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Cam Bruce # 32 announces retirement from AFL.


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Sure he'll be remembered as a Demon, and we appreciate him, but had he stayed at the club he could have retired with a bit more love from supporters etc.

Like the love Brad Green gets?

I think you can't underestimate the club culture when Jnr. was given the boot. All the 'hard men' of the internet think that he's a traitor for trying to extend his career and for fearing the lack of regard given by the club to anyone over 23.

Regardless Cam was a great player who was very highly regarded in the AFL system.

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Like the love Brad Green gets?

I think you can't underestimate the club culture when Jnr. was given the boot. All the 'hard men' of the internet think that he's a traitor for trying to extend his career and for fearing the lack of regard given by the club to anyone over 23.

Regardless Cam was a great player who was very highly regarded in the AFL system.

You obviously dont want to understand things as they actually occurred. The Club was NOT about stopping Bruce remainig with the Club. There was an offer. It just didnt meet with Cams exalted value on himself. And in a bizarre twist its my understanding he went to the Hawks purely on rthe basis of being offered 2 years as opposed to Melbournes 1 x 1. . Im not sure about the money as various sources suggest he may have even gone for less in the end than we ofered. But thats heresay.

Do some of us have a rather dim view of Cams history of negotiating. You bet. No one decries anyones right to barter or get the best they can but there were definitely moments in his MFC career where he manifestly put his position before that of the club. So excuse me if I take the opposite view that the Club is much bigger than him , and ANY player for that matter..

"Like the love Brad gets" ?? do you mean from the club. If so hes simply expected like any player to make the grade, be match fit and if his forms dictates and he fits that week's plans of the coaching dept he would/does get a game.

If you refer to the view or comments by posters, I would have thought in the main he is held id quite high regard. NO ONE is an auto start every week now. Thats a big step forward for mine in changing hte culture of the playing group. That some of us here or indeed the FD of the club would expect him to fill those requirements is hardly excessive.

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Like the love Brad Green gets?

I think you can't underestimate the club culture when Jnr. was given the boot. All the 'hard men' of the internet think that he's a traitor for trying to extend his career and for fearing the lack of regard given by the club to anyone over 23.

Regardless Cam was a great player who was very highly regarded in the AFL system.

I can't quite recall if it was Hird or Richo who rated Brucey as one of the hardest players he ever had to face off against. Very high praise indeed from either one and very under appreciated at Demonland I feel.

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"Like the love Brad gets" ?? do you mean from the club. If so hes simply expected like any player to make the grade, be match fit and if his forms dictates and he fits that week's plans of the coaching dept he would/does get a game.

If you refer to the view or comments by posters, I would have thought in the main he is held id quite high regard. NO ONE is an auto start every week now. Thats a big step forward for mine in changing hte culture of the playing group. That some of us here or indeed the FD of the club would expect him to fill those requirements is hardly excessive.

I was referring to the supporters, as noted by my quoting of a previous comment. I never suggested that anyone was an auto start. I was merely highlighting the clubs recent form with handling players in the twilight of their careers can't be undersold in the context of Bruce's decision making. Even the suggestion that he left for less money kind of flips the switch on the mercenary tag. He was witnessing first hand a culture that wasn't placing any value on experience yet somehow he's to blame? I think the club should share half the reponsibility is all, and Cam Bruce should be remembered more fondly than some on here clearly do.

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THBT... I have my own view on those particlar days ( The CB v MFC..last days ) In my opinion ( and its only that ) he well and truly used the Jnr fiasco as a lever to his own end..and CAMe unstuck !!!

He made his bed...and he short sheeted himself.

His efforts as a player. Well you could never mistake his ardour towards his role, but many will argue his absolute value on the ground. As some say he was a very good tagger, and he was, he was also a clanger king and honourary ambassador for HBA I reckon.

Many are divided as to his effectiveness on the ground and rate him accordingly.

I have no idea what he would offer Melbourne. For me #32 was an over rated player. But he was a Melbourne player...for the most part. His earlier days were far better watching. In latter years it was like spectating a car accident. ( in slow motion ) .

Enjoy your retirement ( from elite footy ) Cam. Theres a whole rest-of-your -life ahead.

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Things might have been so different - if we hadn't pushed Junior at the end of 2010, he would've stayed on as captain, Cam would've re-signed, 186 wouldn't have happened, Bailey would've been re-signed, Scully would still have left, Cam and Junior would've retired with honour at the end of 2011, Beamer would be captain and we'd be 14th with 4 or 5 wins now ...

