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Cameron Schwab

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Schwab was sacked due to hiding salary cap rorts from Gutnick when the AFL held its moratorium. This subsequently cost us draft picks after he was sacked.

That's not entirely true either. My information straight from Gutnick's mouth at the time is that it was for something entirely different.

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I think Grimesy has really stood up the last few weeks. Him and Jones make me proud to be a Demon.

Yep, I think it is important we don't lump the whole playing group in the same boat. There are definitely a small handful of them doing everything they can to turn this around. I think we need to try and let these players know that their effort isn't going unnoticed.

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One more thing I will say about that interview.

He kept on referring to 'the decision we made' when they appointed the two Jacks as captains. There was no mention of it being a player lead decision as it has been marketed in the past. I get the feeling someone in the club decided to put the senior players who spoke out against the old football department to one side and they picked these two poor kids to be their bunnies. I think Jack Grimes is readier to be captain than Trengove but bloody hell, the poor lad is hurting. I just hope this doesn't stuff up his confidence for the rest of his career.

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I think we have to accept that Schwab will run this club into extinction if he has to. He's not jumping and no-one is going to push him.

The club is bigger than the individual, unless that individual is Cameron.

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The most successful team I ever played in was a side constantly hamstrung by the administration in terms of resources and rules they made us follow.

We had a motto that was simply "F&^k the Administration" because we knew the same fools had been ruining the place into the ground for years and they were still in power .

Anyway ,we trained more than was allowed by the rules ,we gave more "in spite of" the admin that wasn't supportive of us.

We started winning and made a point not to talk to anyone from the administration after matches when they came to slap our backs after games.

When the players begin to realise that all the off field machinations in the world cannot affect the way they train and play ,that it is them versus the world ,that unity will build .Right now we have too many "B" type personalities .

All this "culture " crap about banning bad boys and guys with spirit has left the rooms silent and listless.

We have an attractive looking team of wimps and nice guys afraid to express themselves.

Our team was involved in a lot of fights on the field ,melees ,etc.

We stopped accepting defeat ,getting pushed around ,walked over.

We made it known that although the colours of our team were the same ,the attitude was now"one for all ,all for one".

I don't know how you build that ,but that is the challenge we face.

I like the sentiment but does it hold up in the AFL where these guys might be in demand and receiving attractive offers to move clubs? If we've already lost Rivers over the issue (amongst others), and we lose Chip over it at the end of the year, I'd seriously question whether continuing to operate in a divided manner will work out. This is only my opinion.

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Just what is Schwab supposed to have done? McLardy stated that there were issues relating to him some time ago (presumably around 186), but he addressed those and has been first class since in his role as administrator since.

So how is what's happening now related to Schwab?

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Just what is Schwab supposed to have done? McLardy stated that there were issues relating to him some time ago (presumably around 186), but he addressed those and has been first class since in his role as administrator since.

So how is what's happening now related to Schwab?

It's about the fact that half of the list involved at 186 time, who raised the issues about Schwab with the board, are still at the club but feel let down that their grievances were essentially swept away. Maybe thry're bring childish and need to harden up. Maybe you can argue that now that Schwab has stepped back from the meddling all should be forgiven. It isn'tforgiven by the playing group and we the supporters are the ones that are suffering. It needs to be sorted one way or another.

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I think we have to accept that Schwab will run this club into extinction if he has to. He's not jumping and no-one is going to push him.

The club is bigger than the individual, unless that individual is Cameron.

Yes Camerons poison is running through our veins.

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As for Schwab now staying out of football department.

On radio today:

I go to some or the leadership group meetings just to see what happens.

"Just to see what happens"..... Yeah right.

You guys complain he's not doing anything, then you complain about everything he does...

FMD. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

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If you want to cringe like you've never cringed before, go back and watch some of the old Whiteboard Wednesdays.

In Week One he pulls out a book that is essentially "Corporations for Dummies" and shows how many pages he has bookmaked in it.

And it goes downhill from there.

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It's about the fact that half of the list involved at 186 time, who raised the issues about Schwab with the board, are still at the club but feel let down that their grievances were essentially swept away. Maybe thry're bring childish and need to harden up. Maybe you can argue that now that Schwab has stepped back from the meddling all should be forgiven. It isn'tforgiven by the playing group and we the supporters are the ones that are suffering. It needs to be sorted one way or another.

So....Schwab was meddling in the FD, and may have been about to be stood down....he wasn't, but got a big slap....pulled his head in and has done a great admin job since (anyone know different?).

Getting a big slap would have been hard to take....but he did.

Am I missing something? Is that it? I have hardly seen or heard him since 186.....didn't stop Stevens having a shot at him last night : "when are we going to hear from the CEO?" Schwab has sure p1ssed on some graves.

