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The word on Brad Green

Maybe next year

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Policy....or a recommended "guideline" of sorts ? Carved in stone is it ?

Quite possibly the karma fairies spanked Brad big time. They remembered some of the quite unecessary positionings made by himself and certain other illustrious players ( now departed the club ) come previous contract times. Funny about all that. What goes around etc etc.

The CLUB had a sh!t year and Brad was part of that mailaise. Are some looking to punish him or are tehy serious about looking at things in a realisitc light.. Brad is far from a spent force ( if not quite as shiny as he once was ) . We dont have a lot of senior experienced players who can put in. No one ought to ever question his bravery or ability on the ground. Its only been his application thi spast year thats brought all this into question.

I once thought hed make a marvellous captian..Well we know better now. Without the full weight of expectation onhis shoulder he ought to return to some decent form. A good preseason will freshen him up. Wed be dumb dumb dumb , not to have him in our side for 2012.

A new captain will be appointed. Neeld will sit down with him and discuss what he ecpects of him and how he is very much a part of this club.. Brad will respond.

As to the idea of i year, only one year and go get effed anyone suggesting otherwise . Well thats just a little bit low -iq. Again I suggest the more profitable way foro all concerned is to provide invcentive. A one year with a one uyear kicker triggered providing certain kpi's are attained and we all win. An in form Green is a very handy bloke on a footy field ( so is an inform Sylvia and in form Davey but I digress)

Some of you guys need to get your thinking bits out of your arse back on your shoulders....seriously.

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As to the idea of i year, only one year and go get effed anyone suggesting otherwise . Well thats just a little bit low -iq. Again I suggest the more profitable way foro all concerned is to provide invcentive. A one year with a one uyear kicker triggered providing certain kpi's are attained and we all win. An in form Green is a very handy bloke on a footy field ( so is an inform Sylvia and in form Davey but I digress)

Couldnt agree more and once again it is about negotiation - I look at the Bruce situation - one year or get effed - No problem. I would look at a fit and firing ( and captaincy free) Green in a different light and like the idea of incentives to trigger a second year.

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And his 2010 form was terrific. What if he plays like that in 12 ?? A good decision then ? Yes.

011 was without doubt annus horribilus for Greene. Unlikely his pride or ego would allow a repeat. But the Capataincy ought to be passed on to another who will do a better job, of captaining.

There is a difference between form and capability, especially when the form is in the past.

Brad looks like Junior in 2009. In 2008 Junior looked great, his form was great. Game over 12 months later.

I watched Green live in Adelaide ( and 19 other games). He cannot run to GET to the ball on a lead any more. Every time the backs were on his hammer, and a spoil invariably resulted.

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Perhaps this has been mentioned already, but Jack Grimes' leadership award at the B & F raises questions about the on-field brigade, esp. the captain. Having said that, Green has been courageous with the Dees, often having to punch way above his weight. Is there a better contested pack-marker on our forward line? Not at present.

Edited by bush demon
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Perhaps this has been mentioned already, but Jack Grimes' leadership award at the B & F raises questions about the on-field brigade, esp. the captain. Having said that, Green has been courageous with the Dees, often having to punch way above his weight. Is there a better contested pack-marker on our forward line? Not at present.

Spot on bd. He still managed to kick 31 goals in a poor year.

Not sure we have another 31 goal kicker amongst our forwards ready to step up and takes his place.

Also do not think he was helped much this year with poor delivery.

I would hate to see him lost at this point!

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Green will start next year as a 31 year old so for mine a 1 year deal is appropriate.

He was poor this year but in that he was not on his own.

In theory with better decision making by players kicking inisde F50 and with hopefully vastly improved forward structures and leading patterns a strong marking medium fwd like Green will hopefully benefit.

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I agree with many here, I don't think it's about not wanting him at the club

No, if he performs in 2012, we sign him for another year.

If he doesn't, we don't.

Fairly straightforward.

It is as straight forward as that, and I think that is a fair statment.

If nothing else it's a good way to keep a player honest. Worst case scenario is we don't have a guy who may be passed it taking experience away from a rookie.

