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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/07/24 in all areas

  1. So, there’s simply NO TRUTH WHATSOEVER to the rumours about Clarrie. I talked to Chocco then Selwyn (they were there a while before the players came out) starting each convo with, “I understand if you can’t talk about this…” but they each said they had no problem talking about it because there’s no substance to any of it. And you reckon we go to town on these so-called journos? Chocco in particular had some choice words for them. 😁 Then I saw Clarrie coming over from AAMI. I met him halfway and we walked arm in arm to the tent coz ranga mum n son type dealio. 😄 I said “Claz I’m not gonna ask you where you’ll be next year, I just wanna tell you how very much we all love you, regardless. Honestly, us fans just want you to be happy, and healthy, mentally as well as physically.” He simply said, “I’m not going anywhere.” Just like that. I said, “I didn’t ask you that but now that you’ve said it unprompted I’m thinking it must be true.” He said, “It is true. I’m staying with Melbourne… if they’ll have me.” I said.”That’s good because all that cr@p I said before about us loving you regardless… I was lying. If you leave Melbourne, you’re dead to us.” 🤪 Anyways then I talked to Perty and he was even more emphatic about it than the others. He said there’s not much for “these people” to write about currently so they’re running with a “non-story.” Long convo but that’s it in a nutshell. After the session when most everyone had gone Clarrie was sitting in the tent changing shoes. I told him I had asked Perty if Melbourne still want him and he laughed and wanted to know what Perty said. I told him “Perty said ‘That lazy [censored]-er? We’re trying to get rid of him’.” 😂 Good times
    33 points
  2. Trac was on Nova this morning and will be back at the club tomorrow on light running duties. He wont be playing this year as he will be on non contact duties until October.
    19 points
  3. You really are cranky, aren't you? - and that is putting it as kindly as I can. You say $200k as if it is a fortune. It isn't. They have to live their entire lives around football, in their diet, activities, social life, everything. There is often charitable work involved. They go on to the football field and literally risk their lives - ask Trac. They get baked from pillar to post and it is a rare player who doesn't have a"niggle" ie constant minor pain. Which in turn becomes a wrecked knee/shoulder/whatever in later life. Their sporting life is limited to usually no more than a decade. $200k is reasonable pay but not generous. And no, it is NOT right that there should be such vitriol.
    18 points
  4. If it was just reading that they’re playing poorly I’m sure they wouldn’t be so affected. It’s the straight up bagging. This isn’t me lecturing people on it, this is directly from someone who is offended. These are kids ffs.
    18 points
  5. Big difference between getting stuck into a player based on their form, or something they did badly in a game. Totally different story to call players useless, weak, gutless, a cultural cancer etc etc We all are guilty of getting emotional about the club, myself included, and I am no saint, but some of the utter [censored] that gets written about our players not just here but everywhere online, is downright embarrassing. Just look at the post Melbourne made about Petty's re-signing. Some of the comments made about him were awful. I always try to think to myself if this player was my child, or my husband, would I be ok to read what I write about them?
    16 points
  6. Melksham on radio this morning revealed that Gawn has a fitness test today. Also said Sparrow plays a defensive and team role but also needs to play with more freedom without just focusing on his team role, which is why he’s been dropped. Sounds 100% spot on to me.
    16 points
  7. Love this. Well done Kolt. I think next up is Judd McVee on a 10 to 15 year contract extension please. Thanks Tim.
    15 points
  8. Do they? As WCW said, they’re kids. Maybe the ‘adults’ on here, most of whom are decades older than these boys, with years of apparent experience and wisdom, could ease up on the ridiculous critical bagging they hand out to these very young men, who are ALL trying to survive in a massively taxing, ultra-competitive sport.
    14 points
  9. You got this Melbourne, let's go boys!!! Hey Riv, you probably get this a lot, but my daughter thinks you're hot.
    14 points
  10. It also doesn't matter how much you earn, nobody deserves to be personally attacked for doing their job. You never ever know what anyone is going through in their personal lives, or how what is said about them by faceless individuals online may impact them. I have been around this forum for 2 decades. I still remember fans calling Trac fat, lazy, useless, and wanting him traded as a waste of pick 2. A lot of morons around with an over inflated sense of entitlement and intelligence online.
    13 points
  11. They reported on the midweek tackle that Ed Langdon has re-signed pending announcement
    12 points
  12. Bloody Tim Lamb, re-signing all our youngsters. What a disgrace.
    12 points
  13. He trained very well. Moved beautifully. No sign of any lingering issue with his foot/shin. Was in incredibly high spirits, as was everyone, well, nearly everyone. I made sure to film lots of Max action and will post the vids when I’m back home and my phone will have more than 12% 😭
    12 points
  14. The usual: I’m here, I’ll take vids, I hope other DL-ers are here, my hands are numb, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera 😃
    11 points
  15. Oh dear, not very resilient of you in the reply, did you actually take it personally, tsk tsk. Note on Demonland, when I used to able to attend training, before COVID [censored] all over my job, both Goody and Greg Stafford were patrolling Gosch's looking for a particular poster to have 'words', I know because they asked me if I knew who it was.