Players better harden up......he's making the massive $s that pay them.

You guys complain he's not doing anything, then you complain about everything he does...

FMD. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Sounds right. He speaks to the media, he gets bagged; he doesn't, he gets bagged.

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So....Schwab was meddling in the FD, and may have been about to be stood down....he wasn't, but got a big slap....pulled his head in and has done a great admin job since (anyone know different?).

Getting a big slap would have been hard to take....but he did.

Am I missing something? Is that it? I have hardly seen or heard him since 186.....didn't stop Stevens having a shot at him last night : "when are we going to hear from the CEO?" Schwab has sure p1ssed on some graves.

Players better harden up......he's making the massive $s that pay them.

Sounds right. He speaks to the media, he gets bagged; he doesn't, he gets bagged.

You got it.... that is actually it....

There are a lot of people around here who would not survive 10 minutes if they had the public scrutiny Schwab has.

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I still feel that you're looking at off-field administration issues, but when it comes to on-field performance, the change will come with changes either in attitudes or coaches or something.

Your attack on his 'business plan' is rubbish. We've gotten more financially independent and more financially secure. To call Schwab out for making things unsustainable or worse off in anyway is unfair and just ridiculous.

I understand what you're saying about his 'meddling', but over the last year or so that's been much less of an issue. And as for 'lack of leadership', what exactly has he done wrong there? Not public enough? Does speaking out in public define leadership?

I'm not saying Cameron Schwab is a great CEO, or even a good one. Your criticisms, though, aren't exactly strong, and your solution to improve our on-field performance seems to rest with changes in the football department, which don't rely on, or are affected by, Schwab.

Yes, as I have said, onfield improvement will come sooner with a change of attitude and/or probably coaches.

We're no longer in debt due to our supporters donating exorbitant amounts through Debt Demolition. We still receive hand outs from the AFL. Jimmy and arguably Schwab managed to get supporters opening their pockets, but that is unsustainable. We've heard from certain Foundation Heros (ie RobbieF) that Schwab's treatment of these wonderful supporters, donating their hard earned money, is less than personable. As a result, we're now losing some of our foundation heros. So I'd be interested to read how we are more financially stable, as a result of Schwab and not external reasons. Schwab is consumed by the past. While we had a glorious early history, we've had a thoroughly abysmal forty years. We should be looking to the future, not the past. I received my membership letter on Thursday and the first paragraph was rabbiting on about the past. Start with the present.

The fact that he ever meddled is enough for dismissal. The board was weak. Letting someone stay on after committing such potentially harmful acts sets a dangerous precedence and says a lot about the people serving on it. Let alone a three year contract extension. My goodness! I'm not saying he has to come out every week in the media like Kennett did. But if you've put a bunch of people offside, you won't ever get them back. The issue will merely fester and be passed on through the next football department.

Finally, we must look ahead and although current onfield improvement may come from a change of attitude in the present and possibly coaching changes, future onfield improvement will be buoyed by strong leadership from the top.

EDIT. I didn't hear it, but apparently McClardy is looking for someone to relieve him of the presidency. Did anyone hear this? That's at least a start. McClardy knows he's out of his depth.

Edited by AdamFarr
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So....Schwab was meddling in the FD, and may have been about to be stood down....he wasn't, but got a big slap....pulled his head in and has done a great admin job since (anyone know different?).

Getting a big slap would have been hard to take....but he did.

Am I missing something? Is that it? I have hardly seen or heard him since 186.....didn't stop Stevens having a shot at him last night : "when are we going to hear from the CEO?" Schwab has sure p1ssed on some graves.

Players better harden up......he's making the massive $s that pay them.

Sounds right. He speaks to the media, he gets bagged; he doesn't, he gets bagged.

I guess the main issue from the players was that he wad instrumental in ending the MFC careers of some great stalwarts. Some of the decisions were quite possibly correct ones but the broading feeling was he had no right to be involved. Net result is players feel no security at the club and no longer want to be involved. He is resented for that and probably will be until the last player that felt an attachment to those senior guys moves on.

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I'm not going through it any more. I think Geelong's success is due to a very strong club led by Brian Cook as CEO and Frank Costa as President. You don't so we can leave it at that.

Geelong's success was largely player driven, that's not to say that having a good CEO & president didn't help. It took years of bad losses & failure before the players took responsibility, called a meeting & held themselves accountable for their own results. Garry Ablett & Steve Johnson are two examples of having their career turned round by accepting criticism from their peers after player meetings & changing their ways. There are players on our list who have the ability to drive this club forward but are taking the easy option. Whilst Schwab & McLardy may not be ideal or perfect as administrators it's hard to blame them for match day ineptness. Change has to come from the coach as well as the players by holding each other accountable & being brutally honest with themselves.

