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  1. The Caroline Wilson saga appears to be drawing to its ugly conclusion and after a torrid seven month investigation it appears that the Australian Journalists’ Association will treat the Chief Football Writer of ‘The Age’ leniently. Whilst the actual charges have been the subject of wild speculation, it is believed Wilson has been handed a ‘please explain’ from the AJA regarding her failure to, “report and interpret honestly” and her perceived reliance on providing her readers with “distorted emphasis”. Most alarmingly for Wilson was the potential for the AJA to charge her under sub-section 18 of the Code of Ethics that alludes to the importance of “respecting all persons’ right to a fair trial.” Wilson’s persecution of the Melbourne Football Club throughout 2012 and 2013 was viewed by many as a sensationalist witch hunt. At best, Wilson has abused her lofty position at the once great flagship of Australian Sports journalism, ‘The Age’ by masquerading fanciful, unsubstantiated conjecture as fact. At worst, history will judge her as the chief perpetrator of horrific crimes against the code of journalism ethics in this country. It is understood that Wilson may have to serve a small suspension from her duties at The Age, but disturbingly her face will still be seen on television. Age Insiders have spoken of a growing discontent amongst staff regarding the policies and procedures The Chief Football Writer has enforced upon her underlings. Wilson conducts many of her ‘informal’ staff meetings around the office water cooler. Sources close to the water cooler have revealed that great pressure was placed on junior and cadet journalists to deliberately sensationalize articles and invent a series of un-named sources in a bid to sell more newspapers and increase their dwindling online readership. The Wilson saga first reached the headlines when former Age journalist, Andrew Rule jumped ship to crosstown rivals, The Herald Sun. Demonland understands that Rule took exception to the ‘sell newspapers at all costs’ mantra that emanated from the Football Department. “Blind Freddie could see what was going on”, he mused. “Making money was too great a carrot and journalistic standards were an inevitable victim”. Rule feels strongly that the AJA should throw the book at Wilson. “She’s the Chief Football Writer. The buck stops with her. She’s brought sports journalism into disrepute. The AJA needs to make a statement. Wilson must go.” Wilson sympathizer, Dwayne Russell, predictably defended the once respected journalist. “It’s not Caroline’s fault. She’s purely a product of the industry. Modern footy journalism demands results and Caroline simply manipulated the code to her advantage”. It’s understood Wilson, who has failed to return Demonland calls, feels victimized by the attention she has received. In a rare interview granted in January, Wilson exclaimed, “Have you seen the fanciful crap Robbo gets away with at the HUN? Have you ever listened to the torrent of [censored] that flows from Greg Denham’s mouth?” Whilst Wilson may be correct when she points the finger at others for their dubious journalistic standards, it is clear that she took the sensationalism to a whole new level. Greg Hywood, Fairfax Media Chief Executive, has been consistent in his stance that sensationalism in football journalism simply doesn’t exist. “We’re in the news breaking and news reporting business. We don’t just make stuff up and we don’t sensationalize”. Hywood was adamant, however, that if charges of lying, bias or sensationalism were founded, heads would roll. Respected ‘Sportsnewsfirst’ writer, Kim Hagdorn said it would be a sad day for his industry if Wilson was to be made a scapegoat. “She’s been a massive role-model for me. She’s a maverick. She was the first footy journo to really blur the lines between fact and fiction. Her influence on the next generation of football journos should never be underestimated”. If as expected, Wilson receives a watered downed punishment, the world of football journalism will be the real losers. An opportunity existed for those who claim to have the best interests of the industry at their heart to make a statement. A line in the sand could have been drawn where the industry said enough is enough but instead a red rag has been waved in the faces of the bulls within every newspaper’s football department. Carte blanche has been given to footy journalists throughout Australia to continue to dine out on a culture of deliberate falsehoods, blatant exaggeration, dubious source-driven innuendo and opinionative drivel.
    23 points
  2. Just received a small parcel in the mail. Apparently I won an Online competition run by Opel. My price is a Signed Melbourne Football Jumper. So to The Melbourne Football club and Opel a great big heart felt thank you. Hope this is a sign of a good year ahead.
