generations and would mean that if they take MFC on they need to take on others. Sitting across the poker table is Slick Finkelstein who the AFL know is holding a hand of "bring down a bad verdict on the flimsy stuff you have got in your hand and be prepared for this to go horribly legal". Hmmm - make an example ? you got to know when to hold em and know when to fold em...example ? I think not....I'm thinking fold em.
    2 points
  33. People with biased opinions here. One minute everything CW writes is crap twisted and exagerrated. The next they are buying into her comments about investigator tactics.
    2 points
  34. ...and the alternative, should they come down on us, is.......??? Roll over again and remain their kicking boy?
    2 points
  35. I think this is as much about dick waving as it is about legal process. I think it sends a clear message to the AFL that you can profess to be an autonomous,self governed body all you like but if you think for a nano second that you can deliver a verdict of guilt on evidence that wouldnt stand up in a court of law with 8 tonnes of concrete supports then think again. It sorta like having a 6'7" muscled, toothless bouncer out the front of the night club - he doesnt need to throw a punch - no-one is silly enough to take him in on.
    2 points
  36. It is outrageous that these "facts" formed the basis of one of her ferocious full frontal assaults on the MFC, and now she conveniently qualifies and contextualises such "facts". Unbelievable. She has no legitimacy to question anyone's integrity IMO. Clearly totally irresponsible, sensationalist journalism. If The Age had any standards, she would be stood down. The problem I see with this whole issue is that the AFL denied the concept of 'tanking' despite the turbulence about the priority pick system at the time. As a result, there is no definition as to what actually constitutes 'tanking'. It's all shades of grey. As such, it has allowed the likes of ordinary journalists like CW to run sensationalist, though ultimately plainly compromised, articles about the issue. It seems to me that short of establishing that there was a clear directive by club officials/coaches to the player group to lose games then there is no way 'tanking' occurred at the MFC in 2009. And next year, can we get Carlton's other Brock McLean, Brendan Fevola, to appear On The Coach and tell those bozos what he witnessed in the lead up to round 22, 2007 (ie, to launch an investigation into that club). It seems that's all one needs these days.
    2 points
  37. We've escaped the possibility of us losing our picks this year which was no. 1 for me. But to hear how the club is proceeding with this is heart lifting, we have been in the AFL's pocket for a very long time and rolled over at their whim. We won't be rolling over this time. There is very little physical evidence to prove anything, and it appears any (hearsay) evidence they have can be discredited by the way the investigation has been carried out. At the end of the day they have to prove without a shadow of a doubt that our motives were based purely on us losing the games in question. Out priority may not have been winning, we don't deny this, but was it our priority to lose?
    2 points
  38. ?? He is already ours. We've already used a pick on him. Locked and loaded.
    2 points
  39. If we take this to court and win we will be awarded costs but I believe we would only get schedule costs and not necessarily what we pay him; mind you he may be a demon fan and do it pro bono. Last day tomorrow Mark, looking forward to it, will then catch up for coffee.
    2 points
  40. The Paragraph talking about "turning on & off interview tapes" is not a good look for the heavies. Editing these interviews is a big no no
    2 points
  41. Wow. Now we are talking. This article is the first real sign of mongrel from our club. We just upped the ante with the selection of Representation. The AFL will not want to see this in the courts, and won't want to loose. Solution: have it go away..... Love it, love it, love it. Good job Dees!
    2 points
  42. Lassiters lost reef is still out there but the rumour is that the Majestic Hogan nugget will never be surpassed.
    2 points
  43. un·prec·e·dent·ed/ˌənˈpresəˌdəntid/ Adjective: Never done or known before. In other words Jon Ralph has got no idea
    2 points
  44. That's journalist speak for 'we don't know what's happening but it might be big'. If we are found guilty of an offence, the idea that the punishment will be severe is nothing new. It's what everyone's been saying, or at least thinking. Fact is, he's speculating on what might happen, but as per usual, no one actually knows, so let's all calm down.
    2 points
  45. Richmond's 2013 membership slogan: "When Brad Miller and Addam Maric just aren't enough".
    2 points
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