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Essendon v Casey Scorpions

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Great work OD, really enjoyed the read.

Did you notice Salem at all?

Yes but I was a little confused about a few numbers so did not realize it was him for a while.

Ok but nothing above serviceable IMO

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Interesting that a few had a higher opinion of Toumpas than me.

Perhaps I am biased but I just don't see a first round pick.

He was playing off the backline so you sometimes miss things in heavy traffic.

it is his third game in his second season so needs longer I guess.

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McKenzie as a shut down on whichever blues poser is most dangerous.

If he comes in, more than likely Murphy. And i realise Simpson plays of HB but he's often involved in many of their forward thrusts when he gets loose, running hard to create options through the middle. Shutting one of these 2 down will help our cause to some extent and possibly limit the scoreboard damage.

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Here is my rough run down, I don't pretend I am anything more than a rank amateur but here goes.

It was a fairly ordinary game with lots of errors by both sides in the first half and only improved a little in the second.

Either side could have ended the other by reasonable kicking for goal, as the score show both licked 14 points and lots of then were not hard shots.

I thought only three players played well enough to be included in the seniors, I would add that they would only get games at the MFC.

No idea what happened in Sydney other than losing by 5, probably some spots available for next week.

Jamar easily beat his opponents all day as he should at this level. NOT the level of 2010 but I would play him next week in the senior team.

Mckenzie had a scratchy start but improved to be IMO in the best three.

Clisby was solid and kicked a beautiful goal in the last quarter after a hard attack down the Bowling green side of the ground. At that point I thought he had sealed the Game.

Jetta IMO he won the game for Casey in the second half when shifted from the backline to Mid / Forward. Very good game pity he is on the rookie list was way better than about most of our listed players.

The rest should be playing with Casey next week.

Nicholson played well but his disposal was the normal, he is a VFL player.

King tried hard but with lack of weight is easily pushed aside, 2017 before he is more than Casey

Who should earn a call up after today: Blease, Toumpas, Clisby & Mckenzie (but whats his role going to be with Vince, Cross, Jones and Tyson?) and Nicholson (as I said seemed to miss all of his possession today)

Casey Players that played well: Smith, Page

Thanks for the review guys. Really appreciate it.

The 2 names that pop from both of you are Clisby and McKenzie. Might be worth a run through the seniors for a few weeks. I realise Blease is flashy but we really need some run (line breaking and overlap play) and i would be willing to look at him as well for 2 or 3 games and see whether his disposal/consistency has improved at all.

We seriously need to move away from the possession obsession seen so far if we're to have any hope of winning a few games. Clisby for Terlich maybe. McKenzie for Evans and Blease for Bail? Probably shuffling the deck chairs but worth a look for a few weeks i think. Although i have't watched today's games (AFL/VFL) so i'm totally guessing on those change ideas.

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I really respect the work that posters like old dee and Bleasey as that put in to keep us informed, but my care factor is subterranean atm...

Thanks, but sorry guys.

Termite problem?

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I love it. Rowen Welsh for our successor. Do the basics right.

When we have it: use your skills, run hard, create, kick to position, block

When they have it: man up, pressure, chase, tackle

When its in dispute: contest, 2nd efforts, physical effort, stay on your feet.

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Here is my rough run down, I don't pretend I am anything more than a rank amateur but here goes.

It was a fairly ordinary game with lots of errors by both sides in the first half and only improved a little in the second.

Either side could have ended the other by reasonable kicking for goal, as the score show both licked 14 points and lots of then were not hard shots.

I thought only three players played well enough to be included in the seniors, I would add that they would only get games at the MFC.

No idea what happened in Sydney other than losing by 5, probably some spots available for next week.

Jamar easily beat his opponents all day as he should at this level. NOT the level of 2010 but I would play him next week in the senior team.

Mckenzie had a scratchy start but improved to be IMO in the best three.

Clisby was solid and kicked a beautiful goal in the last quarter after a hard attack down the Bowling green side of the ground. At that point I thought he had sealed the Game.

Jetta IMO he won the game for Casey in the second half when shifted from the backline to Mid / Forward. Very good game pity he is on the rookie list was way better than about most of our listed players.

