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  1. FNQ Demon Report – Wednesday, 28 November 2012 Arrived at training about 0905 the ground support staff were setting up Gosch’s Paddock for a gruelling session; and gruelling it was. Dave Misson arrived with his team at about 0935 and they commenced the set-up of some different training areas designated by small coloured markers. The rehabilitation area was also set out at the same time. Coaches arrived at approximately 0945 and a couple of minutes later the players arrived. Jack Watts and Max Gawn headed the group chatting and laughing to themselves, Jack Viney the new recruits and Rodan all together talking and near the end were Mitch Clarke and Chris Dawes again talking to each other. Nathan Jones and Daniel Nicholson were very vocal in encouraging the boys to train hard and do it for each other. Missing – Jack Grimes, Jack Trengrove and Colin Sylvia. The team placed their bags down and went straight into warm-ups. All players were wearing all blue training tops and all others (new recruits and rehabilitation group) wore red and blue singlets. The team broke into two Groups: Group 1 – Modified programme. Mitch Clarke, Chris Dawes, Max Gawn, Michael Evans, Jesse Hogan, and Tom Gillies broke into some of their own stretching and walking around the oval. MN and Jesse Hogan walked a whole lap together talking and at the end JH looked pretty happy. JH was walking very slow deliberate laps. It looks like everyone is on an individual programme. They walk laps together, conduct individual stretches and break off to do their own thing and come back to do their walk around the oval. It is all under the guidance of Dave Misson's team and it is very structured, deliberate. I get the feeling there could be some sort of brief prior to training and each discussion is just to re-enforce points and conduct some minor tweaks. I spoke with one of the trainers and he said they were all coming along perfect and looking good to get back into the main group. I asked him (on behalf of all of us) to take it easy with Mitch and he did say Mitch would be a while off full training. I spoke at length to Mitch and he said he felt really good after Monday and all doctors and physio are telling him he is coming along really well and they are sticking with the programme and time lines for return. He said he will be back. Group 2 – All other players (including recruits) conducted a lap and then some stretching, another lap and more stretches. They also conducted some ball work (half pace) as part of the warm up. This was all conducted by Dave Misson. Very structured warm up and Dave Misson had them eating out his hand. Noticeable is the way the boys react to words of command. It was almost military like. No back chat, got straight into whatever was required; they look like a very disciplined team, Especially the backs. They look like a very tight group. After warm up’s they moved into tackling practice led by one of the Melbourne Storm tackling coaches. He was very vocal and pulled everyone up for grabbing around the chest during the tackle, he reminded them (in no uncertain terms) that was not the way he had taught them and they were to get down low and drive up with the legs through the chest area. WOW, did things change. Most notable – Luke Tapscott, James Magner, Colin Garland, Lynden Dunn, James Frawely. This was a very aggressive and positive session, all players encouraging each other. They then moved into a hand ball drill where you have three defenders and three attackers and you have to get the ball over the opposition line. This was fantastic to watch, lots of talking, encouragement and skills. Most Notable was “FLASH”, he was quick, elusive, skilled and putting on some hits (one especially against Frawley). The next drill was kicking drill in a triangle group to group; I was impressed because the ball hit the ground twice in the whole session – Best Kick, Jetta, Watts, T Mac, Davey, Garland. They then moved into some stoppage drills/clearance drills. This was run by Neil Craig. The boys split into FWD’s MID’s and BACK’s each wearing different coloured tops and then conducted the drills against each other whilst one group rested. It was quick, high intensity footy. There were coaches all over the ground with MN in the middle and they were very vocal barking instructions and getting the plan in place. This went for a while and was very intense. The game plan looked like it took the ball wide and then cut into a running CHF, FF. It also looked like the MID’s were doing a massive amount of running, because the alternate game plan looked like short, quick continuous footy. It was very quick and looked good (from my perspective) there were a couple of sprayed kicks but nothing too bad. Nearing the end of the session, Taggart and Watts had a slight clash; Taggart went to tackle Watts and slipped off him. Watts accidently heeled him in the face and Watts delivered a beautiful kick to Colin