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  1. Good post. I feel the same. I am 60 and have supported them all my life. My wife and kids the same. Never seen them win a flag. Copped [censored] from other clubs fans all my life but never strayed. I started the first supporters club magazine, called Demon's World. I started a supporters group called the Premier's Club. I have been a Director of the club. I have been Team Manager of the club. I brought in a new President, Wayne Reid. I am a Foundation member. I am a sponsor. I enjoy Demonland. I have given all my hope and soul to this club. I don't want anything but success for the club. I have watched Boards fight each other. I was even part of one big fight. I nearly cried at the merger meeting when I saw the way people treated the late Tiger Ridley, a true Demon great. I have seen the club tear itself apart. This year I watched as Jim passed away, not long after two other Demon greats in Sean Wight and Stewart Spencer. I watched a sponsor stuff us up. I watched the Jurrah situation. I watched as our Coach was falsely called a racist. I watched the team get smashed week after week. I watched the media go to town on us and they still are. It just seems so unfair. Other teams cheat and win Premierships. We are the only team to win a game that losing would have given us a priority pick and we did it twice. When we did get a pick the kid spent a year lying to us and his dying President before the AFL took him away from us. There is so much more i could go on about. We seem to spend all of our time worrying about our club. It nearly makes you want to cry and give up. However that is just not acceptable as I have my children and grandchildren who I want to one day enjoy success that I have been denied. Stop the fighting amongst each other and all get behind the club. If we lose draft picks I want this club to fight all the way and I mean all the way. We owe it to those who came before and those who will come after. I don't give a rat's arse what we have to do to prevail in this situation, I just want it done. If we have to bring in every other club or destroy Demetriou or hurt the AFL I don't give a sh-t anymore. I have had enough. Yes we may have been naughty but no different to many other clubs yet we alone once again are copping it. Our brand is being trashed and our future hampered and in fact put at real risk. We have 40 or so players who want to win for us and we need to support them. I don't care how dirty we need to be just do it. We are seen as a weak club. NO BLOODY MORE. If we lose draft picks, we should hit the Courts, rally at the AFL and show the rest of the clubs that we are here to stay. Sorry for the rant, I have just had a gutful.
    31 points
  2. Didnt come across that way to me at all. He admits nothing nor should he. He's at pains to be heard that Melbourne will only deal with legal and fair interrogation and that we will maintain our right to defend anything leveled against us.I see it as carefully crafted and to the point.
    11 points
  3. We have already been penalized for NOT TANKING. If we lost the Kreuzer Cup we would have had Nic Nat and Cotchin as Demons, two All Australians. Both potential champions. The other clubs laughed their heads off at us, as did blues fans. Write about that Caro and show the world you can put some fairness in your vile, bitter, agenda driven reporting. I can just imagine the same reporting if the club was Richmond.
    8 points
  4. It looks like the club is prepared to fully co-operate with an independent investigation, where it is treated fairly and properly and the rules of natural justice are applied. Maybe that is a dig at the current investigation run by AFL employees, that is leaking to the media like a sieve. That investigation team are employed by the body that created the system, endorsed and fostered the system, despite criticism said that no one was doing anything wrong, will get the findings of the investigators and will then itself decide if there was an AFL Rule breached and hand down a penalty. That same body is refusing to investigate other clubs despite admissions from players and officials that these clubs have tanked. That same body is headed by a former captain of the club that is regarded as the leading exponent and beneficiary of tanking, gaining a star ruckman and it's captain, with the aid of 3rd party payments that are not allowed to other clubs. Maybe what the MFC want is a fair trial, with the rules of natural justice employed and not one by media. BTW to the media, have they ever heard of the "presumption of innocence". Its been around for a few hundred years longer than their fish and chip wrapper newspapers.
    8 points
  5. I just want to give you a big hug redleg thanks for that post. BTW, 54 likes, which represents the majority of Demonland. It is impossible not to like this post if you are a true demon with good intentions. ADC or Hazy did not "like" this post. Pretty much reveals their true intentions to me..
