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First game live for me this year and I have to ask wtf has happened to our backline? For 2 years it was the only passable area of the ground for us, but the whole thing seems to have lost the plot. 

I guess we only have 2 experienced players in there now. Jetta is a gun who needs to be locked into a long term contract. Tom Mac has surely been kidnapped by aliens who sucked all the defensive skills out of him. He has lost it, his defensive efforts are becoming laughable. 

The rest of the backline is riddled with inexperienced kids all of whom I rate and think have a long term future, but obviously it's a slow work in progress. Hunt is by far the most impressive. I think he'll be great. 

Oscar is so inexperienced. How you expect a 6 game player playing one of the hardest positions in the game, not to stuff up, I'm not sure. I just hope he doesn't go the way of his brother with the crazy brain fades. 

Overall I am more worried about McDonald senior than McDonald junior. 

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8 minutes ago, Jaded said:

First game live for me this year and I have to ask wtf has happened to our backline? For 2 years it was the only passable area of the ground for us, but the whole thing seems to have lost the plot. 

I guess we only have 2 experienced players in there now. Jetta is a gun who needs to be locked into a long term contract. Tom Mac has surely been kidnapped by aliens who sucked all the defensive skills out of him. He has lost it, his defensive efforts are becoming laughable. 

The rest of the backline is riddled with inexperienced kids all of whom I rate and think have a long term future, but obviously it's a slow work in progress. Hunt is by far the most impressive. I think he'll be great. 

Oscar is so inexperienced. How you expect a 6 game player playing one of the hardest positions in the game, not to stuff up, I'm not sure. I just hope he doesn't go the way of his brother with the crazy brain fades. 

Overall I am more worried about McDonald senior than McDonald junior. 

We laid 8 tackles in our backline yesterday whereas the Hawks laid 26 in our Forwardline: perhaps therein lies some of the difference in the result?

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11 hours ago, Moonshadow said:

How is it that you cannot cope with someone pointing out that you make terrible assessments on young players who have played a handful of games, who get the pill more times than anyone except our top 3 mids, who was by far not our worst todsy? So disagreeing with you once every two or three weeks is trolling but it's OK to call others names within a few minutes? Hypocrite.

Watch the game and forget about the man. 

Put aside the fact that we were top heavy in defense and grimes or Dunn would have suited better. Oscar will end up being a regular in the side but needs a couple of years to fill out and work on his game. I think the frost experiment down back worked well and he might keep Oscar out of the side

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5 hours ago, Jaded said:

The rest of the backline is riddled with inexperienced kids all of whom I rate and think have a long term future, but obviously it's a slow work in progress. Hunt is by far the most impressive. I think he'll be great. 

I thought Wagner was very good yesterday, but overall I agree with your sentiments.

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14 hours ago, Moonshadow said:

How is it that you cannot cope with someone pointing out that you make terrible assessments on young players who have played a handful of games, who get the pill more times than anyone except our top 3 mids, who was by far not our worst todsy? So disagreeing with you once every two or three weeks is trolling but it's OK to call others names within a few minutes? Hypocrite.

Watch the game and forget about the man. 

Please point out then where I said OMac will never make it, because that's what you stated in your post.

Of course, if I did not say that and you're trying to make out I did to get a rise out of me you know what that makes you right?

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10 hours ago, jacey said:

You are correct with your analysis on omac game but today was his best game.

He was even more insipid in his previous game so wonder why u chose this game to let rip?

Because I thought he deserved a decent crack at it, but felt like his selection this week was a mistake after he had been poor previously.


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To sum up this thread:

Group 1: "I don't think Oscar McDonald should be the in team at the moment, he needs more time to develop at Casey and there are better ready-made options available."

Group 2: "What do you mean Oscar McDonald is a dud, will never make it and we should delist now before the end of the season?"

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8 minutes ago, Clint Bizkit said:

To sum up this thread:

Group 1: "I don't think Oscar McDonald should be the in team at the moment, he needs more time to develop at Casey and there are better ready-made options available."