The rest should be playing with Casey next week.

Nicholson played well but his disposal was the normal, he is a VFL player.

King tried hard but with lack of weight is easily pushed aside, 2017 before he is more than Casey

No. 76 VFL standard IMO

Trengove better second half but he looks nothing like a number No.2 draft pick, had a reasonable game but again barely made the distance when kicking from about 40 out in the last quarter.

Toumpas played mainly in defense, average game, did do a couple of beautiful kicks out of defense in the second half.

Blease played well in the second half but is still a flash in and out of the game for me.

Michie reasonable game but VFL At this point.

Riley got a fair bit of the ball but was either too slow or tried to do too much, got caught with the ball a lot.

Hope that gives a bit of info

PS Dawes and Garland were sitting 5 meters from me in the third quarter, story of our year.

Fire away guys I will do my best.

PS Great to go to a game and see a win

The only KPF on the ground IMO was Smith for Casey I think he is way better that any fit KPF on the MFC list.

Thanks for your report old dee, more than modest for mine.

How was Clisby's disposal other than the topnotch goal you referred too ?

We sadly lack running defenders who are able to provide effective disposal, Terlich, Grimes and Nicholson are all offenders and judging by the spray Roos gave Terlich during the game today, I reckon he will be at Casey next week.

Interesting that the Demon website gives Trengove and Toumpas a rap for toda's effort, not so all the reporters on here.

Edited by gsmith12
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Interesting that the Demon website gives Trengove and Toumpas a rap for toda's effort, not so all the reporters on here.

That worries me. It signals that some are pushing for him to get straight back in. I reckon we keep Trenners and Toumpas in there for a bit longer. They need to be kicking the door in to get a senior game. It was the same kind of paper tiger, faux tough guy crap Neeld pulled. Drop a bloke and then bring him back in after a week in the Magoos. Make blokes earn their bloody spot!

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That worries me. It signals that some are pushing for him to get straight back in. I reckon we keep Trenners and Toumpas in there for a bit longer. They need to be kicking the door in to get a senior game. It was the same kind of paper tiger, faux tough guy crap Neeld pulled. Drop a bloke and then bring him back in after a week in the Magoos. Make blokes earn their bloody spot!

They should both have at least one month of dominating the VFL before being considered for selection.

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I love it. Rowen Welsh for our successor. Do the basics right.

When we have it: use your skills, run hard, create, kick to position, block

When they have it: man up, pressure, chase, tackle

When its in dispute: contest, 2nd efforts, physical effort, stay on your feet.

Gee thats novel. These muppets have been playing footy for the better part of 15yrs and they don't know this already??

Not having a go at you SONS but its so freaking obvious it makes my skin crawl.

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That worries me. It signals that some are pushing for him to get straight back in. I reckon we keep Trenners and Toumpas in there for a bit longer. They need to be kicking the door in to get a senior game. It was the same kind of paper tiger, faux tough guy crap Neeld pulled. Drop a bloke and then bring him back in after a week in the Magoos. Make blokes earn their bloody spot!

I am not going to suggest I know more the powers that be CBF but.

He'll yes I am there is no way either were in the top five casey players IMO

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Thanks for your report old dee, more than modest for mine.

How was Clisby's disposal other than the topnotch goal you referred too ?

We sadly lack running defenders who are able to provide effective disposal, Terlich, Grimes and Nicholson are all offenders and judging by the spray Roos gave Terlich during the game today, I reckon he will be at Casey next week.

Interesting that the Demon website gives Trengove and Toumpas a rap for toda's effort, not so all the reporters on here.

Don't know what game they watched but neither were in the top 8. Trengove was okay in the last quarter when put in the middle, Toumpas was so so all game. Neither were standouts. Whilst they won Casey seem to have the same problem that MFC has. Slow decision making. Clearly a lack of trust in each other. Pick out a familiar player regardless of position which results in turnovers. They need to made to kick to the jumper. Its not happening now and the best option seems to be ignored a lot. You see kicks to players out numbered, covered or in one case today with his back to the ball. Some of the senior players look like they are waxing in the schoolyard. I reckon its time to play as many of the newbies as can be gotten onto the park. Sure they are green but they are not going to go any worse than what we saw today. Time to break the old boys club.