Garland and then pulled up lame. He was holding his ankle/back of calf area. He went off with the Physio, however returned for the some of the last (gruelling) session. He did leave earlier than everyone else and I spoke with him and he said it was nothing, he just didn’t continue because he was still getting over the illness and he did look tired. Most Notable – Jetta, he ran all day, chased, tackled, beautiful kick. He was impressive. The last session was punishment. FWDs MIDs & BACKs under the guidance of Misson. He punished them with various times jogging and then timed sprints. Notable – Nicholson, Jones, T Mac. Strauss copped it bad from MN and most of the other coaching staff. He was slower than FLASH. I also have to mention Sam Blease, although not the quickest he was putting in harder than anyone, it was a great effort. END of Training. I spoke with Aaron Davey who said he is feeling fantastic; his knees are the best they have ever been. The patch on his knee is due to a grass burn that has got infected. He admitted he is not as quick but feeling fantastic. Again, he trained really well. MN was taking with his constantly and his field position, kicking was excellent. The players continue to use him a lot. I spoke at length with Mark Neeld; he is very happy where the guys have come in 12 months. He said the recruits would join the main group in Darwin. The current training is putting down a base level of fitness prior to Xmas, and then they will really step it up. He is very happy with what was going on and the attitude of everyone. Overall a fantastic session. FNQ Demon
    26 points
  2. Hey everyone, I decided to stay in Melbourne a couple of days longer just to watch training to-day. The lady is not happy, she said “it was her or the Dees”; I'm going to miss her. Business partners not to happy. No respect “I say”. I will try to get as detailed a report as possible. I will also try and speak with some of the other players and see if Neeldy is up for a chat. Back soon. FNQ Demon
    24 points
  3. Good report. Lots of match simulation today. Emphasis on running hard, defending man-on-man, repeat efforts, and playing on. Last year we often stagnated and were caught flat footed, but today it was play on, spread, play on, spread, play on. When your team has the ball run hard, or create space and become an option, when your team loses the ball go man-on-man, or defend space. I thought the skill level for such a high intensity drill was pretty good. Earlier there were two separate groups in confined spaces doing "3 on 3" handball. The ball was tossed to an unsuspecting player who then had to evade, sidestep, handball, or make his way through tacklers. Viney was excellent at this. Before the final match simulation with the umpire there were 3 groups - green, white and blue. One group was off the ground and the other two ran simulations that went the length of the ground. The interchange was constantly used with players calling their teammates off after a brief spell. There would be at least a half dozen players lined up waiting to get back on at any one time. When a blue player came off he was immediately paired with another player where a coach would throw the ball from 5 feet and quick spoils would take place and then the players would swap. One trying to mark and the other spoil. They'd then line up to go back on. The players are constantly working on their games, even the small stuff. Everything is loud, professional and timed to the minute. Very little down time. Even their drink breaks are short and sharp. Toumpas, Terlich and Jones running the boundary at intervals, as mentioned by the first training report. I saw the big Kent on the other side of the oval, but he didn't take place with full lap running. My standout today was Jetta. He moved quickly, tackled well (ran down Viney at one stage plus another great take down), got involved regularly and hit targets. Late in the session he also cleaned up Nicholson who took a while to get up. Tapscott and Watts also got tangled late and both were proppy. Tapscott played on, but Watts finished up. He slighly rolled an ankle, but looked fine. It wouldn't stop him training on Friday I wouldn't have thought. He took the boot off but was walking OK afterwards if not slightly gingerly. Jones and Howe were good. Viney tries to do a little too much on occasions, but I already love the guy. Hannath moves well for a big guy, is built well even though he's still young and looks to have reasonable skills. Davey had a decent session. Looked lively. Magner trained well and at one stage took Byrnes down beautifully after a chase. It's only training, so I appreciate that there's not much to read into it, but having been to plenty of sessions over the years I'm buoyed by the atmosphere and quality of the various training drills. They already look far fitter, stronger and are running hard at pace. There were quite a few people there, so there should be more reports from different angles.
