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POSTGAME: Rd 08 vs Geelong

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Posted (edited)
57 minutes ago, Rab D Nesbitt said:

Just watched Chris Scott's presser on the back of all the comments and didn't think it was so bad. He's always been begrudging of praise to the opposition and I thought he made a good job of engaging with the journos instead of treating them like the numpties most of them are. 

Forget giving your opponent some credit, he didn't even mention the opponents once.

That's just really poor form.

Compare his presser to goody's - he was humble in victory and was effusive in his praise for the cats and how good a team.he is.

There's no coincidence that in the two post match interviews I've heard from dees players - may and langers - both were similarly complimentary about the cats.

Edited by binman
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2 hours ago, daisycutter said:

you could even say the "DEE-FRIBBLER", guaranteed to bring on a heart attack 

LOVE! Yes! 🤣🤣🤣

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5 hours ago, Lord Travis said:

But weird seeing people potting Dermie in here. He said the best team won but the Cats could've stolen it if they kicked straight. He acknowledged we were the better team and should've won. Where has this narrative come from that he said we didn't deserve to win? 

People are potting him because he is a blowhard who rarely has a good thing to say about Melbourne. He pontificates as if he is the Word on everything football but reality is he lost touch with the modern game two decades ago. He knows about forward craft and belting into blokes but modern tactics confuse him.

Yeah if Geelong kicked straight they may have pinched it but if we kicked straight we would've won by 5 goals. It's lazy "analysis" and just more hot air from a boofhead who is only given a paid gig based on past glories rather than any real aptitude for the role.

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20 hours ago, Tarax Club said:

Defibrillator not required fortunately. Some brilliant Demons’ goals in the last quarter after the drought broke. Loved it 🥰!

Tom MacDonald proved JC doesn’t walk on water. 




Haha no!! 

And for sure, TMac humbling JC was a highlight: JC missing a few was also great haha

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4 hours ago, Binmans PA said:

I don't think there's a poster who understands the game less than you, but you've always gone on feelings. If you don't have your culture war talking points you've got nothing.

My feelings on this are that you are harbouring some lingering grudge based on some ideological viewpoint that I have long forgotten.

I don't really recall much of your thoughts or feelings about anything but I will acknowledge your petty resentment and hope you grow from it.

Glad you enjoy my superior analysis of the game.


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5 hours ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

Had a nice convo with Jay Clark on the train after the match. I told him I watch  Midweek Tackle because I really like Sam Landsberger and that’s mainly because he generally has positive things to say about the Dees. I lamented the lack of journos who’ll do the same. Jay said “How about Joey Montagna? He loves the Demons!” I told him that fact wasn’t lost on us.

LOL… I also told him watching his show gives me motion-sickness since the camera continually moves left to right and back again zooming in and out nonstop for the entire show.  He thought that was hilarious but thanked me for the feedback and said he’s gonna mention it to the producers. So in other words, nothing will change 😅

Jay told me that while we may not have the biggest or loudest cheer squad (fair call), we’re “considered the most passionate.” Awesome to hear. ❤️💙 The convo ended with me giving him grief for being a Geelong supporter. 😂 Then his wife said, “In that case, maybe I shouldn’t tell you I’m an Eagles supporter.” 😂😂

Steven May said post match the predominantly demon crowd noise positively impacted last night. Kudos to your lot leading the passion.

Watch frittas goal again and zone in on the individual scenes of sheer disbelief and mayhem behind the goals  of many demon army members. Worth a highlight reel of its own imo

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Posted (edited)
40 minutes ago, binman said:

Forget giving your opponent some credit, he didn't even mention the opponents once.

That's just really poor form.

Compare his presser to goody's - he was humble in victory and was effusive in his praise for the cats and how good a team.he is.

There's no coincidence that in the two post match interviews I've heard from dees players - may and langers - both were similarly complimentary about the cats.

Hi binny. I know but that's just who he is. He's always been that way. That's how he's wired. He's rarely gracious about anything. I listened to Goody's presser straight after and in stark contrast he spent as much time talking about how good the Cats are as he did about us but that's who Goody is. Watching them back to back though certainly does highlight their differences and I know who I'd rather have representing my club. 

Edited by Rab D Nesbitt
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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, The heart beats true said:

I’m calling it.

That was pathetic from Geelong supporters last night. Only 10-15k of them turned up. Top of the table, haven’t lost a game all year, big game against a top 4 team at the home of football.

They couldn’t be bothered to show up.

They knew they were screwed playing us @ the G.


Edited by YesitwasaWin4theAges
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4 hours ago, Binmans PA said:

I don't think there's a poster who understands the game less than you, but you've always gone on feelings. If you don't have your culture war talking points you've got nothing.

Play the ball, Adam. Otherwise you look the fool

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7 minutes ago, Moonshadow said:

Play the ball, Adam. Otherwise you look the fool

Feelings get hurt easily on here if you have a different opinion.

Whilst I disagreed with @Biffen I certainly understood the point he was trying to make..didnt justify that kind of response.

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24 minutes ago, Rab D Nesbitt said:

Hi binny. I know but that's just who he is. He's always been that way. That's how he's wired. He's rarely gracious about anything. I listened to Goody's presser straight after and in stark contrast he spent as much time talking about how good the Cats are as he did about us but that's who Goody is. Watching them back to back though certainly does highlight their differences and I know who I'd rather have representing my club. 

I was initially responding to your comment that his presser was 'not so bad'.

He's rude and a bad loser all the time so that makes not showing respect to your opponents ok?

Poor sportsmanship is poor sportsmanship. 

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Just now, dazzledavey36 said:

Feelings get hurt easily on here if you have a different opinion.

