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Slightly off topic. But astounding that Robinson was not interviewed by Ziggy in his internal Essendon Review - how can you have a review of process and governance when you miss one of the main players in the game entirely ! Smokescreen methinks ..

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channel7 with the tv rights has a vested interest in at least the players getting off

i thought this was a little obvious in the after interview roundtable - a lot of apologetics

I thought exactly the same dc.

I turned it off because I thought getting tough on this runs counter to CH 7 needs they were so docile i could have pucked.

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I thought exactly the same dc.

I turned it off because I thought getting tough on this runs counter to CH 7 needs they were so docile i could have pucked.

You're a hockey fan OD? ;-)

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imo if james hird drove this knowing he was breaking the rules a two year ban would be soft, he is an icon of the game, a hero of all the young Essendon supporters and would have let every single one of them down.

would it be fair to consider longer term bans or even potentially a lifetime ban?

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The thing is Hird is a protected species and he could murder someone and people would still stick by him. He is the golden boy and butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.

Its he he said she said type of thing. But why would the weapon go on tv and make stuff up. I mean he knows he would get sued big time. So why would he make it up.

I just want all this over. Im sick of hearing about it. But by god I hope they are found guilty of something and there points are removed.

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My two bob's if anyone cares. I worked for the removalist company that moved Dean and his family into his Essendon property which was paid for by the EFC as well as the rent of the property. Over the 2 day's I found Dean to be a great bloke, honest and very happy about starting a new chapter in footy, and was in awe of James Hird and Essendon having coming from what he called an "unprofessional, underfunded" Gold Coast. He wasn't a huge Bluey Mckenna fan but didn't go out of his way to say anything bad about him either. So for him to come out and alledge what he has against Hird say's to me he is obviously understandably upset about the way the club has treated him throughout this whole saga, but also is trying to cover his arse as well. This isn't to say I believe every word that came out of his mouth either.. over the 2 days he must have recieved at least 100 phone calls/ texts from the players detailing every meal they ate and every bit of training they did (as they were away on a camp at the time) I asked Dean why this was and he explained every player had a different diet/ training regime to cope with injury, workload etc for the pre- season. Also Hird and Thompson called him quite a few times to go through the same details. I don't understand how they could know every little thing the players were eating and each time they went for a walk/jog but all parties involved 'allegedly' didn't know exactly what was going on with this supplements program. Beggers belief.

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I cannot work out why Robinson was stood down on full pay and not contract terminated as of February 5.

By keeping him on the payroll did Essendon ensure silence, because he knew too much?...Knew the real details?

Did they want to starve him out and break his emotions, which seems to have happened if his wife spent 2 stints in hospital.

It is very murky & for Mark McViegh to sit there last night and just refute everything was just embarassing.

I was wishing Patrick Smith was on that desk.

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I cannot work out why Robinson was stood down on full pay and not contract terminated as of February 5.

By keeping him on the payroll did Essendon ensure silence, because he knew too much?...Knew the real details?

Did they want to starve him out and break his emotions, which seems to have happened if his wife spent 2 stints in hospital.

It is very murky & for Mark McViegh to sit there last night and just refute everything was just embarassing.

I was wishing Patrick Smith was on that desk.

I got the feeling were heading for a slap on the wrist your a bad boy ,it wont happen again result

unfortunately the footy world is like a CULT and they will all stick together and burn the outsider.

but the credibility of m.mv and jim jones hird, essendonfc is by far lower than any in the league

so I guess that's a bright spot for us. at least we haven't STOOPED THAT LOW AS YET

my guess about the weapon is when the chit hit the fan they needed a scapegoat and made sure everybody had a chair.now the music is about to stop. their decision to keep him at the club until now has been a smart move. the weapon will be the person not to have a chair

I was really hoping that black/ops would be the person to be caught in all this, but it looks like vlad and others have made sure golden boy has a chair reseved all the time this has gone on

recapping . the weapon gets SHOT

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I got the feeling were heading for a slap on the wrist your a bad boy ,it wont happen again result

unfortunately the footy world is like a CULT and they will all stick together and burn the outsider.

but the credibility of m.mv and jim jones hird, essendonfc is by far lower than any in the league

so I guess that's a bright spot for us. at least we haven't STOOPED THAT LOW AS YET

my guess about the weapon is when the chit hit the fan they needed a scapegoat and made sure everybody had a chair.now the music is about to stop. their decision to keep him at the club until now has been a smart move. the weapon will be the person not to have a chair

I was really hoping that black/ops would be the person to be caught in all this, but it looks like vlad and others have made sure golden boy has a chair reseved all the time this has gone on

recapping . the weapon gets SHOT

But Jazza you are forgetting WADA. There will be no easy let offs in this. Not even the AFL can go easy on dodgy drug allegations. There is too much $$$ involved in the sport from sponsors.

