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Brad Miller


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Nathan Brown from the Pies keeps Pavlich to 1 goal our key defender from the same draft Frawley has shown nothing against tall forwards and hasn't really shown anything for me to think he will slot into a key defensive role. Time to back him so he can show us that he can.

Was very disappointed that Frawley didn't make the team.

I'd rather him than Yze, given he can play down back and can also fill a hole on the wing/ half-back flank.

Definitely needs game time to show us what he can do.

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Miller has been used as our Mr fix it and it has wrecked him. He is a lead up CHF hard working honest player, no superstar, average at best that when played in his right position gives us a target through the middle and works his but off. Everybody raves about Craig Cameron and he is a recruiting gun, but since 2002 it was identified that we needed key position players a CHF and CHB this still hasn't been addressed. Rivers can play CHB but isn't suited against the bigger bodied forwards more suited to a zoning type and CHF Miller is the best we have.

Nathan Brown from the Pies keeps Pavlich to 1 goal our key defender from the same draft Frawley has shown nothing against tall forwards and hasn't really shown anything for me to think he will slot into a key defensive role. Time to back him so he can show us that he can.

Mate, for two years I've been trying to argue this here on demonland and the main responses I've had is for the numb nuts to attack me personally (you know who you are). Now we have a list completely devoid of KP talent and it will take us years to address it.

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The way I look at the developing teams compare Richmond and Hawthorn bith have had to rebuild and in a few drafts had a lot of early picks, The hawks went after KPP (Franklin, Roughead)and tigers midfielders(Delidio Tambling) which list would you rather have.

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i'm sorry but NONE OF YOU can jump on the 'Miller is no good' bandwagon. Regular posters on demonland should know that I am the biggest Miller skeptic of all, but a skeptic implies that Miller has some positive attributes when in fact he has NONE. Some of you may know that I drove the 'Miller is crap wagon' 3 years ago and I got shot down by all of you...now look who comes craaaaaaaaaawwwwwwllllling back. Well ur not invited to jump on board my bangwagon now..its too later. Amateurs.

To set the record straight you have a history making inflammatory and hyperbolic statements about Brad Miller which have been both insulting to the player (in fact any player from a Club you claim to support). You've been shown up as an egotist who beats his own hollow tin drum with demonstrating any cause to do so.

There have been a number of posters who have far more intelligently than know analysed and assessed Miller's skills as ordinary.

The fact is for all his endeavour and effort Miller is a limited footballer. In a game when the side is getting flogged he does not have the class or capability to turn it around.

What more disturbing is the myth promulgated by those who grasp to the hope that Miller is more than a barren goldmine by blaming ND for moving him about. What a load of rot.

Miller has been an earnest but ordinary footballer throughout and was overhyped as an answer to the CHF role. For the past four year he has continually proven he is not.

But he hardly alone after Saturday. He has more front running compatriots in the leadership group that should be subject to criticism on here.

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The MFC, Bailey and supporters are kidding themselves if they believe Brad Miller can play down back. He is a leading CHF an dan average one at that!!!!

We need to wait and see what happens to Miller when Jared 'I'm the only decent defender you have' Rivers finally makes a return to senior footy.

Miller might then be used as a third tall, which I think he is capable of doing. Dunn, Bate, even Sylvia are all better CHF candidates because as well as presenting they can also kick long and with purpose. Not to mention they have superior marking abilities, and can push into the midfield if needed.

If Miller doesn't make it as a third defensive tall, he won't have a place in our team IMO.

He needs to stick it out, and no doubt when our midfield actually bothers to put pressure on the ball carrier, and Rivers makes his triumphant return, things will look a whole lot easier for everyone in the back half.

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It was quite bizzare on Sunday.. A few of us nearly fell out of our seats as Miller actually kicked the ball..and a number of times.. what was more amazing is that he was one of the few who tried this option.. All in all a very surreal day .