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If you want to cringe like you've never cringed before, go back and watch some of the old Whiteboard Wednesdays.

In Week One he pulls out a book that is essentially "Corporations for Dummies" and shows how many pages he has bookmaked in it.

And it goes downhill from there.

I watched part one of Whiteboard Wednesday and it immediately made me remember an old boss of mine. He was huge on lingo. He was constantly talking about 'movements', 'passion' and other [censored] like that. You just knew he had read every single management textbook out there but his people management skills were just awful. He constantly tried to force us into going to observe each others classes which meant an hour or more round trip (plus the class and the one hour plus debriefing) in some cases to pick up maybe one or two pointers when we could have spent that afternoon doing prep. and interacting with our school communities. It seemed more about promoting the company's, and especially his, image to our client schools. It didn't matter if it was actually constructive. It was all about buzz words and image. When it came to actually supporting his people, he strangely went missing.

Cameron, you are an intelligent guy. I hope you have dropped all this pretentious crap about our heritage, ethos and all that other crap. I personally think the well has been to poisoned for you to continue but I would love for you to prove me wrong.

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Geelong's success was largely player driven, that's not to say that having a good CEO & president didn't help. It took years of bad losses & failure before the players took responsibility, called a meeting & held themselves accountable for their own results. Garry Ablett & Steve Johnson are two examples of having their career turned round by accepting criticism from their peers after player meetings & changing their ways. There are players on our list who have the ability to drive this club forward but are taking the easy option. Whilst Schwab & McLardy may not be ideal or perfect as administrators it's hard to blame them for match day ineptness. Change has to come from the coach as well as the players by holding each other accountable & being brutally honest with themselves.

But would they have succeeded without the platform set up by Cook & Costa.

Just what is Schwab supposed to have done? McLardy stated that there were issues relating to him some time ago (presumably around 186), but he addressed those and has been first class since in his role as administrator since.

So how is what's happening now related to Schwab?

He may have but the players haven't and they have lost trust and that's at the heart of our culture problem.

Craig says the players don't have an issue but if you were the players would you say anything after what happened last time?

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Craig says the players don't have an issue but if you were the players would you say anything after what happened last time?

Nailed it right there Colin....The players are scared of upstairs because they have been shafted before....(186)

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Know where you are coming from. How happy would Dees supporters be to see the Dees winning, even with a few [censored] in the team?

We have become the nice, pretty, boys ( with beards ) soft, losers.

That's been the trend as long as I can remember, with few exceptions. I've said it before, we are the nice club, nice players, nice supporters, everything's nice.

Watching Watts with the ladies at the commencement dinner reminded me of some European Gigolo holding court, watching him out on the ground didn't seem much different.

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That's been the trend as long as I can remember, with few exceptions. I've said it before, we are the nice club, nice players, nice supporters, everything's nice.

Watching Watts with the ladies at the commencement dinner reminded me of some European Gigolo holding court, watching him out on the ground didn't seem much different.

He is from Brighton Robbie.

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I watched part one of Whiteboard Wednesday and it immediately made me remember an old boss of mine. He was huge on lingo. He was constantly talking about 'movements', 'passion' and other [censored] like that. You just knew he had read every single management textbook out there but his people management skills were just awful. He constantly tried to force us into going to observe each others classes which meant an hour or more round trip (plus the class and the one hour plus debriefing) in some cases to pick up maybe one or two pointers when we could have spent that afternoon doing prep. and interacting with our school communities. It seemed more about promoting the company's, and especially his, image to our client schools. It didn't matter if it was actually constructive. It was all about buzz words and image. When it came to actually supporting his people, he strangely went missing.Cameron, you are an intelligent guy. I hope you have dropped all this pretentious crap about our heritage, ethos and all that other crap. I personally think the well has been to poisoned for you to continue but I would love for you to prove me wrong.

Add CS's continue reference to trying to establish a 'profit (business)model' for the footy club. CS a classic case of Captain Obvious who has run out of tricks / template moves. Surely any business is striving for a profitable return. Too much focus on periphery stuff like ruining our traditional jumper and overseeing the design of a complicated logo instead of building the 'business' for long term viability which isn't underpinned by supporter generosity IMO.

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Take the crazy screaming away and tell me what makes more sense: Whiteboard Wednesday or Mister Jim Hellwig (though he did legally change his name to Warrior)? Chris Jericho summed it up pretty well for both Warrior and Schwabby: 'I don't know what he just said but it sounded cool so.... yaaaaay!'


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