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Brent Moloney


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Taking the Rivers route by the looks.

Just being honest! Neeld was probably a great headmaster demanding respect but he appears to be a useless coach

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Taking the Rivers route by the looks.

..or not. Only said he didn't believe in Neeld and that was a reason that he left. Nothing to see really.

Don't have Foxtel, so any kind of summary would be great if you have time later on.


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He admitted to dropping his bundle last year... not the kind of behaviour you would expect from someone who believed he shouldn't have been dropped from the leadership group.

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Don't have Foxtel, so any kind of summary would be great if you have time later on.


Honestly that was pretty much it, stu.

He said it's amazing what you can do when someone believes in you, prompting Robbo to ask one of his trademark questions to which he already knows the answer, "did Mark Neeld believe in you?", to which Beamer said he didn't think so. Robbo then asked him if he believed in Mark Neeld. Again he said he didn't, and that they had to part ways.

He said he put his heart and soul into the club, working with the younger players every day in trying to fast track them to play finals footy, but it just didn't happen in the end.

The rest of the Interview was about Brisbane and the debate around the bump.

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Was asked why the turn in form from struggling to get a game last year to playing some good footy this year. Don't quote me on any of this. His reply was it helps when someone believes in you (voss) mark Robinson then asked if he thought mark neeld believed in him which he replied NO. To which mark then asked did he believe in mark neeld moloney's reply was No that's why he left!

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No matter if he goes the Rivers or McLean route, they are both spot on.

Brock and Scully left because of the board and culture problems and have since proven to be in the right.

Rivers and Moloney left because of Mark Neeld and both have since proven that it was a smart move on their behalf.

I will be watching 360 as Moloney bled Red and Blue and is one of our own, I hope he tees off on Neeld.

Let's get some facts straight

Brock left because he was no longer wanted by Bailey. Moving him on for pick 11 was a graet move. The poor use of pick 11 was another shocker by the club,

He went to carlto so culture problems weren't an issue with him.

Scully left for 1 reason, $6 million

Rivers left to play finals footy

Moloney left because of Neeld.

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Let's get some facts straight

Brock left because he was no longer wanted by Bailey. Moving him on for pick 11 was a graet move. The poor use of pick 11 was another shocker by the club,

He went to carlto so culture problems weren't an issue with him.

Scully left for 1 reason, $6 million

Rivers left to play finals footy

Moloney left because of Neeld.

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you can believe that (and I hope that faith makes you feel better)

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Let's get some facts straight

Brock left because he was no longer wanted by Bailey. Moving him on for pick 11 was a graet move. The poor use of pick 11 was another shocker by the club,

He went to carlto so culture problems weren't an issue with him.

Scully left for 1 reason, $6 million

Rivers left to play finals footy

Moloney left because of Neeld.

You get 1 out of 4

Better than your average

Wasn't he trying to get a trade out the year Bailey was sacked at the end of the season. He hadn't even played a game under Neeld when he wanted out, Neeld may not have even been coach, not sure of the time line.

It seems he may have had problems with others at the club before Neeld arrived and him wanting to go may have had something to do with Bailey being sacked and/or the way the club handled his indiscretion.

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Was asked why the turn in form from struggling to get a game last year to playing some good footy this year. Don't quote me on any of this. His reply was it helps when someone believes in you (voss) mark Robinson then asked if he thought mark neeld believed in him which he replied NO. To which mark then asked did he believe in mark neeld moloney's reply was No that's why he left!

Beamers comments seemed to reflect in the way the 2013 Demons play.

He admitted to dropping his bundle last year... not the kind of behaviour you would expect from someone who believed he shouldn't have been dropped from the leadership group.

But was..... Beamer has said he did not think Neeld believed in him.

Wonder how many current MFC players are feeling that way?

