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Michael Hibberd and Michael Hurley


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3 hours ago, faultydet said:

Tommy Bugg.

Jack Viney.

Dom Tyson

Ben Kennedy.


No laser feet in that lot.

Tyson is a good kick. Has been known to dob them from outside 50m

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22 minutes ago, Dante said:

Why would Essendon Coterie members (several?) and a senior ex players share confidential information with you?

What would be the reason for that and did they ask you to keep it quiet? How would they react to you betrayal of their confidence, if they found out what they told you was relayed to posters on an opposition club's supporter board?


Anyone in the know of a footy club will not tell someone with little significance(me) the confidential details within the club. Any info I get from my sources is info that really does not bother the club that it is out there. In the hurley case, I have been led to believe he will not leave Essendon. This is not some crazy inside information that nobody should know... it will come out anyway. I don't get told anything and then told to keep it quiet, purely because what I get told is not a secret. If they found out I have relayed info to opposition supporters, surely they would not like that. 

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8 minutes ago, jnrmac said:

Tyson is a good kick. Has been known to dob them from outside 50m

Agree with the goal kicking part, but disagree that he is a laser boot in the same way many of the hawks lefties are.

That's what I was comparing him to.


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16 minutes ago, rjay said:

It's really not a matter of coterie members sharing information, it's more a matter that coterie members don't or at least shouldn't have information to share.

In most cases they think they are on the inside but in fact are not. A well run club would never share vital information with anyone that's not involved.

Not saying EFC are a well run club by the way.

 I only have inner connections to one club which is Essendon. Their are a few coterie groups at Essendon and the more you pay the more info you receive. Coterie members are in the know to an extent.. Every single club would give info to people in their coterie group/s, just depends how much. You are right in saying that the club does not share extremely vital information. But it does share minor information like "we are chasing after this free agent" or "this player will be at our club next year". The vital info they would not share is stuff like "This is what illegal drug we took" or "This is where we document supplement distribution".

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2 hours ago, braysure said:

None of what I have said is speculation or guesswork. I'm just relaying what I get told from Essendon coterie members and some bloke that is kind of tall, wears glasses, nearly played 400 games for Essendon and now works there. He isn't that important though.. he doesn't know much.

So what did the 34 take?

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10 hours ago, Go the Biff said:


We have to many left footers with no right side whatsoever. And it's costing us out on the ground.

Not sure we need another one

 That's pretty common. Very few of them grow up having to kick right sided..Sam Mitchell is a bit of a freak like that..

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25 minutes ago, jnrmac said:

 That's pretty common. Very few of them grow up having to kick right sided..Sam Mitchell is a bit of a freak like that..

Even more freakish in that he is actually a right footer

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11 hours ago, faultydet said:

Tommy Bugg.

Jack Viney.

Dom Tyson

Ben Kennedy.


No laser feet in that lot.


11 hours ago, daisycutter said:




probably more i can't think of straight away


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8 hours ago, braysure said:

 I only have inner connections to one club which is Essendon. Their are a few coterie groups at Essendon and the more you pay the more info you receive. Coterie members are in the know to an extent.. Every single club would give info to people in their coterie group/s, just depends how much. You are right in saying that the club does not share extremely vital information. But it does share minor information like "we are chasing after this free agent" or "this player will be at our club next year". The vital info they would not share is stuff like "This is what illegal drug we took" or "This is where we document supplement distribution".

For example, the list of banned PEDs they've been injecting their team with?

This is all pretty simple. Hibberd is leaving and will most certainly be going to Melbourne. Essendon know this and are unable to stop it. So what happens next? Google Hal Hunter. EFC will make this as difficult as possible for Hibberd to walk unscathed. They will make it as public as possible in an attempt to shame him. They will make Hibberd the enemy so all EFC supporters hate him. Zaharakis doesn't fear his mate is leaving, he damn well knows it. He states there's a contract so a trade is required. Not true in the slightest and Hibberd can, and hopefully will, walk for zilch.

This strategy achieves two things. Firstly it saves face for EFC. Secondly, and more importantly, it will discourage any further players from thinking about leaving to rival clubs. The harder it appears to be, the more reluctant each player will become.