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That worries me. It signals that some are pushing for him to get straight back in.

It's an AFL piece by Ben Guthrie from AFL Media, automatically, fed through to the MFC site.

Jumping to conclusions?

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Looking at the Casey playing list on SportingPulse it would appear that Dom Barry was the emergency who travelled with the team to Sydney and Luke Tapscott joined James Strauss as mystery injury of the week. The latter two are first round draft picks who have struggled to get any continuity during their careers, a part of the Melbourne story this decade.

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Hunt: Very impressive flashes throughout the game. This kid is quick. At ¼ time he was the only one the coach singled out for taking the game on which was funny because the coach slagged the playing group for playing the ‘Paul Roos game’ of high possession, and maintaining the ball. It was interesting as I then looked to Trengove who had a perplexed look on his face!

I love it. Rowen Welsh for our successor. Do the basics right.

When we have it: use your skills, run hard, create, kick to position, block

When they have it: man up, pressure, chase, tackle

When its in dispute: contest, 2nd efforts, physical effort, stay on your feet.

Interesting. On the pre-game on SEN yesterday Paul Roos was interviewed. In his quiet, subtle way Roos talked about the importance of Casey as a development team in a way that seemed to suggest a disconnect between the MFC and Casey. The discussion was measured and one way (that is none of the SEN crew picked up what Roos was talking about) so Roos had to stress the word "development" a number of times. Perhaps I inferred something that wasn't meant, but I was left with the strong impression was that Roos is unhappy with how Casey is handling his expectations of what he wants Casey to do with MFC listed players.

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Looking at the Casey playing list on SportingPulse it would appear that Dom Barry was the emergency who travelled with the team to Sydney and Luke Tapscott joined James Strauss as mystery injury of the week. The latter two are first round draft picks who have struggled to get any continuity during their careers, a part of the Melbourne story this decade.


Best we can expect from them is to be fill in when injuries strike and as they seem to be constantly injured I think that leaves them as expendable.

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Interesting. On the pre-game on SEN yesterday Paul Roos was interviewed. In his quiet, subtle way Roos talked about the importance of Casey as a development team in a way that seemed to suggest a disconnect between the MFC and Casey. The discussion was measured and one way (that is none of the SEN crew picked up what Roos was talking about) so Roos had to stress the word "development" a number of times. Perhaps I inferred something that wasn't meant, but I was left with the strong impression was that Roos is unhappy with how Casey is handling his expectations of what he wants Casey to do with MFC listed players.

It is already evident that having a stand alone VFL/reserves team is a massive advantage. The club has full control over their players and game plan.

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It is already evident that having a stand alone VFL/reserves team is a massive advantage. The club has full control over their players and game plan.

Rohan Welsh is at every MFC training session and has been in the box or the bench for the first 2 games, so I assume he has a slight inkling about what Roos is trying to achieve, the standlalone VFL team is the least of our worries at the moment

Interesting to see Nev Jetta playing so well, mainly I think because he is playing with no pressure on him

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It is already evident that having a stand alone VFL/reserves team is a massive advantage. The club has full control over their players and game plan.

While I'd prefer a standalone team there is no reason why an alliance cannot work properly. It needs the two club to agree - and what I think Paul Roos was saying is that the two club's currently don't and that's hampering the development of his players. Before we think about who to trade, who to draft and who to delist, we need to get this sort of fundamental issue fixed or the rest becomes irrelevant.

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Rohan Welsh is at every MFC training session and has been in the box or the bench for the first 2 games, so I assume he has a slight inkling about what Roos is trying to achieve, the standlalone VFL team is the least of our worries at the moment

Interesting to see Nev Jetta playing so well, mainly I think because he is playing with no pressure on him

Yesterday when it really mattered he took a mark in the middle of a pack and then goaled.

Someone forgot to tell him he should not have been able to do that.

Sometimes I think at AFL level we have taken all the initiative out of the players.

They think I should not go for this mark it is the KF forwards responsibility.

I was told to wait for the ball to split out that is my job.

Edited by old dee
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