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Poor Beamer. Best & Fairest and 7th in the Brownlow in 2011 & Vice-Captain. Then this loser coach comes in and tells him he is nothing and finished, drops him or green vest. Before you know it we lose a lifelong Demon who still has plenty of quality football left in him. Oh and he is a midfielder... and we need midfielders. Then the loser coach has the gall to imply "we offered him money but he went elsewhere for more money". That is straight up lying to the public. We have a weak and desperate coach who is costing us our best talent.

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Poor Beamer. Best & Fairest and 7th in the Brownlow in 2011 & Vice-Captain. Then this loser coach comes in and tells him he is nothing and finished, drops him or green vest. Before you know it we lose a lifelong Demon who still has plenty of quality football left in him. Oh and he is a midfielder... and we need midfielders. Then the loser coach has the gall to imply "we offered him money but he went elsewhere for more money". That is straight up lying to the public. We have a weak and desperate coach who is costing us our best talent.

I never rated Beamer as particularly good, but he was in our best 22 - but the inept one, in his own inimitable fashion decided to show how tough and smart he was, Beamer now averaging 25 possessions a game.

Our inept and lying coach does it again.

Both Rivers and Moloney singing from the same hymn sheet.

Edited by angrydee
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The issue I have with losing Beamer for no adequate compensation is simple:

- we need hard bodied, senior midfielders, perhaps more than any other team in the competition

- Moloney is a hard bodied, experienced midfielder

- it is hard to attract such players to this club, especially without having to pay 'overs' for them

- Moloney was at our club, was a lifelong Demons fan, and with any level of respect being shown to him would presumably have stayed

- he clearly would be on our team sheet this weekend if he were still at the club

Why exactly did we lose his services again? My view - because Neeld likes to work with very specific personality types, and Beamer didn't fit the mould.

On any construction, this is a failing of Neeld, and losing Moloney for no adequate compensation (ie, a commensurate midfielder) has turned out to be an error. It looked like a dud call at the time, and IMO it has turned out to be one.

Not fighting harder to retain Rivers was also an error. He's in Geelong's best 21 for Christ's sake.

Neeld took a fairly high risk approach on the way he treated our incumbent senior leaders upon taking the reigns. I expect it was calculated.

It seems to me that this approach was a pretty big miscalculation in the circumstances. Probably made sense on paper - made no sense in reality.

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If there was no more "evidence" than that of an "unnamed caller", then surely it was rough justice that he lost his place in the leadership group?

On the other hand, if the club spoke to the owners of the bar and got their story, then perhaps losing his place in the leadership group (without being suspended for even a single game) wasn't sufficient penalty and we would have been far better off imposing the sort of penalty that Collingwood did with Heath Shaw and the others which brought them into line. Perhaps if the club had dealt out tougher discipline with its errant players in the latter half of the 2000's, we might have been a club far better off for the experience?

He went on a binge drinking education course and gave up the leadership group. You wouldn't do that if there wasn't a reason.

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No matter if he goes the Rivers or McLean route, they are both spot on.

Brock and Scully left because of the board and culture problems and have since proven to be in the right.

Rivers and Moloney left because of Mark Neeld and both have since proven that it was a smart move on their behalf.

I will be watching 360 as Moloney bled Red and Blue and is one of our own, I hope he tees off on Neeld.

Scully left for 6 large. Don't kid yourself there were other reasons. McLean left because he was injury prone and slow. Revisionist by him to blame tanking, And stupid if that was his reason to go to Carlton.

And hasn't Scully torn it up at GWS??

I mean really. Who has left and gone on to great things other than Scott Thompson??

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But was..... Beamer has said he did not think Neeld believed in him.

Wonder how many current MFC players are feeling that way?

Yes, he was dropped from the leadership group... a real leader would have gone on to prove the coach had made a wrong decision and work his arse off to get back into the leadership group. Let's face it, Moloney along with a number of other senior players, had gone missing all to often when it really mattered... and that was under Bailey as much as it was under Neeld.