    11 points
  16. Huge apologies, these are pretty substandard. At times I was filming when I thought I wasn’t and wasn’t when I thought I was. The sun was in my eyes the entire time and I had a couple of my teenage girls, aka my “footy daughters” talking all the while. Hashtag Kev, come back asap!!! https://streamable.com/ny6hod https://streamable.com/4sxzhb https://streamable.com/0j3knk https://streamable.com/szfawg https://streamable.com/gc3t90 https://streamable.com/76ap7j https://streamable.com/c02yyb https://streamable.com/grilvg https://streamable.com/enph42 LOL Max calls George Jorge 😂… https://streamable.com/gfpv7h And Tmac is really turning back the hands of time… 😂 edit: probs not a lot of Maxy footage so please take my word for it: he trained exactly as he always does… no problems whatsoever.
    11 points
  17. Remember the "He'll just want to go back to WA" panic when we drafted him? I do.
    11 points
  18. He's a mate of mine and is nothing like Sam McClure. He is a genuienly good journo who always triple checks his info and doesn't make outlandish claims
    11 points
  19. Ken lives on. Good times for everyone who enjoys Port forever doing nothing when it matters.
    10 points
  20. Again, to bag definition: to criticize or laugh at someone or something in an unkind way Most posters on here will be disappointed if Melbourne lose, and they express it, but there is a small majority that need to bag the players, why, who knows, perhaps it makes them feel better, which as another poster has succinctly put, it says more about them than the players
    10 points
  21. Is that what has made you the perpetually happy, positive and optimistic person you are today?
    10 points
  22. Sam Frost gets a game with us today does he? I will call May and tell him he can retire now because FROSTBALL is back.
    9 points
  23. You just said in another thread that the only way forward for us is draft picks and kids. So locking away a 19 year old (2 year extension, not 4, btw) who’s had a taste for it and clearly vibes well with the club doesn’t fit that strategy?
    9 points
  24. And that useless Simon Goodwin who players love to play under.
    9 points
  25. Tim Lamb haters close your thread 3 young guns here for the long haul
    9 points
  26. Vids to come. Had awesome chats with Clarrie. And with a few others and it was the best session I’ve ever been to as a result of what I was told. But the last interaction I had has left me rattled tbh. It was a conversation with one of our seconds players. Not gonna mention his name because it really doesn’t matter since what he said goes for ‘a few of the boys’ to use his words. The convo: Me: Hey _______! Him: Hey WCW! (hugs) Me: You’re goin’ great guns! Him: Says you. You’re my biggest fan (laughs) Me: Nah, not just me. Him: OK, besides you, who else? Certainly not Melbourne fans. Me: Of course Melbourne fans…everyone in the Demon Army for starters Him: (scowls) Ugh, the Demon Army, what would they know? Me: (shocked) Why do you say that? Him: Wait, did you say “the Demon Army”? Me: (sad) Yes Him: Oh nah, I love you guys, you guys are effing awesome, we all love the Demon Army…. Him: I thought you said Demonland. 😳 Me: You read Demonland? Him: Yeah a few of us boys do. I shouldn’t though, they talk a lot of sch!t about me. Some of the stuff we’ve read (shakes his head) Anyways, the conversation continued mainly with me telling him not to pay any mind to the people who bag him since they’re likely the minority and he’s got the love and support of the majority of Dees fans, etc. So yeah, now we know for sure that some of our boys read our posts. Not oppo boys, OUR BOYS.
    9 points
  27. Kynan weighs all of 65kgs and is just on our list. He’s way too raw to be playing in a must win game against a battle hardened team like GWS. He’s a year or 2 away if he’s good enough to keep improving. Racking up tackles in a VFL slogfest is a great effort but it doesn’t make him AFL ready. The FD are doing their job.
    9 points
  28. Karma for the "liar on the line" last year against us. It was a goal.
    8 points
  29. I know it is much better for us for the Blues to win, but I can't barrack for them. I just can't. Their insufferable supporters are in full voice tonight, Cripps is a great player but is throwing it AGAIN, and the crowd noise is definitely influencing the umpires. Can't wait for the Olympic coverage to get into full swing ...