    8 points
  6. The board is saying what it needs to say. We've been dragged through the mud all week. When the AFL gets around to finalising its investigation, we deserve to be able to reply in a formal, proper, fair manner. Demetriou's stance as depicted in The Australian is a huge help to us. He seems to have suggested that he only accepts the narrow definition of tanking (i.e. telling players to lose). Which makes sense. The AFL doesn't want tanking. It wants to be able to support its clubs and it doesn't want there to be an issue. The AFL wants its clubs to take a long term view, as it wants long term prosperity. That's why they give high draft picks to the worst clubs, FFS. I am increasingly of the view that we will only be in trouble if the AFL finds a directive telling players to lose. And I am increasingly of the view that Caroline Wilson is drawing long bows between what she has found out and what she wants the situation to be. People need to calm down and look at the facts. The facts, as yet, do not show that anyone at Melbourne told players to lose, or not try their best. The facts so far only show that we had meetings discussing the value of the PP, and the impact it would have on our attempt to get our 13th flag. The facts show that players sensed something was up. Wow. No sh*t. So did everyone else in the world. Let's all calm down. For now, at least, the facts still haven't ended it for us.
    8 points
  7. One of the things that I enjoy about being at Melbourne functions is Chris Connolly's wry sense of humour. It doesn't come as a surprise to me therefore that he would have made the following comment after Melbourne beat Port Adelaide at the MCG in 2009: Even Blind Freddie would know, given the ongoing discussion at the time about whether or not the club should tank experiment that this was a joke and nothing more: that his tongue was planted firmly in cheek when he commented about the cavalry and sacking people. Let's get real please! But Caroline Wilson in today's Age takes it seriously enough to dedicate an entire article on his comments - Jobs on line: Dees warned I think it's really sad when people have no sense of humour. Hilarious when they use it to push someone else's agenda. Meanwhile, the so called exposé in the little paper today confirms again that the club did not tell its players to tank. Instead, Dean Bailey informed them that the club would be experimenting with positions etc. for the remainder of a lost year. Former Melbourne coach Dean Bailey told players to accept new 'strategy' Of course, we all know exactly what was going on but at least Melbourne won three games after the change in strategy was applied. That's unlike Carlton in 2007 which lost its last eleven and Collingwood in 2005 and Melbourne in 2003 (when Paul Gardner was on the board and about to become chairman and we know how he wouldn't tolerate any thought of tanking). I don't believe that Dean Bailey was a great coach, I don't think the club treated his dismissal well and I don't believe his comments immediately after were appropriate but it's becoming exceedingly clear that Dean treated the awkward situation which both he and the club were in at the time in exemplary fashion. He was straight with the players as they were with him. From all this, it's also clear that although winning games was taking a back seat to the future of the club, there was no attempt to induce or coerce the players into going out to lose games which is how the AFL has time and time again gone out of its way to describe as the criteria for tanking. If the AFL is going to retrospectively change the definition of tanking and move the goalposts it would be doing itself and the game a disservice. The way to put an end to the unseemly witch hunt now going on against one club and some of its officials when at least half of the AFL's clubs have practiced the same strategies is to accept that the system it then had in place was flawed, it has now been changed to minimise tanking and to move on. The flaw was that the AFL offered an incentive for tanking and idly sat by for more than a decade as club after club took advantage of that flawed system. It even gave the nod to Carlton's monumental effort in performing the "grand slam of tanking" in 2007 that culminated in the infamous Kreuzer Cup game. Now, we've reached the stage where people are actually interpreting a clever joke as evidence of wrongdoing. And of course, its becoming patently clear that the media is being fed many of these scraps by former insiders with axes to grind who want to bring down certain individuals within one club because they bear a grudge against them. It's getting really filthy and abhorrent. The AFL needs to act responsibly to end this farce.
