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dean bailey love

sylvias dukes

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He's had the job for two years where he's basically been rebuilding from the ground up. We seemed impressed with him when he hired him and there must have been a reason for it. Give him some time. Next year the real stuff starts.

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Am I the only person who is sceptical about Dean Bailey. He has a terrible, terrible coaching record and all he seems to do is want to plan for the future. Personally I don’t think his the right man. An obscure selection that no one had ever heard of, but would love to be proven wrong

Exactly what did you expect for him given the crap he inherited? As Maric Legend said the real evaluation begins next year when wins become a higher priority, development is still the key but we must be going into every game with the hunger to win. This year the club openly admitted that winning was not the priority, we were trying players in weird positions and giving games to kids over players that might've been in better form.

I've like what i've seen so far, and i think he has the ability to get us to the last day in September and eventually the flag, but whether or not that happens........

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Are you kidding?

Give the man a chance next year to show us what he can really do, without the less than 4 wins axe hanging over his head.

I honestly think he is the best choice for our club right now. He's done what he's been tasked to do so far, let's see where he takes us next year (dependent on injuries, of course).

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Guest melbman

When I first heard DB speak I was impressed and thought we would be right back up the ladder again, after all we'd been in the finals on and off for some 20 ish years

I now see the folly of my assumptions, the playing list was old and past their prime and a good portion of the recruiting had been short term stop gap players with insufficient investment into the future, we are now living in that future and it can be uncomfortable for the most part

The questions are:

How long does it take to build a great team from scratch?

what game plan should they play?

What were DB's goals? Did he achieve them?

If DB's goal was to draft the most exciting young prospects in the land then he is succeeding IMO

If DB's goal was to clear out the list of club favourites and sacred cows to allow room for the above then he HAS succeeded IMO

If DB's goal was to educate players and develop their skill then I see a goodly amount of evidence there

As for the game plan, draft the best players in the land and develop a game plan to suit their strengths, untill the players mature they don't yet have fully developed strengths hence the game plan not fully developed

I admit that from a winning games perspective DB doesn't have the runs on the board but was that his primary goal to begin with?

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Bails promised us one thing at his first press conference, at the end of his 3 year contract he'd have the list in better shape than he found it. I have no doubt that at the end of this coming season he will have acheived that by a considerable margin.

Next year is another development year but unlike this year we'll be playing to win. I don't expect us to be seriously threatening for a flag until the kids we draft in November are at least 20, so 2012 onwards. Our real prime with this group coming through will be 2014-2020.

Whether or not Bails turns out to be the man to lead our rise up the ladder to ultimate success is irrelevant at this point. We have plenty of time for that. But make no mistake,if we win a flag in the next decade it'll be largely due to the hard work he is doing know.

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When I first heard DB speak I was impressed and thought we would be right back up the ladder again, after all we'd been in the finals on and off for some 20 ish years

I now see the folly of my assumptions, the playing list was old and past their prime and a good portion of the recruiting had been short term stop gap players with insufficient investment into the future, we are now living in that future and it can be uncomfortable for the most part

The questions are:

How long does it take to build a great team from scratch?

what game plan should they play?

What were DB's goals? Did he achieve them?

If DB's goal was to draft the most exciting young prospects in the land then he is succeeding IMO

If DB's goal was to clear out the list of club favourites and sacred cows to allow room for the above then he HAS succeeded IMO

If DB's goal was to educate players and develop their skill then I see a goodly amount of evidence there

As for the game plan, draft the best players in the land and develop a game plan to suit their strengths, untill the players mature they don't yet have fully developed strengths hence the game plan not fully developed

I admit that from a winning games perspective DB doesn't have the runs on the board but was that his primary goal to begin with?

Very well said. Just have a look at the exciment around the club at the moment, DB is pointing this club in the right direction for mine

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The list will have been turned over by more than 50% in two years. I believe that has never been done before by any club.

When we all argue who should go that means that there are no obvious people to delist. Unlike the list he inherited, our current list goes all the way to the last player on it, as we have seen late in the season. Even the bottom end players can play AFL to some degree. Even some of our rookies coped well enough at senior level.

No need to regurgitate the names of the exciting players we have added, we all know them. In the coming seasons the rest of the AFL will get to know them as well.

Late in the season with half our list unavailable we still won some games and had to " experiment" to ensure draft picks, as the actual style of football being played was good enough to nearly win, despite the circumstances.

How would we go with a full list, including the class players that are about to be added? Much better I believe. Next year we will see a very competitive side that will get better in the coming seasons and hopefully challenge for a flag soon.

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The list will have been turned over by more than 50% in two years. I believe that has never been done before by any club.

