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The ANB Appreciation Thread

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2 minutes ago, Neil Crompton said:

Nev, I called it as I saw it - and to me, live, it was not a good look. 

I respect your opinion on this. I just have a different one.

No, you just have your opinion. Everything else is just "squibbing" it

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16 hours ago, Rodney (Balls) Grinter said:

Asides from the hard running and tackling, I think the other real stand-out feature of Nibblers game at the moment is is distribution by foot and delivery inside 50 in particular.

In the game against the Hawks the week before, early in the fourth, i seem to recall Nibbler gathering/marking just on or in front of the square forward of center at one stage and spotting a lovely kick to the open side as Mitch ran on to the pass for the easy mark and goal.  His recent short snap torp goal from a lowish handball from Kozzie in congestion, which may have been in the same game, was a beauty also.

I've noticed he has brought some nuance to his game this year as well with the under-ground handball when he can't get a standard one off.  Doesn't always work but it's something the Doggies / Tiges and a few others have been doing for years.  Great to see Nib (us) adding this to our arsenal.

Statistically ANB has improved also.  In the weighted averages scores i keep each year, his score has improved over 21% and ranking has improved two places from 21st overall in 2019 to 19th after 6 rounds this season.  Admittedly 2019 was a fairly ordinary year but an improvement of 21%+ is pretty decent, beating the team's average improvement of 16% so far.

Player 2021 Score 2021 Rank 2019 Score % Change vs 2019 2019 Rank Change in Rank vs 2019
Alex N-Bullen  2.413 19 1.984 21.62 21 2

I would be surprised if ANB is not loved by most/all of the coaches.  My guess is he's a soft tag run with / counter attack role player (at least that's how i see him....probably not the most accurate assessment from an amateur keyboard warrior) and i reckon he probably gets a job on someone most weeks, while also being asked to get involved in chains throughout the ground once we get the ball and assist where possible with pressuring / tackling (in the forward half especially).  Chipping in with the opportune goal also when the window opens.

His tackling a particular high point of his game, presently ranked third for tackle averages inside fifty.  *Although Mitch is leading here, his number  is not an average, having of course only played one match so far...

Player Ti50
Mitch Brown* 3.00
Kysaiah Pickett 2.00
Tom McDonald 1.67
Alex N-Bullen 1.50
Charlie Spargo 1.33
James Jordan 1.33
Edited by Rusty Nails
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The goal was great but far from the most impressive thing.... rewatch the 4th quarter - there is a play near the end where it was impossible for Richmond not to score - it starts on the members side wing/hff for Richmond and eventually ends up in the pocket near the Anzac flame. Between the wide shots and the close shots - nibbler is pretty much never out of frame - he goes and goes and goes and goes and goes and eventually the ball falls into his lap and he mongrels the ball out of bounds. A Richmond guy near me at the game said 'how did we not manage to score there? 

I implore you to find it and watch it - you will see his value to the team. The goal from the boundary was just a bonus

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2 hours ago, Lord Nev said:

This was in the 3rd quarter, I don't know if this is the 'incident' being referred to, but if so, not only is it not a squib but the other players to pull out of the contest are Viney and Kozzy...


That's the one I thought may have been refered to and I agree I wouldn't say it's a squib either.

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I know a lot of the questions are around what's changed with Melb but for me I'd like to be asking what's changed with ANB? We all knew he was a hard working guy who runs his socks off every game, hes always had a decent kick into the 50. But thats what I'd like to figure out. Is he running smarter now and not around in circles? Is he more in sync with the other forwards? Etc 

Edited by layzie
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On 4/26/2021 at 11:00 PM, ProperDee said:

This from Neil Crompton  “(And there was an example on Saturday where he deliberately pulled out of a contest - which certainly was not a good look).”

