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  1. For mine, its not so much about the fact that he actually left. Ward, Ablett, Harbrow etc all did the same.....and if someone dangled 6 mill in front of me Id find it hard to say no to as well. So, I don't blame him for taking the money and going.... as tough as it was to lose a no 1 pick. Its the system etc etc. we got compensated well. What I really do still feel [censored] about is the WAY he left. Its not even the "He lied to Jim" thing...although that sucks too. But by what he said and inferred (and by what he DIDNT say and thereby allowed to be inferred) was that he left because of our "culture", because we sacked Bailey, because he didn't believe we would ever be successful etc. None of the other teams that lost players got tarred that way...we did because of how he ( read his management team) handled it. All he had to do was say the money was irresistible, sorry everyone Im out of here. MFC great place...hard to leave..part of my heart etc. Instead of that, he tried to protect his arse, make himself look like a golden uber professional and make the club look like it sucked. Thats the road he chose and the pain he left behind him and why its left an ongoingly sour taste. I think we did well out of the trade but the slur he left hurt us.
    15 points
  2. It's funny how things turn out. Scully has rooted GWS far more than Melbourne. The GWS salary cap is severely compromised for the next 5 years, while we get picks 4 and 13 for an ordinary footballer. It beggars belief really. And I doubt we'd have Mitch Clark if he'd stayed. We all hate the fact that he lied through his back teeth, but is there a single supporter out there that would now prefer things panned out differently ?
    11 points
  3. That's a shame - just when the club needs more support than ever.
    8 points
  4. Get off his case, he'll be fine.
    8 points
  5. Let's see a 198cm 100kg player with serious speed and a strong leap. And who held our ruck division together last year by himself. Yet some of you guys want to get rid of him?? It defies belief.
    8 points
  6. I have to admit last evening was one of the best I can recall for a long time. While all you Southern folk had to be content with enjoying last night's demise from your couches, I had the distinct honour and pleasure of witnessing the event first-hand from the Stand at Metricon Stadium. When a group of us gathered at Emerald Lakes for a pleasant pre-game meal, we had no inkling of what was to unfurl once we had strolled across the road to the ground. First goal to the Suns. The locals were happy. Second goal to the Suns. The locals were very happy. Third goal to the Suns. The locals were looking at each other with quizzical looks. Fourth goal to the Suns. The smiles were getting bigger. Fifth goal to the Suns. The locals could get used to this! Sixth (unanswered) goal. The natives were getting restless. Could the blue-baggers be kept to a goal-less Quarter? Alas, not to be. Quarter time. A few minutes to take in what had just happened. It was great. SIX goals to 2!! But, surely it couldn't continue! Could it..?? Second Quarter. The Blues came out breathing fire. A quick goal, and the locals were starting to twitch a little in their seats. BUT, then the Suns fought back. Another FIVE goals to one!! Half time was a very happy time for the long-suffering locals. ELEVEN goals to just four!! WE could only imagine what was going on in the Carlton rooms. Would have loved to have witnessed it! Sure enough, the third quarter came, and the Blues started to look like maybe they oughta do something about resurrecting their season. As the quarter wore on, the locals became more and more nervous. Three Quarter time, and just 12 points in it. Not looking good. The delerium of the locals was starting to fade. The large percentage of the crown who were blue-bagger supporters had found their voice. Not pretty! So, the final quarter began with trepidation in the camp. Was there ANY hope of the young Suns, missing a heap of their best players from the line-up, possibly stemming the tide and hold off a rampant Carlton team who's season (and their coaches job) were clearly on the line. Just a 12 point margin, and a full quarter to go. Oh Dear! Could we bear to watch. Was carnage about to be unleashed on our poor, local heroes? Should we leave now, and spare ourselves the humiliation of daring to believe the impossible? Was there ANY hope of the Suns getting their second ever home victory? Dared we to dream? The final quarter was great! The Suns stuck to their task, as the arm wrestle ensued. No matter what Carlton tried, the Suns managed to stick with them. Late in the quarter. 28 minutes on the clock. Still a 2 goal ball game. The ball was deep inside Carlton's forward line. All the quarters had been long -- around 30 minutes. Still possibly a couple of minutes to go. Plenty of time for Carlton, if they were good enough. Then, the siren sounded, long and loud. (Is there any better sound in the world, when your team has its nose in front...??) Euphoria swept the stands! The Suns had done themselves proud! They had stuck at it for 4 quarters, and reaped the rewards. And, Carlton? Ah, how sweet it was to see that dejected mob remove themselves from the Arena! Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch! And, then, I began to dream. If the Suns could do it against a team who HAD to win to make the finals, maybe, just MAYBE my beloved Dees could also do it against the Crows. Do it for Greeny. Then, on our way out of the ground, we heard still more sweet news. The Pies had been devoured by some hungry Eagles out West! Sometimes, footy is a VERY nice game! Bring on the Crows. I'm excited!!