    21 points
  4. Good to see the devotion and committment from FNQ. I went down myself for the first look of the pre-season. I usually leave it until now, so that the majority of the new recruits are there. No doubt others will fill in with their observations but here are mine: * Davey looks to have had arthroscopy, with a small medical bandage on his left knee. He is still favouring it, which wouldn't be surprising if he has had the operation. He wasn't running freely or moving to that side, but kicking superbly with the left in subsequent exercises. * I have been to pre-season for many years and this is the FIRST time that our new recruits don't look like 17 year old stick insects. All of them are built solidly and have that upper body definition that comes from working out in the gym. The comparisons with the body shapes of Gysberts and Morton would be chalk and cheese. * Josh Tynan ran a lot of laps and a serious pace. But his body is simply enormous for one so young. I wish I looked like that at 19! * Rory Taggert was hard to pick out for a while, but has he grown as well! * Jack Viney is a bull at a gate with everything that he does. He hasn't got the body yet, but he simply charges and tries to break through or walk over anyone in his way. He simply reeks of attitude...... * Jake Spencer has been taught to jump. For the first time ever, I saw him jump off the ground to take a mark. When he does, no-one can get close to him. * Max Gawn ran laps and again is simply a monster! If we get him on the ground this coming season, a few opposition rucks/players are going to need a change of pants. * Didn't see Trengove, Grimes, Sylvia at all, whil Clark was there but only jogging lightly. Has lost a bit of definition in his calf, which is to be expected. * Rhodans legs are like tree trunks. He never gets moved out of the contest, and even if he only plays for 1 year we WILL get great value from him. * Collingwood trained at the same time, but they shut up shop long before our guys, who just kept on going. We probably have to given our relative positions last year, but it is apparent we are putting in the extra work needed to produce better results. * Big emphasis at the start on tackling. I didn't recognise who was running the session, but they certainly knew their job and pulled players up constantly for not adopting the correct technique. Expect to see a lot of opposition players lifted off their feet and thrust backwards this year. * It was interesting to see the number of assistants on the ground. It means that no-one gets away with anything. And while Neeld was watching from the side, Craig is prowling around everything barking orders. Everything is completed correctly according to the coaches instruction. No half-arsed efforts are tolerated. Can't think of anything else. I'm sure others will fill in the gaps. No pictures today, the wife pinched the batteries from the camera. Next time......
    20 points
  5. We looked after him and cared for him because it was the right thing to do. Strong cultures and clubs are built on organisations that are tight knit and look after one another. The fabric we wove to support Liam will, hopefully, hold us in good stead for the future amongst the players that are there now and will come into the future. We didn't look after him in the hope of getting compensation for him should he walk. We did it because it was the right thing to do. Good on us. We can hold our heads up proudly and say that we did the utmost to help a member of our community and a member of our club. His situation away from, and inside of (to a much, much lesser extent), football has indeed been very sad and I wish him all the best in his career and, more importantly, his life.
    14 points
  6. I popped in to training today. I'm sure someone will be able to contribute a much more thorough report than this, but a few notes. It was really warm out there. I was sweating standing in the sun watching. Lots of contested game simulations moving the ball from one end to the other. AFL umpire controlling things. Players were split into their line groups, ie FWDs, BACKS, and MIDS/RUCK Players were continually encouraged to run and carry wherever possible. Stand outs (from what I saw), Jones, Howe, Rodan (although he was run down once or twice) Viney was also very good at times. Watts was feeling the effects of his weekend bout with Gastro, as he looked to be battling a bit in the heat, but did the whole session (while I was there) with the main group. Sam Blease was cooked, but was doing his best to push through. He copped a spray from Neil Craig for failing to make a second effort after hitting up a lead as he was out on his feet. However, he was clearly the classiest finisher in an end to end drill which finished with a mid hitting up a forward who would then play on and have a shot at goal. Neville Jetta looked good today, did a couple of really good chase down tackles and also was clean by foot. Tommy Mac seems to have a lower ball drop with his kicking and was good by foot. Flash looked reasonable in my opinion today. Overheard Rawlings talking to Misson, and both were saying they were really pleased with the "flow" Toumpas, Kent, Terlich and Matt Jones did not participate with main group, they were doing interval running together. Dom Barry was running laps with a red headed bloke I did not recognise. Sylvia on light duties. Mitch Clark came out briefly to encourage the boys, didnt see his little brother Hogan or Maxy Gawn now that I think about it. No sign of Trengove, Grimes, or Neeld.