    8 points
  8. Just thought everyone should know that there's at least one very well heeled Melbourne supporter out there prepared to kick in $s towards our legal defence fund should it become necessary.
    7 points
  9. Excellent statement from Don McLardy and the Melbourne Football Club making it clear we're not going to be tried by the media. It would be appropriate for all of our posters to read it and appreciate what it means. As a lawyer, I give 10 out of 10 to the legal team that helped put it together.
    7 points
  10. I think it was a statement that the club wouldn't have a trial by media as much as anything.
    7 points
  11. CARLTON says it would welcome any investigation into tanking at its club, with president Stephen Kernahan saying yesterday the Blues were "clean as a whistle".
    7 points
  12. i don't have any tanking gags but a funny thing happened to me last night.. i went to pick up some fish and chips in windsor and chris judd was there, doing the same and i thought to myself "hang on, don't you prefer chicken wings?"
    7 points
  13. ummm guilty of what. 1/ point me out the law has been broken - that has been done to death by the media 2/ show me the HARD evidence that we have broken the law It is one thing having a firm opinion on us tanking and it is an entirely different thing have proof that will stand up to scrutiny that we tanked within the confines of how the law reads. So what you want to do is defend ourselves against the media who can print what they like, embellish, speculate, postulate and plain make stuff up. Defend ourselves against the media who have also have no concrete idea what evidence the investigator has. ( this is the same media - Robbo - who tweeted that the Dawes to Bulldogs deal was done.) We need to defend ourselves vigorously against charges from the AFL and to date the charges are ...hmmm....well there arent any. The AFL will act against EVIDENCE...so when the AFL tables all its EVIDENCE then it is time to come out swinging. It is not proscrastinating - it is allowing us to see EVIDENCE of wrong doing so we can defend against it. I do see that Adelaide followed your advice of coming out swinging against constant media barrages on the Tippett affair and vehemently denied that any side deal had been done on either transfer to club of choice for a nominated draft pick or money outside the cap and then the AFL investigated and a little thing called EVIDENCE appeared which basically showed that Adelaide had been doing exactly what they had been previously denying. So cool your jets and vigourously defend against AFL charges when there are charges with EVIDENCE to defend against. ( not media hyperbole)
    6 points
  14. If they are preparing to to take a certain journo to court over the rumors and innuendo put about as "truth" with no use of the word "alleged" anywhere in her articles, I would be very happy. Trial by media like this is despicable. Even if things are not looking good for us right now, that does not give any journo the right to carry out what is looking more and more like a personal vendetta.
    6 points
  15. Every word has a wig on it “The Board of the MFC is concerned to ensure that the MFC is treated fairly and properly. The board will fully co-operate with an independent, lawful and transparent process." Good statement
    6 points
  16. It's funny. I started a thread not so long ago whether one's support for the club was conditional, or unconditional. Whether supporters had a tipping point, or not. Right now, in the face of uncertainty and possibly serious ramifications I've never felt more committed, or up for a fight. And this is irrespective of the clubs possible infractions, because I know in my heart they were right. Even if they were wrong. And great post Redleg.
    6 points
  17. MFC deny there was a "vault", it was a think tank. There was mountains of paperwork that would have been hard evidence that we tanked, but the dog ate it. By dog I mean Phil Scully. Because he's fat, and he eats everything. The AFL are looking all the way back to the 2007 draft, as they believe we started tanking then, when we drafted Cale Morton at 4, rather than someone that can help us win games. Barry Pretendergast has gone on record saying his recruiting isn't that bad, he was just part of the tanking process. Brock McLean's mum is so fat, she rolled over a tank in Tiananmen Square.