    7 points
  7. I have decided that we must now move on as a club and supporter base form our want of getting a higher draft pick, or a 2nd round pick instead of a first for Viney or worrying about a win because we may move down a spot in the draft. Seriously, we need to get over it, play to win and accept wherever the cards fall in terms of our draft picks. We have a pick 3 who has struggled to string 3 good games together in almost 10 seasons, a No.1 who we drafted as our forward saviour who is now playing as a backmen, a No.4 who struggles to get a game and a no.11 who played in the Casey reserves yesterday. For every Judd, Pendlebury and Cotchin, there is a Simon Black, Mitchell and a Swan. For every Hawthorn premiership model, there is a Sydney one. For every Cale Morton and Lucas Cook, there is a Mitch Thorp and Beau Dowler. For every Nic Natannui, there is a Dean Cox. I couldn't care less if we are made to pick up Viney at No.3, sure experts may not rate him that high, but neither do they rate him in the 20's either. It appears we have already received overs for the Scully defection anyway. If clubs want to bid early for him in an effort to force our hand, then so be it. They will have it returned with interest somewhere down the track. Maybe if we stopped being so preoccupied with what draft picks we end up with and how high they may or may not be, we may actually have a bit of luck fall our way, and we may look back in 5 years time and see that Viney was the best player in the draft, or that we had the clubs greatest draft ever. Carlton felt the full force of the Karma Bus last night and we have been on it for the last 4 or 5 years, it's now time to hop off it. These are not views I have always shared or believed in, but now do.
    5 points
  8. Lets ignore the fact that he has obviously carried most of the year and is third for disposals and as far as I understand leads our defensive acts but clearly one of our worst this season.
    5 points
  9. Reckon you might regret that comment one day...
    5 points
  10. The troll has been banned. Carry on.
    5 points
  11. You have to laugh when the torch carriers wont to burn an assistant coach when they dont know exactly what his role is and the extent of his accountabilities and responsibilities. Royal may or may not be a good coach but how the hell would a person sitting in the grandstand make an informed assessment. They cant. Its immaterial as his contract that was signed pre Neeld is expiring at the end of the season. And calls for his sacking or resigning are unnecessary. But Royal would be handling his responsibilities in response to Neelds game plan. And given we have a 4th world mid field that has no class, little talent and no familiarity with the new game plan what moves do posters think Royal can make with the crud at his disposal to change matters? Nevertheless the silly demand for his hanging will continue.
    4 points
  12. We played on heart for the first half and then played like a bottom four side playing a top four side. Oh wait thats what it was. Get a grip people.
    4 points
  13. Not if we knock off Freo next week. Sorry, just a little joke to make me feel better.
    4 points
  14. Agree - but he needs to be judged on 4 tumultuous years, not on one night. btw, for all those screaming about 'worst team ever' etc etc, it's 4th (soon to be equal 1st) versus 16th - some perspective please.
    4 points
  15. I can understand the reasoning regarding a slightly higher pick however to lose an extra elite selection if Viney is taken first rather than second round could be the difference between us landing an elite player or not. As you have highlighted we dont have a good track record so Viney plus 2 picks in the first round vs Viney plus 3 in the first round could be the difference. High selections dont guarantee elite talent but they certainly improve your chances. To be clear I will enjoy a win today if it occurs and I dont want to see us tank but I would prefer a hard fought loss rather than go ahead of the dogs. I also look forward to never having to think this way again after this season.