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Cam was in the top half dozen Melbourne players for a long time, and his record is a proud one. I didn't like the way he left the Club, but sadly, loyalty (both ways) is fast disappearing from our game.

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His earlier days were far better watching. In latter years it was like spectating a car accident. ( in slow motion ) .

who ever retires in the form of their career? Just like Brad Green is copping it now, people are quick to forget what a good player Bruice was for us.

Over a 200 game career you're going to get peaks and troughs in form. Credit where credit's due please!

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who ever retires in the form of their career? Just like Brad Green is copping it now, people are quick to forget what a good player Bruice was for us.

Over a 200 game career you're going to get peaks and troughs in form. Credit where credit's due please!

i gave it. What thought due that is.
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pft. who doesn't? I thought it was well understood by anyone with a clue that loyalty is not expected of anyone, it is all about getting every cent you can. if you don't believe that I have three names for you: Ablett, Judd and Scully

And you should add another name: Barassi

Loyalty is a two way street. Supporters who think players let down clubs when they depart for greener pastures seem to forget what clubs do to players (eg, J McDonald, Woewodin, etc).

I'd love it if every player and every club (or at least my club) saw eye to eye all the time. But that will never happen.

On Cameron Bruce, I think he's an underrated player who's 'brand' was damaged before he left for Hawthorn because of a couple of poorer seasons at the end of his time at Melbourne. But we should never discount the possibility that his poorer seasons might actually be the fault of a coaching style or game plan that didn't suit him.

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THBT... I have my own view on those particlar days ( The CB v MFC..last days ) In my opinion ( and its only that ) he well and truly used the Jnr fiasco as a lever to his own end..and CAMe unstuck !!!

He made his bed...and he short sheeted himself.

His efforts as a player. Well you could never mistake his ardour towards his role, but many will argue his absolute value on the ground. As some say he was a very good tagger, and he was, he was also a clanger king and honourary ambassador for HBA I reckon.

Many are divided as to his effectiveness on the ground and rate him accordingly.

I have no idea what he would offer Melbourne. For me #32 was an over rated player. But he was a Melbourne player...for the most part. His earlier days were far better watching. In latter years it was like spectating a car accident. ( in slow motion ) .

Enjoy your retirement ( from elite footy ) Cam. Theres a whole rest-of-your -life ahead.

maybe we could arrange for you and cam to sit down and discuss the facts. Now that he has some spare time on his hands i am sure he would like nothing more than a good heart to heart with you.
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It's sad. Some of these weaker clubs like Hawthorn do not have the facilities and medical staff or nous to deal with player injuries. 224 games in 11 seasons at Melbourne but 10 in 2 years at poor old Hawthorn. Shame.

Bruce, I'm sorry it ended this way. Now you can get out of that toilet-coloured outfit and back into our thinking as a former Melbourne stalwart. Well done on getting the best out of yourself while at Melbourne. We probably relied on you too heavily - a player plucked from obscurity through friendship with Brent Grgic as a mature ager had no right to turn out to be a gun, but you gave great value to the club, so thanks.

And as referenced earlier in this thread, your final against Carlton in 2000 will never be forgotten. "BRUCE - BRUCE CAN HE KICK A GOAL??!!!" Spine-tingling every time I watch it.

Edited by pantaloons
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Cam Bruce - the good, the bad and the ugly.


His long loping running style that was the same at the start of the game and the end. Extraordinary aerobic capacity.

Hard work, professionalism to get from where he began, into a 200+ game player.

Footy smarts. He knew where people were.

Concentration. Very rarley made brain fades late in games. If playing a defensive role he was outstanding - see Hird comments.

2000 final against Carlton. Wow!


He didn't like the inside stuff and his body never really developed to the stage where he could take it.

The way he left the Dees. Just so unlike him and so unnecessary. ( Having said that, the MFC had a horrible record of finalising the careers of great players during the Bailey era and they didn't do the Cam Bruce one any better than many others)

Seeing him in a Hawks jumper when they beat us in 2011 on that bad, bad evening game at the G.


Ward 7 handpasses that led to team-mates getting smashed.

Helicopter punts. This was more late in his career.

Trying to hide a receding hair line by making the top bit higher. Ugghh!

After a year or two out of the game I hope he is welcomed back into the club by all, and given the respect his service deserves.

Edited by Maldonboy38
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Cam Bruce - the good, the bad and the ugly.