Group 2: "What do you mean Oscar McDonald is a dud, will never make it and we should delist now before the end of the season?"

Group 3: Demonland 'followers' who can't make up their own minds but follow the majority

Group 4: Posters who for some reason, despite their obvious knowledge about the abilities or otherwise of players, have never managed to lock down a job in the Footy Dept of an AFL Club

Group 5: Some who realise that their opinion of a player means very little indeed, and tend not to offer it, apart from pointing out that if a player is picked in an AFL team he is there for a reason, if he doesn't cut it at AFL level on a consistent basis he won't stay in the team

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I think it's  tempo with Oscar. Underlying are some reasonable attributes  and abilities. Id like him to build his craft and cement his game before trying to do it at afl speed . 

This to me is a common sense approach. 

It plays very with my head that they persist at the moment. Needs more games yes but incrementally . All he's doing at present us galvanising the wrong side of his game. Not good for him nor the team.

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9 minutes ago, Satyriconhome said:

Group 3: Demonland 'followers' who can't make up their own minds but follow the majority

Group 4: Posters who for some reason, despite their obvious knowledge about the abilities or otherwise of players, have never managed to lock down a job in the Footy Dept of an AFL Club

Group 5: Some who realise that their opinion of a player means very little indeed, and tend not to offer it, apart from pointing out that if a player is picked in an AFL team he is there for a reason, if he doesn't cut it at AFL level on a consistent basis he won't stay in the team

You're in the second group.

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2 minutes ago, Clint Bizkit said:

You're in the second group.

No I am not chap, never offer an opinion on a players abilites, apart from if they are in the team, they are of AFL standard, of course I get disappointed with players performance but it is up to the Footy Dept to decide if the performance warrants a trip to Casey the following week, I never denigrate which seems to be systemic on here

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36 minutes ago, stuie said:

Please point out then where I said OMac will never make it, because that's what you stated in your post.

Of course, if I did not say that and you're trying to make out I did to get a rise out of me you know what that makes you right?

Give up Stu. I suggested you add him to the list of players you think won't make it. I didn't claim you said he won't make it.

You are getting a rise out of yourself.

Keep going if you must, but I've had enough of your rant

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I don't mind Oscar getting games at the moment.

I'd dearly love to have got the win, but I'm wholeheartedly unconvinced that Dunn or Garland would have done a better job, and OMac will be so much better next year for the experience he is getting this year.

He needs to fill out, increase his core strength and make better quicker decisions, but he'll get there.

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8 hours ago, Jaded said:

First game live for me this year and I have to ask wtf has happened to our backline? For 2 years it was the only passable area of the ground for us, but the whole thing seems to have lost the plot. 

I guess we only have 2 experienced players in there now. Jetta is a gun who needs to be locked into a long term contract. Tom Mac has surely been kidnapped by aliens who sucked all the defensive skills out of him. He has lost it, his defensive efforts are becoming laughable. 

The rest of the backline is riddled with inexperienced kids all of whom I rate and think have a long term future, but obviously it's a slow work in progress. Hunt is by far the most impressive. I think he'll be great. 

Oscar is so inexperienced. How you expect a 6 game player playing one of the hardest positions in the game, not to stuff up, I'm not sure. I just hope he doesn't go the way of his brother with the crazy brain fades. 

Overall I am more worried about McDonald senior than McDonald junior. 

You're talking about the backline as if they're trying to do the same thing they've done for the last two years but this year can't do it.

They're not. The plan this year is wholly different to previous years and we are clearly not at the point where it's working all the time.

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15 minutes ago, Moonshadow said:

Give up Stu. I suggested you add him to the list of players you think won't make it. I didn't claim you said he won't make it.

You are getting a rise out of yourself.

Keep going if you must, but I've had enough of your rant

Except I never said he wouldn't make it.