    15 points
  3. I stand corrected Ben, Wilson is consistent, consistently pathetic. I am sure you agree that her vendetta against us has seen no balance in her articles?I am still struggling with all of this, as my info is that there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever of the MFC actually tanking in the report. No one has said we actually tanked. Even McLean recanted his ambiguous statement that started it all. I repeat that the strongest thing coming out of the report, on my info, is the so called "vault" statement of Connolly, whcih Bailey has said was a joke and which he totally ignored. Bailey's Solicitor said he denied tanking and will contest any finding that he did. It has been suggested in the media, that the statements that have been made, have apparently led to complaints from some of those making them, that they were recorded inaccurately and done under coercion and intimidation. Given that the vault statement is a private in house statement, how does it bring the game into disrepute without the 7 month investigation that is leaked to the media before it is even shown to the alleged culprit? The rule is unclear and ambiguous, as to "perform on your merits" and tanking is not defined other than the CEO's definition of instructing players to lose, which didn't happen. Other clubs despite more initial evidence than McLean's statement, are not being investigated, suggesting either an approval of what was done or an unwillingness to take on stronger clubs. In other words "Bias" is being shown in the administration of the competition. If the above is true, no wonder the MFC don't want to settle and its lawyers want to litigate if it is charged. BTW. Jason McGrath a former Lions player, today said he sold drugs to Lions players and assisted them with match fixing and spot fixing, several years ago. Do you think that will be investigated, considering it involves serious matters, against a beloved interstate club of the AFL?
    8 points
  4. The result of the AJA investigation into Wilson is coming out tomorrow Wednesday Friday Next week March April May 2013
    8 points
  5. Bob, not sure how you manage people you sack or let go. They will always be upset. I note ex Richmond Coach Terry Wallace admitted tanking, was he badly managed by the Tigers? Fevola and Libba said the Blues tanked, did the Blues badly manage that? Reimers put the Bombers in did the Bombers badly manage that? Jesse McGrath of the Lions put them in today for match fixing and drug use. Did the Lions badly manage that? BTW do you think the Lions will cop a 7 month investigation on the back of a former player saying they match fixed , spot fixed and bought drugs off him. Bet your life the AFL will find a way to ignore it. Caro says if the Blues had a vault meeting and were guilty they should also be investigated. Do you see anything unusual in her treatment of them compared to us? "If they were guilty" and "vault meeting" which only came to light as a result of the 7 month inquiry. I just see us as a patsy. Yes we have done things poorly, but to be fair so have others, but again we take the blame, us alone. I can see why so many of our supporters have a victim mentality.
    7 points
  6. But were they trying to lose? There is a difference between winning not being a top priority and wanting to lose.
    6 points
  7. It is interesting that when CC and CS were for the sack according to Wilson, at that stage without any proof of anything at all, no one except some of us at Demonland stood up for the unfairness of her report. However when poster boy Hird is suggested may be sacked so many media types are jumping to his defence, raising all sorts of reasons why he should stay, including lets wait for the findings. Pity that standard doesn't apply to our people.
    6 points
  8. Why advocate accepting mooted penalties when there are no specifics on what the charges are. What is the club charged with to earn a half-million dollar fine? What is CC charged with? What is DB charged with? Does anyone really know? Strange process when the penalties are accepted before the charges are known.
    6 points
  9. Many years ago I decided I didn't like my backyard and decided to completely re do it, well a month or so down the track I thought to myself "why in God's name did you decide to do this". I finished up having to get a landscaper in and it cost me an absolute fortune. I decided at that time never to go in to any major project until I'd completely thought it through. I wonder if the AFL are thinking than now? (and i don't mean my backyard)
    5 points
  10. I agree. I like watching up close at Casey and having a stubby. You can't beat it. We should get a demonland marquee happening. Have some beers and anyone with some differences on here can sort it out on the field for half time entertainment.