    4 points
  16. Go Dees. Even my now Collingwood mad daughter is coming with me today. From back in the days ( when she was normal and a Demon supporter) she still has fond memories of Brad Green selling her a Dees scarf at the AFL shop in Southland where he used to work. He was a youngster then but so, so nice. She is coming along today wearing that same scarf to say goodbye to Brad. I also have a good feeling about today.
    4 points
  17. Still going to boo the [censored].
    4 points
  18. Go to the (shortened) article where they ask you to log-in to see the full article. Copy the entire url from the browser url locator into the Google search box, then click the search icon. Click on the top article (usually the only article) in the Google search results. Hey ... if the Hun can't build a better paywall, that's their problem.
    4 points
  19. The next article will be about how Phil Scully gave Tom his moral fibre and taught him self-respect and discipline .The herald sun writing about matters of truth and integrity is Kieth Richard writing a book on sobriety.
    4 points
  20. In breaking news, Andrew Demetriou will call a press conference on Monday to announce that the AFL will investigate allegations of poaching by GWS. If substantiated, it is likely that the GWS will be sanctioned by way of heavy fines and the loss of their number 1 draft pick in this year's draft which will be awarded to Melbourne instead. $cully's penalty is likely to be that he will be forced to remain a Giant for the next five years.
    4 points
  21. I don't know why some flogs get concerned by where 'some' recruiters rate a player. Fyfe was pick 20, but where would you have him now ? Beams was pick 29, but where would you have him now ? Hannebery was in the 30's, but where would you have him now ? Redden was in the 30's, but where would you have him now ? Shuey was 19, but where would you have him now ? Yet dickwads argue over whether Viney is 6-10, or 5-15; and if he falls outside our range whether we'll say bye ? You're delusional. Viney will be at Melbourne next year no matter what pick we have to take him. And he's worth it. The guy is a leader, he's as manic as Joel Selwood, he hits targets, and despite the views of some fools he's quick. We're lucky he's ours - even if you don't recognise it. Our first decent F/S since Barassi and supporters are happy to let him go. FM.
    4 points
  22. what's with all the Caddy love??? Seriously, he is doing stuff all in pretty much all of his games. He is definately not worth a first round pick the way he has played in his games to date. Massively overrated on here and in the AFL community.
    4 points
  23. You should remember games better. I'll give Franklin in NAB Cup but Brown kicked his first two on Watts, Stuart kicked 3 on T-Mac. He didn't play on Darling. So that leaves him with 2 of the 3 leaders of the Coleman who kicked 8 goals between them. Yep crap year.
    3 points
  24. Give the guy (and us) a break. You don't go from being second quickest at the draft camp to all kinds of slow in a couple of years without very good reason. There would be a physical reason behind this, perhaps OP or the heavy training loads. Once he has resolved this physical issue, whatever it is, those questioning him now will feel pretty silly.
    3 points
  25. Players of similar style on their third year. Bartel (21 poss), Swan (16 poss), Hayes (15 poss)
    3 points
  26. No excuse for the result, but can someone point me to where the rules of the game are written down. I need to go and re-learn them because I didn't understand half the decisions today.
    3 points
  27. Sylvia was exceptional today. He tweeted that he wanted to stand up for Brad's last game and he did. I am a strong Sylvia supporter and have shown it on this thread, but today is what I want to expect weekly. He is a class player but he needs to understand not to kick up the feet now, have a few beers and pats on the back but to get to recovery tomorrow morning and do exactly the same next week.
    3 points
  28. Point is he wasnt slow last season and before draft. The training regime may be effecting him? I dont know. I hope he gets back to where he was.
    3 points
  29. It's embarrasing. There's no one at the ground. Irrelevant is the word for what this team has become.
    3 points
  30. Spiritless garbage. We sure know how to roll over and die. We haven't fired a shot since all season. They may as well forfeit next week. Save the money on flights instead of getting supporters to dip into their hard earned to over pay this insipid group of players.
    3 points
  31. How's that comment working out for ya today champ?
    3 points
  32. What's happened to Chippa this year? 0 confidence.
    3 points
  33. Cos he's in the way of our "developing" forwards like Cook.....
    3 points
  34. I am still amazed there are people on this board who have the attitude that the kid did the right thing, FCS you people would sell your own children if the price was right
    3 points
  35. Quality early draft picks are genuinely gold if you choose wisely. The fact that we've stuffed up plenty doesn't change that. Talent generally comes to the club via the draft, there's the odd exception such as Mitch Clark. Talent and leadership wins flags. Obviously development is really important too. The best talent with great development leads to A graders and the odd star. Just get the picks right.
