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About MrFreeze

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    Petracca, Gawn, Bowey, ANB

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  1. Baggers really missed TDK. But they were very sloppy, showed some very poor decision making and kicking, even when not under pressure. Horne-Francis is also a freak, he is so fast for a big midfielder.
  2. Tim Lamb haters close your thread 3 young guns here for the long haul
  3. Hope Laurie cracks hard on the defensive end and spends some time at centre bounce. He has never really had a chance to play mid in the firsts, usually stuck in the HF graveyard shift. He is a great tackler and can be clean in traffic.
  4. Increasing access to NGA picks in combination with the proposed reduction to 'points' for picks after the 2nd or 3rd round is a sensible change. It forces clubs to give up real currency to acquire these picks while still getting a sensible discount and priority preference.
  5. I think this is good news since we have a young tall in our NGA set to be drafted in the next couple years, name escapes me though
  6. TMAC, his running ability means he matches up well with mobile talls.
  7. Love that we are matching teams for youth while carrying premiership experience in the side too
  8. Our boys may run Draper off his legs. Don't think he has great work rate or fitness and may fade late into this game, especially if we are rotating several players through the ruck.
  9. Don't mind it. If we had a pure ruck, we would struggle to find room for Melk, JVR, Petty and Disco. By including Petty we can rotate one of the big 3 in the ruck while keeping our forward structure similar to last week. This ensures we include our most talented and competitive players. Fullarton and Verrel are project picks, neither are ready.
  10. Don't see how Verral has the tank to compete for a full game at AFL level. Draper is a big lad and will surely bully him around the ground, does not offer much as a contested mark either. Unsure why we recruited Fullarton if not for these moments.
  11. It was absolutely an accident, he clumsily clipped somebody high when they were sliding into get a ground ball
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