    5 points
  11. Well another day draws to a close with no result. We are rapidly approaching 8 months. What a farse. If we are hit with $500k head to the courts boys what do we have to lose. If they want to crucify us then lets go down fighting. Please no more of the weakling getting sand kicked in its face. I want to support a club that fights hard and gives no quarter
    5 points
  12. I've just listened to Caro and Waitley and it's quite different to the views I've read on here. Everybody here is worried about the garnish but the real crux of the matter is not that we tanked which is widely accepted but firstly that the club allowed it to be openly discussed at the time meaning that many many people knew it was a club policy clearly articulated (generally accepted here) but coupled with this allowed the FD and administration to become so divided that the disaffected people who felt so mistreated by the divisions and power plays were prepared to talk extensively and were motivated by revenge against those still at the club. It was a failure of management. If we'd managed the process OR managed the people we'd be home free. But we didn't do either. That's the crux of it. I think the discussion on Offsiders was right on the money.
    5 points
  13. While the club probably didn't handle some dismissals very well in the transition from the Bailey era to that of Neeld, we really need to know who it was that lagged on us before apportioning blame on the club. I've heard that at least one of those mentioned in despatches as a witness hostile to the club not only had an axe to grind but wasn't particularly popular and was described by another staff member as a "real p***k". You can draw your own inferences.
    4 points
  14. Just been listening to Finey on SEN rip into both Caroline Wilson and Patrick Smith for their journalistic "style" in constantly demanding for resignations etc. He just finished a 20 minute rant. It was brilliant.
    4 points
  15. "Every man and his dog" thought that the witches in Salam were guilty......Doesn't mean they were right.....
    4 points
  16. But would it be the right thing to do? We talk about the lack of a strong culture at Melbourne and yet you advocate hanging one of our own out to dry. Not for me. I don't want to hear economic rationalism. This is our football club. Give me something to be proud of at the end of this.
    4 points
  17. "No reason to get excited," the thief, he kindly spoke, "There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke. But you and I, we've been through that, and this is not our fate, So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late." All along the watchtower, princes kept the view While all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too. Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl, Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl.
    4 points
  18. No it doesn't lessen our guilt. But why accept it and whatever we 'deserve' when it is patently discriminatory. To make the world fairer, it is necessary for those who have been treated badly to complain. Just sucking it up won't improve things, either for themselves or the world. I wrote an analogy a while back about 2 cafe owners, one who covers the footpath with tables without council permission and is ignored by the authorities, and starts to take customers away from the other cafe. But when the owner of the other cafe does the same, perhaps being more blatant by advertising he was about to do it, he gets clobbered 4 years later for infringing the council rules. I asked readers, as the owner of the second cafe, how they would react. I haven't heard anyone say that as owner of the second cafe they'd be content with the result. While it is true that some posters are hairy-chested about taking on the AFL regardless of any risks, there are also some who seem to take unjustified pride in being able to 'take their punishment like a man'.
    4 points
  19. Despite Wilson's assurances that the outcome of the tanking fiasco would be known by Friday and her revelations of the details of that outcome, it's Sunday morning and we're none the wiser. Wilson has done this to death and continues to dig a hole for her sagging reputation as a journalist, so the Age has enlisted a ghost to keep things simmering. It's an old newspaper ploy and poor old Jake Niall drew the short straw so he put this piece together (which tells us nothing new) - Dee great escape The most interesting thing about the article in the link is the message at the top: "FOREVER CURIOUS" with the Age banner underneath. Trouble is, if you're an Age reader and are curious as to the nuts and bolts of the potential charges the Melbourne Football Club is facing, then you are being kept completely in the dark by Wilson and her friends. Back on Wednesday, she conceded that the Demons, who have engaged former Federal Court judge Ray Finkelstein to lead their defence, consider they have a very good case and that "perhaps in legal terms they are correct" (but they still should be punished even if legally innocent). This makes her conclusions about Melbourne's so-called (and supposed) light punishment which has yet to be officially announced so nonsensical that it beggars belief. It also leads to the question why has there been no analysis in the Age (or anywhere else in the media) of the elements of the offences of which Melbourne, Cameron Schwab, Chris Connolly and Dean Bailey potentially stand accused? After all, if there are sanctions to be imposed, how are the charges to be concocted if the crime did "not exist according to Demetriou" and how do you prevent the ensuing Pandora's box from opening and swallowing up clubs like Carlton, Collingwood, West Coast, Richmond et al who presumably committed similar crimes in the past that previously never existed? Instead, we are told by the Age that of course, Melbourne is guilty and even if it is not, it must be punished. There is no arm, no hand and no law. The rival Sunday Sun takes an altogether different tack - Melbourne legal eagles ready for Demons' tanking fight. My take is that the matter will be resolved by consensus and very soon but only because it is in the interests of all parties to settle without incurring enormous legal costs and the other burdens associated with protracted litigation. The difficulty in finalising the terms lies with the way in which the terms of settlement are to be set out. In order to understand this, one needs to have shown more curiosity about the nature of the charges and have done so in the first place, instead of concentrating as the Age has done on the sensational aspects of questionable evidence like the vault story and poor jokes about Zulus and the like. Such things might sell newspapers but in the end they damage reputations.