    5 points
  18. The only ppl who are going to suffer in all this is us, the supporters. We're the ones how donated our money to keep our club a flout and we're the one's who will still be around in 10 years time once all the coaches and player of 09 have done there damage. At the end of the day Its just a job to them. If they fine MFC they are Fining us not the ppl who's idea it was to Tank If they take Draft pick of us, we will suffer not the Board As Supporter We need to take a stand. We are the one's who live and breath Melbourne Football Club We are the one's who bleed RED AND BLUE If anything come to the MFC we must fight for our club and Protest form our Home The MCG all they was to the AFL headquarters. We can not let The AFL use us as an example for the rest of the club's!! We have to show the world that we are not an easy target and will stand to be pushed around!! WHO IS WITH ME?
    5 points
  19. McLardy's statement says 'a fair process will take longer than the few weeks before this draft' written in invisible ink.
    5 points
  20. Some of you lot are bloody good at seeing sentences that arent there. Mclardy isnt conceding anything.. its a veiled warning if anything.
    5 points
  21. They can strip us of our wooden spoons!
    5 points
  22. Why should they give oxygen to this bunch of sensationalist hacks? What do they have to answer. No charges have been laid nor accusations levelled. We have nothing to comment on at this stage. Why don't you make your agenda transparent? Either put up or shut up. Better still, just go away.
    5 points
  23. What if he said it but was clearly being facetious when he made the comment and most of those in the room got the joke and laughed?
    5 points
  24. "One version of events is that Connolly, in illustrating the importance of winning less than five games so as to gain Scully with a No. 1 draft pick, spoke of ''the cavalry'' riding over a hill and coming to get those coaches and football officials who allowed Melbourne to win too many games and therefore miss the priority pick. Another version claimed Connolly surveyed the room of some 15 men - coach Bailey, his assistants, recruiters and other football staff - and told them that the consequences of missing the priority pick would be that they would all lose their jobs." I'm sorry - but these two paragraphs are utterly hilarious. Especially the first one. She's got to be kidding around, surely. Cavalry comin' over the hill to get y'all! Dontchu dare win too may games boi. Ridiculous. Her real motivation seems to appear in the penultimate paragraph. And the best she has is some Sydney players and Richmond players unquoted opinions - gee whiz.
    5 points
  25. There are lots of threads about tanking and all taking a serious look at a very serious issue. But I think we should also have a thread which allows a humorous take on the issues. if I'm wrong, feel free to delete this post. The idea of this thread is not to debate the serious issues but just look at it with a wry smile. In other words, don't use this thread to argue whether the tanking existed or it didn't. Or whether Caroline Wilson has a grudge or she doesn't. There are plenty of other places to post those views. So, to get things started, I've got a proposal which the MFC could put to the AFL as an appropriate punishment. Let's accept a similar punishment as handed out to Melbourne Storm for their salary cap breaches and have all our premiership points for 2009 and 2010 taken away. And why not go one step further and offer up all our premiership points for 2011 and 2012 as well. Then we can ask the AFL for a priority pick in this year's draft on the basis that we haven't won a game for four years and need the help that the priority pick was first designed for.
    4 points
  26. Yeah it's kind of like the time I asked Kate Upton out and she was like 'no' and I was like 'yeah I don't wanna go out with you anyway - I was just testing'.
    4 points
  27. Could someone please point out to Caro, that her club the Tigers, got Trent Cotchin, their best player, after the Coach Terry Wallace has admitted that he did nothing at all in the Coach's box to try and win a game that they lost giving them the Cotchin pick. Also that Dustin Martin is in trouble again and that new player Aaaron Edwards was arrested for being drunk a couple of days after joining the club. She is obviously unaware of these matters or they are simply not highlighted on her agenda.
    4 points
  28. Sharp advice - not. Do NOT come out swinging until all is revealed and you know exactly what you are swinging at. How would your advice look, coming out and deny deny deny and then when the investigation is completed a piece of rock solid damning evidence is put in front of the MFC ???????? It is a good statement from Don as it implies that there are certain standards of justice we require whilst denying or admitting nothing. Let all the evidence be presented by the investigator - then you know EXACTLY what you are denying and know exactly how to defend.