    3 points
  36. If you do say so yourself. You're not American are you?
    3 points
  37. yea i certainly dont blame him for taking the money i would do the same thing, but what i wouldnt do is lie about it telling the truth doesnt cost a dime
    3 points
  38. I knew american singer Patti Page was a tough girl, but to play in the Scorpions Development centerline yesterday is just remarkable for an 84 year old woman!?
    3 points
  39. No Bruce should not be above criticism and nor should you. I've met Bruce on a couple of occasions and his written views on this site and in his book are always high quality and demonstrate an understanding of the situation of our outback indigenous communities. I think he makes it clear that his book is about Liam's journey to being an AFL player rather than about his exploits. That's why I find your theories about his motives in writing his excellent book to be offensive and insulting to someone who has dedicated himself to helping to cross bridges that divide the people of these communities from the rest of us. To put it more bluntly, you're talking bullshit.
    3 points
  40. It's not an excuse, a reason.
    2 points
  41. I have been steeped in this Scully story ever since the news that we had drafted him, through to his first fluffy kicks, through to Stan Alves and Mark Maclure on ABC opining that he would be a gun, through to him being touted as the saviour of our club, and through to the trickle of rumours that he was "gone". Through to looking up his 'clanger' and possession count for GWS games. I now honestly believe that it is time to let the issue go. Too long has the club been steeped in this victim mentality. After all, our greatest son walked out on our club with a premiership trophy and best and fairest medallion around his neck for $$$ at Carlton knowing that they would spend money to buy premierships. Today we revere RDB and rightly so. Scully was inaccurately rated as the No.1 draft recruit, not the first time this has happened. As a young elite sportsman he has played the system to his advantage. who wouldn't take that ridiculous amount of money?The fallout is that we got draft compensation and the opportunity to recruit a gun forward so the club will not really be losers in the long run.
    2 points
  42. can someone with a digital pass cut and paste the story? im sorry to be a cheap skate but i refuse to pay this 5 bucks a week when i would be lucky to stop and read 3 articles a day the herald sun dishes up, your lucky if u get a melbourne article longer then the two paragraphs and then the rest of the herald suns articles are feel good stories of how cat and a goat have become the best of friends!!!
    2 points
  43. As much as I despise Scully, I'd say his support network (mainly his father) was as much if not more to blame. I was slightly interested in seeing Scully fail this year but as the season went on I lost interest in him. Bring on 2013 - the best would result would be picking two guns with the compo picks, I'm sure Jim will be overseeing this some how, RIP.
    2 points
  44. Ah well, at least its out there for those who doubted it. It doesn't get much lower than this for Tom Scully, surely. I guess Tom really did sell his soul.
    2 points
  45. we hit the trifecta! Essendon, Collingwood and Carlton all lost this round! wow if we SOMEHOW win this week will be the best week ever that i have been a supporter for the dee's!
    2 points
  46. ?...and Essendung in the same round. All too sweet. Karma, Brock. And tanking maybe does have long term psychological effects. And the eye-gouging chicken-winger will have to wait again for finals glory!! LOL
    2 points
  47. He is tough as nails! I watched him in juniors and he was an inside/outside midfielder, capable of doing both. He has shown this year that he can slot goals, which is a great sign, always room for mids who push foward. He is a Neeld type player for sure and certain, Neeld would love this kid and I expect he'll chase him. I think Caddy for 13 would be an absolute coup.
    2 points
  48. Loved it too! Carlton and Collingwood in the one night! You beauty
    2 points
  49. As for quality: I honestly don't think I've seen 10 more powerful, surprising, minutes of football than what Hawthorn just produced. They had been obliterated, completely and utterly outplayed for a quarter and a half. 47-9 down. Ten minutes of brutal, attacking, skilful football later. 47 apiece. Amazing to watch.
    2 points
  50. i like Stef and would actively seek to trade him out this year.
    2 points
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