    4 points
  20. So flogged that Tesco rejected it for its lasagne.
    3 points
  21. As was discussed when this all first started, from an evidence and therefore charging (fines and suspensions) point of view it needs to be proven that the motivation for moves were to deliberately lose, not just winning not being a top priority (Scott Watters NAB Cup). Maybe that evidence is in the 800-1000 page report, but that's the sticking point of this whole debate. I do think Melbourne wanted the Priority Pick, but I don't want to see the club punished for it if there isn't concrete evidence to prove this was the case.
    3 points
  22. And so it goes on. We can debate the level of Melbourne's debauchery in 2009 in comparison to other 'tankers' all we like, but whether you eat your vegetables pureed, with a knife and fork or with a sprinkling of garnish, you are still eating your vegetables. Personally, I don't care who did it worse, because I don't have a problem with tanking, list managing, or putting oneself in the best possible position for future success. It is an indisputable fact that three of the last seven premierships would not have been won without the aid of some level of tanking. All the AFL needs to say tomorrow is that they are taking investigations seriously by introducing a draft lottery system so that there is significantly less incentive to deliberately lose for cellar-dwellers at the end of a lost season.
    3 points
  23. I repeat - But would it be the right thing to do? We talk about the lack of a strong culture at Melbourne and yet you advocate hanging one of our own out to dry. Not for me. I don't want to hear economic rationalism. This is our football club. Give me something to be proud of at the end of this. I'm realistic enough to know that we probably can't escape without some sort of whack. However, I'll be really disappointed if we are seen to make scapegoats of our own people just to minimise the damage to our finances. Bugger that - fight it out and hold our heads high for once. Look after our own and stand united.
    3 points
  24. 3 points
  25. 3 points
  26. 3 points
  27. She may have been right, and now be wrong.
    3 points
  28. Sooooooo your first post was rhetorical?
    3 points
  29. MC has had the Lisfranc dislocation reduced with surgery, which then requires a period of non weight bearing to allow healing of the ruptured ligaments which support the joint. The critical thing with Lisfranc is that it occurs at the cornerstone of the arch of the foot, where the loading buck stops!, and must have ABSOLUTE structural integrity to allow full force weightbearing. Weight bearing forces through the arch are maximal when sprinting and jumping (including landing). When he has graduated to these activities, and patient graduation is the thing, then there is NO reason to protect the joint. It's up to the job. The great positive for MC is that he didn't fracture with the dislocation, which makes for a much better prognosis. As a bit of trivia, the name of the injury comes from the Napoleon's surgeon general, who observed a spate of these injuries in the cavalry. When soldiers were thrown from their nags, sometimes their feet would remain stirrup bound.........crunch!
    3 points
  30. I love these threads where I can skip ten whole pages and I don't miss anything. The same ol crud by the same ol people. I'm right your're wrong Hopefully we will all know in a day or two..... ...
    3 points
  31. Golly - North won 2 flags during the 90's when they whinged about 'everyone being against them'. More whinging here please if that is the result.