    4 points
  29. I agree Chippy. This statement is an admission of nothing. When they use the words "transparent", "independent" and being "treated fairly" it's a direct reference to the speculation, rumour, hearsay and possible untruths being dished up in the newspapers.
    4 points
  30. Now I now you are an idiot with a hatred of these people. You want them to try this matter in the press like the media is attempting to do. That is clueless.
    4 points
  31. Calm down sport, the most important thing here is to get past the draft without any finding and also to work with the AFL to find a solution, not to go mad and make it worse. The AFL want a solution as well, this is a mess.
    4 points
  32. No one has stated publicly they were told to lose games. Full stop. The media hasn't quoted anyone saying it - and believe me they would if they had that admission. It is a juicy story that is being sensationalised in the quiet footy period. The weekly meeting room suddenly becomes 'the vault', player experimentation becomes 'trying to lose', Bailey addressing players to explain how the second half of 2009 will unfold - ie the experimentation that went on - is all of a sudden 'nudge,nudge, wink wink, we are trying to lose but I just can't say it'. Its very difficult watching us get pilloried in the media every day but take a leaf out of Julia Gillard's book and the slush fund affair 'I've already addressed that' she said. She did nothing of the sort but until they have a smoking gun she is scott free. The club is denying the story oxygen and will respond when the AFL investigation is finished. Any other strategy at this point is foolish, Get on the front foot after the investigation and slam this who are sticking the boots in. Caro, Robbo, Kennett, Gardner, McLean, PJ etc. Gather the troops and rev them up.
    4 points
  33. A court of law is the only place i can see the MFC getting the right of reply. This is now a VERY serious witch hunt from The Age, Hun & Australian
    4 points
  34. This is all extrapolation and it is death by a thousand cuts but nothing I have read from CW convinces me we are in trouble. Show me the email trail explicitly saying our intent and that's a different story, but don't give me CC's wry sense of dark humour and CS's 'sullen look'... Give me some real evidence!
    4 points
  35. had a good laugh at robbos "evidence" of tanking in the hun today - bailey called us in and told us we would play in different positions. "we want to see what roles you can play because now in todays game you need to be able to play a number of roles" ohhhh thats CLEAR LOCK DOWN WATER TIGHT SHUT THE VAULT evidence of tanking isnt it robbo. fwit.
    4 points
  36. -this is a quote from denham in the australian.. "However, should the Demons be found guilty of taking the field with the intent to lose the match, any draft penalties will almost certainly not apply to this year, as an outcome from the probe is not expected to be announced before the national draft on November 22." it may or may not allay fears..for what its worth.. and this from patrick smith;- AS the AFL investigators dig deep into the culture of tanking in the league - you would presume the inquiries would not start and end at Melbourne - there is another serious issue the AFL Commission must consider. It was Demetriou who defended clubs the loudest and longest. Yesterday, he told The Australian his position on tanking had not changed. "I don't believe teams go on to the ground to lose matches. I simply don't," he said. "A point of view that will give Melbourne comfort as its football department and executive are prodded and pulled by AFL investigators". further quote; Tanking is taking the field with the intent to lose the match. The broader and widely accepted definition is taking the field having made it impossible to win. Yesterday, Demetriou said he simply rejected the broader definition of tanking. And would not even accept that moving players to the detriment of the team during a game was a tanking tactic. No, said Demetriou, that's experimentation or player development. Or whatever. No wonder all investigations bar one by the AFL into tanking claims was shortlived and timid. It might be instructive that the AFL's only meaningful, whole-hearted examination of tanking claims (Brock McLean's infamous blind Freddy remark on Fox Footy) began when Demetriou was in London for the Olympic Games. Demetriou may be MFC' s best ally;
    4 points
  37. Can someone remind me of when the findings are supposed to be submitted for this? Seriously, I am getting SFA done at work right now.