Something you said earlier regarding EFC having been punished enough. Not a chance pal. All of this goes to the one punishment that should have been handed out but wasn't. None of the banned players should ever be allowed to play for that filthy club ever again. Financial penalties, draft penalties mean nothing to a powerful club that can simply top up, or pay these players extra outside the cap as 'compensation'. The only way to prevent this from happening again is to force the 'tainted' players out of the 'tainted' club.

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6 hours ago, Deestroy All said:



Mentioned Salem earlier.

Our lefties don't compare to the Hawks. Not yet anyway.

4 hours ago, FireInTheBelly said:

For example, the list of banned PEDs they've been injecting their team with?

This is all pretty simple. Hibberd is leaving and will most certainly be going to Melbourne. Essendon know this and are unable to stop it. So what happens next? Google Hal Hunter. EFC will make this as difficult as possible for Hibberd to walk unscathed. They will make it as public as possible in an attempt to shame him. They will make Hibberd the enemy so all EFC supporters hate him. Zaharakis doesn't fear his mate is leaving, he damn well knows it. He states there's a contract so a trade is required. Not true in the slightest and Hibberd can, and hopefully will, walk for zilch.

This strategy achieves two things. Firstly it saves face for EFC. Secondly, and more importantly, it will discourage any further players from thinking about leaving to rival clubs. The harder it appears to be, the more reluctant each player will become.

Something you said earlier regarding EFC having been punished enough. Not a chance pal. All of this goes to the one punishment that should have been handed out but wasn't. None of the banned players should ever be allowed to play for that filthy club ever again. Financial penalties, draft penalties mean nothing to a powerful club that can simply top up, or pay these players extra outside the cap as 'compensation'. The only way to prevent this from happening again is to force the 'tainted' players out of the 'tainted' club.

Great post mate. 

Agree with every word of it, and I'm certainly looking forward to seeing how our new look back half lines up in round 1 next year.

One thing missing is toughness, and Melksham and Hibberd will go a fair way to changing that. 

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9 hours ago, binman said:

Even more freakish in that he is actually a right footer

That's an interesting point. I have seen him in interviews say that he is basically a left footer and that he prefers kicking left foot even though he grew up as a right footer. I have seen him kick set shots in from in front of goal with his left foot.

But you are right. He is a freak. 

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4 hours ago, jnrmac said:

That's an interesting point. I have seen him in interviews say that he is basically a left footer and that he prefers kicking left foot even though he grew up as a right footer. I have seen him kick set shots in from in front of goal with his left foot.

But you are right. He is a freak. 

Yep i have heard him say the same thing. I have also seen him kick set shots with the right (at least i think i have - perhaps i'm conveniently imagining it!). But either way his kicking action looks almost identical left or right which is really rare - usually there is a noticeable difference in technique.

Yep, a freak. By the by he is a terrific player but i can't stand his smirk

Insert: Rick James Super freak video

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13 hours ago, FireInTheBelly said:

For example, the list of banned PEDs they've been injecting their team with?

This is all pretty simple. Hibberd is leaving and will most certainly be going to Melbourne. Essendon know this and are unable to stop it. So what happens next? Google Hal Hunter. EFC will make this as difficult as possible for Hibberd to walk unscathed. They will make it as public as possible in an attempt to shame him. They will make Hibberd the enemy so all EFC supporters hate him. Zaharakis doesn't fear his mate is leaving, he damn well knows it. He states there's a contract so a trade is required. Not true in the slightest and Hibberd can, and hopefully will, walk for zilch.

This strategy achieves two things. Firstly it saves face for EFC. Secondly, and more importantly, it will discourage any further players from thinking about leaving to rival clubs. The harder it appears to be, the more reluctant each player will become.

Something you said earlier regarding EFC having been punished enough. Not a chance pal. All of this goes to the one punishment that should have been handed out but wasn't. None of the banned players should ever be allowed to play for that filthy club ever again. Financial penalties, draft penalties mean nothing to a powerful club that can simply top up, or pay these players extra outside the cap as 'compensation'. The only way to prevent this from happening again is to force the 'tainted' players out of the 'tainted' club.