    2 points
  32. You are playing 'the victim' right now with this attitude.
    2 points
  33. I've just watched AFL Outsiders - and seen Wilson's latest effort to retain her credibility ..... " I've always expected a negotiated settlement" Rubbish - how about "CC and probably CS will go" But again - after throwing up in the air a penalty of $500k ( "possibly watered down") she made the extraordinary admission that she didn't know what the charges would be - "probably disrepute" !!! Hang on Caro , the charge comes first - then, if appropriate, the penalty. You don't decide on a penalty - and then look for a charge !!Would you accept a penalty when you don't even know what you are being charged with? Where's the evidence that Melbourne brought the game into disrepute? It would take a court 5 minutes to throw out that charge ................ no costly legal battle in that! Come on Caro - you're still missing the point!!. You really are such a stupid woman............
    2 points
  34. wouldn't count on gaddy....don't think he's up to it
    2 points
  35. its like a bus.....wait a while and another comes along. Still ends up in same place too
    2 points
  36. After much delving and studying of the various writings i can for all sum up the whole reasoning for why Melbourne alone should be singularly punished !!! It is best parlance avail to adequately convey all tones and sentiments.... COZ !!!!!
    2 points
  37. I'll fess up! Davey at nearly 30 years of age IMO is not going to be of much use to our club anymore. Simply does not work hard now and seems disinterested most of the time. I was his biggest fan but he (like Robbo) is way past his use by date. Unless there is a remarkable turnaround, you would think he is still here purely for a bit of experience!!!!!!! His effect on games has long gone, he is not realistically near being a best 22 pick. There are many young players now who would show him real pride in the jumper! Prove me wrong Flash.........please!
    2 points
  38. Hmm. Not sure if you were following the line, or perhaps I should say thrust, of the discussion re Kent. Or I'm a bit slow ... dry, firm surfaces anybody?
    2 points
  39. you'll have to wait and see still waiting. mixed signs so far.
    2 points
  40. Your ideals of our sport were lost a long time ago...... 8 months of investigation and no decision - disgraceful. Demetriou - head in the sand on too many issues. Deny deny deny. Monopolies do that and need good governance to be controlled. Sadly ours is pathetic, politically correct, morally bankrupt.
    2 points
  41. +20 (phaseII) The seige of Stalingrad continues The evil Hitlerites are among us Stand firm comrades for the Motherclub
    2 points
  42. I like what Rodan brings off the field. At one stage he and Dom Barry were on the side lines. Whatever Rodan was saying he was most emphatic pointing up the ground etc. For that reason alone he is a great get. He will assist the younger boys in their development and is what we needed years ago. To me he looks comfortable in that role.
    2 points
  43. Probably draft position. Toumpas was 22 places higher than Viney
    2 points
  44. No, I'm saying its way over the top now in the last 10 years or so. Since the game went Pro, & all the extra time put into it, the talent pool is thinner in creative players,,, & heavier in drones. robots, just training machines. There types are generallty less naturally talented than past era players, but more disciplined & workaholic like. the result is less creativity & spontanaity in the game. So it follows that the gane is defensive & choked up to support these types of players. The game is lesser for it.
    2 points
  45. Clint Bizzell at 11.30, what a star.
    2 points
  46. I find this whole situation very strange. Do all of you zero-tolerance zealots think a player should be sacked for having a beer? If not, why not? Alcohol is a drug, just as marijuana, MDMA and LSD are. Why does it receive special dispensation from your indignation? Because the US government couldn't stop gangsters from distributing it in the 1920's? It's a joke. Smoking a joint is not going to affect the performance of an AFL player any more than drinking a beer. The line between them is entirely arbitrary and impossible to logically justify. You want zero tolerance? You have to include alcohol, caffeine, ibuprofen, aspirin, and everything else. It's a morally untenable position.
