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Have you seen the list? It could be possible that the game plan and the coaches have something to do with loosing. The players shouldn't be adapting to a simple minded PE teachers idea's, the coach should be adapting to the lists capabilities.

Yes, I have seen the list.

That's why I don't think you can blame the coaches.

They are trying to get this mob to play (at this stage, a very) simple structured game, with the aim of building the sort of discipline you find in teams like the Maggies, Hawks and Cats. The Lions showed today they know what that means - and they are probably only a middle rung team..

Before half time we did it for 1 or 2, 5 minute bursts and came out after the break and forgot it.

That cost us around 35pts which we could never get back.

That was the players - not the coaches.

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Here's Melbourne today. Kick to a contest - ten to twelve players ready to contest the spoils. Or have clean possession and kick to a two/three on one. Or keep hugging the boundary line and kick it into what used to be called the 'dead pocket' where scoring is made extra difficult and defenders have an easy job. We lacked skill, imagination, confidence and flair today. I admired the Lions who weren't constrained by some pre-ordained game plan. I don't care if we don't learn ours - it's a crock on todays showing. Long bombs and boundary lines make for losses and very boring footy. The Lions took risks and actually moved the ball into the centre corridor! Heaven forbid. Create space, open up the goal-mouth and take it from there. As they say, look at the scoreboard. Unfortunately the bottom line was they had better skilled players and some idea of how to play instinctive footy.

Our game plan seems to consist of blindly and indiscriminately kicking the ball, if we do by some chance happen to get our hands on it. Alarm bells rang when we were down on the possession count against Hawthorn by 131 and when we were down by 130 the following week against Port there were sirens and flashing lights there as well.

Watching Brisbane play today they were fantastic in close and would get out of trouble with a series of short sharp handballs and good kick placement whereas we would get the ball in close and just pop it in the air anywhere without any apparent thought. I would say that we are now the worst side in the competition and would be surprised if we win any of the first 11 games and apart from a possible win or two over GWS I can't see us beating any other side.

To all those that have berated me over my criticism of our recruiting; what say you now? This is not and issue of hindsight recruiting this is an issue of people employed by the club to do a job, failing miserably.

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For over fifty years I've been following this club and, believe me I've seen some brutally insipid, limp performances in that time. One thing that I have learnt over that time is that this club will always find ways of letting it's supporters down and today was no exception.However i just don't know what to make of today's half hearted, gutless, unprofessional and soul destroying game. One thing for sure is that Green and Davey's playing days are well and truly over and it's a no brainer that they should now see out their contracts playing at Casey

One thing that this current group lacks (with a small handful of exceptions) is courage and we next come up against a side that we've been scared of for many years so we can expect another good belting in round two.

These current girls that are playing right now have been given a fresh start with a new, hard, experienced coach and professional back up team and still manage to serve up this tripe. I probably shouldn't call them girls as most of them couldn't compare with some of the women playing in the ladies league. Sady, there's probably only a dozen testicles to be shared around this bunch of talentless turkeys.

I'd made my mind up that this year, I wouldn't purchase a membership until they, the players, proved themselves to me that they were worthy of my dollars rather than me having to prove my loyalty. it was only the death of Jim that made me change my mind and I'm now regretting this.

After all the recent work done by the management and staff of the MFC and the support of the long suffering member, these current players should be ashamed of themselves.

I'm glad I waited a few hours to vent my spleen, otherwise I may have told them what I really think of them.

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Do not get me started on recruiting over the last 40 years....please.

Dustin Martin would have been nice today....It was good to see Col Sylvia in his suit walk past me with some stunning girl on his arm...he looked happy..

The MFC deep down wants to care & to be good....i just do not think anyone inside the place really knows how to get there..

with the exception of Misson & Neeld....The axe must fly...todays effort clearly showed that

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What the [censored] is chippa doing trying to show his arse off behind grimes during the post match interview? Yeah, im sure some of you find it funny and will tell me to lighten up, but FFS, is it a joke to the players.

Edited by Jack son 5
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For over fifty years I've been following this club and, believe me I've seen some brutally insipid, limp performances in that time. One thing that I have learnt over that time is that this club will always find ways of letting it's supporters down and today was no exception.However i just don't know what to make of today's half hearted, gutless, unprofessional and soul destroying game. One thing for sure is that Green and Davey's playing days are well and truly over and it's a no brainer that they should now see out their contracts playing at Casey

One thing that this current group lacks (with a small handful of exceptions) is courage and we next come up against a side that we've been scared of for many years so we can expect another good belting in round two.

These current girls that are playing right now have been given a fresh start with a new, hard, experienced coach and professional back up team and still manage to serve up this tripe. I probably shouldn't call them girls as most of them couldn't compare with some of the women playing in the ladies league. Sady, there's probably only a dozen testicles to be shared around this bunch of talentless turkeys.

I'd made my mind up that this year, I wouldn't purchase a membership until they, the players, proved themselves to me that they were worthy of my dollars rather than me having to prove my loyalty. it was only the death of Jim that made me change my mind and I'm now regretting this.