As far as wondering how many current players are feeling that way, I'm sure you would like to think it is most of the team...but in reality, there probably may be one or two, but generally, I think you will find that most feel the same way that Garland, Dawes and others have expressed in the media of late.

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Poor Beamer. Best & Fairest and 7th in the Brownlow in 2011 & Vice-Captain. Then this loser coach comes in and tells him he is nothing and finished, drops him or green vest. Before you know it we lose a lifelong Demon who still has plenty of quality football left in him. Oh and he is a midfielder... and we need midfielders. Then the loser coach has the gall to imply "we offered him money but he went elsewhere for more money". That is straight up lying to the public. We have a weak and desperate coach who is costing us our best talent.

Tell me... exactly how many quality games against quality sides did Beamer put in over the last 2 or 3 years? I think I've heard the term "downhill skier" used in the past?

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A great deal of us were last year wanting to see the back of him (myself included) because he was appearing lazy and not able to adapt to the Neeld defensive structures or put in the effort to support them.

As it's turned out this year, we have more 'Beamers' than we can poke a stick at and we still have people supporting the coach.

Brent might have been a flat tracker and dominated against weaker opposition but he was and still is a better ball winner than most on our current list.

Going backwards on my sentiments this time last year, I wish Brent was still playing for the club and Neeld was able to think a little more laterally.

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Scully left for 6 large. Don't kid yourself there were other reasons. McLean left because he was injury prone and slow. Revisionist by him to blame tanking, And stupid if that was his reason to go to Carlton.

And hasn't Scully torn it up at GWS??

I mean really. Who has left and gone on to great things other than Scott Thompson??

I doubt if Scully ever had intentions of staying regardless. Gave the impression of a journeyman as soon as he entered IMO. Unless we had him locked down under a 3 to 4 year contract I doubt he would have ever taken his stint at the Demons as anything but a short term stop over to something more glorious ($$$$$$). Even if he hung about, was another skinny outside mid at best. Might get alot of it at times due to his tank but unlikely to ever be a serious A grader in terms of the damage he might cause. Certainly no savior for our mid field anyway. aA handy outside/link player at best.

Edited by Rusty Nails
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Tell me... exactly how many quality games against quality sides did Beamer put in over the last 2 or 3 years? I think I've heard threasonable andill skier" used in the past?

Aside from Jones in the mid and the occasional camio role by Grimes, tell me exactly how many mid fielders we have who were more capable than Beamer? Albeit his best was still only occasional and B grade at best, like the best from our other mids.


Point being, don't cast aside a soldier who can contribute (on occasions) until you find/develop/recruit a better one. That takes time. Meanwhile, that soldier still has a role to play if you can win him over. Did Neeld try hard enough to gain his confidence & get the best out of him? Only Beamer and Neeld would know that.

One thing I do know, and that is, as the spiritual leader of many in that group, I would have fought damn hard to win him over and ask for greater, both on and off the field. And given Beamer a reasonable time to show it.

Another fail from Neeld?

You decide

Edited by Rusty Nails
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Yes, he was dropped from the leadership group... a real leader would have gone on to prove the coach had made a wrong decision and work his arse off to get back into the leadership group. Let's face it, Moloney along with a number of other senior players, had gone missing all to often when it really mattered... and that was under Bailey as much as it was under Neeld.

As far as wondering how many current players are feeling that way, I'm sure you would like to think it is most of the team...but in reality, there probably may be one or two, but generally, I think you will find that most feel the same way that Garland, Dawes and others have expressed in the media of late.

Five rounds after leaving... awarded Best on Ground against former team & coach... You are right, actions speak louder than words

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I am not sure there is any argument that Beamer (and Rivers) would be in a our first 18 now. However, the decisions weren't made for season 2013. Neeld's trying to rebuild a mess and it involves some cleaning out.

I don't know what sort of presence Beamer had, but it's the environment at Melbourne that is more toxic than the list.

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