    2 points
  47. Taken me a few days to share my observations of the practice match, as I've been trying to catch up on having taken the time to go to Casey Fields. Let me start by saying I was pleasantly surprised by the improvement in the complex since my last visit a year or so back. Roads andparking finished. A suburb of houses surrounding the 'fields', magnificent athletic track and reasonable ground. Whether the best decision to go their or not only time will tell but I congratulate the admin for this inititive. Re the game: I thought it was the best disciplined team orientated practice match I can remember seeing of the demons. Of course the pressure was not the same as a real match, but you have to be able to do it in practice if you hope to do it elsewhere. Despite still being a cynic of the collection of cast off players we have gone for, Byrne was a real winner, and benficiary of the team movement of ball into the forward line. He knew how to position himself / lead etc really well. I still wonder what the long term value is in a Geelong reject, but He will add value in the short term through the first half of the year. Rodin as theother two time reject showed the Rodin qualities and we will similarly enjoy his contribution for a while. To expect a consistently good year from him is over hopeful. No doubt Jack Viney is a beauty and will be even better than his father who took a long time to be really significant. Give Jack one or two years and he'll be having a great influence. Toumpas is not far behind. Moves well and as someone said silky skills, good brain and I am excited. I think he is a bit behind Jack at this stage but wonder if in fact he will turn out even better. All other mid fielders did their usual stuff but none stood out to me, Jones, Grimes, Sylvia were at runnjing at 80 percent, and I don't blame them and I'm not worried. Glad evans was out playing which was a win in itself. I puzzle over Jordie McKenzies staus in the club pecking order. Did his things which included a few miss kicks etc, but still committs the cardinal footballers sin, he constantly falls to his feet - a close checking scragger that in time will be surpassed by a team we build for further up the ladder. Jones is well worth keeping an eye on. I reckon he'll play at least half the season and may do even better. This is based not so much on the amount of the ball he got, but looks as though he has the attributes and with some casey games will surely be given a chance. He's ahead of couch in my opinion, although there was a player (no 47) who was doing some good stuff and only after the game I learnt it was couch. Better than I had seen of him before. Jamar ran at 75% pace and despite others opinions I thought Jake Spencer did reasonably well against him. Although I've never been a fan of his despite his clumsiness he does surprise me. I would have kept Martin as the backup. And that is his role. He is our backup knock ruck man at the moment. He has a good leep and will be as competative as any in the big mans wrestle. I think Cam Pederson and Jack Fitz are fighting oneanother for the second ruck and utility forward. Cam looked okay without shining and I think will be given first shot. But I expect it again the be just a matter of time before Jack Fitz passes him. Of the back line Chip looked good and along with Jack Watts are the play maker (quarterbacks - forgive me) Jack has finally made it physically. He looks like a supreme athlete. Not bulky but strapping athletic muscles. Yes one stranger standing next to me at one point stated he thought Jack was our best player (not on the day but in general) I would not have disagreed. If he hasn't got 'Sylvia-itis' this should be an excellent year and who knows in '14 and '15. Dunne payed a good solid game and I am surprised I think barring reports and injuries will play the year on the backline. But the better news from my point of view was the Kent played on him for much of the game and I thought remained competative, not bad for a new kid on the block. Tom Mc was again doing well and I think with a season behind him will be better for it becasue I have always believed his a a good mark. something that was limited last year as he established himself. I liked the look of Tom Gillies ( despite my Geelong fans staement we could have him) although he didn't do lots. I'll enjoy watching him closely to see if their is something worthwhile. I believe Straus-ie will play first game and maybe the rest of the season. I thought he was more competative. His running and kicking have never been questioned, but along with Nicho they should be our small running backs (nothing to do with the american football chess). Not many back line positions left, Col Garland , Joel MacD, Sellar will have to fight oneanother for the other positions. I assume Col Garland will be first choice but I'm concerned he has reached his peak. Injuries will give them all a chance. Blease will do better on the big stage. Tappy was okay and has a challenge to keep improving. Jetta will have to fight hard. I liked the look of Dom Barry moving around and will need time. Tynan di a number of good things and may surprise a lot of us. I think he might even be on the bench in the early part of the year. A fit Clarke, Dawes 2nd ruck, Byrne and the Tassie flyer should be the core of the forward line. So these boys will all be competing hard. But I've kept the best till last. I'M IN LOVE, YES HOGES THE HULK, just 17, and showing he could play at least competatively against some big well developed players was great. He moves well, knows how to play the game, can mark and kick. Who needs JB LF Pav, etc....we've got the Hulk. Yes I'm mature enough to keep the lid on it, but it is hard,,,,, by the way how's thank guy.....what's his name..doing at GWS..WHO cares...We've got the HULK
    2 points
  48. The AFL jumped in to this investigation boots and all, did they consider the consequences of our being found innocent of all charges, i doubt it. If the AFL have lost face and the only way they can restore it is to trump up a charge or two against us, stuff them, why should we help them? They should have had a wide ranging review of tanking, not just targeted what they considered the softest target. We shouldn't have to bear the consequence of their stupidity.