It's not about charity it's about being smart with your list management. Many of you want us to stop being "weak" yet you want us to throw out contracts based on time served and loyalty. Wake up!

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It's not about charity it's about being smart with your list management. Many of you want us to stop being "weak" yet you want us to throw out contracts based on time served and loyalty. Wake up!

It is NOT about time served and loyalty... it is about ability and the fact that Green has put in many years of above average performance and has had a bad year that could well be put down to the added weight of captaincy, he deserves his contract.

It amazes me that people jump on Green for a poor season (and this is not directed at you SMcF), yet extol the virtues of players like Grimes and how they deserve the captaincy, yet.... can someone please remind me just how many games is it that Grimes has played over the past couple of seasons? Leadership, maybe, but captaincy?

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I'm talking about anything in excess of 1 year at this stage, because putting aside last years aberration he is still needed given his experience- but what if next year he loses an extra yard of pace, or a bit of his leap- or worse, gets injured- and everything is exacerbated when you are older hence the 1 year contract for over 30's policy.

It's just playing it safe for us, whilst still being fair and reasonable to the player.

I don't see what Grimes has to do with this, but I agree- he may have leadership qualities but if you're never on the park it's useless.

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It is NOT about time served and loyalty... it is about ability and the fact that Green has put in many years of above average performance and has had a bad year that could well be put down to the added weight of captaincy, he deserves his contract.

It amazes me that people jump on Green for a poor season (and this is not directed at you SMcF), yet extol the virtues of players like Grimes and how they deserve the captaincy, yet.... can someone please remind me just how many games is it that Grimes has played over the past couple of seasons? Leadership, maybe, but captaincy?

And he has a record of injuries,

32 games in 4 years is an average of 8 per year he would want to put in a couple of 20 game years

before I would be considering him for any more than a player.

To be a leader first you have to be on the park.

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I'm talking about anything in excess of 1 year at this stage...

Fair points, but I still believe that if it is necessary to offer two years to stop him from walking, then I believe it should be done. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that if Brad were to walk, he would be snapped up by any number of clubs and offered a minimum of two years; and there is equally no doubt in my mind that if he were told to walk, this would have major repurcussions on morale at the player level.

I don't see what Grimes has to do with this, but I agree- he may have leadership qualities but if you're never on the park it's useless.

The reason I cited the Grimes case, was to highlight the double standards that tend to be applied with regularity on these forums; a captain has one bad season and is no longer considered useful, while a player who is yet to prove his usefulness due to never being on the park, is being considered captaincy material.

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I think he's talking about Grimes :-)

Thanks hardtack I was talking about Grimes.

Green has played 241 over 12 years that is an average of 20 / season.

I live for the day Grimes has that average.

There would not be too many players in any team with a better average.

Especially when you consider most of his years we have not played finals football.

Edited by old dee
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And he has a record of injuries,

32 games in 4 years is an average of 8 per year he would want to put in a couple of 20 game years

before I would be considering him for any more than a player.

To be a leader first you have to be on the park.

Some what helps doesnt it :unsure:

I rate Grimes but unless he can be nursed to better health and fitness hes a list clogger. Thats reality. Be a damn shame.

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The key is that some think he has just suffered poor form, while others think he is past it.

I think he is well past it, and that soon it will be obvious to everyone that he is ready for retirement.

It's not simply a form problem - his body and his game style are not up to it anymore.

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I think he's talking about Grimes :-)

LOL I think your right..

It's a tricky one- If you don't give him 2, he walks (like Bruce) and at the same time if we give him 2 because of that threat well in a way he has held us to ransom. I also believe a player has every right to have his own best interests at heart, but a bit of give and take is needed- if you play well you get another year. Same outcome, we just give him a bit of incentive to earn that extra year. The player should back themselves and trust that they can live up to their potential.

And has anyone ever actually said don't renew Green's contract? I thought the main issue was whether to offer him 1 or 2, not none.

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LOL I think your right..