His long loping running style that was the same at the start of the game and the end. Extraordinary aerobic capacity.

Hard work, professionalism to get from where he began, into a 200+ game player.

Footy smarts. He knew where people were.

Concentration. Very rarley made brain fades late in games. If playing a defensive role he was outstanding - see Hird comments.

2000 final against Carlton. Wow!


He didn't like the inside stuff and his body never really developed to the stage where he could take it.

The way he left the Dees. Just so unlike him and so unnecessary. ( Having said that, the MFC had a horrible record of finalising the careers of great players during the Bailey era and they didn't do the Cam Bruce one any better than many others)

Seeing him in a Hawks jumper when they beat us in 2011 on that bad, bad evening game at the G.


Ward 7 handpasses that led to team-mates getting smashed.

Helicopter punts. This was more late in his career.

Trying to hide a receding hair line by making the top bit higher. Ugghh!

After a year or two out of the game I hope he is welcomed back into the club by all, and given the respect his service deserves.

you missed tracky dacks on the Ugly B)

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maybe we could arrange for you and cam to sit down and discuss the facts. Now that he has some spare time on his hands i am sure he would like nothing more than a good heart to heart with you.

youre a funny lad. Attempting cudos upon the back of another. Id talk to anyone and have ovrr the years at the odd function and such .

I wouldnt be alone in my view so maybe we book a table.

By the way. Which part(s) do you dispute ? and how do you substantiate your position.

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youre a funny lad. Attempting cudos upon the back of another. Id talk to anyone and have ovrr the years at the odd function and such .

I wouldnt be alone in my view so maybe we book a table.

By the way. Which part(s) do you dispute ? and how do you substantiate your position.

no dispute as such. i just think that past is past and i dont spend too much time worrying about such things.
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who ever retires in the form of their career? Just like Brad Green is copping it now, people are quick to forget what a good player Bruice was for us.

Over a 200 game career you're going to get peaks and troughs in form. Credit where credit's due please!

Cam Bruce was a very good player for Melbourne.

He was also very well paid over a considerable period of time, yet more than once he threatened to leave during contract negotiations.

The way he left in the end showed little regard for the club, which unfortunately, has tarnished his reputation in some eyes.

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Bruce was offered a 12 month contract, He wanted 24 months.

He walked out at a time when we couldn't even nominate him in the draft and get a trade for him.

Hawthorn advised him to stay at Melbourne.

He signed a 1 yr deal at Hawthorn for less money than he was offered at Melbourne.

He was once a loyal servant but he blotted his copy book and its all his own fault,

He has trashed any legacy he had and the results show he played 10 games in 2 years. The 2nd year of the contract he wanted he played 1 game and has broken down.

As far as I am concerned he can stay away from Melbourne.

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He has trashed any legacy he had and the results show he played 10 games in 2 years. The 2nd year of the contract he wanted he played 1 game and has broken down.

As far as I am concerned he can stay away from Melbourne.

Got the same stance on Barassi? How do you feel about Todd Viney leaving to coach The poo?

I say we have a little grace and dignity towards a former player that was a good one in his day.

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Got the same stance on Barassi? How do you feel about Todd Viney leaving to coach The poo?

I say we have a little grace and dignity towards a former player that was a good one in his day.

How the [censored] can you compare Bruce deliberately manipulating the situation to get to Hawthorn for nothing to Todd Viney following his dream? Seriously? Also the Barassi situation, any comparison is laughable. There were no trades back then, how could it be possibly compared in the same light.

FFS, [censored] grace and dignity.

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Bruce was offered a 12 month contract, He wanted 24 months.

He walked out at a time when we couldn't even nominate him in the draft and get a trade for him.

Hawthorn advised him to stay at Melbourne.

He signed a 1 yr deal at Hawthorn for less money than he was offered at Melbourne.

He was once a loyal servant but he blotted his copy book and its all his own fault,

He has trashed any legacy he had and the results show he played 10 games in 2 years. The 2nd year of the contract he wanted he played 1 game and has broken down.

As far as I am concerned he can stay away from Melbourne.

Not the remotest similarity. Viney?? FFS he returned to Captain the side. He didn't change clubs nor hold our club to ransom and then stiff us at the last minute like Bruce.

As for grace and dignity there is nothing in my post that is untrue nor undignified, As I stated he can stay away, I don't wish him any ill-will but I don't want him back at the club because he has shown his disloyalty.

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