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  1. I am told he has not ruled out playing AFL next year, and if he does he is a delisted free agent and will nominate Melbourne. I am told he is not considering playing for any other team. Don't get excited this is still a long shot.
    10 points
  2. Pedersen's transformation wasn't even just between last year and this; he looked hopeless as recently as about round 3. He was working hard by all reports, but just wasn't impacting games and definitely wasn't the dependable one grab player he has become. Now that he's found a bit of belief, he's become a whole different beast. I wonder how much Dawes' leading by example has made. I had this thought in the game where Dawes and Pedersen both laid a truckload of tackles (vs Adelaide perhaps?), Pedersen seemed to have upped the ante on the pressure stakes once Dawes rejoined the side. That he was able to continue it with Dawes out was a big positive.
    7 points
  3. Elliot is a freak, will probably stand on Dunn's head at some stage. Too bad Howe will be standing on Elliot's head at the same moment with the ball clinched to his chest.
    6 points
  4. Have you seen the size of him Biff? The only thing you could beat him at is Scrabble, and even Enyaw could do that.
    6 points
  5. I just shake my head when I think that some of the clubs that beat us early on are so bad now.
    6 points
  6. We get an article that offers some real insight in to what a player goes through when they get the chop, and this is your contribution. We all know where Bennell was at when he went. Not too many of us would have done much differently had we been in charge of the list. He also was unfortunate enough to be part of arguably the worst coached side of all time. He has gone on to establish a decent career at a solid club.You are dead set the worst poster on this site at the moment, and that's amongst some stiff competition. Grow up, mate.
    6 points
  7. Sign him up! Oh, right. Props to Pedo. According to Gerard Whateley, the most improved player in the AFL this season. Whoda thunk it.
    5 points
  8. Mods - Can this thread be locked. The sensitive nature of Mitch's illness and retirement should be respected, as the media have done, and while it is a valid question much of the speculation on here is unhelpful.
    5 points
  9. That would be horrible
    5 points
  10. Hate the build-up? Well, I guess that's your bad luck. You think Geelong and Hawthorn supporters don't get pumped for Easter Monday? Or Anzac Day for Pies and Dons? Dreamtime etc Outside of finals, these are the premier fixtures of the draw. Why you wouldn't want to retain it, and get a fair and equitable draw thrown in for good measure, is beyond me. That's what the good sides demand and get.
    5 points
  11. I hate the build up for this game. Cannot stand it. We all rah-rah and then some Collingwood nuffie says 'they'll be up for this; it's their Grand Final.' Like we play in a different effing league! Well, not anymore. It's just another game, another chance to improve, another chance to get a win. I would gladly throw this game to whoever if we had a fair and equitable draw. So I hope the Bandwagoners see a good show - we need them to jump on board. But it's just another game to me. The Grand Final is our Grand Final.
    5 points
  12. Was interesting he said he at times looks like he is not going hard enough, and the reason is he is stuffed so last couple weeks roosy is giving him more breaks he used to only get to bench once or twice now he is getting 6 or 7 breaks
    4 points
  13. I think Dunn made the transition last year to a dependable defender and has got better in a better team. Jetta is finally getting an injury free run at it and good luck to him. He has apparently always had a great attitude but has been set back every season by injuries. But Pedo, yes he is a revelation. All power to Roos, he is extracting the most from these former battlers.
    4 points
  14. Another moronic decision, what's the point of rewarding players that pulverize an opposition composed entirely of witches hats? Says nothing about a player's actual talent. Comparatively, JKH turned on a blinder against Adelaide in Adelaide, and Salem was superb in a close loss to the impenetrable ladder leaders. Those are the games where genuine talent shines through, when youth stand up and defy the odds against better teams. Constantly nominating players that, surprise surprise, play well against shithouse opponents is like giving someone a Quill Award because their only competition in the category is Damien Barrett. Stupid, pathetic, useless, irrelevant, cursed, pointless award anyway! /rant over
    4 points
  15. N.Jones - consistent all day Grimes - errors but effort Salem - next rising star Watts - gaining some momentum Toumpas - great footy smarts Viney - always first in Frawley - Provided a target Tyson - scary 24 gamer Dunn - outstanding all game Cross - great stopping performance Garland - reliable and safe Pedersen - continued fine year Vince - playing his role Kennedy- Harris - tried too much McDonald - brave and steady Gawn - had little impact Howe - a few cameos Jamar - lionhearted as always Bail - solid half forward M.Jones - provided good run Terlich - brave and solid Jetta - most improved player?
    4 points
  16. I've noticed a few comments about people being sick of selling games and questioning why we play in the NT. If every person who says they support Melbourne actually did support them by putting their hand in their pocket to buy a membership we'd have a healthy bank balance which would eliminate the need to sell games interstate and we'd have a very strong voice within the AFL.