It's a tricky one- If you don't give him 2, he walks (like Bruce) and at the same time if we give him 2 because of that threat well in a way he has held us to ransom. I also believe a player has every right to have his own best interests at heart, but a bit of give and take is needed- if you play well you get another year. Same outcome, we just give him a bit of incentive to earn that extra year. The player should back themselves and trust that they can live up to their potential.

And has anyone ever actually said don't renew Green's contract? I thought the main issue was whether to offer him 1 or 2, not none.

I agree however look at the comment before yours.

Some are!

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Can anyone on here confirm either way whether Brad was at the B & F on Friday night? Unheard of that captain of the club would not be present unless there was a personal reason and someone would have given his apologies, surely. ????

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And has anyone ever actually said don't renew Green's contract? I thought the main issue was whether to offer him 1 or 2, not none.

You are of course correct... however, the bit that sticks in my craw (craw, NOT craw!) is the fact that some posters are saying that they are happy to see him walk if he can't accept one year; to me that is no different to saying offer him "none". Sure, they should offer him one, but if he doesn't accept then they should consider either upping his income with a clear set of KPIs for a further extension or offering two years. If we lose anymore experience from this club, then new coach or no new coach, we are going to be pushing "it" up a very steep incline for some time to come! There is no way he would ever be a list clogger.

This idea of him holding the club to ransom doesn't cut it with me... he would simply be asking for what he truly believes he is worth (and I believe he is probably worth it as well),

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George , i reckon he stil can be a very effective player. . Hes not one plagues by injuries hes just laden down with a job he cant do. Hes in a sense trying to do too much and accomplishing nothing. Pare thatrole back to just decent hard at it 'sensible " footy and I genuinely feel he has at least a year lefft in him. But heres a player whos had the upper hand come last two times at the table and in some ways wasnt that shy with letting the club know it. The tables are turned now.

We dont have a lot of good footy minds of the slightly older persausion running around at the moment and whilst hes able to produce a decent enough game Id keep him; not at all costs but given a reasonable look at what he brings to our game.

Id be preapred to look at his track record and consider his "captains year' just a diabolical aberation for the time being. A 1 x 1 I should have though good value to both parties. But if he cant see that its really his only sensible choice then hes always free to ply his trade on the free market..

Not if the body cannot stand up and I agree with George's viewpoint.It is up to Green and the club to sort this out but..he can be sure he'll have an unbelievably hard pre season to get through.And I feel he should definately gove up the captaincy straight away.

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You are of course correct... however, the bit that sticks in my craw (craw, NOT craw!) is the fact that some posters are saying that they are happy to see him walk if he can't accept one year; to me that is no different to saying offer him "none". Sure, they should offer him one, but if he doesn't accept then they should consider either upping his income with a clear set of KPIs for a further extension or offering two years. If we lose anymore experience from this club, then new coach or no new coach, we are going to be pushing "it" up a very steep incline for some time to come! There is no way he would ever be a list clogger.

This idea of him holding the club to ransom doesn't cut it with me... he would simply be asking for what he truly believes he is worth (and I believe he is probably worth it as well),

I don't see it as offering him none.

If Green decides to walk, that is his decision to make.

To me, offerin him 2 years is highly likely to equate to giving him a spot on the list for at least a year when he is not good enough, or capable of holding down a spot in the 22.

In essence, hurting the club just because he has played for us for a decade.

Losing Green's experience wouldn't hurt the club.

So far it has offered us nothing.

In 2013 he would be the epitome of a list clogger.

Is his perception is different then I wouldn't be surprised.

He also seems to think he's cut out for a media career.

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To be a leader first you have to be on the park.

I know what you are saying - that a captain has to play the majority of games, or not be given the captaincy unless they are expected to play the vast majority of games.

However, it is telling that Grimes gets injured and wins the Leadership award.

I could juxtapose that with our currnet captain who, a couple of years ago, wasn't elected to the LG because he was injured in the preseason.

I didn't think that was an excuse then and I still don't. Leadership can be shown in other ways and if it means you become basically another assistant coach - you become another assistant coach.

I am sorry, but I would have Grimes captain before I would consider Brad again.

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