The trouble with ol ' Miller is he isnt the quickest thinker out there. There is no multi-dimensionality to his game...its very meat and 3 veg...without the veg !! He hasntt the smarts to do defence well..he gets turned inside out with monotonous regularity. he plays a simpler game.. its more suited to lower leagues..Folks..thats just a reality. Im not sure why bails is persisting with him and if he does my estimation of him will diminish weekly.

Im not saying Miller doesnt try...just that it has little effect !!

He does seem to have tried to change his game.. but to this observer its all very 'forced'..it doesnt sem a antural proces..so as a result he hesitates..and the opposition pick him nearly every time.. this makes him a liability.

Miller as a 3rd tall.. please....can we get a decent 1st tall first !!

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thats what worried me in the off season. I agree with most things Bailey has done but signiing Miller for 2 years I thought was a ludicrous mistake, and Roos wanted him at Sydney !!

My problem with Miller, as shown yesterday, is his kicking never low and flat. They are all up and under kicks. We had 3 'open' players on the members wing at one stage, so he goes back, takes a few seconds and lobs it high and we lose it. good work again on the members wing, fights to the front, Neitz leads out beautifully, Miller lobs it over his head, from 20 metres. That's the problem, he cannot kick it at this level.

why oh why ?

If we put him at CHF, how will we beat teams with his slow witted kicking style. Plus we have 3 decent half forwards in Bate, Sylvia, Robbo.

Would rather they try the taller blokes at Sandy. Keep Garland, bring in Rivers and drop Miller.

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Bay Riffin... i agree...its those "seconds" ...al the time.. he hesitates consistantly ly ...there is NEVER the instant pass. teh quick play .. there is the trademark.. "hmm..let me think abou thtis for a moment" You might get away with this in VFL.. but at AFL the oppo has moved to shut down the options by then.. he's just not a smart player.. Bit like a the old lab.. great dog..just not a 'quick'n".

I actually wish more would have his desire to play...just wished he could !!

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Full forward. He leads and is big enpugh to make a contest flat-footed.

Neitz is brave but not getting the ball. Better that he gets some touch and run in the VFL. It is unaccwptable that he is needed to provide leadership lacking by Bruce/Green/etc. It should not be accepted.

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Full forward. He leads and is big enpugh to make a contest flat-footed.

Neitz is brave but not getting the ball. Better that he gets some touch and run in the VFL. It is unaccwptable that he is needed to provide leadership lacking by Bruce/Green/etc. It should not be accepted.

Yes I would try him at Full Forward. Its AMAZING after 7 seasons nobody knows where he should be played!!!!

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thats what worried me in the off season. I agree with most things Bailey has done but signiing Miller for 2 years I thought was a ludicrous mistake, and Roos wanted him at Sydney !!

My problem with Miller, as shown yesterday, is his kicking never low and flat. They are all up and under kicks. We had 3 'open' players on the members wing at one stage, so he goes back, takes a few seconds and lobs it high and we lose it. good work again on the members wing, fights to the front, Neitz leads out beautifully, Miller lobs it over his head, from 20 metres. That's the problem, he cannot kick it at this level.

why oh why ?

If we put him at CHF, how will we beat teams with his slow witted kicking style. Plus we have 3 decent half forwards in Bate, Sylvia, Robbo.

Would rather they try the taller blokes at Sandy. Keep Garland, bring in Rivers and drop Miller.

Was that on the M.C.C side with us kicking to the Ponsford end?

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Full forward. He leads and is big enpugh to make a contest flat-footed.

Truth is that he has shown himself time and time again that he cant win a contest in the F50. Hence he has to get cheap touches up on the centre wing.

Yes I would try him at Full Forward. Its AMAZING after 7 seasons nobody knows where he should be played!!!!

Sandy. Despite him having more leadership nous than most, he is just an ordinary footballer.

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To set the record straight you have a history making inflammatory and hyperbolic statements about Brad Miller which have been both insulting to the player (in fact any player from a Club you claim to support). You've been shown up as an egotist who beats his own hollow tin drum with demonstrating any cause to do so.

There have been a number of posters who have far more intelligently than know analysed and assessed Miller's skills as ordinary.

The fact is for all his endeavour and effort Miller is a limited footballer. In a game when the side is getting flogged he does not have the class or capability to turn it around.