Other clubs will consider it "worth the risk" if the Bummers get off lightly.

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Last night was a pretty interesting insight into this saga.

A few things really stood out to me:

1) The toll its had on DR. There has been alot of sympathy for the deterioration of Evan's health and him having to stand down and its easy to forget other parties involved.

2) That according to DR and McVeigh only between 1 to 5 players refused injections. A far cry from earlier reports that it was only half a dozen players injected and this presents a huge problem if all these players face penalties.

3) DR removed himself significantly from the equation. Statements like "if I have done something wrong" ect tries to remove any responsibility from him and wash his hands clean. At the end of the day, whilst he can say that Hird drove the program, as the performance manager he needs to take responsibility that a questionable program took place under him.

The AFL/ASADA investigation should be completed within the week, Essendon will be given a period to look over the report, we will be given the crux of it including penalties if any and the rest will never see the light of day.

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Last night was a pretty interesting insight into this saga.

A few things really stood out to me:

1) The toll its had on DR. There has been alot of sympathy for the deterioration of Evan's health and him having to stand down and its easy to forget other parties involved.

2) That according to DR and McVeigh only between 1 to 5 players refused injections. A far cry from earlier reports that it was only half a dozen players injected and this presents a huge problem if all these players face penalties.

3) DR removed himself significantly from the equation. Statements like "if I have done something wrong" ect tries to remove any responsibility from him and wash his hands clean. At the end of the day, whilst he can say that Hird drove the program, as the performance manager he needs to take responsibility that a questionable program took place under him.

The AFL/ASADA investigation should be completed within the week, Essendon will be given a period to look over the report, we will be given the crux of it including penalties if any and the rest will never see the light of day.

I am finding it difficult to disagree with anything you have said there PJ.

I did not watch it all, my impression from the show last night was that DR was not contacted by Ziggy when he did his internal investigation. Is that correct?

If so why? one would assume he would be one of the first people you spoke to especially as you were still paying him.

Unfortunately your last nine words will cover up what anyone at Essendon did or did not do.

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Last night was a pretty interesting insight into this saga.

A few things really stood out to me:

1) The toll its had on DR. There has been alot of sympathy for the deterioration of Evan's health and him having to stand down and its easy to forget other parties involved.

2) That according to DR and McVeigh only between 1 to 5 players refused injections. A far cry from earlier reports that it was only half a dozen players injected and this presents a huge problem if all these players face penalties.

3) DR removed himself significantly from the equation. Statements like "if I have done something wrong" ect tries to remove any responsibility from him and wash his hands clean. At the end of the day, whilst he can say that Hird drove the program, as the performance manager he needs to take responsibility that a questionable program took place under him.

The AFL/ASADA investigation should be completed within the week, Essendon will be given a period to look over the report, we will be given the crux of it including penalties if any and the rest will never see the light of day.

McVeigh made a little slip about the other one, so he reckons Zaharakis and another he wouldn't name....interesting about the don't like needles line, heard Scott Lucas trotting out the same. Can't even trust that to be true unfortunately.

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Last night was a pretty interesting insight into this saga.

A few things really stood out to me:

1) The toll its had on DR. There has been alot of sympathy for the deterioration of Evan's health and him having to stand down and its easy to forget other parties involved.

2) That according to DR and McVeigh only between 1 to 5 players refused injections. A far cry from earlier reports that it was only half a dozen players injected and this presents a huge problem if all these players face penalties.

3) DR removed himself significantly from the equation. Statements like "if I have done something wrong" ect tries to remove any responsibility from him and wash his hands clean. At the end of the day, whilst he can say that Hird drove the program, as the performance manager he needs to take responsibility that a questionable program took place under him.