I can forgive pretty much anything on a footy field except shirking a contest. He is a multiple offender. Granted,  the bloke has done well this year (in a winning team)  and yes, the goal on Saturday night was brilliant but watching a team mate put self preservation before the team deflates the spirit like a pin pricking a balloon.  These thinogs also are not missed by opposition coaches and players. That cannot be tolerated in a team looking to win a premiership. Yeah, I’m harsh and will be berated but do you want a premiership team or not? Maybe Choco needs a one on one with him.

By the by, Brown and Riewoldt have both mentioned there were moments they had paused and said it's a furphy to suggest no player ever does.

I went and reviewed his 2020 and 2021 highlights, he is not a squib. I actually think you should apologise.

He will be part of our premiership team.

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3 hours ago, layzie said:

I know a lot of the questions are around what's changed with Melb but for me I'd like to be asking what's changed with ANB? We all knew he was a hard working guy who runs his socks off every game, hes always had a decent kick into the 50. But thats what I'd like to figure out. Is he running smarter now and not around in circles? Is he more in sync with the other forwards? Etc 

Its probably over simplifying it but I reckon a huge part is that he and many others are really enjoying themselves out there. 

Maybe the lads have done a lot of bonding sessions but the way they celebrate each others gosls shows that they really enjoy winning.

Just like negativity pulls a side down ....the opposite lifts it up.

I think Anbs improvement is the same as 10 other players we could name. 

Maybe Nibbler and is more motivated to be better because others are.

And so on and so forth.

Maybe the club has found the secret formula of motivation or at least the way to press buttons that cause players to appreciate the game they always loved.

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21 hours ago, Lord Nev said:

You're kidding right? This is the apparent 'incident' below. He's not close enough to contest the mark and then tackles the Richmond player who collects it.


Slows to get the ball on the bounce. Not going to make it for the mark (kick slightly overcooked) - will run past it while it bounces if he doesn’t stop. Bounce favours Richmond player who hits it at full pace; ANB tackles instead, makes it stick and gets the ball loose for another contest. Well done ANB.

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4 hours ago, layzie said:

I know a lot of the questions are around what's changed with Melb but for me I'd like to be asking what's changed with ANB? We all knew he was a hard working guy who runs his socks off every game, hes always had a decent kick into the 50. But thats what I'd like to figure out. Is he running smarter now and not around in circles? Is he more in sync with the other forwards? Etc 

Don't underestimate the effect of belief on the entire group. That nasty little voice that would be in ANB's head and lots of others; "don't miss, don't miss, don't miss". Perhaps that voice now says "I don't miss" and it's augmented by Mark Williams positive reinforcement. I know some here will turn around and say "well why then do we miss so often". That's not the point, it's about mindset and belief and "the next time" I know I do. Transfer that to the whole group; "We do"  

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  • Demonland changed the title to The ANB Appreciation Thread
29 minutes ago, Nasher said:

Slows to get the ball on the bounce. Not going to make it for the mark (kick slightly overcooked) - will run past it while it bounces if he doesn’t stop. Bounce favours Richmond player who hits it at full pace; ANB tackles instead, makes it stick and gets the ball loose for another contest. Well done ANB.

He's also very quick to get back up and put another effort in right at the end of the clip too.

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2 hours ago, Nasher said:

Slows to get the ball on the bounce. Not going to make it for the mark (kick slightly overcooked) - will run past it while it bounces if he doesn’t stop. Bounce favours Richmond player who hits it at full pace; ANB tackles instead, makes it stick and gets the ball loose for another contest. Well done ANB.


1 hour ago, Lord Nev said:

He's also very quick to get back up and put another effort in right at the end of the clip too.

I would call it smart and fast reading of the situation ...... I can’t mark it, if I go for it and crash the Tiger front on it will be a free .... wait for it to bounce .... if opposition get it tackle hard and fast (which he did) I might add with the opponent now running at pace (no squibbing there) .... and it may bounce over or past him leading to opportunity to grab and run into goal.

Intelligent, not weak. 

Also intelligent corralling the guy who was pinged for deliberate out of bounds* rather than tackling which would probably have resulted in a stoppage, not a shot on goal. 