    4 points
  17. Best Thread. Loved Roosy in the Media Conference getting stuck in to the unnamed recruiter!
    4 points
  18. I'm just happy to be enjoying watching Melbourne play again, I have belief in this club again.
    4 points
  19. I said at the start of the season they are flat track bullies and many (Wyl you were one) sneered at me they have no midfield depth and don't like the hard stuff, champions of the game like Glass & Cox are done and I love it hate them more than any sporting club in the world
    4 points
  20. wonder if we will see a STRETCH VINEY LOVETT centreline
    4 points
  21. The best thing about Dom Tyson's hair is that it is attached to Dom Tyson.
    4 points
  22. He used to have better hair, disappointing really. I love goal kicking midfielders that contest the ball, lay a tackle 55 metres out, rip the ball from the victims hands, stand up and kick a 55 metre goal off a step and a half.
    4 points
  23. Im sure Roos is seeing the mistakes too, and will be trying to coach it out of him, his positives out weigh his negatives,
    4 points
  24. 4 points
  25. You make that sound like it's a bad thing.
    3 points
  26. I'll wade in... I would have to say the transformation of Pedo, Dunn and Jetta is nothing short of extraordinary!! Gee they are playing so very bloody well! All credit to the belief Roosy has instilled, and the mentality and presence of mind to know they can be very good AFL footballers Team effort, well done!!
    3 points
  27. Are people really crying about a 3:20 start time? Sometimes I can't tell if we're living in 2014 or the 50s. The game will be finished by 6pm. What's the problem?
    3 points
  28. Unavailable for the Pies; Maxwell, Sinclair, Lynch, Brown, Sidebottom. and some question marks over Swan and Grundy. Not sure ablout Reid, could he come back? - Regardless of if Grundy plays, we should dominate the ruck. - Cloke has been out of form (soft 2nd half goals on the weekend aside) - they'll miss maxwell / Reid/ Brown. Dawes, Chip and Pedo should cause problems - everyone talks about the PIe's depth but they are already playing a lot of kids so a couple more will stretch them I reckon if we bring the high intensity game and our midfield fires, we will win this. I'm way too fired up with 7 days to go til the game!!
    3 points
  29. In all the excitement Jack Viney is slipping under the Radar, along with Nathan Jones.
    3 points
  30. I actually spoke to an acquaintance from the company that worked on the logo, shortly before release. I thought she was acting a bit funny based on the fact I was so interested in a boring football club logo. When I spoke to her again not too long after, it was clear it was one of those graphic design client briefs where the designer wants to bang their head against a wall repeatedly. She was embarrassed by the eventual outcome. I can see why people don't like it, and I agree that it is too busy, especially if you fancy yourself as a design guru. I also think it works in a lot of ways. The key is that it can work a lot better. I'm all for change, as long as its an improvement.
    3 points
  31. One thing I love about Nev is that he is as tough as anyone on our list, and he is happy to just play his role, doesn't need personal glory, he really is the ideal player in a lot of ways for a paul roos game syle
    3 points
  32. Lets get over trying to blame individuals for the loss, i think Robbie Flower showed the right attitude in his interview the other day when he was asked about Jimmy giving away the 15m penalty that resulted in Hawthorn winning that infamous final in the 80's. Flower said that he and others missed easy shots and wasted opportunities that would have put them further ahead so Jimmy's infraction would not have lost us the game. Individually Grimes did not give away 4 goals through errors, neither did Dunn or McDonald or Terlich. The team lost no point blaming individuals. While we lost I am seriously impressed with what Roos has been able to do with this team in so short a time, after our first up loss against St Kilda and then the beating at the hands of the Eagles there was a lot of worry that Roos had bitten off far more than he could chew. But since then the team has continued to improve. Yes a few wins probably got away from us but the team seems to be improving every week which is pretty impressive given so many new players and a totally new game plan for everyone to learn. As I have said before this year is about turning the ship around to be competitive and put in the basics, at the end of the year we will be loosing a few more of our beloved team members as Roos and co go shopping to add to our list. Hopefully our resurgence this year will make us an attractive destination for better quality players to the demons and set us up for a great 2015 and beyond
    3 points
  33. you have done it again, painting your opinion as fact and superior to others based on not a lot really. his initial comment was "Provided we keep on improving, IMO if he hasn't signed by our next bye he is gone I reckon." hardly an outrageous opinion to have and just that, an opinion. you clearly disagree, so I invite you to explain why it's a pointless and stupid opinion to have?
    3 points
  34. There was an interesting analysis on the Sunday Footy Show where they gushed over Roos' spectacular ability to adjust his gameplan to suit the needs of the opponent. We did what very few other teams could against Port; we restricted their run. It's all about the gameplan and Roos. Very few coaching groups have the level of knowledge that PR's team do, and the way it's being implemented is fairly spectacular. I'm not sure a lot of other teams have the same resources or the depth of knowledge to tinker with their gameplan every week to suit the needs of their opponent. I never thought we'd be in a situation after only ten games where any game for the second half of the year was winnable, even with only 3 wins to our name. But make no mistake, we can pinch any game and knock over any opponent from here on, and the players believe it too.