    10 points
  7. Jamar can't be relied upon due to injuries. Gawn could be anything, and is still very much a long-term prospect because of his height and history of knee problems. Fitzpatrick is more of a forward than a ruckman and despite the positive reports Spencer still has a lot to prove. The other thing about ruckmen is if you have excessive stocks they can become a handy trading commodity in the future.
    7 points
  8. We were provided with some interesting statistics and a fresh perspective on Davey's career. It was then followed by a procession of douchebags who simply reiterated there old argument without any new thought. Close-minded, cynical flogs. Great argument tappy
    6 points
  9. Nice one Rosso. I was there also, Maxy Gawn did a couple of laps, he looked good. I was impressed with the stoppage setups, little tweaks were done to them to suit different areas of the ground , Forward / Defense / Wing etc.. Young Viney looked great, dad was a very fat. Jack really has a go all the time, he was called up a couple of times for trying to do too much by himself and not bringing others into the game. Nicho looks super fit but kicking still a problem. ditto Magner. Watts copped an ankle which sent him off the ground for ten minutes. He came back on but didn't seem to contribute much after that. In the end the Rucks were doing some setup ruckwork with the mids. The rest of the team was doing laps. At this stage Watts had packed his bags and was headed back for a shower. Guys I have been down to training a few times over the last 3-4 years, I have noticed how well orchestrated the training program is these days, compared to the days at Casey under Bailey. Those old days training was "adhoc", almost to the point they didn't know what was going to happen until they got there. I'd like to be a fly on the wall and sit in on some of the lessons that they do at AAMI park. I'm sure I would get a really good idea of the amount of preparation these guys have to do just to get on the training track.
    5 points
  10. This attitude annoys me, you and I cannot possibly comprehend the [censored] this bloke has gone through over past year or 2. He is an aboriginal elder amongst his people who are in a civil war. His family are living in Adelaide, a couple of thousand k's away from their home and unable to return. I am actually amazed that he is attempting a comeback and if he can get fit enough to play at the top level again good luck to him. It is not about reward for the Melbourne football club, and the what about me/us attitude, I wish him well and thanks for the all the too brief moments as a Demon
    5 points
  11. Whoever it was who was responsible for signing Flash to a four year deal in 2009, most of us welcomed it with open arms. The article below indicates that the signing was a "badly-needed boost" for the club. Aaron Davey signs new four-year deal with Melbourne. No doubt, if Davey, the Keith 'Bluey' Truscott Medallist that season would have been lost to the club, there would have been much condemnation of Schwab, Connolly, Bailey and any other target at the club that people feel the need to criticise. You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.
    4 points
  12. Last one. I like the way Tappy almost launches Bail into orbit
    4 points
  13. I was there for a while. Agree with most of what has been said. Jetta looked very good. Sharp, fit and tackles as well as always. Kicking was good too. Tom McDonald's kicking was good too, I didn't see him miss a target. Spencer suddenly looks like quite an athlete. Moves beautifully for such a big man. His ball drop is still horrible but he was on target. Gawn ran solid laps, he's huge. Dawes walked laps while I was there. So did Hogan. We have some monsters on our list now. Jamar was moving well too. Garland looks bigger, I noticed it last week, and again today, his arms are bigger, he's very vocal and trained well. Viney does try to do too much. But he's an impressive kid, beautiful blind turn and sidestep at one stage. After the tackling coach mentioned in previous posts had the boys tackling the blokes with the bags, they went into a tackling/evasion drill, pretty much straight away Davey went the arm dive and flail technique that was the opposite of what they were just told to do. Apart from that he trained better than has been previously reported, but there was no endurance stuff that I saw. Jimmy and friends ran laps, Jimmy lead the whole time. I can't think of anything else, training is a lot more structured than my sloppy report.