* one of several horrible deliberate OOB decisions IMO - 2 against us and at least 1 for us. Maggots have no feel for the game. 

Edited by monoccular
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6 hours ago, layzie said:

I know a lot of the questions are around what's changed with Melb but for me I'd like to be asking what's changed with ANB? We all knew he was a hard working guy who runs his socks off every game, hes always had a decent kick into the 50. But thats what I'd like to figure out. Is he running smarter now and not around in circles? Is he more in sync with the other forwards? Etc 

Maturity and consistentcy I'd say are a big part of it.  ANB has often showed glimpses of good form in the past, only to disapoint with a lack of performance the next week.

Someone also said belief and I think that is also a part of it as it is for all of the team at the moment.  I also think it has two aspects:

1. Belief in themselves as individuals, that if the stuff something up, they have the confidence and self belief to put that behind them and move onto the next contest/oppertunity;

2. Belief in the team system.  I know it sounds like a bit of a clechè, but by buying in and having confidence in doing the team thing that the teams performance benifits, reflects on them and boosts their performance as individuals within that team off the back of the pressure and team efforts gifted to them by their fellow team mates.

When you look at premiership sides, they aren't totally chock full of all the best talent in the competition.  It's why I'd prefer goers like ANB, Hunt, Spargo, T Mac and Tomlinson over some of the primadonna's going around like Elliot, DeGoey, Lynch etc.

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  • 2 years later...

Everyone who kicks a goal gets a hug from Nibbler, but who hugs Nibbler when he kicks a goal?

Oops, time to re-watch the 3rd Quarter highlights, this time for the magic power-up Nibbler hug on the goal-line after Sparrow's goal. In hindsight that hug was the moment we secured the premiership.

8:14 in the following. Do you need an excuse, really?


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52 minutes ago, Kent said:

Oh yeah baby

Lots of love for ANB

Just love his game and style

He can be terrific, committed, yet sometimes, unlucky. I really like the way he can take the 'busy' ball, simultaneously assessing the traffic about and ahead, stop the game with such details, enforce a ball-up without losing too many decisions against him, all in the process of enabling (during such interruptions to play) his teammates to catch up, cover their opponents, make space upfield and win the resulting clearances. Clever, adept, reliable. Plus, ANB can kick some very nice goals unexpectedly; on the run, from the pockets or from a timely, well-read intercept in the Demons' hot zone.

Combined with his fitness and running, he is a Demon great!

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1 hour ago, Demonland said:

The ANB Appreciation Thread 2.0


Let’s hope the 2.0 version doesn’t go the way of the original. I just read it from the start and geez Louise, people need to look up the meaning of “appreciation.” 

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Anyone notice how ANB tackled Dylan Moore in the above clip?

A very cautious soft sling and was rewarded with a holding the ball. Don’t think I’ve ever seen so much care in what usually ends up as a sling tackle.

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I do think he had a fairly quiet year last year ( by his standards) but It's fair to say he wasn't alone

He is well and truly back on track with his tackling, running and pressure acts. 

I reckon he has been a substantial underrated player in the AFL.

He's a constant lock in a premier and twice top four team. And for good reason. Not many work harder than him. 

Ive noticed he seems to have gotten stronger lately.

Many moons ago he was a fairly unreliable shot at goal but in the last few years has become very effective in this department.

I also love his passion for the club which he wears on his sleeve.

His pressure acts are huge and while he doesn't often rack up huge disposal numbers, he is  still more often than not a big impact player.

Looks bound to have a great year.

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ANB is a great team first, roll player. He had a great year in 2021 when we won the flag, I believe it was mainly due to the fact that other players bought in on the non selfish, team first mentality. We lost that team first mentality a bit after the GF. I can’t recall the player, Trac or Lever maybe?, that stated in a post game interview this year that we are focusing on getting back to that team first mentality. ANB starts to shine when the whole team plays selfless footy, in my opinion. 

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