    2 points
  49. Thanks to everyone who posted their views on the inter club match. It's always great to read what others see and take away from training sessions etc. I have read through the entire thread, and would agree with just about everything written. I went down under my own steam, and found myself on the reality bus for the return trip home. If someone had asked for my thoughts on leaving I would have said 'uninspiring' (perhaps a little too harsh a word). From being able to attend a handful of training sessions, and knowing our fitness was much improved, I was now looking forward to see how they performed under some game pressure. For starters, as I got closer to the ground, the gentle breeze I left behind, had now turned into a strong wind, not ideal, add to it, it was hot, my expectations were lowered a little, add this together, it was going to be tough going out on the ground. First of all, what did we have? We have a team on the wrong end of the ladder, with approx 36 players divided into 2 teams. Both teams of even levels of skill and experience. All still learning new structures and add new team mates. What we got was a intense battle that never really reached great heights. Throw in, players were at times switching sides and that was unsettling I am sure for a few players. For a first full blown hitout, some things I noticed. Hogan is going to be a gun. He presents himself with leading and demanding the ball. Looks like an older traditional full forward from what I observed. He leads well, contests well. His kicking will improve as will all other aspects of his game. If he stays fit and healthy, Casey have great kid playing for them this year. That passage of play on the half forward line, on the boundary line, he worked his way out of a tight spot, to nail a 35 metre pass to Davey, who was a metre from goals, hit him smack on the chest. Blease as I stated in a training report pre Xmas, has stepped up a snotch or 2, with some consistent game time, I expect him to keep improving. He does need to find his own ball, but when he has it, IF Toumpas wants to 'light' up the wing on the MCG, Blease is going to light up the whole of the 'G". He was a bit in and out of the game, but so were many on the day. Rodan is going to be more than handy, his experience and nouse will cause some headaches for other teams, as well as being able to guide and bring others into the game. Gillies showed he can be more than handy, as did M Jones, Barry (but may need time to build up a bit more, and with experience with Casey should crack a few senior games), he showed some class in patches. As did Toumpas. Garland murdered Davey, out sprinted him to the ball, won the ball, and run away, left Davey struggling to regain his breath. I am not sure about Flash. Perhaps the All Star trip to Darwin, caught up with him today. He is borderline if he can get past 2013. No doubting his skills, his tank is under a question mark, or perhaps the body is telling him its nearly over. I hope not, I would love to see some of the old Flash back. Jamar and Spencer broke about even around the ground. Both were hardly sighted, Jamar took 1 great contested grab and apart from the hitouts. in his favour, didn't get into the game much. I hope Gawn doesnt suffer any more set backs, because our ruck stocks are a bit low (I am keeping on eye on J.Hannath, and will be taking an outside interest on his development. We sniped Clark and perhaps Hogan (ex W.A) so I guess Freo got one back on us.) Standouts (not in order) Viney, Byrnes, Blease, the Jones boys. and throw number of others into a hat. To sum up, two teams, under trying conditions, all trying to impress, made for a tight contest. Some really good signs, loved the white team on the outer wing, in one passage of play, they strung together a chain of handballs to running players that opened up the game. It was excellent ball movement by hand. As noted in previous posts, I only seen one hospital handball to a stationary player. Overall, I wasn't entirely convinced on our propects for the year. but its way too early to judge on one hitout. Some NAB Cup games, I hope we get further into that comp this year, as every game we play we will improve our game plan/structures, and the more they play together the better they will be. Some good things I came away with, but the 'lid is still on atm.
    2 points
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