    4 points
  14. We don't own Liam and he had/has bigger issues to sort out, but it does leave a bad taste...
    4 points
  15. yes i enjoyed all that mark riccuito - 8 x all-australian james hird - 5 x all-australian nathan buckley - 7 x all-australian ben cousins - 5 x all-australian chris judd - 6 x all-australian these are champion players. Exc. Buckley, who was runner-up twice, the rest delivered premierships can you put aside the emotion you feel from a fellow supporter expressing a negative view to look at the truth. To pretend that I don't know what I'm talking about or that I am not a true demon is jut your self-defence mechanism kicking in. do you realise that in the entire time all those players were consistently performing we had just TWO players even MAKE the side, that is Neitz and McDonald, twice each. That's why we spent the 2000s being pretenders at best. Those clubs had elite performers that led their sides to glory. even gifted with the best talent in the land over the last 6 drafts we do not have a player anywhere near the calibre of those listed above. Our only strong contenders at the moment for star players are Clark and Jones, neither of whom has a CV in the same stratosphere as the aforementioned players. The reason is partially to do with money, but more to do with the fact we are one of the loser clubs with a poor culture. It has nothing to do with choices we made on draft night but the fact that our machine is incapable of producing star players. Our optimism rests solely on yet another coach, with yet another list, as we near a half-century without success. If you disagree, bump this thread when Jack Trengove, or Watts, or Viney, has 5 all-australian achievements. again, i am not pretending to make any forecast about where we are headed, i am just stating the obvious truths as they are it sucks, i hate it, but its the truth.
    4 points
  16. Someone has to defend him as the vultures are circling! Going on everybody's assumption that in season 2012 his body was shot and he is finished so you would assume this is as bad as it gets for Aaron Davey. Some stats I found: In 2012 Aaron Davey averaged 4.6 tackles per game (his highest ever), 3rd most at the club, a figure that would of had him 5th highest at the premiers Sydney (as well as quite a bit of bench time). The flavour of the month, Lewis Jetta, averaged 2.8. Apparently, he used to be a good player, so the fact his average of 0.9 goals per game is his best since 2007, aswell as the 4th highest in 2012 at the club, must mean there is some life left in him. So we have a small forward, in a team that got pumped, dealing with a stress fracture in the foot, injured knee and coming off a stressful preseason in which the coach admitted they rushed him back too early, getting little game time to settle in, and managed to be a leader at the club in tackles and goals. He will continue to be an elite kick, good leader and offer guidance to our youth,apply defensive pressure and kick goals. And all this while injured last year. I'm sure this will get smashed but just hoping he can prove everyone wrong.
    4 points
  17. While Trengove didn't have a great year can I point out a few stats. 199 kicks (6th at Melbourne) 190 handballs (2nd at Melbourne) 88 marks (7th at Melbourne) 99 tackles (2nd at Melbourne) 8 goals (12th at Melbourne) To me these stats suggest they worked on his inside game and his pace wasn't an area of focus. (2nd handballs, 2nd tackles) Remember he is a 3rd year player in one of the worst clubs in the league. With better players around him his stats would improve and there's nothing to suggest his natural progression won't continue. As Melbourne improve so will Jack Lets compare his stats to Dustin Martin, the very next pick in the draft. Keep in mind he is rated highly and currently plays in a more successful side 257 kicks (6th at Richmond - 58 more than JT) 190 handballs (6th at Richmond - 9 less than JT) 63 marks (16th at Richmond - 25 less than JT) 60 tackles (7th at Richmond - 39 less than JT) 23 goals (4th at Richmond - 15 more than JT) JT's stats are comparable with arguable the highest rated player from this draft. While he may have 'looked slow' at times during 2012, he was by no stretch being left behind by his teammates. Comments above that Trengove is likely to be on the outer in years to come are laughable. He will continue to be one of the first picked for the next 10 years
    4 points
  18. Great report FNQ thanks Though some will still be concerned by lack of detail :-) notably "Dave Misson arrived with his team at about 0935 and they commenced the set-up of some different training areas designated by small coloured markers. " You didn't say how many markers and what colour they were. Otherwise a great report