A coach that has won 2 spoons in row and has kept his job I believe that has never been done before.

I've never been a Bailey fan but there is one thing I can't write about him is that he doesn't make the tough decisions. The Johnstone and McLean trade deals were not exactly popular and arguably White and Robbo's form wasn't that bad that they couldn't have gone on for another year but he made the decision and time will tell if they were the right decisions at least he put the club first ahead of himself that's something Riley wouldn't do.

There are 2 things Bailey has to do and they are to hold on to Davey we can't afford a player of that quality go.

Secondly we must get out of the bottom 4. Our last 3 years of improvement have been far too painfully slow for us not to expect this and that means we must win between 7 to 8 games. Anyone who thinks that winning more games next year is not important are kidding themselves finishing on or near the bottom from now on gives us nothing we must improve.

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Anyone who thinks that winning more games next year is not important are kidding themselves finishing on or near the bottom from now on gives us nothing we must improve.

I agree with everything else you said.

But this last statement looks like a jibe at those that think like I do - that development of Watts, Scully, Trengove, Blease, Strauss, Jetta, Bennell, Maric, Grimes, Morton, Spencer, Jurrah, and Petterd is more important than winning games in 2010.

If pumping 16+ games into Watts, Scully, Trengove, Blease, and Maric means we lose 3 or 4 extra games then so be it.

We should be building toward our flag window, and it will need the development of the above players. Development that needs to happen in 2010.

Does that mean I think we will win only 4 games? Of course not.

But if this development of players means winning 7 games instead of 10 or 11, I would still do it.

I would sacrifice more wins to build that Premiership team.

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I think the magnitude of what this club is trying to achieve is eluding some.

The club is rolling the dice. No longer interested in mere comeptiveness, finals appearances or even grand final appearances. Despite some people suggesting that mediocrity is being accepted the opposite is true.

It is about premierships and premierships only.

This club is no longer wanting to just survive it wants to thrive. Get on board.

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Well so far he has "won" back-to-back wooden spoons for the Demons.

Lets hope we have a few more wins next year and we see some genuine improvement.

Otherwise, many Demons supporters (especially my Dad) will be calling for him to not have his contract extended.

Nevertheless, I will give Dean Bailey the benefit of the doubt.

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I agree with everything else you said.

But this last statement looks like a jibe at those that think like I do - that development of Watts, Scully, Trengove, Blease, Strauss, Jetta, Bennell, Maric, Grimes, Morton, Spencer, Jurrah, and Petterd is more important than winning games in 2010.

I would that next year it is as equaly important to win games as it is to develop the while this year it was all about development. We have to turn these kids into winners and with the the kids that you mentioned with the possible exception of Blease, Strauss and Maric the rest are either in our best 22 or very close so most of these kids will get games into them wether we start winning or not.

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But this last statement looks like a jibe at those that think like I do - that development of Watts, Scully, Trengove, Blease, Strauss, Jetta, Bennell, Maric, Grimes, Morton, Spencer, Jurrah, and Petterd is more important than winning games in 2010.

I would sacrifice more wins to build that Premiership team.

I would that next year it is as equaly important to win games as it is to develop the while this year it was all about development. We have to turn these kids into winners and with the the kids that you mentioned with the possible exception of Blease, Strauss and Maric the rest are either in our best 22 or very close so most of these kids will get games into them wether we start winning or not.

You would think that winning, or at least getting a hell of a lot closer to it will come with more experience in our youngsters.....

So on this I think you are both right. It is important to get that experience into those kids that were listed and hopefully this will lead to a building of success over the next season and beyond, but we also want these kids to learn how to win and that comes from being able to do so, and the confidence and skill of that comes from this steep learning curve.

At the end of the day we have to be better, and the kids have to be given time, although those two probably go hand in hand, but in the end we have to win more, not a lot but more. But there is still a lot to learn about anf for these kids and what they can do, but hopefully we will see the beginnings of and be well on our way to building a Premiership winning team.

I hope that made some sense given I am talking in circles, but so is the process to some degree :rolleyes: !!!

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Guest melbman

Remember that the foundations of all mighty of constructions are initially unrewarding, all noise and commotion with nothing visible to hang ones hat on

May our foundations be laid wide and deep amongst much earnest endeavor


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Difficult to see where he's put a foot wrong to date. The big factor is that he's prepared to do it the hard way, the full rebuild from the bottom up. Certain other clubs have avoided this, preferring to take shortcuts.

I think the magnitude of what this club is trying to achieve is eluding some.

Shortcuts such as:

* Recruiting a big name or two to make up for the deficiencies of the rest of the team of NQR players.