Fair enough.. not going to argue. Everyone has different opinions and levels of intelligence. All I will say is yes, we want Hibberd to walk for nothing, but from what I know it probably won't happen that way. 

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The thing that gets me is, Peter Jackson has public ally said are heavily into Hibberd then Zaharakis saying is worried Hibberd won't return would suggest he has pretty much made up his mind. Not too mention Xavier Campbell tweeting he hoped he would stay and they have had positives discussions?

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21 minutes ago, braysure said:

Fair enough.. not going to argue. Everyone has different opinions and levels of intelligence. All I will say is yes, we want Hibberd to walk for nothing, but from what I know it probably won't happen that way. 

Well it should happen. 

Essendon deserve absolutely no compensation until they at least fess up to what REALLY went on at Windy Pill

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34 minutes ago, Sir Why You Little said:

Well it should happen. 

Essendon deserve absolutely no compensation until they at least fess up to what REALLY went on at Windy Pill



After they 'fess up, they should finally be banned as a team from the entire competition, for a period of around 2 years, as should have happened already.

The subject is becoming a bit boring now though, which is a result of the bastards dragging it out so long. Still, I'm happy that at least one of the last 12 is jumping ship.

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51 minutes ago, braysure said:

Fair enough.. not going to argue. Everyone has different opinions and levels of intelligence. All I will say is yes, we want Hibberd to walk for nothing, but from what I know it probably won't happen that way. 

Not going to argue, far easier to question my intelligence. Classy. May I remind you which one of us has been unwittingly (or otherwise) drawn into the EFC publicity machine.

Yes we can agree though, we want him for nothing but it probably won't work out that way as the EFC, the EFC propaganda machine, the EFC legal team, and undoubtedly the AFL will be working against this outcome. An outcome I feel should have been a given from day one of a guilty finding, where none of the players would be allowed back to that club.

Lastly, the EFC was eventually forced to backdown over Hal Hunter, as they'd overstepped the boundaries too far and public perception had turned against them. If they push too hard with Hibberd the same thing will happen and they will lose most of these players. It's a fine line and I don't feel they're smart enough to know when they're done. Interesting times ahead.

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15 minutes ago, faultydet said:



After they 'fess up, they should finally be banned as a team from the entire competition, for a period of around 2 years, as should have happened already.

The subject is becoming a bit boring now though, which is a result of the bastards dragging it out so long. Still, I'm happy that at least one of the last 12 is jumping ship.

I did say at least!

my disdain and hatred for these cheating Bastards including Coterie Members (some who would have known what was going down) is still seething...

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I still hold out hope that Essedon will one day be sued into extinction and have to fold.

They dont deserve to have a place in Australian sport.  Disgusting cheating immoral criminal club.

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Burn Essendrug,...... Burn.

You filthy cheating basterds.

P.S i want Hibberd cheap.

Hurley would also be a very nice pickup. 

As you were, ... carry on.

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On 14 July 2016 at 3:18 PM, mo64 said:

I wouldn't concern myself braysure. The responses you are getting are pretty stock standard here.

If you had of posted that your source said that Hurley is likely to come to Melbourne. you would have received a 100 likes and lauded as an oracle. Post anything to the contrary, and you'll get accused of being a troll.

How's Simon going BTW? 

What the...

When someone who joined up last month immediately launches into a passionate and at times angry defence of Essendon over the drug saga, including questioning the intelligence of people who disagree, whilst claiming close Essendon connections (including ones acquired through financial contributions), forgive me for being a tad suspicious. I personally couldn't care less if he says Hurley is staying, going, or remaining in Spain to become a bull fighter. 

I mean come on. This guy couldn't be a more blatant koolaid drinker if he had Hird as his avatar. It's not even remotely subtle.

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Braysure is making the most sense in this thread.  Hibbert won't be coming to us for nothing, there'll be a trade.

Two year ban of Essendon or all players forced to other clubs is the fantasyland.

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