    3 points
  19. FNQ, you are a beauty. Thanks to all for their training reports. I live on this stuff...sad as that is...
    3 points
  20. its what I love about Demonland, its so educational ( and to think my wife thinks its wasting time )
    3 points
  21. Rods, poles and perches are different names for the same unit. Medieval ploughing was done with oxen, up to 4 pairs at a time. The ploughman handled the plough. His boy controlled the oxen using a stick, which had to be long enough to reach all the oxen. This was the rod, pole or perch. It was an obvious implement to measure the fields, such as 4 poles to the chain. A BBC webpage about allotments says that "an allotment plot is 10 poles" and claims that "A pole is measured as the length from the back of the plough to the nose of the ox". I suppose that if you wanted to control the front ox, you needed a pole long enough to reach! The perch was used in the reign of Henry II (1154-1189), the pole since the 16C, and the rod since 1450. In the 16th century the lawful rod was decreed to be the combined length of the left feet of 16 men as they left church on a Sunday morning. In North Devon there is a tradition that fencing, that is to say the cutting and laying of a hedge, would be done at so much a land yard, which seemed to be about 5 paces or 5.5 yards, which would equate to a rod, pole or perch. An earlier name for a rod was a gyrd which is the derivation of a yard.So, the likes of Russian, Fitz, Gawnius maximus would measure up at close to 0.4 rods (or poles or perches) - just in case anyone was wondering. I can just picture Neeld and Craig out there with the rod (or pole or perch) driving the guys through their preseason drills :-)
    3 points
  22. I forgot to mention pencil, he certainly has a bit more lead in his pencil these days. Gawn is a monster. Ruck department certainly looking the goods Interesting about Hannath training with us, I wonder whether it's a back stop measure. We certainly do have a history of rucks going down with season ending injuries during pre-season. When the boys were doing the tackling no-one mentioned how much the boys liked doing it that way. They were encouraging each other all the way and when one laid a superb bone crunching tackle the roar that came from them was fantastic. If we were looking for a team motto after that. "Kill or be killed". Sorry if I've posted too much today, I was pumped from the effort they put in. GO DEES!
    3 points
  23. way too much red in that photo
    3 points
  24. Teased us with skills and flair not seen since the Wiz graced our forward line, I honestly thought he would be the next big thing in the AFL. The excitment when the ball entered his zone on the G was audible as supporters-even opposition supporters knew something magical was about to happen... and then, like so many other times, us dee supporters have our hopes dashed and hearts stomped on. I don't care about the circumstances behind him leaving- he left. That at the end of the day is all the average supporter cares about. The fact that we helped him out so much and he literally walked out on us is just the cherry ontop of the shitcake. I wish him all the best as I don't wish genuine ill-will on anyone, but I am really dissapointed with the way he walked out on us as we as supporters deserved a player of his talents to stay.
    3 points
  25. Great report guys.. I could read this stuff all day!
    3 points
  26. The only way to tackle with more players becoming adept at lifting arms in the tackle and getting clean use away. Forget the idea of pinning the arms, you only risk tackling high. Take them low, take their body off the ball which does 2 things it hurts (takes the wind out) and they will be thinking preservation rather than getting off a good handball, the ball will go into dispute.
    3 points
  27. I feel compassion for Liam & the situation he is in. I have spent time in the Kimberley region, so have a tiny understanding for how life struggles on up there. But i also feel short changed as a MFC suppoter & will be [censored] off if Liam Jurrah lines up for Port come round 1. He was not a free agent so the Power should have given something for his service (if he is drafted). For the right reasons we invested time & $$$ into Liam's welfare & our own understanding. To be left with an empty locker i think is wrong.
    3 points
  28. The tackling coach is John Muggleton, from the Melbourne Rebels Rugby team, been in the game for 30 years, both with League and Union, renowned tackler when he played league, I loved watching him last week and good to hear he is again pulling up the arm wavers, the technique I think he is teaching is to aim for the midriff and push upwards and back.......I reckon we will see lot's of panicky handballs from tacklees (if that is a word) assume plan will be to get second player to follow in
    3 points
  29. I reckon Port are nuts for taking him on at the point he is at in his life, personally. Anyway, I'm not hurt, disappointed, it doesn't leave a bitter taste in my mouth and so forth. I said at the time that I was relieved that this had ceased being our problem and my view hasn't changed. With my human being hat on I feel sad about how this panned out and disappointed it wasn't the fairy tale we thought it might be. With my Melbourne Football Club supporter hat on I'm completely non-plussed.