After all the recent work done by the management and staff of the MFC and the support of the long suffering member, these current players should be ashamed of themselves.

I'm glad I waited a few hours to vent my spleen, otherwise I may have told them what I really think of them.

I could have written this - but I didn't.

You beat me to it.

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He had a shocker, but I think we can forgive him one. And he also had friends.

Hasn't performed anywhere near his standard before the injury last year. Must be a real worry for Neeld & FD. One dimensional at the center bounces, most of the time he wins the contest he brings the ball to his feet which is mostly an "at best" neutral outcome for us. Doesn't tap (or punch!) to advantage often enough and mostly the ball ends up at his feet. No class around him to tap to in today's team anyway. Beamer et al, still bombing in hope i50 (or tumble punting the ball towards boundary line) etc.

Need to move Martin into the middle from next week if we're to have any chance of winning a few games and provide some hope and develop the mid field (both players/new & old as well as the game style) in a positive (WINNING) manner from here.

I would bring Fitzy in to replace Jamar from here. Jamar's a liability at this point. Fitzy far from ready, and doesn't necessarily offer a better alternative (maybe worse lol), but needs AFL game time/experience and for Neeld/FD to see what he "might" be able to offer us at this level. Jamar needs to go back to the VFL and try to find his old form (hopefully).

I don't say this just on today's game either. Jamar just hasn't shown anything since his return. He's had enough opportunities already IMO and isn't progressing.

P.S. Where's his contested marking ability gone? (not alone!)

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Can someone with a smarter footy brain than i please explain to me why Barty (who's supposedly our best hard tagger) wasn't moved onto Rich early in the 3rd as he started to break the game open for the Lions??

I realise there were other players (Black etc) who also needed to be closed down but to me Rich was their "main man" who started most of the run and line breaking etc.

Yet we continued to persist with the same Barty match up :huh:

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Has to be said that as much as I love Trenners, having the youngest captain in history leading this group right now is madness. Absolute madness. I'm surprised it doesn't get raised more often. In saying that, I acknowledge our options are thin to the bone.

I'm willing to put this game behind and treat it like a nightmare to be forgotten about, but sooner or later we may have to face up to the fact that about half this playing group just aren't going to cut it at this level. Another f...ing rebuild.

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Has to be said that as much as I love Trenners, having the youngest captain in history leading this group right now is madness. Absolute madness. I'm surprised it doesn't get raised more often. In saying that, I acknowledge our options are thin to the bone.

I'm willing to put this game behind and treat it like a nightmare to be forgotten about, but sooner or later we may have to face up to the fact that about half this playing group just aren't going to cut it at this level. Another f...ing rebuild.

If you watch Neeld's Press Conference, he knows that already. Everyone has been given a chance, but it is staring to look like sveral of the key (or former key) players won't cut the mustard...or be going to Perth next week.

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If you watch Neeld's Press Conference, he knows that already. Everyone has been given a chance, but it is staring to look like sveral of the key (or former key) players won't cut the mustard...or be going to Perth next week.

I think so. The look on his face said it all. I think this year was always going to be a year of sorting the wheat from the chaff as far as Neeld & Co. were concerned re: who they wanted to retain from here and who/what type of player they would need to look for going into 2013 and beyond.

I don't think even he expected the serious sorting to start happening quite this early though :mellow:

Edited by Rusty Nails
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Someone asked what happened in the third quarter it was actually 20 minute mark of the second quarter a strong wind change blowing at 180 degrees to the original. MFC players seemed to ignore it and kept defending to the windward side allowing Brisbane to bang it back in .

Our long kicking game was useless in the gusty wind and all day no one could hold a mark.

Watts was great early on especially. Magner showed his class but our lack of height in the back line and inability to get clearances all day cost us.

I don't think Green and Howe can play together in the forward line Tapscott and/or Petterd will provide more pressure.

I thought we played OK first quarter and up to the wind change in the second. Last quarter we could have been OK but the umpires seemed to lose the plot and we got on the wrong side of some blatant frees.

Clark was ordinary but hopefully will improve

Pace seems to be a problem in the midfield (understatement???)

Neeld will obviously give many players a try to find who fits into his plan

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I am just not on either side anymore. People go the extreme one day and just go on and on and on about everything that is wrong about the club, but then there are people that tell them to back off, and that they'll "always have faith" and "go dees", which I think makes some people even more angry. I am not sure there are any acceptable excuses for today. Just none. We should by this stage be slamming a team like Brisbane, and we're not, and the loss is really just indicative of everything negative that is said of the club: as a whole, for a long time, it is a weak club with a very poor culture.

I am not sure that one extreme is acceptable, but I don't think brushing off the loss as "just round 1" or "emotionally drained" is really going to lead to much constructive discussion.

Why is this club consistently putting in efforts like these?

I see so many people getting angry, and I don't really think anything of it because I genuinely sympathise with these people. People are sick of losing. It's just frustrating now. And trying to empathise with the players doesn't do anything for me, because they're paid to perform, like everyone else in this world.