    8 points
  30. Best thing about this game umpire 22 is umpiring, and we won't get him tomorrow night
    8 points
  31. Some of your best work WCW! If we had poster of the year on here you’d be a shoe-in
    8 points
  32. The word resilience came up and my ears pricked up. If you want to know about resilience then got to the podcasts the "The Imperfects" Hugh which Van Cuylenberg and a mad Demon tragic supporter Ryan Shelton produce. It is episode 22, and they ineterview Max Gawn. Ryan is starstruck in the presence of Gawn but gee it is a great listen. One theme relates to some Vandenberg bought up and that is how they speak to each team mate which in his opinion wasn't always professional. Team building, respect and togetherness under duress is resilience. Would you abuse your trade, solicitor, doctor or accountant or write bad reviews and post them online. No you would get sued. Read the book "The Red Fox" and see how Norm Smith got the best out of his group. He would belittle them, deride them just as Barassi did as a coach. That style of coaching is dead. Clubs and coaches are much better people managers these days. I can say no more...
    8 points
  33. 'Frustrated supporters' need to grow the f' up and get a grip on their emotions if they want to be taken seriously by their community. Finding emotional stability can be tough but that's just how it is so they need to learn to deal with it or find something else to do. One of my pet hates is when people act like jerks and then insist that it is normal so everyone else isn't allowed to complain. It sits right next to 'If I didn't do it, someone else would' in my list of people to drop in the ocean. Also Guillermo del Toro for describing the early Avengers movies as 'cultural genocide' just because Pacific Rim flopped when competing against them. Yeah, it's a long list, but also a big ocean.
    8 points
  34. Carlton off a 5 day break. Port off a 7 day break. What a joke. Lucky I hate Carlton. Shame I also hate Port.
    7 points
  35. He looks likely to have a very good AFL career. Power, very very good basic skills, and loves the physical stuff. I'm not a huge fan of his posturing and trash talking but love his confidence so I accept them all as a single package. His game awareness and positioning has improved out of sight over this season and I see him in the midfield long term. To have him and other younger players re-signing shows how much they want to hang around. Goodwin might be a boring media performer, but the players clearly love playing for him.
    7 points
  36. "When they deserve it". Sounds like the language of a bully.
    7 points
  37. Bowey, AMW, Windsor, Kolt, Kozzy. If anything, we've net added pace.
    7 points
  38. Good for you, you’d have to be proud of yourself. Hard, tough, resilient, perfectly thick-skinned of course, and brilliant at heaping pointless, unnecessary s### on any player, whom you don’t know, and never will hopefully, of being whatever type of no-good you want us all - AND THE PLAYERS - to read about. Here’s the thing Cranky. Your bagging of players isn’t really about them, it’s about you.
    7 points
  39. First off a big thanks for your Attendance WCW and great feedback it is very informative, reassuring and a bit concerning as well. I love that you have excellent interaction with players and FD, etc, it is nice to get that type of information in your reports. We all want our team and FD to do well and be happy in their environment some just can’t hide their anger or hurt when things go pear shaped. Love that Clayton stories are fabricated nonsense. Looking forward to the videos.👍💕
    7 points
  40. Congratulations Koltyn Tholstrup and MFC, love what Lamb has done over the last couple of weeks - Daniel Disco Turner, Harry Swingman Harrison, Caleb Jet Windsor and now Koltyn Kolt Tholstrup. That is such great news, I really rate this kid, actually all of them but this one in particular. Just need to re-sign The Judd McVee long term and get Mr Ed Langdon on board. Do your stuff Tim Lamb.
    7 points
  41. The Mousepack is steadily signing up for roughly the remaining careers of Gawn, Petracca, Oliver, Viney, May, Lever, etc., etc. - I reckon recognising how valuable that will be to them, both in the moment and for their futures. And then, hopefully, they will become the group their successors want to sign on to continue to play with!
    7 points
  42. Yeah pretty sure I’d take a player who is rated the second best kick in the entire comp over a bloke who can get 30 but who butchers every possession I thought people have been crying out for us to improve our kicking skills? Now we target someone who would improve us massively in that regard and we shouldn’t ask the question?
    7 points
  43. If Houston has made his intentions clear that he wants out, this will become a distraction for Port Adelaide and they should 100% trade him and offer up their first pick to the MFC to get him off their books whilst continuing to pay a large portion of his salary.
    7 points
  44. A first year player should thank his lucky stars for any senior game time and put his head down like he is doing. He is a skinny kid. His time will come. but feel free to continue to Goody shafting nonsense
    7 points
  45. Sheitful choice again. I’d like to see the cash go to an Aussie band every year. Its a uniquely Australian game and the GF showcases our culture only to be fkd up by the touring clapped out acts these Admin dorks choose. Should be a hot Australian act and a legendary act. Sniffers/ Chisels on the same ticket would be killer. Kate Peri FFS what a bland, lame, washed, middle of the road slapper. Next they’ll dig up Madonna. Shame- and it will be a failure- guaranteed.
    6 points
  46. We're picking severely out-of-form players on sentimental value now? Has been horrid most weeks at Casey. Hope not!
    6 points
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