    3 points
  35. I think we can't always have it both ways. On the one hand we criticize when our players "don't take the game on" but on the other we complain when they get caught. My only criticism of JKH was a couple of times he could have given off a hand pass to other players streaming down field when he kicked it backwards into defence, but otherwise sound I thought. He was also asked to play down back on their smalls on occasions-rather strange I would have thought but no doubt Roos had his reasons.
    3 points
  36. I'm with you mate on this one. Living in Perth it was unbearable when there was only the Weagles. They just dominated the sporting pages. I even barrack for Collingwood when the play West Coast. That's the ONLY TIME mind you!
    3 points
  37. I think the fact our progress is so tangible and promising, while the likes of Geelong and Hawthorn suddenly seem shaky (moreso the former), will get Chip over the line to stay with us (unless he's thinking of moving interstate). Our list, right now, shows more potential than any other Victorian team outside the top 8. Carlton, Richmond, Saints, Bulldogs and Essendon all look thoroughly average or downright awful this year, and all 5 have glaring KPP shortages. Three are starting a rebuild this year or next, one is underperforming, and the Bombers have an uncertain future. As for the successful Victorian teams in the top 8, Geelong and Hawthorn have aging lists, and I don't think he'd go to North or Collingwood. In other positive news, Victorian players in other states trying to get home will be reaching a similar conclusion when weighing up their options; we're the most attractive destination in the bottom 8.
    3 points
  38. I guess the best thing to come out of all this is that we now know we don't have to finish last to build a side, we now have people in place to pick good talent all the way through the draft and others in place to develop them. Dom would have been a good player even in our old system but now he will be an A grade player because of our excellent coaching panel.
    3 points
  39. i think you'll find Ice is more "in vogue" currently.
    3 points
  40. Eight goals in his last six games. I love goal kicking midfielders. I particularly love goal kicking midfielders who do more of their work on the inside but have the polish on the outside to finish. I love them even more when they're still young, inexperienced and have great hair.
    3 points
  41. Very negative comments this week Joeboy. If I didn't know the result I would have thought we lost by 110 points.
    3 points
  42. Out: Our Grand Final In: Just another H&A game where we try to suffocate our opposition to prove we are a real side, and come away with four points. I would love to hear Nathan Jones or Chris Dawes say words to this effect during the week, and nip that noxious crap in the bud before it begins. I can already hear the Collingwood supporters, players and coaches belittling us now and making excuses, and it hasn't even started yet.
    3 points
  43. We've got one of the best taggers in the game but no-one has woken up to him yet because he doesn't use the usual tagger tactics he just puts his body in a gets the ball ahead of his opponent. Daniel Cross is having a great season.
    3 points
  44. I've never understood this attitude. How about, "never hit anyone"?
    3 points
  45. Except for Rawlings, all the assistant coaches got the boot or left. Roos brought a coaching team with him, thats for sure
    2 points
  46. I've watched a bit of Rohan and nothing I've seen has convinced me he's a huge talent. I'm yet to see him play one dominant or near dominant game; he's got all the kudos in the world on here but there's no evidence he's any good. He's played 31 games with an average disposal of 8.6 and 2.4 marks and .8 goals a game, I just can't see what the fuss is.
    2 points
  47. We have been complaining about getting 4:40pm sunday twilight games and the media are like " oh its Melbourne what do you expect". Has been going on for years. Bet you won't hear a song and dance about he number today though...
    2 points
  48. Coaches create Game Plans and Game Plans create predictability so players know what to do, where to kick to, where to run to etc. If they don't understand and/or believe in the Game Plan the team doesn't work and they look second rate. Last year I was told that Howey had lost confidence because there was no way of knowing where or how the ball was going to be delivered into the forward line. So he would gut run doing leads and they were ignored. No one knew what they were doing so their confidence collapsed. A player told me that playing this year is a lot easier physically than last year because the team has been taught the Game Plan to the level that they all know where to run to etc. He said it is a lot less taxing to run to a spot and actually have the ball kicked there whereas last year they were running to spots all over and the ball wasn't kicked there so then they had to gut run somewhere else all game. That is coaching, that is why players who didn't look like AFL players are beginning to look like AFL players. Thank you Roosy.
    2 points
  49. Why bother with coaches at all if it's up to the players to pull the trigger? Ask any of the players if they're trying any harder than they were last year. Leadership and mentorship from experienced people who know what they are talking about is critical in any team activity, none more so than football. I'd say the opposite to what you said is true: good players only get you so far, and you need the best coaches to enable them to reach their full potential.
    2 points
  50. I don't think Cheney is playing a bad game at all. got to admire his persistence and willingness to fill in when required and go back to the 2s uncomplaining. Wish others with more talent had such commitment and lack of ego.
    2 points
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