It was a weak effort. You don't need to be an angry Melbourne supporter to realise that. It was weak and just really, really dumb football. Geelong 186-point loss type footy. Had we been playing a top side it'd have been a 100-point loss. It was really, really bad football.

I don't trust anyone. I just want to see results. I am past the whole, "I have faith" stage. I'm not 12 anymore.

Oh, and inb4 "they've had a tough, emotional pre-season".

Here come the excuses!

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We were pissweak at the clearances and stoppages, you lose as many as we did today you are never going to win. Jamar was slaughtered, the Russian looks like he is really struggling at the moment.

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Watching the game Essendon and North and both sides seem happy to play the centre corridor as were Brisbane today and the Hawks a few weeks ago but we won't go anywhere near it. We are a very poor skilled team and seem unable to play this style of defensive game and I reckon if we persist we will get hammered relentlessly this year.

I understand that you need to learn how to defend but surely you can't win a game if you don't know how to attack; this is as bad a team as I can remember wearing Melbourne colours.

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Today was simply the worst effort by this footy club imaginable. No need to even single out players. Evidence so far is that Neeld & Co identified one glaringly obvious deficiency in the post season, which is that we have possibly the worst mids in the comp. Thanks James Magner!

The first quarter showed glimpses of the right mind set but after that we were just soft. No spread, no gut running, no one putting there head over the pill. As with Hawthorn a few weeks back we had no composure when we had possession of the footy.

If 'bomb it to the boundary' is the new game plan in its infancy it wont make it past pre-school.

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It was good to see Col Sylvia in his suit walk past me with some stunning girl on his arm...he looked happy..

He didn't look too happy to me when he had to pick up his girlfriends tickets off the ground. Took him an eternity to bend down to pick them up.

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Why is this club consistently putting in efforts like these?

That's what gets me. We're in our 6th year (potentially) of cellar dwelling. We've had at least 4 years of solid development. Game plan aside, we should be seeing some better performances from our players. But where is the improvement? Where are the players that have been in the system for 3,4,5 years that are standing up? Why is a first game player best on ground for us?

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I think one very obvious feature was the lack of commitment or even interest from so many of our players in running to position and to provide options for the guy with the ball.

That isn't poor game planning; that is JUST PLAIN LAZY!!!!

I don't want to see any of those LAZY players insulting the R&B again - they may get away with that at VFL, but we hopefully demand ALF standards from our players.

They got away with it under Daniher and under Bailey, but I had thought that Neeld said it would not continue: obviously he has as little influence on those over paid players with over inflated egos as had his predecessors.

NOW he will have to show us, and the players, if he is all talk or is an action man.


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Oh stuff it. Lots of thing to say, but I don't really feel it's worth the effort to hammer the thoughts out on my keyboard.

Shades of early 2011. Just so much disappointment. After 50 years, and another promisiong pre-season, am I going to start a search for another team to support? One that actually gives a fig?

Bombing it to 2 on 1 was sooo 1 dimensional. Ralphy, no offence but this is one time you need to watch before posting. Yes it's a radical departure from the previous game plan, but one that takes us no closer to dominance than anything else we have seen over the past 20 years.

One regret though - Jimmy Magner deserves a lot more spotlight for a great 1st AFL game than we are giving him, amidst our disgust & grief.

And of the more seasoned players, I really admired Barty for the effort he put in all day. He was the one player, leadership group or not, that I thought carried a bit of Jimmy Stynes' spirit with him today.

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Todays was a pathetic performance but the reaction of some on here is almost as embarrassing. It was the first proper game with a completely different gameplan. Players who have not worked hard without the ball for 5 years are suddenly expected that it will come naturally to them. The figurehead of our great club dies one week before the first game and no one thinks that it would be a distraction. These are kids who live by routine and that is dropped on them.

I hope the coaching staff have more faith in their plans than some of the knee jerk reactions on here.

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What the [censored] is chippa doing trying to show his arse off behind grimes during the post match interview? Yeah, im sure some of you find it funny and will tell me to lighten up, but FFS, is it a joke to the players.

This is demonland at its finest. No, you shouldn't lighten up, you should get a grip. He wasn't showing his ass. He was in his underwear doing a warm-down after the game, are you completely ignoring the fact he was standing right with Dave Misson who was clearly directing him in some way?

my god you are just searching in every corner for a reason to get angry

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Ok. Just getting to watch it now (had to work). We were in it till half time, then stopped. I unlike nearly everyone else here am not too concerned by it. It has seriously been a massively emotionally draining week. To be brutally honest, my expectations were fire and brimstone for 10 minutes, the we would get poleaxed. I would be very surprised of any boys who had much left in the tank, especially the former skipper - was 97 his first year? ie. Jimmy's last year or was it 98 either way he has a big history with Jim, if it was me out there I know I wouldn't get anywhere near it and would be feeling as flat as a tack. People need to not underestimate how much would have gone from the tank this week - the will be better over the next few weeks

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