    3 points
  30. old news... let us move on surely
    3 points
  31. I can't help from here in the West, but is there someone that can make themselves available to pick FNQ up from the airport on a Mon Wed & Fri, take him to training with a flask and some sandwiches, generally help out if he needs it, like, "run over and get some goss out of Craigy" etc. Be sure to take a watch, Landers are loving the minute by minute report. Then, drop him back at the airport?
    3 points
  32. Personally I don't rate Spencer as a player that will ever make the afl standard the MFC need. He tries his guts out, runs and taps ok. But can not and will not ever be able to kick and or read the play. Jamar is a good ruckman but we need long term apprentices under him now to learn. Gawn could be anything if he can stay injury free. Pederson and Clarke are good 2nd or 3rd back ups So I really see a need from a promising young ruckman with potential to be the number 1 ruck in a few years. Like what I have seen and read about this guy as long as his attitude and work ethic are up to standard rookie no doubt!
    3 points
  33. Think it was a 4-year contract, but agree with you. Held us over a barrel and got his big contract he demanded, but has done stuff all since. Should bow out and return the favour to a very generous MFC.
    3 points
  34. Apparently it went to Blacktown just to have a look around.
    3 points
  35. Loads of punters on here were riding Jones off a couple of years ago as being too slow and one dimensional.......not sure where these op are now. The kid will be allright
    3 points
  36. From memory of your most recent incarnation you ask questions, but never acknowledge any of the answers, so I'm not sure why you enquire in the first place. Trengove's role changed last year as he was taught a far more defensive game and definitely lost some speed. He stopped hunting the ball as much while he was defending an opponent, but he's had a year to understand his game better, he'll benefit from being part of a fitter and stronger group, he's trimmed down in my eyes and is definitely running better. He'll also benefit from Viney, Toumpas and Rodan. The following is his bio by Matt Burgan pre-draft 2009: 2 - MELBOURNE - Jack Trengove DOB: 02/09/91, Height: 185cm, Weight: 82kg Recruited from: Kybybolite/Sturt (SA) Draft range: 1-2 Meet Jack Trengove Although he will be taken at two, Trengove's exceptional performances in the SANFL senior finals showed he is equally deserving of the No.1 tag. In the preliminary final against Glenelg, he was best on ground with 29 disposals. Finals prevented Trengove from attending the NAB AFL Draft Camp, but he followed up at the South Australian state screening with an outstanding beep test: level 15.3. Likened to Collingwood great Nathan Buckley, Trengove has excellent speed, endurance and leadership. He can also play midfield, forward or back. You'll note that speed wasn't an issue when he was a junior. I agree that he's super important and needs to become A grade. He needs to become our Trent Cotchin. That's why he was drafted. Interestingly, after his third year Cotchin averaged 18 disposals and after his third year Trengove has averaged 19. This is a big year for Trengove and I think he'll take a giant stride.
    3 points
  37. yeah i dont think thats right at all. His KPI's suggest that he got bettar as the year went on and did everything the club asked him to do. He will be a permanent part of our side for a long time.
    3 points
  38. Huge confidence that jacky trengove will one day be a gun, don't think he will reach his peak next year but I reckon he will show why he was selected as the youngest captain ever with a few standout games/quarters.