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Just now, Satyriconhome said:

Group 3: Demonland 'followers' who can't make up their own minds but follow the majority

Group 4: Posters who for some reason, despite their obvious knowledge about the abilities or otherwise of players, have never managed to lock down a job in the Footy Dept of an AFL Club

Group 5: Some who realise that their opinion of a player means very little indeed, and tend not to offer it, apart from pointing out that if a player is picked in an AFL team he is there for a reason, if he doesn't cut it at AFL level on a consistent basis he won't stay in the team

Here he comes, Sheriff Saty, riding in on his horse to have a crack at fellow posters!

women horse riding bull

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16 hours ago, waynewussell said:

I was at the game. Oscar struggled early but I thought his last quarter was solid. In the end, I had him ahead of his brother, who always struggles below his knees. I may be wrong, but I don't think Gunston scored a goal in the second half and the few times I looked down to see who was on him it was Oscar (obviously the backs rotate). I think Oscar will develop into a good player but he is getting games earlier than I would have liked. I can understand the thinking of the match committee and I am confident they know what they are doing.

Gunston could hardly walk in the second half.

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13 minutes ago, Wiseblood said:

Here he comes, Sheriff Saty, riding in on his horse to have a crack at fellow posters!

women horse riding bull

Not having a crack precious, if you feel it is, then the issue lies with you, just trying to add a bit of humour to a rather humourless (a surprise on Demonland, usually so earnest) topic, told you before don't read what I post, the hand wringing over a guy who has played a handful of games at AFL level is laughable in itself

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Just now, Satyriconhome said:

Not having a crack precious, if you feel it is, then the issue lies with you, just trying to add a bit of humour to a rather humourless (a surprise on Demonland, usually so earnest) topic, told you before don't read what I post, the hand wringing over a guy who has played a handful of games at AFL level is laughable in itself

The ironic thing is that I was doing the same, yet for someone who wants to inject a bit of 'humour', it went right over your head.  Well done.

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There is another group here that believes getting some games into quality but inexperienced kids is better in the long term than playing experienced but average players in the short term.

It's got nothing to do with 'not wanting to win', or 'reverting to Mark Neeld or Dean Bailey', or 'mediocrity', or 'accepting losing'. It's got everything to do with building a solid playing group in the next few years, when our real chance for a premiership occurs (which let's face it won't be in 2016 or probably 2017). Like everyone, I'd like to play finals this year, but I still have my sights set on future ambitions. I don't want to be Richmond and become a shooting star, only to have it all crash down to earth because of delusions about progress and the state of the list.

Short-term pain for long-term gain.

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1 minute ago, Wiseblood said:

The ironic thing is that I was doing the same, yet for someone who wants to inject a bit of 'humour', it went right over your head.  Well done.

No you weren't, you need to have a dig every time I post otherwise you don't feel fulfilled, just don't read what I post from now on and we will both feel better, if it was humour then you could have referenced the actual subject of the topic like I did.......pathetic as per the norm

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2 minutes ago, mauriesy said:

There is another group here that believes getting some games into quality but inexperienced kids is better in the long term than playing experienced but average players in the short term.

It's got nothing to do with 'not wanting to win', or 'reverting to Mark Neeld or Dean Bailey', or 'mediocrity', or 'accepting losing'. It's got everything to do with building a solid playing group in the next few years, when our real chance for a premiership occurs (which let's face it won't be in 2016 or probably 2017). Like everyone, I'd like to play finals this year, but I still have my sights set on future ambitions. I don't want to be Richmond and become a shooting star, only to have it all crash down to earth because of delusions about progress and the state of the list.

Short-term pain for long-term gain.

Now where have I heard that before?

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10 minutes ago, Clint Bizkit said:

If that's the case, why aren't we playing Weideman and Hulett as well?

When the Footy Dept consider them ready for exposure at AFL level then they will play, the FD think OMac is, get over it

Edited by Satyriconhome
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