Whilst I disagreed with @Biffen I certainly understood the point he was trying to make..didnt justify that kind of response.

Agreed Dazzle. Best to let it go rather than chuck a hissy

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11 hours ago, jnrmac said:

5 players 10 games or less

Take a bow boys. Can't overestimate how good it is playing big tight games against quality teams


Go dees

And these guys, Windsor excepted are off the radar to the rest of the afl, meaning they are not high draft picks, not making headlines, but developing into important players for the dees.


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1 hour ago, SPC said:

Fritta has Stephen Hawkins type Footy IQ. Bloke is as clever as I’ve seen since Aaron Davey, except his height and marking give him a few more strings to his bow. 

Recon the footy IQ of Maysie and the Skipper are his equal.

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7 minutes ago, Moonshadow said:

Hey @dazzledavey36, you might have to delete a few pm's to make space. Cant get thru to you

Unless you have me on ignore 😳

I'm a very popular man in demand these days my friend..

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3 hours ago, Queanbeyan Demon said:

What QD hears went Dermie provides his special comments.

They switched to the fat side of the ground when the corridor was open to the end-to-end stuff in the hotdog stand. They’re using their stoppage specialist with the extra on the front door so that gives them the structural flexibility to transition the play around the back of the press. Langdon is a high-intensity runner so that allows them to transition in a way the disrupts the zone defence as ANB exerts his forward half pressure freeing Kossi up to clear on the attacking outside of the narrow lateral of the horizontal. And when they get the young kid Matthew Whelan back from injury they’ll be even more elite in their switching of their offensive spread in their intercept marking.

wait QD - you have put in  punctuation (Germie would think that as "punch-you-at-infinite-times").  

Germie never takes a breath cos "I'm Germie and I am The Greatest from The Family Club"!

So, not only does it not make sense with his guff my brain can't digest the guff as it is overflowing!

Like a broken sewer pipe!~


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1 hour ago, binman said:

Forget giving your opponent some credit, he didn't even mention the opponents once.

That's just really poor form.

Compare his presser to goody's - he was humble in victory and was effusive in his praise for the cats and how good a team.he is.

There's no coincidence that in the two post match interviews I've heard from dees players - may and langers - both were similarly complimentary about the cats.

If you listened to the commentary after the game with Brereton, you would be forgiven for thinking that the whole Geelong Team were all "OFF" on the night.

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Well we had a smooth run into the G got a park no worries and we’re in our seats by 7:10, good crowd in the Warne Stand L2, Demon Army really well represented over and below to our right. Crowd had a positive vibe, familiar faces all smiling. Loved the start with both teams, coaches and umps embracing for a minutes silence for our fallen domestic violence victims. Then the game started and the contest was tough brutal and tight, so much great play but so little reward, the anxiety levels were extreme, the excitement and joy of staying with our loathed opposition was written on our faces and at half time we thought we had their measure. The tension and passion was building into 3/4 time, still nothing in it, we felt like we were on top but couldn’t finish. In the last quarter the crowd noise was building and building the Demon Army raised the bar the drum beat was getting to me and in the last frantic ten minutes we were all going off, jumping up and celebrating Max, Kozzie, Fritta, Windsor and then Fritta’s dribbler we all leapt in the air clapped, high fived the people around us and complete strangers. Then we sang the song with much gusto 2-3 times. Then resumed our normal beings and filed out into the frigid night air to catch up with and hug our family members that sit on L1. Great trip home lots of chatter and regaling the events of the night, I think we extinguished our angst from last years finals on Saturday night, what do you think WCW. This is what football is about three generations having a sensational night together.!!!

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26 minutes ago, KLV said:

And these guys, Windsor excepted are off the radar to the rest of the afl, meaning they are not high draft picks, not making headlines, but developing into important players for the dees.


And lets not forget

  • McVee 33 games
  • Roo 28

To add to:

  • Taj 10
  • Laurie 9
  • Howes 8
  • Windsor 8
  • Turner 5 

I think its the benefit of a systems based game plan where players learn their roles....

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2 hours ago, Moonshadow said:

I see the Picket Fence Cafe in Iiiiiivanhoe was sprayed with bullets late last night.

Could it be an angry demonlander got fed up with your criticism of Harry Petty?

Look out PF!

Proportional response

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Watched the replay today and thought it was a really close game where either team could've won.

That second quarter both teams missed at least 4 very gettable goals which resulted in points.

Same in the last quarter, both teams had shoulda woulda goals, but didn't.

A real arm wrestle and we eventually got the chocolates.

Petty had sticky hands, played well and hopefully back into some sort of form.

Disco Turner, although no goals, did some good things, a few marks, a few good handballs, he contributed and played a role, I'm liking him.

May and Lever rock solid down back.

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Watched the replay today. These are random observations:

That Melbourne backline: Wow.

Geelong are a very talented side. They would have destroyed any other side on yesterday's showing.

Felt sorry for the likes of Chandler in that in the first quarter, he was there and applying pressure and getting hold of a few. There are games like this, where the play passes over your head, or ends up always on the other wing or side. Stats at the end of the game don't reflect your actual worth. Chandler gave 100% all night - as did all the others.

To back this up, I thought Van R and Turner did their 'job' last night, though Stat-wise, their contributions look minimal. Billing looks out of sorts. I feel for him. 

The bottom line is that Cameron etc kicked straight in the last quarter...Then again, had we kicked straight in the third quarter, game over.

We played some good, strong footy - as did Geelong. In the end, our defenders beat Geelong. WTF was Scott talking about????

I loved Pickett's game, ditto Fritsch and Petty.

I've learned to not criticize players' performances. They are busting a gut to win.

And to those who always find fault or look at the downside, I wonder how many games they've played.


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