The AFL/ASADA investigation should be completed within the week, Essendon will be given a period to look over the report, we will be given the crux of it including penalties if any and the rest will never see the light of day.

according to kero it was two players, the other being melksham (McV used the term others and another)

guess we find out soon

everybody DR, SD, JH, MT, the rest of the FD, Players, Dr, CEO and some board members all have good reasons to tell half-truths and be self protective

will come down to any hard evidence, and weight of circumstantial evidence asada has

going to be hard to argue though that aod was not banned under the wada code and the ultimate player responsibility

also DR and SD knew the wada codes backwards especially the relevant S0 code (and i would think Dr Reid too)

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It seems to me they are / will not disclose the whole truth, limit the damage. All parties will blame the other.

My perception is that the whole program got slightly out of control from "the Weapon", Hird took it upon himself to start talking directly to the source,and bypass 'the weapon'. When he realised he was no longer calling the shots, he told Hird to pull it all back.

The question I want answered, it probably wont due to lack of evidence, what DID happen off site. This could be the damning evidence.

I think Bomber Thompson also thought Hird was pushing this agenda too hard,and called a halt to the program.

One more point, if Dean Anderson takes the brunt of the blame, then those above him, his emploreers need also to be held accountable.

I know one thing for sure, that I dont need to be told, they all knew exactly what was going on.

Anyway back to the popcorn, interesting times at the 'hangar".

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I am finding it difficult to disagree with anything you have said there PJ.

I did not watch it all, my impression from the show last night was that DR was not contacted by Ziggy when he did his internal investigation. Is that correct?

If so why? one would assume he would be one of the first people you spoke to especially as you were still paying him.

Unfortunately your last nine words will cover up what anyone at Essendon did or did not do.

Cant confirm OD if DR wasn't interviewed for the Ziggy report but you'd think he would be but you never know!

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Cant confirm OD if DR wasn't interviewed for the Ziggy report but you'd think he would be but you never know!

My father used to say to me PJ

Never ask a question when you don't want to hear the answer.

Or only ask the questions when you know the answers.

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The thing is Hird is a protected species and he could murder someone and people would still stick by him. He is the golden boy and butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.

Its he he said she said type of thing. But why would the weapon go on tv and make stuff up. I mean he knows he would get sued big time. So why would he make it up.

I just want all this over. Im sick of hearing about it. But by god I hope they are found guilty of something and there points are removed.

I have been a huge fan of hirds, but I didn't like the way things were done getting his arrival happening under the new regime, & now with this... it stinks...

I'm over all these new arrangements in footy these days,, sports science indeed. flooding, rotations...

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I have been a huge fan of hirds, but I didn't like the way things were done getting his arrival happening under the new regime, & now with this... it stinks...

I'm over all these new arrangements in footy these days,, sports science indeed. flooding, rotations...

I am so old dee-luded I can still remember when going to the Footy was simple and fun.

Maybe I am just past it do you think?

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I cannot work out why Robinson was stood down on full pay and not contract terminated as of February 5.

By keeping him on the payroll did Essendon ensure silence, because he knew too much?...Knew the real details?

Did they want to starve him out and break his emotions, which seems to have happened if his wife spent 2 stints in hospital.

It is very murky & for Mark McViegh to sit there last night and just refute everything was just embarassing.

I was wishing Patrick Smith was on that desk.

Yes McVeigh came across as a bombers sycophant. I get his loyalty but he is not the smartest tool in the shed.

I remember when McVeigh was asked about what he wanted to do after football and he replied he wanted to fight counter terrorism like Jack Bower...LMAO

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I am so old dee-luded I can still remember when going to the Footy was simple and fun.

Maybe I am just past it do you think?

well I'd say your not old dee, I mean,,, you are, but your not, your still fun at heart & that is what I've always thought sport was meant to B... FUN...

simple unadulterated effervescent FUN.

not tactically superior,,, or so bloody hard to follow, who is actually on the green stuff, (the turf) playing, & not warming the pine seat.

.... you could go to watch a virtually guaranteed pair matched up to play on one another, as a sub plot to the main game.

Not so now.

ring a ring-a-rosy on steroids...

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A good article re sanctions and players; Touchy subject particularly considering that this investigation is a joint AFL and ASADA investigation which WADA has stated they expect sanctions, will be following closely and if they are unhappy prepared to perform their own investigation.

Raises a few good points:

1) If they have been found to have taken banned drugs then the penalties are clear and under WADA should be penalised

2) Suspensions should include actual games to be meaningful

3) Jobe Watson has the most to lose...

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