    3 points
  39. Alternate spellings that I have seen: Jesse Hogan- none. Nathan Jones- none Jack Watts- none Jimmy Toumpas- Toompas, Tompass, Toumpass Chris Dawes- Daws Jack Viney- none James Frawley- none Jack Trengove- Trengrove Shannon Byrnes- Burnes, Burns, Brynes Mitch Clark- Clarke Colin Sylvia- Silvia Jordie McKenzie- MacKenzie Lynden Dunn- Dunne David Rodan- Roden, Rhodan Sam Blease- Bleeze, Bleaze James Strauss- None Colin Garland- Garlend Cameron Pedersen- Peterson, Pederson, Petersen James Magner- Magnar Josh Tynan- None* Tom McDonald- Macdonald Daniel Nicholson- None Tom Gillies- None* Joel Macdonald- McDonald James Sellar- Seller, Sellars, Sellers Jack Grimes- None Michael Evans- None Dominic Barry- Berry Dean Kent- Dent (see "Best 22 Post Draft" thread) Luke Tapscott- Tapscot Aaron Davey- Davies, Daveys, Davis Max Gawn- None Jeremy Howe- How Neville Jetta- None Mark Jamar- None Troy Davis- Davies Jake Spencer- Spenser Rory Taggert- Taggart, Tagert, Tagart Rohan Bail- Bale Matt Jones- None Dean Terlich- None* Tom Couch- Crouch Jack Fitzpatrick- None Don't even get me started about former players. *I'm sure there'll be misspellings soon enough.
    3 points
  40. I do. A long and successful career in the AFL requires a professional, committed athlete. This stuff about "just being a kid" is rubbish. There are dozens of hard-working, mature 18-year-olds who aren't trouble and who deserve to be selected ahead of one that thinks natural talent on the field is all that they need to get ahead, and they can be totally unprofessional at other times. I fully support a "no d**kheads" policy. It's served the current premiers well. I would have thought we would learn from the history of players like Fevola, Lovett, Connors, Angwin, Carroll and a host of other irresponsibles that their influence on club culture is an overall negative. The issue is probably moot, because we have a full list, and therefore don't have a PSD pick. I'd be very reticent to give Garlett a contract to our senior player list because he can't prove commitment and acceptance of culture at an AFL club. Rookie at best if he wants a chance to prove himself, but he probably won't fall that far.
    2 points
  41. I reckon if you want a defence of Flash then there's no better pointer than this article on the club's own website - Two spots to fill on Melbourne's list In telling us that the club "will complete its 44-man squad, when it selects two players in the December 11 NAB AFL Rookie Draft", it's saying that no other list changes are contemplated. That means the club will be honouring all contracts including Davey's and I sense that it suggests the club doesn't want to be drawn into any adverse publicity or speculation on the subject. Which makes good sense considering the publicity we've been subjected to in the media on a whole range of subjects in recent times, much of it unwarranted and some of it unquestionably mischievous. Can you imagine if this article was about Flash rather than Nicky Winmar who has been delisted by St. Kilda - AFL players' union to challenge league over St Kilda decision to axe Nick Winmar? The "vultures" will continue to circle and the story won't go away for Davey because we simply won't know whether his body will stand up to the rigors of the game for some time yet and that is where it all becomes so problematic. IMO, it would be a shame if he finished the season playing out at Casey and that sounds a strong likelihood based on the training reports from the early part of the pre season, but a contract's a contract. The Flash has been too great a contributor to the club over the past decade for him to be treated in the way St. Kilda has just treated Nicky Winmar. The decision as to Aaron Davey's future in football has to remain in his own hands.
    2 points
  42. Heard from a good source they think Stafford and Simmonds will still be around for their next Premiership window opportunity..
    2 points
  43. How insightful. You completely acknowledged the facts I started this thread with and responded intelligently and open minded. Or you repeated exactly what 1000 other people have said.
    2 points
  44. Stop it! You're killing me!!! Hilarious...
    2 points
  45. $400 thousand a year rezzies player. A real shame and a discredit the player for not getting the best out of himself ... and not earning his coin.
    2 points
  46. Can someone confirm if NMMNG is Range Rover the former King of starting threads. FFS while we are at it how about we start a thread on the 2016 draft period. 4 months to go before First Bounce
    2 points
  47. I'm not expecting miracles I'm expecting a big improvement though. Improvement doesn't always mean more wins either it can mean we get beat by Geelong in a close game at Skilled or get beat by 10 points or less in a game against Hawthorn. This is the type of improvement I'm expecting and if we can sneak in 8 or so wins that would be good too. We have capitulated in game after game over the last 20 years and if we can stop that, if we can fight out every game to the finish, I'll be happy and convinced we've turned the corner.
    2 points
  48. Changing your name doesn't mean it isn't boring when you post the same threads under the new one.
    2 points
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