    4 points
  38. I'd be happy with Schwab and Connolly removed. Don't understand all the furore with the board apart from clear political interests in this thread - ultimately the Stynes/McLardy board initially made financial recovery and health the absolute priority over on-field success. By comparison, the Gardner board almost ruined the football club for good in this regard. Ultimately, winning games is the priority, but off-field stability is the priority of this. Up until Jim's passing, the club was probably the most stable it had been since the 1950s, but now the wounds Jim had begun to heal and the fighting that he had suppressed for the good of the club is coming back. Rather than making this about politics, though, we need it to be for the good of the football club. The members want flags, don't they? They want on-field success. [censored]-for-tat between Gardner and the current board isn't going to bring that about. Assuming Caro is correct, the dismissal of Schwab and Connolly is essential. Beyond that, I think the board should stay in place. Let's be realistic - the board in 2009 was much more focussed on off-field situations than the on-field stuff, which is what allowed Schwab and Connolly to operate. The mistake has been realised and he has been reigned in but will probably go for indiscretions anyway. Nevertheless, to dismiss the board at the same time as the CEO risks a power vacuum and extreme damage being dealt to the club off-field.
    4 points
  39. I plan to stand around waving my fists and frothing at the mouth and saying F$%^^ing AFL at the pub for the next 30 years.
    4 points
  40. Roost if you could only meet Don McLardy. We have a President who absolutely loves this Club and always has. He has given up so much to take on first the Vice President position and now as President. You should not understimate what Don does for the Club. He is a man of high morals and a true friend in every sense of the word. We have a President whose only agenda is to hold the Club together and work for our future. He may not be as charismatic as Eddie or as outspoken as Kennett but he does know how business is run and AFL is a business. We need to stand firm behind Don. He is not the reason the [censored] has hit the fan
    4 points
  41. You are delusional if your hope is to somehow demonstrate complicity through the fact they haven't responded. 1) McLardy has previously stated the club rejected allegations of deliberately loosing games and would defend itself. 2) The AFL investigation is incomplete. and no 'facts' have been presented. 3) Responding to any media allegations would simply feed their frenzy and serves only their interest. One very basic understanding of being a board member or CEO is to follow a proper process. Once an allegation or charge is presented then the club needs to present it's side. If you don't have that basic understanding you really are unqualified to comment on anyone at the clubs approach to this matter.
    3 points
  42. In all the media hype and the barrage of this 'allegedly' happened!, one 'version was and another 'version' was etc tetc I have not read or know of a single FACT that has come to light to prove anything. A witch hunt through the media must also have its consequences. Unless there is a proven case of 'anything', people like Caroline Wilson must be prepared to resign her position should she not be vindicated. It is her right to report news, not make it up on the run or offer interpretation to suit her story. We are talking of something that supposedly happened 4 years ago. To be truly open we would need to investigate much further back and to widen the inuendo to even that idiot, Kennett's team. The AFL know that any negative outcome towards Melbourne will bring fierce resistance from the Club , injunctions and a demand for deeper investigations. The AFL should simply admit that they supported a flawed system , a number of clubs may have used the system with interpretation and they are now changing the system so this will never occurr again. Making 1 team or individuals scapegoats for using an existing system will not advance the game. There are many players in this scenario and many possible outcomes. In recent times a lot of Australians have been 'tried' in the media, only to find the actual facts do not support the theories generated out of 'Headline seeking' poor journalism I for 1 will be watching to see whether or not the AFL support the Media circus being played out, whether they are agreeing with the media clowns or they are actually gathering the facts and will make a fair and provide game supportive outcomes.
    3 points
  43. FFS... Sounds like the HS & CW have a direct line to Isaac Weetra or Jace Bode. Valenti, Rhys Healey, Paul Johnson, Addam Maric, Tom McNamara... It'll be some bitter non-entity as a player who blames the club's woes in 2009 for the failure of their football career.