* Boosting one part of the team - for example, building a spectacular midfield - while leaving other parts of the team not up to standard.

* Drilling players like automatons in a particular game plan until it becomes second nature (this is a particularly seductive shortcut, because the team looks fantastic against poor opposition, but when other teams work out how to counter the drill, it's a big problem).

DB's aim is to build the whole team at the same time, so that all parts of it are strong. Our improvement will come about because all parts of the team will improve at the same time. That means that we might not see much in terms of results until all (or nearly all) the pieces are in place. And there is even a chance that it might get derailed at some stage in the long process.

But as others have said, we are not looking for 8th place, or even 2nd place, to be the peak of our rise; the aim is premierships. The shortcuts may be a better way to get to 9th place or 7th place or 4th place, but we need to be more patient.

The improvement may take longer, but once it starts, it will be more entrenched and more reliable. I can understand some wanting to see earlier improvement, but that's the wrong way to go. As rpfc keeps saying, at this stage it's the development that's important, not results. If we do the development right, the results will take care of themselves.

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Am I the only person who is sceptical about Dean Bailey. He has a terrible, terrible coaching record and all he seems to do is want to plan for the future. Personally I don’t think his the right man. An obscure selection that no one had ever heard of, but would love to be proven wrong

Tell us 'dukes', with the object of building the rabble that was the Melbourne footy team 24 months ago into a viable premiership contender in the next 5 years, what would you have done differently to Bails??

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Sooner or later the footy public will jump on him if he doesn't start winning games. I think if next year is a disaster again, he'll be able to stave them off, but that will mean 2011 will be a big pressure year.

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Am I the only person who is sceptical about Dean Bailey. He has a terrible, terrible coaching record and all he seems to do is want to plan for the future. Personally I don’t think his the right man. An obscure selection that no one had ever heard of, but would love to be proven wrong

Another stupid post by a first time poster,surprise,surprise!!!

DB is the only coach in VFL/AFL history where in his first 2 years of coaching,he isn't allowed to win more than 4 games each year.Had we not had to tank this year we would have won at least 7 games.The FD had the choice of winning 7 games and getting wins and confidence into this young list or win 4 and tank the rest and receive picks 1 & 2.In our dire financial position and hanging on by a thread to survive and with GC17 and WS18 coming in,we had to take pick 1 & 2,and DB has achieved this goal.

In 2 years,DB has turned over 16 of Danihers team and made the decision to trade TJ and Brock (i believe Brock was told he was going to be put on the trade table,had a think,then called his old midfield coach in Brett Ratten to see if there was any interest.Brock said 3 weeks ago that he can't wait to start preseason with the Dees and deliver his best year next year WITH US.)

We are in a total rebuild and DB will only retain 4-6 of Danihers best 22.This rebuild must be done correctly because if we try and rise up the ladder with an average list,we will only reach 9-10th and be stuck for years without being able to get early draft picks.Hawthorn and Richmond were rebuilding at the same time and Hawks did it properly with a full clean out of Graham,Hay,Chick,made the right draft decisions in Roughead @ 2 and Buddy @ 5 and went from bottom to top in 4 years.Richmond under Wallace went the "top up only" route and picked up Deledio,Tambling,Meyer,Pattison,Polo and topped up with recycled Brown,Kingsley,Mcmahon and Cousins.

The Tigers won 11 games in their first season under Wallace but only one win was against a top 8 team,Freo were 8th.The next year they won 10 games and again against bottom 8 teams.The bottom line is they rose up the ladder with an average at best list,couldn't break the 8 and bottomed out again.We must get this rebuild right and tough decisions have been made on TJ and Brock and delisting Carroll,Holland,Pickett,White,Yze,Ward,Wheatley,Whelan,Robbo,Godfrey and Brown and Neita retired.

As well as winning only 4 games,DB has developed our young group and is introducing versatility into this list by playing Morton,Grimes,Bennel in 3-4 different positions and creating a new position for Davey off Half Back which has given Davey his best and most consistent year yet.He has re-constructed the back 6,has a totally new midfield to work with with Scully,Trengove,Blease,Strauss,Grimes,Jones,Junior,Beamer with others rotating through there.The forward line is coming together with Watts,Jurrah,Wonna,Bate and Sylvia having his best year at the club this year and Frawley had a very good year and took some big scalps.

I believe DB has us moving in the right direction and for the first time in his coaching career next year,he can try and win as many games as possible.I'm hoping for 7+ wins next year (we would have won 7 this year without tanking,so this is achievable next year) and 10 + wins in 2011.

The FD stated this week that we will be looking at 4-6 years which means 80-100 games of experience into our young list.We've waited this long,a little more patience is required.

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