What more disturbing is the myth promulgated by those who grasp to the hope that Miller is more than a barren goldmine by blaming ND for moving him about. What a load of rot.

Miller has been an earnest but ordinary footballer throughout and was overhyped as an answer to the CHF role. For the past four year he has continually proven he is not.

But he hardly alone after Saturday. He has more front running compatriots in the leadership group that should be subject to criticism on here.

Of course it is insulting to miller if i say he deserves to play Sandy Reserves...but as far as my comments about Miller the fact that you guys are now saying the exact same things as I said 3 years ago is simply embarrassing for you guys and your knowledge about football. The biased nature of some demonlanders cloud their judgment of what constitutes a good player and what constitutes a bad one. And my analysis of miller has always been harsh, i'll admit that...but it's always been accurate and in-depth analysis with game-day examples were often used. Miller's tap to Akermanis in the goal square in 06 or 07 sums Miller up as a footballer. Ball was in the air, Miller was the only one standing underneath it. Being scared of any potential contact by jumping in the air, he decided to tap the ball and he did so.. straight to Aker near the goal square who sealed the match. After Miller had tapped it, he realised he was 20m free on either side and it showed his lack of awareness and over-rated sense of courage. I could provide 100000000 of these examples, but I do not feel like producing a novel or analysing errors...if I did, I would watch the under 14's werribee team.

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Of course it is insulting to miller if i say he deserves to play Sandy Reserves...but as far as my comments about Miller the fact that you guys are now saying the exact same things as I said 3 years ago is simply embarrassing for you guys and your knowledge about football. The biased nature of some demonlanders cloud their judgment of what constitutes a good player and what constitutes a bad one. And my analysis of miller has always been harsh, i'll admit that...but it's always been accurate and in-depth analysis with game-day examples were often used. Miller's tap to Akermanis in the goal square in 06 or 07 sums Miller up as a footballer. Ball was in the air, Miller was the only one standing underneath it. Being scared of any potential contact by jumping in the air, he decided to tap the ball and he did so.. straight to Aker near the goal square who sealed the match. After Miller had tapped it, he realised he was 20m free on either side and it showed his lack of awareness and over-rated sense of courage. I could provide 100000000 of these examples, but I do not feel like producing a novel or analysing errors...if I did, I would watch the under 14's werribee team.

I dont reckon you have ever played football at any real standard.

Anybody who denigrates a good ordinary footballer like that doesnt sound to me like he has any real dash.

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I dont reckon you have ever played football at any real standard.

Anybody who denigrates a good ordinary footballer like that doesnt sound to me like he has any real dash.

Here lies the rub.. he's only 'ordinary'..and we need better than that at AFL level.

Its not insulting to call x...x if he is only average..or not worthy of a first's spot..and he occasionally gets there by happenstance then to describe him as only capable at a certain level , despite his punching above his weight is not strictly insulting !! It a STATEMENT OF FACT !!

Alot of people like Miller.. I dont dislike him.. Im sure very few here...actually dislike him.. Like/ dislike is irrelevent to his deservedness of donning the red and blue.

If you sign on the dotted line to collect a handsome divident for potenses at ability then you better be prepared to take a few verbal knocks also.

Put simply..If Miller was very very very good...and someone called him only good...that might be construed as an insult.

If Miller is good..and someone describes him as only "good'....then that is just what it is.. a value call..and a corret one.

Ol' Brad has more lives than a cat it would seem. maybe Bails does have true insight and we'l see Miller rise to very good this year....then and only then is it insulting label him as not "very good " !!

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Show some respect for a bloke that actually has a dip for this club.

Miller belongs at CHF. There was a big space there at the MCG yesterday that Neitz, Newton and Robertson refuse to lead into. This is the reason sub-skilled players like Carroll are forced to chip the ball around half back.

Miller is the only player prepared to provide the hard lead and straighten us up.

By the way, do you really believe a person deserves to be urinated on? Is that the type of person you are? This board would be a better place without you.

nice sentiment but hes no good.

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