    3 points
  44. This is crap.. Personally, I don't think the AFL will say: "Oh Hey Jack, sorry your not allowed to play for your fathers club due to a decision made by some people 5 years ago at your club, have fun at the doggies mate!" "Oh Hey Jesse, your back in the AFL draft system, say thanks to Mitch Clark for housing you and making your transition smooth.. Have fun at GWS or Port" "Dawes, go back to Collingwood" If we get stung, I think it will be for the up coming AFL drafts
    3 points
  45. ... but does he regret commenting to the media about the club tanking? For that matter, does he understand the incalculable damage done to the club by such comments from a former club president? This is what exposes you and your ilk for the rank hypocrites you are. Last year, Schwab was excoriated by his critics for involving himself in football department matters and he has since taken that on board and lowered his profile considerably as a result. Yet you have no issue at all in the case of McNamee going over the football department's head and seeking out Jonathan Brown at a time when the club was broke and couldn't afford him and when his recruiting would have flown in the face of the club's then policy of recruiting youth. What McNamee did at the time was embarrassing and indicative of the sheer incompetence of the board that appointed him. Three years later when the club had sorted out its finances, a football department decision was made to go after Mitch Clark. The guys went up to Brisbane and got their man - a fine example of the competence which you claim is lacking in the club at the moment. Indeed, it was a breathtaking achievement which the hacks who you support could never have dreamed of achieving. Instead, people like you bang on and on attacking the club at this moment when it's under fire without even pretending to understand the damage you've done. My verdict: HSOG = > hypocrite!
    3 points
  46. Hat off to you Redleg, great, no brilliant post. My oldest son was 5 months old wearing a beanie, jumper and scarf the night we beat St Kilda in 2006. He has jumped ship to the filth but my 5 year old has stayed true and I've promised to take him to see the Dees in a final at the G. I can't wait to see my son smile the way I smiled when we beat the Dogs in 1987 I have never been happier with my beloved Dees We feel your pain, keep the faith brother
    3 points
  47. Don't be so bloody stupid, the coach can tell the Admin department to get stuffed if he doesn't want to go along with this, what would the board do, sack him and give the reason that he wouldn't tank as ordered. If we did tank the coach has to wear the blame, he sits in the box, he calls the shots on match day, I haven't seen Schwab sitting in there with the phone in his hand; have you? All this talk about the board putting him in an uncompromising position is [censored] just like your posts. Boo hoo the board made me tank and I didn't have the guts to tell them to stuff their job my integrity is worth more than that; give me a break.
    3 points
  48. Great post Redleg love and share your passion, it saddens me to see the factions and ex board members trying to tear down the club because of petty jealousies and hatred at a time when we should all be united.
    3 points
  49. The best thing we as supporters could do? 1. Make sure you buy your 2013 membership as early as possible. 2. Make sure any other friends/relatives who have let their memberships lapse oveer the last couple of years sign up for 2013. 3. Turn up to every game possible in 2013 and make sure we bring as many people with us as we can. 4. Turn up to the AGM next Feb. with prepared questions to ask in a reasoned manner to show our anger at the inept way the club has been run - hold the board accountable (assuming they're still there). 5. Continue to donate to the club and buy merchandise through the Demon Shop to ensure the fine the club is handed down can be paid off immediately and doesn't cripple the club. In summary stick fat with the club at a time when every man and his dog are lining up to kick us in the nads. Show them that we as supporters actually SUPPORT our club when it needs us the most instead of using a crisis to further divide the club to push individual agendas. Also get behind the club to voice our rage at the fact we have been made a scapegoat for the AFL's image when many other clubs have done the same thing before us and name those clubs (assuming the investigation isn't widened). This is all predicated on the assumption that we will actually face sanctions. The media campaign at the moment doesn't look good, but on the other hand there haven't been any "smoking guns" to show that the club threw games to gain priority picks. Every indication so far shows that the players were never told to go out and lose so there is no indication so far that we will actually face punishment.
    3 points
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